The scorching sun was high in the sky, and the sun on the skin felt like a needle piercing.

In the Liangzhou of Wei State, Tongqiu Town of Jintong Prefecture, under the jurisdiction of Changliu Village.

In the Cang family's field, Cang Xue was in the front, pulling out the withered corn seedlings one by one, and Cang Yu was behind, watering the remaining thriving corn seedlings.

The brother and sister were sweating profusely as they scooped up the corn seedlings one by one.

"Sister, it's so hot."

The little brat's face was as red as if it was cooked.

"Hold on a little longer, I'll make you some steamed egg custard when we get back."

Cang Xue said without even turning her head.

The kid threw away the water scoop, submerged his head in the wooden barrel, and blew bubbles out.

Half an hour later, Cang Xue pulled out the last seedling that died from the sun.

She straightened her aching waist, took off her straw hat, wiped off the sweat, and fanned herself.

Her hair was full of black hair, so thick and curled that her black eyelashes were soaked with sweat.

"light rain"


He called out twice but got no response.

Cangxue shuddered and turned around quickly, only to see the little brat lying down under the shade of a tree at the edge of the field, soundly sleeping.


With a long sigh, Cang Xue, who was frightened, walked from the end of the field to the end and sat down next to the little brat.

Looking at the little brat's perfect inherited mother's handsome face and beautiful features, Cang Xue's peach blossom eyes were tender.

While fanning the little brat with a straw hat, she whispered:"I wonder which beautiful girl you will marry when you grow up."

Under the shade of the tree in midsummer.

The little brat slept soundly in the cool breeze.


Wang's family in Changliu Village.

Old village chief Wang Haoyang sat in the shade of a pear tree to enjoy the cool.

Footsteps came closer and closer.

Soon, Wang Ye came into the yard carrying two buckets full of wet mud. He immediately took out a brass basin and a piece of gauze from the kitchen.

Putting the brass basin on the ground, Wang Ye scooped out a large piece of wet mud from the wooden barrel.

He put the wet mud on the spread gauze and then wrapped the gauze.

With a hard twist, the muddy well water dripped into the brass basin.



"There was no water in the well, only wet mud, and every household dug two buckets."

Wang Ye frowned,"Let alone watering the seedlings, in two or three days, there will be nothing for people to drink."

Old Wang opened his tired eyes, pulled out the brass pipe stuck in his waist, lit it and smoked it intermittently.

"Dad, Li Shi told me to gather everyone and pull out all the corn seedlings from the Cang family's 20 acres of land at night."

"Otherwise, if that little girl keeps watering the well with ten buckets of water a day, the Cang family's private well won't last long."

Old Wang glared and said,"Nonsense!"

"It is only natural for the Cang family to draw water from the Cang family and water the Cang family's seedlings."

"That Li Shi is such a vicious person."

Old Wang thought for a while and said,"Why don't we gather the villagers to dig a new well?"

Wang Ye said speechlessly,"My father, you know that digging a well is not much easier than leveling a hill."

"Besides, it’s not a question of whether to dig a well or not, it’s that the entire underground river is drying up."

"Furthermore, what if the first new well doesn’t produce water? What if the second well doesn’t produce water? What about the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth wells?"


Old Wang let out a long sigh,"It's really worrying to death!"


The sunset was dim.

The sunset was extremely beautiful, but it was a pity that Old Wang and Wang Ye had no interest in appreciating it.

The two squatted at the gate of their own yard, one puffing on a pipe, the other propping up his head with his rough hands, his mind wandering.

The sound of silver bell-like laughter came from far away.

Wang Lishan, a child from Changliu Village, led a dozen children back to the village.

"Shanwazi, where have you been?" asked Old Wang.

"Grandpa Wang, we are going to the mountains to catch cicadas. We will have meat for dinner."

Li Shan grinned.

