The sun was scorching.

Under the century-old willow tree at the entrance of Changliu Village, a few people were sitting or squatting, all looking melancholy.


The crisp and pleasant sound of copper bells came from far away.

Several villagers looked up.

They saw a little donkey walking on the ancient road in the distance.

The hair was white without any other color, and there was a bronze bell on its neck.

Behind the little white donkey followed a middle-aged Taoist priest with a peach wood sword without a sheath hanging from his waist and a whisk in his hand.

The Taoist priest walked and stopped, sometimes looking at the sky, sometimes at the mountains, and sometimes at the river.

The Cui River had dried up long ago. After a while, the Taoist priest came to the head of Changliu Village.

His slender eyes swept across the faces of several villagers, and he said in a firm voice:"The drought girl has come to the world, and the river god has entered the internal organs."

"Where is your village chief's home?"

"I have something important to discuss with you."


After an incense stick of time, under the shade of the tree in Wang's courtyard, the Taoist priest picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup, skimmed off the tea leaves and foam with the tea lid, and took a sip.

"Tsk tsk, the water is good, and the tea leaves are really good."

Under the coolness of the eaves, the little white donkey stuck its head into the wooden barrel and drank it guzzlingly.

Wang Ye stood aside, his face full of pain.

He muttered softly:"Damn beast, it drinks a lot and pees a lot, and can't keep a drop."

Old Wang came out of the kitchen holding two white porcelain bowls.

One bowl of peanuts soaked in vinegar, and the other bowl of aged fried bacon.

Putting the big white bowl on the thin stone slab, Old Wang said respectfully:"Please don't despise it, Taoist Huangcang."

The Taoist picked up the chopsticks and blew on the chopsticks, saying:"Fish has the taste of fish, and grains have the taste of grains. No matter whether it is dragon liver and phoenix marrow or steamed corn bread and pickles, it cannot avoid being refined into a pile of shit by the internal organs."

Looking at the Taoist priest eating heartily, Old Wang suddenly felt enlightened."Master, what you mean is that no matter whether you are a king or a general enjoying all the glory and wealth, or a humble commoner digging for food in the soil, you cannot avoid death."

"It is inevitable that they will be buried deep under the loess, and their bodies will inevitably rot into bones."

The Taoist priest nodded hurriedly,"Yes, yes, that's what I mean."

Old Wang bowed and said,"Golden words, wise words, and the truth of life. The Taoist priest is truly a saint. I will learn from him."

The Taoist priest rolled his eyes imperceptibly and muttered,"How foolish!""

"What did the Taoist priest say? Mr. Wang is a little hard of hearing.

The Taoist priest put down his chopsticks, sat upright and said,"Old village chief, let me ask you, that... what family?"

Old Wang turned around and said,"Cang Family"

"Yes, yes, yes, is the water from the Cang family's private well enough to irrigate the entire village of Changliu?"

Old Wang shook his head."There are about fifty households in the village, and about six or seven hundred acres of land. It's not enough, far from enough."

"But...Master Huang, the villagers have run out of options."

"If six or seven hundred acres are not enough, then only irrigate one or two hundred acres."

"Two meals a day is too much, you can survive with just one meal"

"Now, except for drinking and cooking, the whole village has strictly prohibited the use of water."

"In short, if you don't seize the private well of the Cang family, you will die. If you seize it, you will die."

"Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we must do our best to hold on to it."

The Taoist sighed and said,"Even ants cherish their lives, let alone humans?!"


Old Wang thought to himself that it was not good."Master, just what?"

The Taoist said solemnly,"It's the girl from the Cang family with a birthmark on her forehead. I saw her when I entered the village."

"That's not a birthmark;……"

The Taoist rolled his eyes three times and said in a deep voice,"That is immortal blood."

Old Wang was confused,"Fresh... blood?!"

The Taoist corrected him,"It's not the bright-colored fresh, it's the immortal blood.""

"An idiom, have you ever learned it?"

"It is specially used to describe a hermit like me."

Old Wang was puzzled and asked,"Master, please explain."

