I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1125 The Murderer Behind The Scenes (Please Customize)

I don't know if this Charles Coleman had heard in advance that it was found by a guest in Room 1408, and he was mentally prepared.

Therefore, when he saw Gal Gadot, there was no strange color on his face, and even his eyes did not fluctuate.

Just asking very normally, "Good evening, ma'am, I don't know if anything can help you.

Chu Feng sneered in his heart, this guy thought he was smart, but he didn't know that the more normal he behaved, the more abnormal he became.

Even the ordinary front desk was taken aback when they heard that Gal Gadot was the guest of Room 1408.

He, the dignified hotel manager, clearly knew the guests of Gal Gadot Room 1408, but he treated them like the guests in other ordinary rooms.

This normality is precisely the biggest abnormality.

Gal Gadot was about to ask that question, but Chu Feng grabbed her hand and said, "Mr. Coleman, wouldn't it be better to go to the office to discuss some questions?

Charles Coleman turned his head and glanced at Chu Feng. A trace of impatience flashed across his expression, but he quickly returned to normal.

"If there is anything, just say it here, so that I can solve it for the distinguished guests faster. 35

Chu Feng took Charles Coleman's eyes into his eyes, and based on his experience, he could already judge that this was a person with a bad character.

Chu Feng said: "Then if we want to talk about the matter of room 1408, do we want to say it here so that the guests of this hotel know that room 1408 is not normal.

Charles Coleman's expression changed, and he immediately squeezed out a smile: "I think going to my office to talk will show my sincerity better, just right, I have a good coffee there, a few guests, please come here.

Chu Feng followed Charles Coleman into a well-decorated office.

Charles Coleman didn't immediately ask about Room 1408, but actually went to make coffee.

In this situation, this guy didn't mess up, showing that he has a very strong psychological quality.

No wonder, the manager of this hotel can do it.

Since he is not in a hurry, Chu Feng is naturally not in a hurry. He is worried that he has been too busy recently, so he is just looking for something to pass the time.

Huan Ji and Ling Zhiruo were mainly Chu Feng, so naturally they didn't say much.

On the contrary, Gal Gadot was a little anxious and wanted to ask questions immediately.

But seeing Chu Feng, Ji Ji, and Ling Zhiruo so relaxed, they calmed down and resisted the impulse.

Finally, Charles Coleman made the coffee and served it.

"This is authentic Ethiopian coffee beans, try it, it must taste different from what you drink outside."

Chu Feng took a sip of the coffee and praised: "It really has a strong aroma, not bad."

Chu Feng put down the cup: "Thank you for your coffee, Mr. Coleman. However, for my next question, please answer me honestly, which will save us a lot of trouble."

Speaking, Chu Feng didn't wait for the other party to answer, and pointed at Gal Gadot: "This lady, who arranged her to live in room 1408?

Charles Coleman smiled unabated: "This must be a mistake, I just checked it out, this lady Gal Gadot's room is not 1408, but 1409.

It must be the front desk clerk who made a mistake and gave the wrong key to get Ms Gal Gadot into 1408.

To tell you the truth, room 1408 really has a problem, thank God, nothing happened to Ms. Gal Gadot.

"I got the wrong key?" Gal Gadot was startled, and said, "Is that really the case?

She agreed with this statement in her heart.

"It's true, don't believe me.

Charles Coleman turned the computer screen on his desk over, showing Gal Gadot's registration information.

And the room arranged for her is indeed room 1409.

Charles Coleman said: "You see, it was a mistake, we started with room 1409 for Ms Gal Gadot.

It was a misunderstanding, but fortunately, Ms Gal Gadot was not in trouble.

But we apologize, we will waive the accommodation fee for Ms. Gal Gadot this time.

And give Ms. Gal Gadot a VIP card, and you can get 20% off when you stay in our hotel in the future. "

Gal Gadot took a serious look at the information on the computer, then looked at Chu Feng and said, "Look, I said the hotel made a mistake.

Chu Feng smiled and looked at the hotel manager opposite: "It's a very powerful method, everything has already been prepared.

Even if Gale really had an accident here and the police came to investigate, it could be pushed to a mistake.

The hotel only needs to compensate a sum of money and fire the front desk staff by the way.

And the compensation for this money, do not have to pay the hotel itself, but by the insurance company.

And you, you can not only continue to work here, get a high salary, but also earn an additional unexpected income.

All you need to pay is a compensation for the front desk staff.

Oh, yes, and Gale's life 050, but I'm afraid you don't really care. 99

Gal Gadot's expression changed and he asked, "Is he telling the truth?"

Charles Coleman's face changed slightly, he didn't look at Gal Gadot, but looked at Chu Feng and said, "I don't know what the guest is talking about?

By the way, what do you call this kind of guest, our hotel doesn't seem to have your registration information in it.

Can you leave now?"

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Why, if someone exposes the truth, do you want to drive them away?

Even if I'm not a guest at the hotel now, I'm a potential guest, and you're not doing what a hotel manager would do, Mr. Coleman.

Charles Coleman's expression changed again, and he stood up a little indifferently: "You are not welcome here, sir, do you leave by yourself, or let me call the security, or I call the police.

"Call the police, that's great."

Chu Feng took the phone on the other side's desk and dialed 911 directly: "Someone in the Dolphin Hotel is conspiring to murder someone, please send someone over quickly.

Having said that, Chu Feng hung up the phone.

The third day of the new year, still in the year. When brothers are eating and drinking, take it easy, don't eat too much, your health is important, haha

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