On the main road in the middle of Lingshi County, Cao Gang, dressed in gorgeous brocade clothes, and Ah Fei, dressed in coarse linen clothes and straw sandals, walked side by side.

Cao Gang, with his hands behind his back, suddenly pointed to a luxurious restaurant not far away.

"Tongque Tower is the top restaurant in Lingshi County. The chef is a retired imperial official. There is nothing that the chef cannot cook when it comes to Wei State cuisine."

"The restaurant's owner is Tang Qide, but in reality, he is the county magistrate's private property."

A Fei looked at the five-story restaurant and the endless stream of diners, and a touch of shock flashed across his eyes.

The largest Yuelai Inn in Qingping Town in his hometown is nothing compared to this Tongque Tower.

"The county magistrate was very kind to his brothers. All the officials in the county government, even the horse feeders, had the opportunity to come to the Tongque Tower three times a month to eat and drink for free."

"There is not only food and drink in the restaurant, but also storytelling, acrobatics, singing and other entertainment programs."

Soon, Cao Gang and A Fei arrived at the destination of this trip.

Lingshi County's most high-end brothel, a paradise for men to run wild, the back garden of County Magistrate Chen Chong, Zuichunlou.

A Fei looked up.

The thin lips that were originally tightly pursed opened slightly subconsciously.

The colorful bright clothes and the skin as dazzling as white porcelain.

A pair of different eyes, apricot eyes full of spirit, peach eyes that look around and shine, charming and seductive fox eyes, etc. The air is filled with the pleasant body fragrance and rouge of girls. In the wind, there is a crisp laughter like a silver bell.

It is really full of red sleeves.

As soon as Cao Gang and A Fei entered Zuichunlou, the old procuress twisted her willow waist like a water snake and walked forward slowly.

"Sir, you are here. Please come to the private room on the second floor."


After an incense stick of time, the door of the No. 1 wing room on the second floor was suddenly pushed open, and dozens of the most beautiful prostitutes in Zuichunlou filed out.

The madam bent her body and landed at the end, closing the door respectfully.

In the wing room, Cao Gang looked at the young man with bloodshot ears with a strange expression, and asked:"What? Don't you like these vulgar women?"

The young man took a deep breath, shook his head, and said:"The master once said that the body of a beautiful woman in her twenties is like butter, and she carries a sword at her waist to kill foolish men. Although you don't see her head falling, it secretly makes your bones dry."


Master said that once you have tasted the marrow, you will know the taste. I am still young and cannot grasp it."……"

Pushing the plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in the middle of the round table towards the boy, Cao Gang asked,"A Fei, there shouldn't be brothels in your hometown, right?"

The boy nodded.

Cao Gang patiently explained to the boy,"Most brothels in the world are divided into two types: pure prostitutes and red prostitutes."

The boy asked curiously,"What is a pure prostitute? What is a red prostitute?"

Cao Gang smiled and said,"A so-called pure prostitute is proficient in everything from music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and sells his art instead of his body."

"The so-called prostitutes refer to those women who have no skills and have no choice but to serve men and engage in sex trade.

The young man suddenly realized.

Cao Gang continued:"I don't know about other places, but among the 100 women in Zuichunlou, 99 of them come from poor families, that is, the lower class."

"When a girl was only five or six years old, her parents sold her to a brothel."

"Most of these girls would be trained by brothels from a young age, and they would be proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and songs."

"In a twelve-hour day, minus two hours for sleeping and half an hour for two meals, the remaining nine and a half hours are spent by these young girls in the terrifying intensive courses."

"I have seen the blood on the strings of the guitar, and I have also seen their fingerprints and fingertips being smoothed out by the black and white chess pieces."

"The waste paper used for calligraphy and painting was piled higher than a mountain. The poetry collections they had read could easily cover the entire central axis of Lingshi County."

"The ink in their stomachs is enough to drown those drunkards who call themselves masters."

"They practiced their voices in the early mornings of spring, in the early mornings of summer, in the early mornings of autumn, and in the early mornings of winter."

"In every morning when the wind blows, the rain falls, and the frost and snow penetrate the bones"

"I have seen too many girls who have damaged their voices and become mute.

