I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1158 Was attacked (please customize)

It's just that this channel has been open for so long, but it has not sent new men to come.

Does it have no other subordinates?

Or, it doesn't know that the horror F4 headed by Nailhead is dead.

Chu Feng thinks both are unlikely.

With such a murderous spirit as the four guys with nail heads, how could it have no other hands.

And Nailhead goes out to kill, it can increase its strength, it must have an extraordinary connection with the Nailhead Four Ghosts, otherwise, the Nailhead Four Ghosts kill people, and the increase will only be its own strength.

In this way, once the Four Nail-headed Ghosts dies, it will definitely find out the first time.

"Could it be because I sensed my arrival.

Because I don't know much about me, I didn't act rashly. "

Chu Feng thought about it in his heart, and at the same time strengthened a little bit of caution, so as not to be attacked by this guy.

Chu Feng didn't know how strong this guy was.

However, the guy who can make that space channel unable to carry it must be very strong.

Although, its understanding and mastery of the Great Way of Space is not as strong as that of Chu Feng, but perhaps it has a very powerful place in other aspects.

Therefore, Chu Feng still has a certain degree of vigilance against this person and did not take it lightly.

After closing the passage, Chu Feng looked up and flew towards a place.

The ghosts in a radius of more than 100 kilometers were either killed by him or were overrun. He flew for a long time without encountering a single ghost.

After he flew nearly 200 kilometers, he finally saw scattered ghosts appear.

However, because his flying speed was too fast, those ghosts didn't even have time to take a look at him, and he disappeared.

In this space, many places are covered with gray fog, and it is impossible to see it at all.

Fortunately, these mists are just ordinary mists, and they do not have the effect of blocking spiritual consciousness. For Chu Feng, it has no effect.

Chu Feng flew forward for a while, and gradually, more ghosts appeared.

But Chu Feng did not stop, he continued to move forward.

Nearly 400 kilometers away, he found an open place without fog to stop.

Immediately, he reached out and drew in the void.

Immediately, the mysterious spatial pattern appeared again.

Every stroke contains the mystery of the Great Way of Space. Ordinary people don't even understand it, just glance at it, they will be dizzy, as if lost in the vast universe.

Drawing these lines again, Chu Feng is more proficient than the first time.

Not only draws more accurately, but also faster.

After a while, the pattern was successfully drawn, it rotated in the air, turned into a little spot of light and rushed into the void, disappearing.

After a while, where those light spots disappeared, the space automatically split open, and a deep and dark passage was revealed.

"Well, it's faster than the first time, and the space seems to be more stable, not bad.

Chu Feng clapped his hands and nodded with satisfaction, with a smile on his face.

The opening of this passage in the real world is still in the mountain where he came in.

There is no road in that place, and it is impossible for anyone to go there, so there is no need to worry about ordinary people breaking in by mistake.

Immediately, Chu Feng unfolded his consciousness and observed the movements of those ghosts.

If, as he expected, just like those ghosts before, when this space channel appeared, the ghosts in the vicinity of more than 100 kilometers reacted again, and flew towards him in annoyance.

"Haha... It's you who are waiting."

Chu Feng smiled in his heart and quietly waited for these ghosts to come.


The wickedness dissipates, and the Dao Qi always exists.

Hastily as a law.

More than an hour later, as Chu Feng's last sentence "The Mantra of Pure Heaven and Earth" was drawn in his mind, the magical power of resonance appeared again.

Beside Chu Feng, a group of ghosts who were imprisoned by him began to slowly fade away.

After a while, they all disappeared in place.

And Chu Feng checked the system, and a large amount of merit was recorded.

"Do I look like those unscrupulous merchants who cut leeks?"

Chu Feng laughed at himself, but had no plans to stop.

 …for flowers  …


Chu Feng turned around and waved his fingers, the space channel slowly closed again and disappeared in place.

And Chu Feng also continued to fly towards another place.

a day later.

Beside a deep passage, Chu Feng stood aside, quietly waiting for the leeks, oh no, the ghosts came.

One day yesterday, Chu Feng had a huge harvest, and more than 2,000 ghosts disappeared in his hands.

His merit value has also risen by several million.

Although a few million is a lot, it is still a little far from Chu Feng's goal.

No way, although there are a lot of ghosts here, but the level is too low.

Too many are just ordinary ghosts.

Occasionally see a few resentful souls, resentful spirits, are considered relatively high level.

But it doesn't matter, there are tens of thousands of ghosts in this space, harvesting all of them once is also a very good harvest.

Besides, there's the guy who owns the nail head.

Killing this guy might be enough for him to be promoted to a saint.

Now, this is the seventh time that Chu Feng has used this channel, and every time it attracts a large number of ghosts.

This time, it was no exception.

Just a few minutes later, the fastest group of ghosts arrived.

These guys are extremely fierce, and when they come, they want to kill Chu Feng easily.

Of course, the end is the same, and it turns into Chu Feng's merit value.

Just as Chu Feng sent the last ghost of the first batch away, suddenly, in the distant sky, a black shadow flashed, and then a huge machete slashed towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng passed the giant sword on one side of his body, and the giant sword slashed to the ground, making a loud noise, causing a striking crack on the ground.

The blow was not heavy, and the giant knife bounced back and landed in the hands of a ghostly figure.

This ghost was naked, with a long knife, full of fangs, and looked extremely ugly.

But it is extremely tall and burly, with a naked upper body and bulging muscles, as if it has explosive power, and its shape is extremely terrifying.

Chu Feng looked at this ghost, and the ghost also looked at him in the air.

Suddenly, the second batch of ghosts arrived at Bu,

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