"Uh, that little girl has immortal blood in her body, she is the reincarnation of an immortal from heaven."

The Taoist priest said seriously:"Killing the reincarnation of an immortal is a cause and effect that will spread to the heavens, so……"

Seeing the Taoist's thumb and index finger rubbing together, the shrewd old Wang naturally understood what he meant.

He had to pay more.

After a long pause, he stretched out two fingers with difficulty.

Taoist:"Two taels?"

Old Wang:"Twenty taels."

One hundred and twenty taels is a lot for ordinary people.

But even if it is shared by fifty or so families, it is not much.

"We are monks, we hear the truth in the morning and die in the evening, why?"

The Taoist said righteously:"Isn't it to slay demons and enforce justice on behalf of heaven?"

"Isn't it just to protect you innocent, kind and lovely people from being harmed by evil spirits and monsters?"

Old Wang said:"Master, benevolence and justice!"




The sound of gongs resounded throughout the village.

About half an hour later, in the Li family courtyard, Li Minyin squatted on the threshold smoking a pipe, while Li Shi took an axe and cut a branch into a slingshot. With hurried footsteps, Li Shi rushed into the yard.

Seeing his own bastards frantically tying up firewood with hemp ropes, Li Minyin yelled,"I worked so hard to chop firewood with an axe, and you, a bitch, are going to give it to a wild man?!"

Li Shi glared at Li Minyin and said,"Our Cuihe River God was swallowed by the drought girl."

"The drought girl must be burned to death and the river god must be released, then God will send rain."

Li Minyin was stunned and said,"What river god, what drought girl? Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"Dad, how come you don't know anything?"

Li Shi explained:"The teacher in the school told us that the river god is the mountain and water god appointed by the Jade Emperor. As for the drought demon, it is also called Nvba. When the drought demon comes to the world, there will be a great drought on earth, and ghosts, monsters, and goblins will come to the world."

"Hanba is a demon, that is, a monster."

Li Shishi:"My son follows me, so smart."

Li Minyin only half understood and asked curiously:"How did the Cuihe River God get swallowed by Hanba?"

"Who is the drought girl?"

Li Shi gritted her teeth and said,"Who else could it be? That little bitch from the Cang family."

"I heard that the Cuihe River God was originally a loach, which was caught by Yuwazi and made into river shrimp and loach soup by that little bitch."

Li Minyin was stunned,"Who told you these things?"

Li Shishi:"Master Huangcang of Tongqiu Town"

"Taoist Huangcang?!"

Li Minyin was shocked.

Li Shi asked curiously:"Dad, Mom, is this Taoist Huangcang very powerful?"

"Of course."

Li Shi said in awe:"Master Huang knows astronomy and geography, and is good at fortune-telling, face reading, feng shui, bone reading, etc. He is very good at it."

"In addition, it is said that Taoist Huang has a lot of mysterious magic skills and is unpredictable."He is worthy of being the leader of the scam world.

Just a name made Li Minyin, who sneered at him, firmly believe that there is really a river god in Cuihe and that the little bitch from the Cang family is really a drought demon.


Outside Changliu Village, a little kid was sleeping soundly under the shade of a tree at the edge of the field.

A girl was sweating profusely while pulling seedlings.

"The last piece of land."

The girl straightened her back, pounding her aching waist, and took off her straw hat to fan herself.

Her peach blossom eyes looked towards the end of the ancient road on the slope.

"I don’t know when my stepfather and stepmother will come back."

The girl murmured softly,"I have taken good care of Su Mi Miao and Xiao Yu. My stepmother won’t scold or beat me, will she?"

Retracting her gaze, the girl was about to go to the little brat to drink a bowl of water.

Suddenly, she saw several uncles and uncles in the village rushing towards the Cang family.

Looking at the hemp rope in the hand of the leader, Uncle Li Minyin, Cang Xue’s heart skipped a beat.

"Is Xiaoyu in trouble again?"


Ps: I took the antipyretic medicine and took a nap, feeling refreshed, probably because I didn't have Yang.

Chapter 2, around nine o'clock, asking for free gifts, I heard that I can get three.

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