the black snake extends its palm in front of the green snake.

the green snake opens its mouth and swallows the metamorphosis fruit.

blazing brilliance bloomed, and after a dozen breaths, the green snake turned into a humanoid girl again.

girl stretched out a green onion white jade finger and pointed at the black snake, first pointing to the sleeping red snake on Guoshan Mountain, and then pointing to her own red thin lips.

Black snake will care.

took the first two steps, stretched out his arms, and held the long and thick red snake on Guoshan, which was nearly 4 meters long, in his arms.

in a flash, the head of the red snake was pulled and handed to the mouth of the green snake.

a hint of irritation appeared on the girl’s white porcelain-like face.

pointed to his mouth again, and then to the black snake.

spit out: “You… You eat. < p idx="10"> the black snake also spat out words, “Well… Good. ”

slowly open the blood basin and open the mouth.

showing a mouth full of white teeth.

black snake looks at the red snake snake head.

take a hard bite.


“16”> next second.

in the pleasant sound of gold and iron.

between the black snake’s teeth and the red snake’s scales, there are strands of sparks.

muffled bang.

red snake falls to the ground.

“Whoosh~” IDX=”22″> In a miserable howl, the black snake staggered backwards and sat on the ground with one butt.

mouth full of teeth, all cracked, broken.


“You… You…… You okay? ”

the green snake hurriedly rushed to the black snake and said softly with concern.

“He… He…… Wake up! ”

the black snake’s face changed greatly, and he pointed behind the green snake tremblingly.

“Phew~” IDX=”30″> the breathed gas sprayed on the entire back of the green snake.

visible to the naked eye.

soft fluff and sweat hairs on the girl’s skin, standing as strong as needles in an instant.


girl turns her head stiffly.

reflected in those lacquer pupils is a red snake standing upright.

Breathtakingly thick snake body, shimmering metallic dense scales.

and the pair of red vertical pupils that seem to be burning.

it exudes an ice-like chill.

condescending, looking down on the girl, the red snake tilts its head.

the next second.

slammed open the blood basin and mouth.


directly bit the girl’s head off the body.

Boom~ IDX=”45″> Muscle force everywhere in the snakehead.

girl’s head immediately exploded like a watermelon.

blood spraying.

four splashes of minced meat.

splattered the black snake’s body and face, like a bloody man.

headless corpse of the girl, shook twice, and fell with a bang.

Shenhua flashes and appears in its original form.

a snake without a snake head.

“Rao… Forgive me… I am willing to be a slave…”< p idx="54">“click~”

Without waiting for the black snake to finish speaking, Zhu Jiuyin directly bit off its head.

click, even blood and flesh, bones, swallow them all.

brilliance flashes again, and the black snake appears in its original form.

A black snake without a snake head and a snake with a body length of a little more than two meters.

“It’s not your fault that you stole my fruit in front of me.”

“But eating me with your mouth is your fault.”

, Zhu Jiuyin opened the snake’s mouth and swallowed the green snake and the black snake as spicy strips.

[Ding, detected that the host swallowed two ninth-grade rising beings, obtained massive life qi and blood, and the snake’s body increased +1.5

meters] [Repair: 5.2m young snake (advanced to the fierce stage after 1000 meters)]


a warm current rushes to every part of the snake’s body.

like soaking in a hot spring, it is very comfortable.

visible to the naked eye, the snake body has become thicker and has grown a lot.

“Nine products… Rising creatures?! ”

“Does it represent the birds and beasts that open their spiritual intelligence and embark on the path of cultivation?”

“I don’t know what kind of product I am now?”


Zhu Jiuyin gave a bloody and pungent burp.


After killing and eating the black snake and the green snake, Zhu Jiuyin’s life returned to calm.

day and night, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon.

snake, grows up, naturally, and has a greater appetite.

now you have to eat twenty or thirty white-haired rats a day.

I don’t know what year in the world.

daytime sunbathing.

stargazing at night.

Look at mountains, trees, and grass.

snake, you have to find something for yourself.

