for the next few days, Fei temporarily lived in Lan’s house.

Through communication with the girl, Fei learned that the village was called Xizhuang, only four or five miles away from Lingshi County.

Lan’s family consists of three people.

Lan’s father and mother are already in the age of flower armor, and Lanxiang belongs to the old daughter.

Lan’s father had a serious illness in the early years, and he barely managed farm work on weekdays, Lan’s mother and Lan Xiang took over some needlework from large families in Lingshi County, although the family situation is not solid, but the basic food and clothing are still no problem.

days are getting colder.

early in the morning.

In the west wing of the Lan family, Fei got up early.

put on the cotton jacket cotton pants that Lan Xiang brought last night, and put on a coarse linen coat, Afra opened the door and came to the courtyard.

the rising sun, which is good weather.

exhaling a white breath, Ah Fei picked up the flat dan and carried two buckets out of the hospital.

Fei’s thoughts rushed as he walked on the clouds.

“The grace of saving life, how can you not report ~”

“13”> “But how to report it specifically?”

can’t really be the son-in-law of the Lan family, right?

although the orchid is very beautiful, it coincides with the cardamom year, and the buds are to be released. The head is full of blue silk and black and soft, hanging down the entire back like a waterfall.

especially those eyes, as soft and delicate as peach petals.

“Master said that a true swordsman can be crazy about swords, addicted to alcohol, but he cannot be bound by women.”

“The wind makes the sword light, and the emotion makes the sword heavy.”

“Moreover, my dream is the turbulent waves of the East China Sea, the glaciers that stretch for thousands of miles in the north, and the river of stars falling from the sky with swaggering mountains.

birds end in the sky, not in cages.

before you know it, your destination has arrived.

Fei looked up.

there are two people next to the well at the end of the village.

a woman of about twenty-seven or eight years of age, and a child of eight or nine years of age.

woman faces the child, grabs the reins, and lifts the bucket in the well up.

child crouched on a stone pier, big dark eyes staring at the woman.

Fei followed the boy’s gaze.

Under the woman’s loose clothes, the two things are like ripe woolly peaches, hanging from the branches and heavy.

came to the front silently, and Ah Fei suddenly fell with a palm and slapped it on the boy’s shoulder.

< p idx="30"> “woo~” boy jumped three feet tall.

“Hmph~” IDX=”33″> the woman snorted heavily at Ah Fei, carrying two buckets of water, twisting her hips, and quickly moving away.

“Phineas, it’s really not the right time for you to come!”

boy complained.

Ah Fei smiled lightly, “My master said, the color is a bone-scraping steel knife, Huzi, you are still young and can’t grasp it.” Climbed the wall and window all day, and carefully leaked Yuanyang. ”

“Also, this is not home, pay attention to quality.”

Fei pointed to a slight bulge somewhere.

boy looked down and hurriedly lifted his buttocks and tummy.

then press the middle finger with the thumb and flick it hard at the crotch.

cursed in a low voice: “Spineless thing! ”

looked up at the iron sword on Ah Fei’s waist, and the boy who called Huzi was itchy, “Brother Fei, it’s not my sperm worm brain, but the age is approaching.” ”

“The vast majority of boys and girls aged thirteen or fourteen in the village have already made little people in the same bed.”

Ah Feitou, who was drawing water, did not reply: “Aren’t you only nine years old, early.” ”

Huzi’s eyes rolled and said, “Brother Fei, I promise you that I will never pick the widow’s window at night from now on.” ”


“Phineas, let me play with the sword.”

“Widow Joe’s body is really plump, climb the wall tonight and call me together.”

“Phineas!” My good brother, just let me play tricks, just for a while. ”


fill all three water tanks of the Lan family.

After breakfast, Ah Fei took Lan’s horn bow and arrow sac, took the tiger son, and ran straight to the deep mountains and old forests outside the village.

life-saving grace, it is difficult to repay.

temporary residence and two meals a day will trouble the Lan family, and Ah Fei will not be careful.

day thin.

Ah Fei walked ahead carrying a mountain pig of more than two hundred pounds.

tiger-headed tiger with a tiger’s head and a mountain chicken hanging from its body.

Because it is close to Lingshi County, Xizhuang Village has people who specialize in collecting wild things.


Fei and Huzi walked out of the village of Zhang’s household.

boar plus five hares and three pheasants sold for a total of the usual money plus 491 copper plates.

mountain rabbit pheasant is cheap, ninety percent of it is obtained from whole mountain pigs.