Cao Gang poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all.

The young man silently filled the man's glass.

"If nothing unexpected happens, a girl like this will become a new prostitute in Zuichunlou after her menarche."

"Most of the prostitutes can live a good life with no worries about food and clothing for more than ten years."

"After they reach the age of twenty, when their faces are getting older, Zuichunlou will auction off the virginity of these prostitutes."

The young man asked in confusion,"What does 'auction' mean?"

Cao Gang explained,"The so-called 'auction' means auctioning off the virginity of the prostitutes.""


The young man was surprised.

Cao Gang sneered and said,"Those gentlemen of the aristocratic families in Lingshi County who usually look kind and gentle, will be eager to shed their human skins and reveal their sharp fangs like wild beasts every night when the night of the groomsmen comes."

"For the right of first night, the usually amiable masters and gentlemen would become like a group of vicious dogs fighting for fresh blood and flesh, biting each other fiercely."

"But they don’t know that every prostitute in Zuichunlou will be sent to the county magistrate’s mansion after their first menstruation.

"Won't those gentlemen and young masters find out?"

Cao Gang smiled calmly and said,"All the midwives and doctors in Lingshi County who are responsible for delivering babies and checking whether a woman is a virgin are the county magistrate's people."

"Besides, what can they do even if those masters and lords find out?"

"The Kingdom of Wei belonged to him, Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing, and Lingshi County belonged to Lord Chen."



The sun finally came out.

In Qilong Lane, Lingshi County, in the main hall of the Cao family mansion, the young man saw Cao Gang's wife and children.

The woman was about 27 or 28 years old, with a very beautiful face, and smiled softly at the young man.

The child was about five or six years old, delicate and delicate, like a porcelain doll.

"Madam, go prepare some cakes and tea and send them to the back garden.

Cao Gang ordered.


The woman nodded.


After an incense stick of time.

In the back garden of Cao's residence.

Cao Gang and Ah Fei were enjoying afternoon tea while basking in the sun.

"Ah Fei, the so-called scholars, farmers, merchants, kings, princes, generals and ministers can be roughly divided into the upper class and the lower class"

"The lower class is miserable. When a family cannot get enough food, parents sell their sons to the upper class to be slaves."

"Although parents valued sons over daughters, they would never sell their young daughter to a rich family. They would only send her to a brothel because the brothel would pay more."

"The lucky ones guarded three acres of dry land, worked day and night, and barely made a living all year round."

"Unfortunately, let alone a serious illness, a small cold can kill a person."

"In order to survive, he sold his land at a low price. His disease was cured, but he lost the land he depended on for survival."

"With nowhere else to go, he became a tenant farmer of the gentry. For his whole life, his son's life, his grandson's life, and his descendants' life, there would be no chance of turning things around."

"Those who were unwilling to work like slaves for the nobles because of their pride had only three options: starve to death, become bandits, or become hooligans in the streets."

He picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup, skimmed the tea leaves with the tea lid, and took a sip.

Cao Gang continued:"Compared to the sorrow of the lower class, the upper class is wanton."

"Let’s not talk about other things, just talk about Zuichunlou"

"Ah Fei, you can never imagine how extravagantly those nobles and young masters played."

"In the daytime, they are human. In the night, they are demons."

"In their eyes, the brothel girl is just a piece of soft mud."

"Gentlemen, knead this mud into various shapes, knead it until it breaks into pieces"

"In the eyes of the poor, when the nobles and young masters got angry, they would just slap or beat them with a stick, or insult them or spit on them."

"But the truth is, every day in Zuichunlou, women are tortured to death by masters and gentlemen."

"More often, they are tortured to the point of mental breakdown and become insane."

"Every woman who died on the embroidered bed in Zuichunlou was a cruel tragedy."

"Ah Fei,"

Cao Gang looked at the young man with frowned brows and asked with a smile:"Do you know why I took you to the county government cafeteria and Zuichunlou?"

"Do you know why I have to tell you so much?"

The young man nodded,"This rough jade of mine was favored by the county magistrate.~"


Cao Gang gave the boy a thumbs up.

"So, are you willing to serve the county magistrate?"

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