Watching the younger generations go back to their own homes and mothers, Old Wang's skinny hands suddenly clenched the pipe tightly. The blue blood vessels on the back of his hands were visible, like wriggling earthworms.

It seemed that he had made some kind of decision.

"Son, how many days have Canglan and Qu Yiqing been performing?"

"It’s been about half a month."

Wang Ye asked in confusion,"Dad, why are you asking this?"

Old Wang said in a deep voice,"Get water!"

"Take water from the Cang family’s private well!"

"As the head of a village, I can't bear to see the villagers and these poor children starving to death or dying of thirst."

Wang Ye was overjoyed, then frowned and said,"Dad, it's easy to get water from the Cang family's private well, but it's very difficult to get into the Cang family's courtyard."

"If we take it by force, the little girl from the Cang family will dare to cut her throat in front of us."

Old Wang knocked on the pipe, knocked out the ashes, and then stuffed it with new tobacco.

"Then... kill him!"

"After all, she is just a prostitute's daughter, not a native of Changliu Village."

"Canglan and Qu Yiqing will never fight with us for a goddaughter who has no blood relationship with us."

Wang Ye's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt that his old father was very strange.

After a long silence, Wang Ye analyzed:"Dad, he is easy to kill, but he is only a six-year-old child, and he can be killed with a hoe."

"The key is, who will wield this hoe?"

"After all, it's murder!"

Old Wang laughed and said,"Son, I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice."

"Have you ever heard this saying?"

"If one person kills another, it is a crime and should be executed according to the law."

"If ten people kill one person, it is also a crime, but the crime does not carry the death penalty."

"If a hundred people kill one person, the law does not punish the group."

Wang Ye asked curiously,"Dad, what do you mean?"

Old Wang lit his pipe, took a puff, and exhaled the smoke.

He said faintly,"Son, go to the town and find Taoist Huang Cang to come."

"Tomorrow, all of us in the village will put on a show for that girl."

"The hero and heroine are the river god and the little girl."

Wang Ye suddenly said,"Dad, I understand."

"The river god told me in a dream that the cause of the drought was the little girl from the Cang family."

"The whole village killed the little girl and burned her to death as a sacrifice to the river god."

"���Regardless of whether it rains or not, we have achieved our goal of easily taking the water from the Cang family's private well."

Old Wang nodded slightly,"Smart, that's what Dad meant."

"But father,"

Wang Ye said puzzledly,"can't you, the old village chief, be the one to throw the river god? Taoist Huang Cang values money as his life, and it is very expensive to invite him to come out of the mountain."

Old Wang said,"Silly child, we are such insignificant ants, and we are telling the world that we dreamed of the Jade Emperor."

"The new emperor of Wei, Emperor Fuling, told the world that he had a dream in which the Jade Emperor kowtowed to him three times and nine times."

"Who do you think people in the world will trust?"

Wang Ye said without hesitation:"Of course, they will trust Emperor Fu Ling."

"That's it."

Old Wang urged,"Go quickly, it's getting dark."


Wang Ye didn't even go home, and rushed towards Tongqiu Town.


When he could no longer see his son's back, Old Wang slowly stood up with the help of his cane.

He staggered down the small dirt slope and came to the old willow tree at the entrance of the village.

Soon, the youngest son of the Cang family was in front, jumping and skipping, and the youngest daughter of the Cang family was behind, carrying an empty bucket, and they quickly returned to the village.

Cang Xue smiled at Old Wang, and the little brat raised his little fist and cursed,"You old fool!"’

"Girl, go home."

"Hmm. Has Grandpa Wang had dinner yet?"

"Not yet. Girl, can I go to your house and drink some clean water?"

"Of course you can."

The three of them walked towards the Cang family at the end of the village.

The setting sun stretched the silhouettes of the old man and two children very long.


Ps: Snow Lady and Pig King were brought by the white crane, as mentioned in chapter 72.

The foreshadowing is almost done, and the conflict is coming soon.

Please give me some free gifts, woo woo.

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