I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1162 The sky has fallen (please customize)

It turned out to be the case, Chu Feng figured out the origin of the key of hell.

Baipao Yinhun said again: "In the past few days, I have also learned some new things from your method of opening the space channel.

For this, I want to thank you. 99

"Why?" Chu Feng said, "Don't kill me? 35

"I said you are very smart." Bai Pao Yinhun said: "As long as you take me to the human world, I can not kill you.

Even, it will give you some benefits. 39

"Oh, what's the benefit?" Chu Feng asked with interest.

Baipao Yinhun said: "Aren't you hunting ghosts everywhere? Although I don't know why, I can help you find more ghosts.

It's too troublesome for you humans to find ghosts.

Unlike me, as the same kind, we have a special sense of breath.

With my strength, I can easily find more ghosts and give them to you.

Chu Feng was a little moved.

If Baipao Yinhun really did this, it would indeed be a good thing for him.

Chu Feng said: "I'm very moved, but I'm not going to agree."

"Don't you want those ghosts?"

"Yes, but I have more important things."

"What's the matter? Bai 360 robe Yinhun asked.

Chu Feng said: "Then tell me, what are you going to do in the human world?

"Of course it's killing people to improve my strength.

The human world has a population of more than 5 billion, and I can't even imagine how powerful this will make me.

At that time, even in hell, no one will be my opponent.

Speaking of the back, Baipao Yinhun's face showed a hint of fascination.

Apparently, it has not thought this way once or twice.

Chu Feng said calmly: "That's why I stopped you. 39

The white robe was stunned for a moment: "You are so powerful that you consider those ordinary humans like ants to be the same kind? Do you care about their lives?"

"Yes." Chu Feng said: "Forgot to tell you, I am an exorcist, and my profession is to kill ghosts like you. And protect those who should be protected.

Baipao Yinhun said in surprise: "Are you an exorcist? The exorcist in my impression has nothing to do with it.

Chu Feng said: "I am an exorcist from the East, you have never seen it before. But the profession of killing ghosts is the same (bibe)."

"I really can't talk anymore." Bai Pao Yinhun said: "There are very few intelligent and powerful humans like you, and I don't really want you to die.

Well, your important relatives, I can spare their lives, it should be fine. year

The white-robed ghost has no room to reveal his strong self-confidence, but it always reveals it inadvertently.

On the other hand, it also shows that it is absolutely powerful enough.

Some weak creatures are blindly confident in their own strength.

But the white-robed ghost, an already powerful ghost, is so confident that it is really powerful.

Therefore, Chu Feng did not find his words funny.

Chu Feng said: "I'm sorry, the lives of me and my relatives are in our own hands.

Also, I kinda want you to die.

You are dead, it helped me a lot.

What Chu Feng said was merit value, but Baipao Yinhun obviously couldn't understand it.

"Well, since you want to die so much, there's nothing I can do.

As soon as the voice fell, the white robe on Baipao Yinhun suddenly became bigger.

In an instant, the white robe stretched to cover the entire sky, and the ghost of the white robe disappeared.

At the scene, there was only a white robe that was too big to see, making this space white and dazzling.

If it were an ordinary person here, they would even be unable to open their eyes because they felt that they had too many eyes.

"What kind of attack is this?

Chu Feng looked at the boundless white robe, a little curious, but did not underestimate the enemy.

Although he was as calm as usual on the surface, he had already raised caution in his heart.

Suddenly, a layer of golden light appeared on his body, covering his whole body, making him a little more majestic and looking like a god.

This is actually the "Golden Light Magic Mantra" that has not been used for a long time.

The power of the "Eight Godly Mantras of Taoism" changes with the cultivation of the cultivator.

Now, Chu Feng's semi-sacred cultivation base, its power is naturally different from when he used it before.

Even if he was suppressed to the point where only the cultivation of a five-star Taoist was left, it would still be strong enough.

Showing the "Golden Light Divine Curse", which is rarely used in ordinary times, it can be seen that Chu Feng has paid enough attention to this white-robed ghost.

Suddenly, the white robe covering the entire sky suddenly pressed down towards Chu Feng.

Suddenly, Chu Feng felt that it was not the white robe that was pressing down, but the whole sky was pressing down on him.

In an instant, Chu Feng felt an incomparably huge force falling on him, and all his movements were stagnant.


Chu Feng understood that the attacking method of the white robe pressing down was not really pressing down, but imitating a gravitational environment.

In this environment, all movements of the enemy will slow down because of the extremely powerful force.

The performer is not affected.

Comparing the two, the practitioner will naturally take advantage of it.

Sure enough, the boundless white robe did not fall completely, but stopped at a place more than ten meters above Chu Feng's head, continuing to release an incomparably powerful force, covering Chu Feng's body.

At this time, the white-robed ghost that disappeared just now reappeared.

He appeared more than ten meters away from Chu Feng, but his expression was relaxed and unaffected.

"Well, is my sky pendant very uncomfortable. Now can you reconsider my previous proposal?

As long as you take me out, I can not kill you and your important relatives.

Baipao Yinhun spoke again, trying to persuade Chu Feng.

Chu Feng raised his head a little slowly, glanced at the white robe on his head and said, "What kind of sky pendant is your move, you are using the power of this space.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so powerful.

The connection between you and this dimension is closer than I imagined. 35

"You are also more stubborn than I thought, so let's strengthen it."

The white robe Yinhun stretched out his hand and pointed to the white robe above his head, and the white robe began to press down again.

And with its downward pressure, more power fell on Chu Feng, making Chu Feng's speed slower.

Chu Feng said, "How low can you go?"

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