In the back garden of the Cao family mansion.

With a clang, the dagger came out of its sheath.

Bai Liu handed the saber to Cao Gang respectfully.

Cao Gang, the black-robed head constable whose power in Lingshi County was second only to that of the county magistrate Chen Chong, took the dagger and examined it carefully.

The weapon that looked like a knife but not a knife, and a sword but not a sword was forged from the finest iron. The blade was pitch black and as thin as a cicada's wing. Although it could not cut iron like mud or cut hair with a gust of wind, it was still a sharp weapon for killing people.

However, at this moment, the blade of the dagger was covered with tiny cracks, as if it would fall apart immediately if touched lightly.

"That boy, who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, used only a stone to smash my saber into this state.

Bai Liu clenched his still numb right hand, and a cold light flashed across his slender eyes.

"Fifteen or sixteen years old?!

Cao Gang's eyes were bright.

"My lord, in the whole Lingshi County, you are the only one who can cut off the boy's head without any effort."

Bai Liu fanned the flames.

Cao Gang returned the narrow knife to the young man and said with a calm smile:"Why should I do that?"

Bai Liu was stunned and said:"My lord, if we don't kill that boy, how can the brothers kidnap the girl from the Lan family?"

"If we don't send Miss Lan to the county magistrate's bed, our brothers will lose their lives."

Cao Gang glanced at the young man coldly and cursed,"You are short-sighted."

Bai Liu:"……"

After a moment's silence, Cao Gang stood up and said,"I'm going to change my clothes. You wait for me outside the mansion.""

"Are you going to see the county magistrate?"

Cao Gang shook his head."Go to Xizhuang Village."


The sun was setting.

Ah Fei was carrying a white fox weighing dozens of kilograms, and behind him followed Hu Zi, who had a dozen rabbits and pheasants hanging on his body.

The young man and the boy walked out of the old forest excitedly.

"Brother Fei, this fox's fur is so white and shiny. Don't sell it to the profiteer named Zhang. Let's skin it ourselves."

"Such top-quality furs will surely attract the young ladies from the noble families in Lingshi County.

"Is there a blacksmith shop in Lingshi County?"

Ah Fei asked.

"Of course there is."

Hu Zi asked in confusion:"Brother Fei, why are you asking this?"

Ah Fei smiled slightly,"The fur of this white fox can be sold for a few taels of silver at least, and more than ten taels at most. Don't you always clamor for a sword of your own~"

Hu Zi's eyes widened,"Fei...Brother Fei, you want the blacksmith shop to forge a sword for me?!"

A Fei nodded,"You found this white fox, so I should give you half of it."

"There is a blacksmith shop in my hometown. When I was a child, I often went there to watch the masters forging swords. I knew the quality of the materials and whether the process was carried out seriously."

"If you want a sword, I can be responsible for communicating with the blacksmith."

"We guarantee that the sword you imagined will be perfectly reproduced from your mind to reality."

"So, do you want a sword or silver?"

Hu Zi's mouth was almost grinning to his ears,"Sword, sword, of course I want a sword!"

Which boy doesn't have a dream of singing and wielding a sword in his heart?

How happy it is to have bright clothes, fast horses, strong wine and beautiful women.

As they were talking, a young man and a child entered the village.

Suddenly, the bright smiles on their faces disappeared.

On the threshold of the courtyard of the Lan family, a young man was squatting and puffing out smoke.

Seeing Ah Fei and Hu Zi, Bai Liu extinguished his pipe and stood up.

"I've finally been waiting for this."

Putting his pipe on his waist, Bai Liu smiled at Ah Fei kindly,"Little brother, Lord Cao wants to see you."

Ah Fei put Bai Hu into Hu Zi's arms and said softly,"You go into the courtyard first."

"Brother Fei, if there is any situation, shout loudly. If the sky falls, we will hold it up together."


