moon cold star.

Ten thousand lights.

After returning to Lingshi County, Cao Gang sent Bai Liu and Ten Catchers home and came to Crouching Tiger Lane alone.

glanced up at the high hanging plaque with the inscription ‘Chen Mansion’, and Cao Gang carefully patted some dust off his clothes.

After confirming that he was neatly dressed, Cao Gang only stepped forward two steps and gently knocked on the vermilion gate.

Soon, with a crunch, the door was pulled open through a crack, and an old face popped out.

“It’s so late, who should I be, it turns out to be Cao Huntou.”

Cao Gang arched his hand at the old man and said, “Butler Wang, I have an urgent matter to see Lord Chen, please let me know.” ”


after a blaze of incense.

Cao just entered the Chen Mansion, walked through the corridor of the nine-curved and eighteen-ring ring of the mansion, and came to the back garden.

what caught Cao Gang’s eyes was an extremely strange and absurd picture.

I saw a man in brocade clothes and jade clothes, wide and fat, with skin as white and tender as a baby, about fifty years old, holding a jade dry cigarette pole in his left hand to spit clouds and mist, and holding three dog leashes in his right hand.

it was not the dog that was bound by the leash, but three women.

three women who are not covered in an inch, on all fours, crawling slowly following the man.

the largest one, about the two decades, the youngest one, that is, fifteen or sixteen years old.

Cao Gang recognized these three women as the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-sixth concubines of Lord Chen Chong.


Cao Gang suddenly fell to his knees, his eyes closed, and his forehead slammed heavily on the hard cobblestone ground.

at the same time both hands exert force, and nails almost want to stick into the ground.

his voice was hoarse and trembling, and said: “The subordinate does not know that the adult and the three ladies are here to enjoy the moon, and they are extremely reckless, please remove the eyes of the lord!” < p idx="21"> man said coldly: “But three beasts, what about you?” Get up. ”

Cao Gang swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a palpitation, got up, and said respectfully to the man: “Lord Xie.” ”

“Just after dinner, I can’t stop eating, so I want to go out for a walk.”

“What about you?” It’s dark, don’t stay at home to accompany my wife and child, what do you do here? Is there anything that can’t be said tomorrow? ”

Cao Gang said softly: “Sir, I met a fifteen-year-old boy today. ”

“Judging by its majestic qi and blood, his cultivation is at least six grades.”

“His sword art and sword intent are extremely powerful, even if they are despicable in their positions, they are terrified, and they have only seen it in their lives.”

“If the adult can recruit his subordinates, he will soon be a supreme master of the Fallen Sea Realm.”

man frowned: “Falling into the sea realm? Is it awesome? ”

Cao Gang said in a deep voice: “Great Wei Kingdom, a product of the sea realm is only a palm, quite powerful. ”


“33”> man’s eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned.

“Cao Gang.”

“Obey orders!”

“Go and bring this boy to me, no matter what the cost.”

Cao Gang said with a solemn expression: “Obey orders ~”


the next day.

sky lead gray.

a thin layer of frost fell on the ground, and the cold breath drilled into the cracks of human bones.

Xizhuang Village.

crunching, the door of the Lan family courtyard was pushed open, and the young man carried a bucket with one hand and a bucket in the other, exhaling white breath, and walked towards the well at the end of the village.

“Ah Fei~” IDX=”45″> suddenly a call sounded behind him, and the teenager turned back sharply.

“Cao… Eldest brother?! ”

this big brother, Cao Gang of Le showed a mouth full of snow-white teeth, “Don’t eat yet, go, big brother will take you to eat official food today.” ”

Ah Fei shook his head and refused, “Don’t bother that big brother has spent money for me, I have to carry water.” ”

“White Willow!”

