early in the morning.

Xizhuang Village, Lanjia Xiaoyuan Main House.

Lan Father looked at the thirty gold bars neatly stacked on the square table, and inhaled the dry smoke one by one.

Lanmu, who was sent home by Bai Willow half an hour ago, sat on the edge of the bed and wept.

“Such a good child, we killed him.”

“blame me.”

Lanmu said with a haggard expression: “Our old two have never done anything wrong in their lives, and they have been half-cut into the soil, and they have created this heaven-throwing giant.” ”

” Under the Yin Cao Di Mansion, how should we face that child~”

banged, frightening Lan Mu a spirit.

Lan Father slammed the dry tobacco pole on the table, and the tobacco leaves splashed with Mars.

“Shut up!”

Lan’s father scolded and said, “We won’t live for a few years, but Xiang’er is only fourteen years old.” ”

“How can she live alone when we are not around.”

“All the sins arising from these thirty gold bars shall be borne by us as fathers and daughters.”

“It is okay to reincarnate as an animal in the next life, or to scatter your soul after death…

” “Born as a human being, the body cannot help yourself~”


at the tail water well in Xizhuang Village.

a girl dressed in mourning clothes carried a bucket full of water from the well with difficulty.

pick up the flat stretcher, turn around and pick the bucket.

girl suddenly startled slightly.

Outside the city, the tiger’s eyes were fierce and gloomy, like a wolf, staring at the girl.

the tip of the wooden sword pointed straight at the girl’s heart.

“Phineas was killed by you~” IDX=”24″> The boy’s eyes full of scarlet blood, the girl has never seen it.

“Yesterday, Phineas got me this wooden sword and taught me a few tricks.”

“I was so excited, I didn’t even hear my grandfather tell me to have dinner, and I kept practicing swords.”

“until you hear a knock on the door.”

“I was condescending, and I saw Fei Ge staggering towards the outside of the village, followed by the bastard of the white willow and a dozen county officials.”

“That Cao Gang, the number one master of Laushizi Lingshi County, came in a hurry after Brother Fei died.”

“The surname Cao is not there, Bai Willow and those fast catchers, in the eyes of Phineas, but a bunch of smelly tomatoes rotten sweet potatoes.”

“So,” ”

Huzi gritted his teeth and said, “Phineas was killed by you!” ”

“I saw black blood all the way, shocking!”

“Why?” Why did you poison Phineas?! < p idx="35"> looking at the boy’s hideous and distorted terrifying face, the girl said expressionlessly: “The poison was inflicted by me, but I didn’t kill him.” ”

“It is the county master who wants to take his life.”

“The county arrest quickly arrested my mother and sent me to prison.”

“If I don’t poison, my mother will be cut by a thousand cuts.”

“What would you do if it were your grandfather?”

Huzi’s hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

arm eventually hangs down.

“Sister Lan Xiang, Mr. Xuejuku once said that since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been in a dilemma.”

“I feel that righteousness and filial piety are also in a dilemma.”

“Righteousness of righteousness!”

“If it were me,”

“46”> boy stared fiercely at the girl’s desolate face, “I’d rather swallow the poison myself!” ”

“Sister Lan Xiang, Phineas is so cautious, he took me to the county to eat noodles, using his own chopsticks.”

“The meal you cooked yesterday, Phineas must have eaten it.”

“He trusts you so much~” IDX=”50″> “Lan Xiang, I know your ancestors!”

the moment the words fell, the boy suddenly raised his wooden sword.

slashed the girl directly to the ground with a fierce sword.

“Orchid, remember.”

“Give me a hard time to remember!”

“When grandpa dies, I have no more bonds, I will sawn off your head and comfort Phineas in heaven!”

“And the group of dogs in the county, none of them want to escape!”

rain of wooden swords finally stopped.

boy with his burden on his back ran towards the outside of the village.

long, long time.

the gray girl struggled to sit up slowly.

was beaten by the wooden sword until his hands were flushed, and gently grasped the edge of the bucket.

girl saw her face.

face that seems to cry instead of crying, like laughing and not smiling, one moment broken, the other complete.

all shredded, all shredded.