There are two trees on the edge of the cliff outside the cave.

one is a peach tree.

the other is also a peach tree.

Zhu Jiuyin watched Mao Tao grow up day by day.

he named the peach tree on the left-hand side after Momoda, and the one on the right-hand side was Xiao San’er.

peach produced a total of 379 hairy peaches.

Xiaosan Er produced 291 pieces.

it is late autumn.

climate has long ceased to be hot.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the plump and fat peaches, one after another, falling from the branches.

No serpent knows how much he wants to eat one.

Before you know it, winter has arrived.

Zhu Jiuyin is particularly sleepy.

often sleep for three or five days.

“This is… A hibernation period for snakes?! ”

Zhu Jiuyin, who was lying on the fruit mountain, looked around at the transformed fruit that was decreasing on Sunday.

couldn’t help but curse: “These damn white-haired rats, take advantage of the fire and rob.” After

after scolding, the sleepy Zhu Jiuyin slowly closed his red vertical pupils.

this day.

a system prompt suddenly sounded in my head.

[ding, it is detected that the host has been suppressed for one year, and one day of free time is specially given, which can be accumulated. < p idx="104"> [free days: one day (twelve hours)]

Zhu Jiuyin in hibernation, suddenly opened his red vertical pupils.

As a cold-blooded animal, I can’t help but feel my blood boiling at this moment.

“Finally… Finally a holiday! < p idx="108"> although it is only one day.

Suppressing the turbulent emotions, Zhu Jiuyin swam down Guoshan Mountain.

quickly swim to the entrance of the cave.

“It’s snowing!”


Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, covered in silver.

take a deep breath of icy air.

Zhu Jiuyin swam out little by little.

Inside the cave, the hundreds of ancient vines that are still evergreen even in the cold winter do not change in the slightest, as if they were dead things.

At the beginning of the crossing, Zhu Jiuyin forcibly swam out of the cave.

the result was drawn by the ancient vine until the skin was open and the flesh was blooming, and the blood was dripping.

Finally, dozens of rattans wrapped around each part of the snake’s body like iron chains and dragged back to the depths of the cave.

the feeling of suffocation that was about to be strangled, Zhu Jiuyin would never want to experience and experience it a second time.


one centimeter, one centimeter, and one centimeter.

Behind you, inside the cave, hundreds of ancient vines, quiet.

In the end, Zhu Jiuyin, who crossed this realm, swam out of the cave for the first time after a whole spring, summer, autumn and winter.

layers of crimson snake scales tightly stitched together, rolling over a thick layer of soft snow.

the body of a stout snake that is five meters long, like a roaring flame.

Zhu Jiuyin came to the edge of the cliff.

the head of the snake rises high.

“exotic scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.”

“looking inside and outside the Zhoushan Mountain, but reckless; Up and down the great river, suddenly lost its gushing. ”

goose feathers and snow, falling on the head and snake of the red snake.

His eyes are cold.

His heart is colder.

He is a cold serpent.

turned in place for a half turn.

Zhu Jiuyin looked up at the mountain in front of him, suppressing himself forever.

The mountains are too majestic, like a creeping beast, which gives Zhu Jiuyin an extremely strong sense of oppression.

the highest part of the giant mountain, hidden in the clouds and mist, seems to have towered into the extraterrestrial starry sky.

“That is…” IDX=”140″> Zhu Jiuyin, who was a candle dragon, had red vertical pupils like torches, looking at the cliff wall with a drop of hundreds of meters, and six large characters were engraved.

big characters loom in the wind and snow.

“morality, primor, lingbao?!”

six large characters, not Chinese characters.

The mysterious power hidden deep in the bloodline of the candle dragon made Zhu Jiuyin know it.

“This is… The Three Great Heavenly Venerables of Taoism?! ”


Zhu Jiuyin looked grim.

a pair of inverted red pupils are shining, as if they can see through the past and the present.

“That is… Alone?! ”

Through the wind, snow, and clouds, Zhu Jiuyin actually saw the top of Juyue, and a majestic figure stood there.

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