Cao Gang snorted coldly.

not far away, with his hands in his pockets, squatting on the curb and shivering, Bai Willow, hurriedly trotted to the near front.

he smiled and said, “Your order, my lord.” < p idx="53"> Cao Gang said expressionlessly: “Today, you are a slave of the Lan family, and you can do whatever the Lan family asks you to do, understand?” ”

white willow chick nodded like a rice peck.

Ah Fei’s eyebrows are full of helplessness.


half an hour later.

Lingshi County County Canteen.

long yellow rosewood table is filled with more than a dozen elaborate dishes.

mushroom simmered chicken, Dongpo meat, braised crucian carp, eight treasure porridge, etc.

For Ah Fei, who has lived fifteen years and eats meat, he can count it with two palms, this table of delicious dishes can only be seen in daydreams.

“Come, Ah Fei, you’re welcome, open to eat.”

Cao Gang filled a bowl of white rice for Fei.

“Thank you.”

Holding up the big white bowl, Ah Fei did not pretend to twist, and directly clamped a piece of onyx-colored Dongpo meat into his mouth.

soft but not rotten, fat but not greasy.


Cao Gang kept serving dishes to Ah Fei, and his face was full of a kind smile like an old father.

“Ah Fei.”

man just screamed, and the teenager immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks.

“It’s okay, you eat yours, I said mine.”

the young man shook his head, “My mother taught me that when the elders speak, they should listen carefully. ”


“> Cao Gang’s smile grew, “It’s okay, you eat first, I’ll talk after eating.” ”



after a blaze of incense kung fu.

Ah Fei put down the bowl and chopsticks, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped his mouth.

“Brother Cao, I’m done eating, you say.”

Cao Gang took the wine cup and drank it down.

“Ah Fei, how much does this big table of food cost?”

Ah Fei pondered for a while, uncertain: “Three or four taels of silver? ”

Cao Gang nodded and shook his head again.

“Put it in the inn outside, three or four taels of silver is about the same, but here, in the public canteen of the county office, only a copper plate is needed.”

Ah Fei was shocked: “A copper plate?!” ”

Cao Gang picked up the teapot and filled the teacup for the teenager.

“Fei, you should have farmed, right?”

the teenager nodded.

Cao Gang smiled: “Then you should know about taxes.” ”

“All the people of the Wei state, whether engaged in business or farming, must pay a part of the income they receive from taxation.”

“Zhang San collected 30 catties of corn this year, and he must pay 10 catties of tax to Yamen.”

“Li Chang killed a pig and obtained a total of 100 catties of pork, and he had to pay 30 catties in taxes to Yamen.”

“Wang Wujin’er’s net profit from buying vegetables is sixty copper coins, and he must pay twenty taxes to Yamen.”

“Whether it is our Wei Kingdom or other countries, all immortal people have two things in their lives that they cannot escape.”

“One is breathing, the other is paying taxes.”

Cao Gang drank another glass of wine and continued: “A table full of big fish and meat like this, others eat it, get three taels of silver, that is, three thousand copper plates, while the public family, only need one.” ”

“because the other two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine are spent on taxpayers’ money.”

“How many ordinary people can hardly maintain even the most basic two meals a day.”

“How many children, malnourished, thin yellow skin and dry bones, while the clans cook gold and jade, mountains and seafood.”

“The grain wasted in Guanglingshi County in one day can fill the stomachs of one or two thousand people.”

“If converted into silver, buying corn can easily fill 78,000 people.”

“Now, you should know why so many people sharpen their heads and want to knock on the door of the temple.”

“Mo said that to be an official, Rao is a small position of catching fast, and grandfather can pass on son, son to grandson, from generation to generation, inheritance endlessly.”

Hearing Jun’s words, Ah Fei was stunned.

looking at the stunned teenager, Cao Gang was very satisfied.

“Eat and drink, go, big brother lead you to the Qinglou to be happy and happy.”

Cao just got up and greeted Ah Fei.

a middle-aged man and a teenager soon left Lingshi County.


ps: Asuka chapter will end soon, next one, Cangxue chapter.

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