Fei took the usual thousand and handed the other nearly five hundred to Huzi.

took over the heavy purse.

Huzi reached out and stuffed several pieces into the crotch of his pants, tied the rope tightly, and threw the money bag to Ah Fei again.

“What’s the matter?” Too little? ”


Huzi pouted, “The wild things are all hit by you, I will run errands, divided into a third, too unlike.” ”

“When I was a child, I wanted to eat sugar gourds and stole the money bag of my grandfather next door.”

“Fucking mother’s, when I was older, I realized that a sugar gourd only needs a copper plate.”

“That dog vendor in Lingshi County, three sugar gourds coaxed me into more than a hundred copper plates.”

“Without the coffin book, the grandfather next door will die in a few days.”

“The corpse was swept with broken grass, that funeral, don’t mention how shabby.”

“his mother’s~”

“75”> the boy gritted his teeth, “Later, I was almost killed by that bastard peddler, but I have to return thirty-nine copper plates.” < p idx="76"> “Knowing that grandpa loves to drink, I bought all the wine for his old man.”

“Not a drop left, all poured on the grave.”

“Later, I went to learn to fool around for half a year, and the master taught thousands of words, but I only remember eight.”

“The master is not angry, scolding me that the wood of decay shall not be carved, and the wall of dung shall not be defiled, and the board shall be beaten every day.”

looking at the boy’s red eyes, Ah Fei said softly: “What eight words did you remember?” < p idx="81"> boy sniffed hard, “A gentleman loves money and has a way of taking it.” ”


the night is dark.

After dinner at the main house of the Lan family, Ah Fei returned to the west wing early.

with an iron sword in his arms, sitting on the bench and thinking.

“Now I am fifteen years old and have been in Xizhuang Village for five years. Just by hunting, I can save four taels a year, and twenty taels in five years. ”

“My life should be worth so much~”

“> “When I will be twenty, set off for home, and let Master hold a crown ceremony for me.”

“After that, we will set off, the first stop is the East China Sea, the second stop is Swagger Mountain, and the last stop is to see the North Country Glacier.”

“Alas, I owe such a big favor~

” young sighed.


“93”> the door was pushed open, and Lan Xiang walked in holding a pair of boots.

“Phineas, this is the boots I made for you with my own hands, try to fit well~”

“95”> knowing that after refusing, the girl will be sad for several nights, Ah Fei took it helplessly, ready to find an excuse tomorrow and give some copper money.

“Lan girl, I’m not much older than you, let’s call me Ah Fei in the future.”

“By the way, Ming’er I’m going to move to Xiaohu’s house, there is a vacant room over there.” There have been many disturbances these days, and I have troubled my uncles and aunts. ”

Lan Xiang sat on the chair, her slender jade hand supporting her cheek, and her peach blossom eyes stared at Ah Fei without blinking.


“100”> “Don’t, just call me little brother.”

“Little brother, do you owe me a life?”

Ah Fei nodded emphatically.

girl’s eyes shone brightly: “Then you promise me three things, after doing it, we will not owe each other.” ”

“Please say.”

girl said slyly: “First, you must live in my house.” < p idx="106"> Fei hesitated for a moment and said, “Yes, but I have to pay rent, as well as two meals a day.” ”

“fly… Little brother, are you so unwilling to owe favors? Neither can I? ”

Ah Fei said softly: “Yu Jiaqi~”

What about the two things left?”

the girl who stared at Ah Fei’s handsome face, and I didn’t know what she thought, her face suddenly turned red, as if she was drunk.

inside the slightly confused peach blossom eyes, the sticky spring water seems to flow out.

For some reason, the heart in Fei’s chest suddenly trembled.

woman blushing, it is the most beautiful scenery in the world. Master is sincere, not deceived.

“Little brother, I’ll tell you the other two things when I think about it.”

“Good night, see you tomorrow.”

girl gets up and leaves.

before leaving, he also mischievously winked at Ah Fei’s right eye.


> door was taken and gently closed.

tip of the nose, lingering with the faint body fragrance of the girl, which smells very good.

Fei gripped the iron sword tightly.

muttered: “Master, the apprentice has fallen~”


the seventeenth day of rafting to Xizhuang Village.

the fire poison in the body was finally uprooted.

this day.

in the mountains.

Ah Fei’s two lacquer pupils stared at the mountain rabbit more than ten zhang away, and was about to pull the bow and string, when there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps and the panic shouts of tigers outside the forest.

“Phineas, Phineas, something is bad.”

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