I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1154 The head of the nail has a master (please customize it)

"You..." Nailhead was shocked again: "You have destroyed the key to hell, so how are you going to get there? No..."

It looked at the open passage: "The key to hell was destroyed, why didn't the space passage disappear?"

"Did you say this?"

Chu Feng pointed to the passage, drew a symbol in the air, and the passage quickly closed and disappeared into the void.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng drew the simple pattern in the air again.

After a while, the passage appeared there again.


Nailhead was too shocked to speak.

It never thought about it at all, there will be people who do not rely on the key of hell, but use this method to open the space channel.

Originally, it felt that Chu Feng wanted to kill its master, either ignorant or arrogant. "Two Nine Three"

But now, it found that Chu Feng is very likely to be true.

As for whether it will be successful, it is uncertain.

Then, Chu Feng asked Nail Head a few more questions, and Nail Head was very cooperative and answered everything.

"Thank you for your cooperation, you can die."

Chu Feng pointed to the forehead of the nail head, and a black spot suddenly appeared on its forehead.

Then the black spot spread rapidly, directly wrapping its entire body, and finally turned into nothingness.

"Ding, kill the ghost, get 800,000 merit points.

Nailhead is a little more powerful than the other two guys, and has the level of a high-level fierce spirit, worth 800,000 merit points.

At the same time, the green flames surged up suddenly.

With a coax, the green flames and the Throat Broken Ghost disappeared at the same time.

The screams of the broken-throat ghost also stopped abruptly.

"Ding, kill the ghost, get 500,000 merit points.

The Broken Throat Ghost also only has the strength of a primary fierce spirit.

"Collection. 35

Chu Feng made a move, and all the chains on the ground were taken by him.

These chains look like iron chains, but they are definitely not iron.

Ordinary iron chains can't do the illusion between reality and reality.

Chu Feng didn't have much time to study these things, and put them into the storage ring together with the Hell Spoon, which had turned into a ball.

Entering the system, Chu Feng saw that by killing these four ghosts, he gained a total of 2.4 million merit points, although a lot, but not a lot.

Now his total merit value has reached 40,760,760 points, just over 10 million points away, and he can be promoted to saint.

But the account doesn't work that way.

Saints are robbed.

Therefore, Chu Feng did not intend to go to be promoted to a saint if he only collected 51.2 million merit points.

He plans to first upgrade the Dragon God Transformation Body Art to perfection, and after making his body stronger, he will be promoted to a saint to meet the calamity.

In this way, the poor merit value is close to 20 million points.

"20 million merit points.

Chu Feng's eyes turned to the deep and dark passage: "I hope you won't let me down."

As soon as Chu Feng stepped, the whole person entered the passage.

But as soon as he stepped in, the entire passage began to shake violently, as if it would collapse completely in the next moment.

Chu Feng immediately remembered what Nail Head said just now, because its owner is too powerful, this passage can't carry its power, so it can't come to the world.

Apparently, he is now in the same situation.

Chu Feng stepped back and stepped back.

When he quit not long ago, the shaky passage also quickly returned to normal.

Standing outside the passage, Chu Feng looked at the passage in front of him and fell into deep thought for a while.

"It seems that the nail head didn't lie to me, its owner may really be too powerful to come to the world.

"Since this channel is its owner and it was made by that toy maker, those patterns must also be mastered by its owner.

"Although I simplified those lines to make them less complicated, the stability of the channel has not become stronger, and the strength it can carry is still the same.

"Now, if I want to enter, either strengthen this passage to the extent that I can enter and exit normally.

"Either, do this..."

Chu Feng's aura suddenly converged.

All the power was withdrawn into the body, and gathered on the little Chu Feng who became a little bigger like a baby.

He looks like an ordinary person now, without any power to show...

"I don't know if this will work.

Chu Feng took another step and walked into the passage.


The passage swayed for a moment, but the next moment it gradually stabilized.

Chu Feng also stepped in with the other foot, and the passage began to shake again.

Although it didn't shake as much as before, it didn't mean it was stable anymore.

"Or not.

Chu Feng was a little depressed.

After thinking about it, an invisible force permeates its body, which is the power of space.

The power of these spaces diffused out of him and submerged into the passage.

Finally, the shaking of the channel subsided again.

Although, it has not completely stopped, but it has not affected normal traffic.

However, this kind of reinforcement is only temporary, as long as Chu Feng removes the power of space and he stands in this passage, the passage will still collapse.

Unless he modifies the texture, and when he modifies it to open, the channel will be many times more stable than the original.

But Chu Feng doesn't have the time to study those patterns slowly.

Fortunately, now, he can enter and exit this passage normally.

In this way, every time Chu Feng took a step, he used the power of space to reinforce that section of the passage and prevent it from collapsing.

Under the slight shaking of the space passage, Chu Feng walked towards it unhurriedly.

The passage is deep and dark, and I can't see the end of 1.4 at a glance, and I don't know what the opposite world is like.

But Chu Feng, a master of art, was bold, but he didn't care so much.

He unfolded his consciousness and found that his consciousness was suppressed to a certain extent, but the impact was not great.

So, when he showed his consciousness, he took the whole passage into his mind.

There was nothing surprising about the passage, but a familiar thing jumped into his mind.

Moreover, that thing seemed to sense the existence of Chu Feng and was running towards him quickly.

Soon, that thing appeared in Chu Feng's eyes.

It was a pink monster all over.

Pink is supposed to be a cute color, but when it comes to this monster, it's not cute at all.

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