I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1149 Then you die (please customize)

Before, he was worried that there was something unexpected in this building, he was afraid of being shocked, and he didn't use his spiritual sense to investigate.

Now, since it is already known that the horror of "Ghosts and Cannibals" has come to reality, naturally there is nothing to worry about.

Just now, his divine sense probed again, and encountered the obstruction of the residual force.

But Chu Feng's consciousness suddenly burst, and the power was like boiling soup and snow, and it collapsed at the touch of a touch. Chu Feng took all the scenes in the building into his mind.

In the room, a monster with no skin all over his body, holding a metal block in his hand, was watching frantically.

The metal block was almost the size of a Rubik's cube, with intricate patterns on it.

It is not one-by-one like a real Rubik's cube, but has irregular cracks.

A middle-aged woman in her mid-00s stood beside the monster with a worried look on her face.

Although this woman is in her 40s, her figure and skin are well maintained, and she looks like a half-old milf.

This woman is Larry's second wife Judy.

Judy said worriedly: "Frank, Christine ran out, what if the things here are exposed?"

The skinless monster, Larry's younger brother Frank, looked away from the metal block, "So, we need to do something to Larry as soon as possible.

As long as I eat his flesh and blood, I can become his appearance, and I don't have to worry about anything anymore. "

"Larry." Judy whispered the name, a little reluctant.

"Don't give up." Frank walked up to Judy: "At that time, I am both Frank and Larry, and I will be by your side. 39

Judy's eyes gradually turned cold when she heard the words.


At this time, the door of the room was kicked open, and a tall Asian youth appeared at the door: "You think it is quite beautiful. 35

"Where did the yellow bastard come from, kill him, just right, after I eat Larry, I need to eat another person's flesh and blood before I can fully recover."

Frank looked at Chu Feng at the door, full of disgust and disgust, and his words were full of murderous intent.

When Judy heard the words, she immediately grabbed the hammer next to it and smashed it at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng has rarely been angry in recent years, but this skinless monster managed to arouse his anger this time.

As soon as Chu Feng raised his hand, Judy felt an invisible force blocking her, preventing her from taking a step forward, and the hammer in her hand couldn't smash any further.

At this time, Chu Feng's hand moved slightly.


The hammer in Judy's hand slammed violently on her knee.

In an instant, a sound of broken bones sounded, followed by her heart-piercing scream:


Judy threw away the hammer in her hand and rolled on the ground with her knees in her arms, her face twisted and deformed because of the pain.

Chu Feng turned his eyes and looked at Frank.

When Frank saw Chu Feng, he just waved his hand, and made Judy abolish himself, and was still a little stunned.

At this time, he felt his hand loosen, and the metal block actually flew away in the direction of Chu Feng.

As soon as Chu Feng stretched out his hand, the metal block automatically fell into his hand.

The tentacles were cold and not much different from ordinary metal, but Chu Feng knew that this was definitely not ordinary metal just by looking at it.

And the complicated lines above are even more complicated.

However, now is not the time to take a closer look, there is still a skinless monster in front of him.

Seeing that his metal cube was gone, Frank was shocked and angry: "Give it back to me.

It roared and rushed towards Chu Feng.

It was extremely fast and powerful, and when it ran, the floor under its feet made a loud noise, and the whole house seemed to be shaking.

Chu Feng was a little surprised. In the movie, he was a scumbag. He didn't show any abilities and was easily killed.

Now it seems that this guy's speed and strength are far beyond ordinary people.

However, that's about it.

Chu Feng looked at Frank rushing in calmly, and with a slight shake of his hand, the metal cube just disappeared.

Frank paused, and was stunned when he looked at Chu Feng's hand.

After a few seconds, it suddenly became more irritable: "Where did you get it, bring it to me...  

It rushed towards Chu Feng again, faster and stronger.

This time, Chu Feng easily felt that the house was really shaking.

This guy obviously has the power to tear down a house.

But in front of Chu Feng, this power is still too weak.

"If you want to die so much, then go to die."

As soon as Chu Feng raised his palm, Frank was imprisoned in place, unable to move any part of his body.

Its eyes were instantly filled with fear, and it had never encountered such a powerful force.


With Chu Feng's palm, Frank's body exploded directly like a flesh bomb, turning into bits of minced meat.

But these pieces of meat did not splash around, but were bound by an invisible force, quickly retracted, and turned into a ball of flesh and blood.

Chu Feng popped out with a finger, and a cyan flame fell on the flesh ball.

In an instant, the ball of flesh turned into a big fireball.

After a while, he completely disappeared from this world, leaving nothing behind.

"Ding, kill the ghost and get 50,000 merit points."

In Chu Feng's mind, a prompt sounded in time.

There are actually 50,000 merit points, which means that this Frank has the strength of a high-level resentful spirit.

Before she knew it, Judy had stopped screaming.

She stared blankly at Chu Feng1.4 with an incredible look on her face.

Because he was so surprised, he even forgot the pain in his knees for a while.

woo... woo...

A siren sounded, and the police arrived.

Chu Feng didn't even look at that Judy, then turned around and went downstairs.

He didn't mean to kill Judy, let's leave her to the police.

Christine was still guarding the door, and when she saw Chu Feng come out, she quickly took two steps forward: "How are you, are you alright, the house was shaking just now, I'm really afraid it will fall down."

"It's alright." Chu Feng smiled.

"Are you all right?" Christine looked inside, but saw nothing.


Suddenly, a scream came from inside.

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