On the day of her adoptive father's burial, Cang Xue remembered that it was raining very hard.

Several nephews of the Cang family led horses and pushed carts. On the cart was a very large cypress coffin.

Several nieces cried bitterly.

The little kid in mourning jumped up and down in the rain, running around like a happy white bird.

Qu Yiqing didn't cry, and neither did Cang Xue.

Until the black coffin was put into the burial pit.

Until the burial pit became a slightly raised grave.

The girl was still in a state of confusion.

It was like the sun that was high in the sky the moment before, and suddenly set the next moment.

The girl knew that the sun would never rise again, but she still stubbornly waited for the arrival of the next day.

After her adoptive father died, the little kid no longer slept in.

He would get up early before dawn every day, stand at the door of the master bedroom of the Cang family, put his hands on his waist, and shout into the house in a childish voice:"Yi Qingzi, get up quickly, I'm starving."

Every noon, the little brat would lie on the hay pile next to the bluestone well in the backyard, either snoring or crossing his legs, squinting at the leaves of the old locust tree above his head.

Sometimes he would imitate the adults and say in a connoisseur-like manner,"Son, the well is wet, go back to the house and sleep."

Then he would change into a childish voice,"I know, Canglanzi."

Later, his stepmother took the hay away to feed the horses.

That day, the little brat cried heartbreakingly and fainted several times.


For a long time after my stepfather's death, my stepmother looked absent-minded.

When cooking, the woman would pour half a jar of fine salt into a dish after frying it.

At the dinner table, the little kid who was choking on the salty food would imitate my stepfather, slam the table and curse,"You're a spendthrift woman."

Often at this time, my stepmother would tremble, and then stare at the little kid in a daze.

The tears in her eyes could not help but fall onto the table.

Whenever night fell, my stepmother would run to my stepfather's grave in the moonlight.

Many times, Cangxue was worried and followed quietly.

My stepmother would first talk to herself in front of my stepfather's grave, and then laugh.

Sometimes she would chuckle, and sometimes she would laugh out loud.

But in the end, the laughter would always turn into crying.

Sometimes her shoulders would tremble slightly, and she would sob softly.

Sometimes she would cry loudly like a child who had suffered all kinds of grievances.


Time passed day by day.

It was the 17th day of April in the first month of the third year of Fuling. Nine out of the fifty households in Changliu Village were empty, as they had all fled from famine. Since the heavy rain in June of the second year of Fuling, no rain or snow had fallen.

The sun was scorching.

Cangxue and Cangyu sat side by side on the threshold of the Cang family's courtyard, with two limp dogs, Wangcai and Laifu, lying at their feet.

In the stable, Qu Yiqing poured hay and well water into the two troughs.

""Mom, do you have to sell them all? It's okay to keep one."

The little kid said reluctantly.

"These three beasts can drink as much water as the three of us in ten days. We can’t afford to feed them."

The man had been dead for less than a year, but the woman seemed to have aged more than ten years.

Her temples were white, and the corners of her eyes were covered with crow’s feet.

"Son, what do you want? I'll buy it for you when I get back from town."

The kid thought seriously for a while and said,"Mom, I want a sword."

"If your mother buys you a hammer and a chisel, do you want to dig through all the mountains within a hundred miles?"

"What about you?"

The woman glanced at Cang Xue,"What do you want?"

The girl shook her head,"Mom, I don't want anything.""


Qu Yiqing sneered,"That would be great."

The woman left on April 17 and returned late at night on April 19. On

April 20, Cang Xue got up early.

She saw a new set of clothes and a pair of new shoes embroidered with mandarin ducks on the bedside.

There were also two big red silk ribbons for tying hair.


It was May 24, midsummer of the third year of Fuling.

The water in the private well of the Cang family had completely dried up, leaving only wet mud.

As the sun rose, Qu Yiqing led the old yellow ox, and on the wooden cart were several opera boxes, pots and pans.

Cang Yu rode on the back of the old yellow ox, happy as a fool.

After all, the little brat had never left the village in the five years since he was born, and had not even been to Tongqiu Town.

Cang Xue was wearing a coarse linen shirt and straw sandals, and was reluctant to wear new clothes and shoes. She followed behind the ox cart, looking back every few steps. When they reached the old willow tree at the entrance of the village,

Qu Yiqing, Cang Xue, and the little brat all looked back.

Every household was dilapidated and desolate. The mother and her two children were the last family to leave the village.

""Mom, will we come back?" the girl said with red eyes.


The woman touched the girl's head and said,"Maybe next year, or the year after."

"Maybe three to five years, maybe eight to nine years"

"Anyway, I will definitely come back."

The little brat added:"Mom will come back, sister will come back, and me too."

The woman smiled and said:"Xiaoyu is right"

"The three of us will definitely come back without a single one left behind."

"Xueer, Xiaoyu, you must remember that this is home"


In the forest about two or three miles away from Changliu Village.

The mother and her two daughters came to the ancestral tomb of the Cang family.

There are two new tombs on the left side of Canglan's tomb.

They are Wangcai and Lai Fu.

How can animals be buried with humans?

Not to mention the ancestral tomb.

But Qu Yiqing really did it.

No one knows why.

Cangxue guessed that maybe the stepmother was afraid that the stepfather would be alone in the underworld.

No one knows how Wangcai and Lai Fu died, and why they died on the same day.

Half a month ago, when the mother and her two daughters found Wangcai and Lai Fu, the two big dogs were lying obediently in front of the stepfather's tombstone, and they had already died.

The stepmother said that Wangcai and Lai Fu were saved by the same big dog, and they were not weaned when they were brought back by Cangxue and Grandpa Cangyu.

They grew up with their stepfather.

"Looks majestic, but actually timid"

""It's not early, it's not late, but it's this time."

That's what the stepmother said on the day Wangcai and Laifu were buried.

It's not early, it should be the days when the stepfather passed away.

It's not late, it should be when the stepmother had just made up her mind to escape from the famine.

Cangxue could guess what the stepmother was thinking, but she couldn't guess what Wangcai and Laifu were thinking.


The sun shines through the dry leaves and falls into the forest

"Wangcai, Laifu, these paper money and gold ingots, use them to buy more delicious food in the underworld"

"Eat well and be fat, so that you can protect your daddy."

"You two are so lucky. You don't have to eat the food my mother cooks."

"Poor me, I just turned five this year, woo woo."

Cangyu was burning paper money for Wangcai and Laifu.

Cangxue burned for the ancestors of the Cang family.

Qu Yiqing burned for Canglan.

Two quarters of an hour later.

The mother and the three of them stood in front of Canglan's tombstone.

The woman suddenly pointed at the man's grave and said,"Xue'er, Xiaoyu, the coffin that mother bought for your father is very big."

"When mom dies, bury me in the same coffin with your dad."

The little brat imitated her mother and pointed to the empty space to the right of her dad's grave,"Mom, sister, I want to be buried here."

The girl opened her mouth, but suddenly thought of something and stopped talking.

This piece of Cang family ancestral grave is not a place for her to return to.

Unless the girl never gets married, she will be buried here.

"Xueer, Xiaoyu, let's go."

The sun is shining.

On the ancient road between the mountains.

An old ox is pulling a wooden cart.

A big man and two little girls are walking away.

They are facing the direction of their hometown.

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