
on the threshold of the Cangjia courtyard.

looking at the dozens of villagers rushing towards Yan Mo, Cang Xue took a deep breath, and the palm of his small hand holding the kitchen knife was wet.

“Wangwang~” IDX=”4″> When all the villagers walked to the gate of the Cangjia Courtyard, Wang Cai and Laifu immediately barked fiercely.

“Shut up!”

A villager smashed his hoe on the ground, splashing debris.

two large dogs with their tails between them and gray sneaking behind Cangxue.

girl slowly got up, peach blossom eyes stared at everyone, without saying a word.

Li Shishi stepped forward and said in a sharp voice: “What about Yu Baby?” Get that little calf out right away! < p idx="10"> Cang Xue said expressionlessly: “What to say to me.” ”

“Good, good, then the aunt will have a good fight with you little slut.”

Li Shishi said murderously: “Little slut, let me ask you, is my child’s bloody face bitten by Yu Baby?” < p idx="13"> Cang Xue frowned: “But two rows of milk tooth marks, why is the blood and flesh blurred?” < p idx="14"> one villager said faintly: “Baby tooth prints… It seems that Xiaoshan was indeed bitten by Yu Wazi. < p idx="15"> someone was surprised: “My son told me that Yu Wazi bit a piece of meat from Xiaoshan’s face, I didn’t believe it, after all, one is eleven years old and the other is only four years old, and I never thought that the Cang family was so cruel.” ”

“Being so vicious at a young age, growing up you can’t eat human flesh and thirst for human blood?!”

“I see that the rain baby grows up either falling into the grass or throwing skin on the market.”

“Didn’t we offend the heavenly master in Changliu Village?” Otherwise, how could they raise such barbaric children. ”

Cang Xue’s silver teeth crunched, “Li Shan knocked off Xiaoyu’s half mouth of baby teeth, crushed Xiaoyu into the mud, and smashed the back of Xiaoyu’s head with blood. ”

< p idx="20"> what about this?”

without waiting for Li Shishi to answer, a villager came forward and said, “Xiaoye, don’t spray people with blood.” How well-behaved is Li Shan’s child, how can he bully the small with the big? ”

that is, Xiaoshan has studied for half a year, has a thick and honest temperament, and meets us on weekdays, uncles, uncles, aunts and sisters, don’t mention how sweet the little mouth is.”

“It’s your rainy baby, going up the mountain to dig out birds’ nests, going down to the river to touch fish and shrimp, and as soon as they were kindly teased by the elders, they would spit on people, throw stones, and jump the chickens and dogs chasing the poultry in the village, not to mention how annoying it is.”

“Little girl, several children in the village have seen Yu Wazi bite Xiaoshan, but no one has witnessed Xiaoshan bullying Yu Wazi.”

“The child will never lie, and Yu Wazi’s body is injured, maybe he took a stone to wronged the mountain.”

“Spread rumors with a mouth, refute rumors and run off legs.” Little girl, since you said that the wound of the chiseled rain baby was beaten by the hill, what is the evidence? ”


all the villagers, you say a word, and the real voice at the gate of the Cangjia courtyard is loud.

Cang Xueqi’s slender body trembled.

“Say, how much do you have to pay for medical expenses~

” Li Shishi pointed to the girl’s face, spit on Xingzi and said: “Compensation? Can you afford to be a little slut? Xiaoshan is the only seedling of the Li family, my most precious son. ”

“It’s just a piece of meat bitten off by a pale puppy, and you little slut pressed into the mud and swallowed a stomach full of muddy water.”

“You are a reincarnated rotten goods, I will leave the words here today, what shit soup medicine fee, my Li family does not lack that idea.”

“Since you have deceived my son with both hands, cut off one in my face.”

“If I don’t take your hand back, I can’t explain it to my son.”

girl only felt that a fire was inexplicably burning in her chest.

burned to the point that the internal organs almost melted.

“Little girl, the mountain half life for your hand, you have made a lot of money.”

“Alas, poor Xiaoshan such a humble and courteous good child, he is still lying in bed, and I don’t know when he will wake up.”

“Compared to Yu Baby, you little girl is called cruel.” Xiaoshan is such an honest child, how can you bear to bully? ”

“Cold-blooded and vicious people like you are not welcome in Nagaru Village.”

