I Am A Special Executive Officer in WGO

Chapter 401 Food Association

"Komatsu, the ingredients in the reserve are not allowed to be brought back privately,"

"It's a sin,"

"Ah, there is such a thing, this is too hard for me, 99

"Speaking of that gourmet box is the latest model,

"Ah yes, there are 1000 kinds of food preservation data stored in the 1000 portable food box, and the food and shape can also be kept and refrigerated in vacuum packaging.

"It's cute, I should say very beautiful,"

"Well, if you use this to bring the ingredients home, there will be no problem.

"Is it okay to put something in there?"

"Because it's good-looking, it's totally ok, and I'll say it~ OK, right?"


"Ah, ah, isn't this a serious crime?

"Oh, it's already here,

Komatsu ": I don't know when my name started - it became loose."

"This is an ancient swamp."

"Ancient swamps, many ancient ingredients are sleeping here, commonly known as food museums. Here, all kinds of dragons and ancient fishes exist, and there are several beasts that are constantly fighting each other. 99

"This is a competition between gourmet ingredients, and the food chain here is very diverse, so let's join in.

"This food chain war.

"Is it just going through this swamp to join?

Of course, the 4 Heavenly Kings at the moment also smiled.

"Are we going to swim over there?"

"Who said you're going to swim through this swamp.""

"It's so cold.

"you say cold"

"Yes, ah ah ah, what is this, it's floating.

"I used surface tension, and although it was very uncomfortable to encounter dirty muddy water, it was still much better to touch each other with the body, and the whole swamp was lifted up with touch.35

"Speaking of what surface tension is, it feels like a horse on water.

The 4 Heavenly Kings on the side did not answer, the swamp was bottomless, and the water temperature in the swamp was only 5 degrees to 6 degrees. At this time, Komatsu was also a little shocked.

"Do you even know the water temperature?"

"My hair feels completely different depending on the color, blue hair can feel colder than the skin, pink is the warm temperature, green is the pressure The sensory points with tension. The white ones are the sensory points with pain.

"Do different colors of hair have different functions? That should be easy to understand.

"Huh, what's the matter? It's strange to look like this. The food ingredients that should have lived in the swamp are basically invisible now. Speaking of which, there are very few beasts, it shouldn't be. 39

Raise your head and look forward.

"Hey, what is that? This is too much, is it the robot from the Food Association?"

Why do they do this kind of thing? They try to control the food ingredients all over the world in their own hands. For this reason, they will do whatever they want, collect as many food ingredients as possible, and plan to improve the level of food cells in one go.

"He said this before, the director of Gourmet Cell, so what is it?"

"This is a special kind of omnipotent cell extracted from the dream jellyfish inhabiting the deep sea. The cells have excellent regeneration ability and vitality. If the gourmet cells can be perfectly integrated with other cells and tissues, the advantages of their organization can be amazing. development and extension.

"Sweet apples, sweeter and more delicious beef, more delicious. You say if this food cell is combined with people, what do you think the result will be?"

"Sigh, I'll gain overwhelming power and become a superman."

"And its strength will continue to upgrade as you continue to taste delicious food, the more delicious things you eat, the stronger it will be."

"By the way, Nunu and Coco and I have gourmet cells in them, and so do the directors, and it is for this reason that Nunu and the others will always eat gourmet food. 35

"Of course, the risk is also very high. If there is no good combination, the worst case of losing the power to the gourmet cells will be fatal. Finally, I can understand the secret that they are as powerful as monsters.

"Beautiful and powerful."

"How can you say a monster? At this moment, Nunu also instantly turned into a demon, under the powerful power of the demon. The dragon creatures in front of him also retreated madly. 35

Finally beat him back. At this time, the girl went up to greet him to see if he was okay, and after he added two battle perfumes, only 50~60% of the best strength was left.

.....for flowers .....

"If I don't eat something, I feel like I can't reach the plateau at all."

And the dragon in front of him also became his little brother because of the belt.

Speaking of which, Mr. 4 Tianwang's Food Collection is also collecting your ingredients. Does the other party also have gourmet cells?

"Ah, of course, the other party also has food cells, and it is a low-level disgusting evil group. It is disgusting through food, and the degree of disgust is 100 times higher than before.

"But it doesn't matter to me."

"The battle with the Gourmet Association is really too much, it's not for making food or acupuncture, it's just taking his life. For me, the battle with the Gourmet Association is indifferent, but I actually do it. Such an ugly thing."9

"Not funny at all. Not funny at all."

"The Food Association."

At this moment, the 4 Heavenly Kings in front of him suddenly became angry, and the rock monkey on the other side was completely torn apart.

The girl on the wolf fighting was also muttering to herself.

"Nunu, where are you?"

Now, on their way to the food plateau, they must pass through a huge stonehenge, which is the playground of evil spirits and a sports field composed of stone pillars.

Someone once said that there is a kind of dorayaki that is sweet and soft on the body of the crab called Dorayaki giant crab, and there is a kind of giant crab covered with chocolate horns called chocolate horned giant crab.

These fragrant giant crabs exist in the world. On the peninsula fried rice island formed by fried rice, there is a beach full of thick tanks and roasted shrimp called shrimp beach.

Today's era is the era of food.

Nunu and his party were beaten up by monkeys in the dark.

Komatsu, who was beaten to the mushroom forest, and one of the four kings witnessed all kinds of cruel acts at the food fair along the way, passed through the ancient swamp, and headed towards the plateau where the mammoths inhabited.

On the other hand, Nunu threatened the beasts of the white forest and tamed the dragon beasts to the plateau. They reached the biggest difficulty in the picture, the playground of the evil spirits.

At the same time, in order to inform the group of robots that the robot has invaded this place, the wolf fighting also flew all the way. Now, the three robots have all reached the plateau, and the battle for the mammoths has become more and more fierce.

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