Boy’s grave, at the foot of Gu Shot, facing the Hakuba River.

There are mountains and waters, which was picked by Cao Gang.

Huzi came to the grave, looked at the slightly raised grave bag, and thought about the bits and pieces of getting along with the teenager, and large hot tears couldn’t help but gush out of his eyes.

sticking the wooden sword into the ground, the boy crouches down and unwraps himself.

baggage is full of paper money, silver ingots, gold ingots, two sets of paper birthday robes, and two female paper men wearing red and green.

boy blew on the fire fold, and while burning, he said to himself: “Phineas, this is the first day.” ”

“There are still six days in the next six days, and every year after the Chinese New Year’s Eve Festival, Qingming Festival, Zhongyuan Festival, and Chongyang Festival, I will burn a lot of paper money for you.”

“Phineas, it’s about to snow, and I don’t know if Yin Cao Difu is cold or not, you wear these two sets of life clothes first.”

“And these two female paper people, burn you as a daughter-in-law.”

“If they disobey, you give me a dream.”

“Phineas, Ming’er will burn two sets of paper houses for you, one set of three-entry large mansion for living, and one set of five-story building for business.”

“Phineas, Huzi missed you~”

=”78″>”You must give me more dreams~”

muttered abruptly.

boy turned his head sharply.

but not far away, on the treetops, there was a white-haired rat wearing a tiger’s head hat.

boy rubbed his eyes fiercely and looked again.

the branch swayed gently, and no longer could be found.

“What the hell?!”


Qixia Province, Aquarius.

deep in the Taihang Mountains.

not under the mountain.

rat’s eyes are bright, like a small whirlwind of red onyx, and the rat is holding a jianghu newspaper in its mouth, rushing into the deep cave.

deep inside the cave.

the python’s behemoth about 40 meters long coiled into a crimson golden hill, deeply sleeping.

Little Whirlwind is light and dexterous, cutting the python body, cutting after cutting, and soon jumping to the top of the Red Mountain.

what comes into view is a huge python head.

“Master, Mr. Qi is back, and the Jianghu Mansion has arrived.”

small whirlwind rises upright, sticks out a paw, and pulls the python’s eyelids.

“Hear~” IDX=”97″> In the tired voice, the giant python slowly opened its golden candle-like eyes.

two inverted snakes, their pupils are red as blood.


“100”> Zhu Jiuyin opened his blood basin and yawned sleepily.

“When did Mr. Qi come back?”

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

“This morning.”

little whirlwind raised the jianghu Di Bao in his paws, adding: “Di Bao is half an hour faster than people.” < p idx="105"> Zhu Jiuyin’s eyelids were half-opened and half-closed: “How is the Di newspaper recorded?” ”

Little Whirlwind said excitedly: “The Di newspaper said that Mr. Qi opened the sky with a sword, and the entire Wei capital, down to the peddler’s pawn, up to the prince general, like the wind blowing wheat waves, kneeling down. ”

“Mr. Qi also kicked the dragon chair of the Qianqing Hall to pieces in front of Emperor Wen Jing.”

“Mr. Qi also said that Xiangang is the Xiangang of the people of the world, the Aquarius Prefecture is the Aquarius Prefecture of the Wei Kingdom, and the Taihang Mountain Range is the Taihang Mountain Range of his Qi Qingqi.”

“Before Mr. Qi left, he also carried away the plaque that hung high in the Qianqing Hall and read ‘Zhengda Guangming’.”

“Master, I saw Mr. Qi hang that plaque on the big yellow dog’s kennel.”

the red python squinted slightly.

“One sword opens the sky?!”

just when Zhu Jiu was pondering.

in his mind, suddenly the cold voice of the system sounded.

[ding, detected that the host apprentice Chen Mengfei has disappeared…].

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