When Hu Zi passed by the young man and entered the Lan family courtyard,

Ah Fei asked,"Excuse me, is

Lord Cao the county magistrate?" Bai Liu shook his head,"The black-robed police chief of Lingshi County, Lord Cao Gang."

His eyebrows were slightly frowned.

After thinking for a while, Ah Fei gently grasped the hilt of the iron sword hanging from his waist.

"Please lead the way"


Outside Xizhuang Village, by the Baima River, dozens of figures stood.

They were all county constables dressed in green, with long swords hanging from their waists.

In the front, Cao Gang, dressed in gorgeous brocade, looked calm, with his hands behind his back, quietly looking at the sparkling river.

Footsteps came from far away.

Everyone, including Cao Gang, turned their heads to look.

But they saw Bai Liu, with his hands in his sleeves, leading a young boy with immature features slowly approaching.

"Little brother, this is Lord Cao."

Bai Liu said with a half-smile,"Lord, you have been here for half a day, just waiting for you."

Ah Fei had a blank expression on his face. He bowed to Cao Gang and said,"I wonder why you want to see me?"

Cao Gang did not reply immediately, but looked at the boy in detail. He was wearing a coarse linen shirt and straw sandals.

His slightly immature face was handsome.

The iron sword hanging from his waist was ordinary and had nothing magical about it.

Cao Gang stared at the boy's clear eyes without any impurities, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said,"Come on, boy, give me your strongest sword."

Ah Fei shook his head,"I have no grudges against you, why should I kill you?"

Cao Gang asked curiously,"Do you mean that you can kill me easily?"

The boy said indifferently,"I don't know"


Cao Gang laughed and pointed at Bai Liu and a dozen county constables beside him.

"Young man, you have two choices. First, hand me the sword."

"Second, my men rushed into the village and chopped the three members of the Lan family into meat paste."

A dozen strong men, with sinister eyes and murderous aura, did not look like constables, but more like murderous bandits.

Although it was a choice, Ah Fei had no choice.

The setting sun was like blood.

The boy slowly closed his eyes. He slowly stretched out his hand and gently grasped the hilt of the iron sword.

The cold current was raging, and the dead leaves were swirling in the air.

The atmosphere was almost suffocating.

Bai Liu and the dozen constables suddenly had goose bumps on their exposed skin.


Someone swallowed involuntarily.

Everyone stepped back subconsciously.


, without any warning, the young man opened his eyes. His two dark pupils were shining.


The young man drew his sword.

The sword was brilliant and swift.

It was filled with a sword energy that could chill one's bones.

The sword light was as terrifying as frost and snow and could not be resisted.

No one could describe the speed of the sword. It was like a flash of lightning, like a long rainbow piercing the sky.

The next second, the terrifying sword light that was flying straight was suddenly annihilated.

Bai Liu, who had never seen Cao Gang take action, and a group of constables looked at the scene in front of them with their eyes wide open like copper bells. The man actually used two fingers to clamp the sword that the young man was stabbing.

Ah Fei frowned slightly.

The palm of his hand holding the hilt tightly, and the back of his palm suddenly showed blue blood vessels.

The young man was about to exert force, but suddenly remembered something.

In the puzzled eyes of Bai Liu and dozens of constables, he let go of the hilt.


The sun has completely disappeared behind the mountain.

Night is about to fall. Cao Gang and Ah Fei stand side by side on the bank of the Baima River.

"Why did you let go?"

The man asked puzzledly,"If you had turned your wrist just now, the sword would have hurt me."

The young man said calmly,"You would have seen blood, but my sword would have broken."

"It's just an ordinary iron sword, not even worth one or two ounces of silver."

The young man lowered his eyes and said,"This is the sword my master gave me."

Cao Gang suddenly realized,"So that's it."

"Little brother……"

"Just call me Ah Fei."

Cao Gang chuckled and said,"Ah Fei, go back and have a good sleep, and I'll come to see you tomorrow."

Ah Fei wondered,"Why are you looking for me?"

The man said mysteriously,"You'll know then~"

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