“A wild species born of prostitutes, born inhuman.”

look at the faces that are eager to cut themselves by a thousand cuts.

looked at their mouths that were sharper than the blade of a sword.

look at their fingers that are eager to poke themselves out of thousands of bloody holes.

a majestic boiling blood rushed straight to the brain.

seems to be trying to burst the head.

girl strongly wants to chop everyone in front of her into a mashed meat.


amid the vicissitudes of drinking, Wang Ye helped the old village chief Wang Haoyang to slowly come to the door of the Cangjia courtyard.

brass dry cigarette pole pointed, “Dozens of of you adults, can you pull down your face to bully a little girl who is only six years old?!” ”

“My old face is ashamed of you!”

the villagers were silent.

“Village Chief

~” Li Shishi cried: “We don’t want to either, who let the two adults of the Cang family not be there~”

It is natural to kill people to pay for their lives and pay debts and pay for them.”

“Village chief, you can’t look at this slut and favor her.”

“My hill is still unconscious, life and death are unknown.”

the old king said tiredly: “Okay, such a big person cries and cries all day.” ”

“I’ve gone to see it, your hill can’t die.”

“Let’s talk about medical expenses.”

Li Shishi wiped away his tears, and the lion opened his mouth: “I don’t want much, just ten taels of silver.” ”

ten taels?!

In recent years, the opera team has not been very profitable, even if the righteous father and mother sing and break their voices, it is difficult to earn a net profit of 10 taels of silver in one or two years.

“Ten taels?!”

the old king was stunned at first, and immediately cursed: “A soldier of our Wei Kingdom was killed in battle, and the pension issued by the imperial court seems to be only five taels.” ”

“Ten taels! Are you a little gold man when your son is a little golden? ”

the old king decided: “Two two, no more.” ”

Li Shishi hesitated for a while, glanced at the girl, and said, “Two two is two two, I am giving face to the old village chief.” ”

“Little slut, hurry up and get the money.”

Cang Xue ran into the courtyard, quickly came out, and threw the heavy money bag to Li Shishi.

woman weighed it twice.

suddenly smashed the money bag in the girl’s face.

copper plates were scattered all over the sky.

“two taels of silver, two thousand copper plates.”

Li Shishi said with a gloomy face: “More than a hundred, what about you sending for food?” The girl > < idx="77" was silent, just crouched down and picked up the copper plates one by one. "Li Shishi, you are too much, knowing that the two adults are not at home, where did her little girl get the two thousand copper plates?" "to spare people and spare people." old king said: "In this way, let's stay in the village of about fifty households, and each family will make up thirty or forty copper plates." " "Even if good people do good deeds." "After I finish talking, who is in favor and who is against?" villagers were like a large group of chickens pecking rice, and no one dared to object. "Very good, then this incident is over, everyone, especially you Li Shiji, Hugh will mention it again." after glaring at Li Shishi, the old king looked at Cang Xue, who was still collecting money. said with a kind smile on his face: "Female doll, do you have anything to say?" < p idx="87"> Cang Xue said softly: “Thank you Grandpa Wang, this account, the righteous father and the righteous mother will pay it back.” < p idx="88"> old king said happily: “Female doll, don’t thank me, if you want to thank this group of uncles and uncles, aunts and sisters, each family has thirty or forty copper plates, which is not a small number.” ”

Cang Xue got up and bowed deeply to all the villagers.

“Female dolls, you see, uncles, aunts and sisters are so generous and kind.”

“It’s a pity that good people are not well rewarded, the sky is deceived, and the rain has not fallen in spring and summer.”

“The corn seedlings in the fields of uncles and uncles will not last long, and they will soon die of drought.”

“Two taels of silver don’t have to be returned, I Wang Haoyang said.”

Old King Tou said kindly: “Female doll, dripping water…”

bowed Cang Xue jerked up and interrupted the old king’s head.

peach blossom eyes said coldly: “I tried so hard to act in this scene, but it was for my family’s private well water?!” ”


Ps: [Look at the woman in red who is heavy on fat and thick powder, and it is difficult to hide the decay and death~]

“99”> I wrote clearly in the first chapter of the Cangxue chapter, and there were Taoist friends who quarreled because they discussed why Cangxue’s wife was hanged.

there is also concubine tea, a method of contraception for women in ancient Qinglou.

the sister-in-law is silver water, after melting in tea, it is okay to drink a small amount, and it will be chronic poisoning if you drink it all the time.

It’s okay if I don’t read carefully, I read books at a glance.

Just don’t argue.

the protagonist pulls out in the next chapter.

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