I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1194 The non-stop dead

Chu Feng got up and dressed, followed Zhang Yuling out of the villa, and saw a few people kneeling at his door.

There are two of them, and I saw Chu Feng in Huangshan Village a few days ago.

There are a few others that Chu Feng has not seen, but must also be the parents of the students.

And, they all now have one thing in common.

With a tired face, sunken eye sockets, and a feeling of a dark forest on his body, people don't like it at first glance.

Chu Feng has seen this situation many times over the years.

After being entangled by ghosts, this is the state.

As soon as Zhang Yuling came out, the parents seemed to see the savior, especially when they saw the two parents that day, they immediately began to kowtow.

"Miss Zhang, it was all our fault that day, you have a lot of adults, you don't care about the villains, don't have the same knowledge as me.

Please, save us. "

A new-faced parent said: "Miss Zhang, I also heard about what happened that day, we are all very sorry and regretful about it, I know that it is difficult to get your forgiveness for a while.

But our lives are in danger now, please save our lives.

"Please, Miss Zhang, save our lives."

Several people said at the same time, and then actually kowtowed to Zhang Yuling.

It's not that Zhang Yuling has never encountered a scene where someone kowtows to him.

But that's because after she saved people, people thanked her.

This time, it was to get her forgiveness, and it was two completely different feelings.

Zhang Yuling was also a little embarrassed for a while, and could only look at Chu Feng.

Others don't know, but she knows that most of the Specter this time can't even be solved by her.

Chu Feng said just now that even if Lin Zhengying, who is already a small celestial master, goes, it cannot be resolved.

She went, and naturally it was even worse.

Naturally, Chu Feng is not stone-hearted, these people are like this, what else can he say.

Nodding calmly to Zhang Yuling, Zhang Yuling understood, stepped forward and said, "Okay, you all get up, I will help you."

"Thank you, thank you Miss Zhang." Several people were grateful and kowtowed again and again.

Zhang Yuling said: "The person you should thank is not me, but him."

Zhang Yuling pointed to Chu Feng.

Only then did several parents look at Chu Feng, and the two parents immediately recognized Chu Feng that day.

But they didn't know Chu Feng's ability, and thought it was Chu Feng who said good things to Zhang Yuling.

He quickly said: "Thank you, thank you this..."

They didn't know Chu Feng's name, and they didn't know what to call it for a while.

"His surname is Chu, you can call him Mr. Chu, or you can call him Chu..."

Zhang Yuling wanted to say Chu Tianshi, but suddenly thought that Chu Feng was already a Taoist, and it seemed inappropriate to call him Tianshi again.

Chu Feng took over and said, "Alright, let's call Mr. Chu."

"Thank you Mr. Chu, thank you Mr. Chu." Several people said quickly.

"Get up." Chu Feng raised his hand.

Several people then stood up with difficulty supporting each other.

Kneeling on the hard rock ground, that feeling, whoever kneels knows.

Chu Feng didn't even want to invite them in and said, "Tell me what you have been through these days. 35

Several parents did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly recounted the events of the past few days.

Just as Chu Feng had expected, during this period, after Zhang Yuling refunded the money, the parents quickly found Lin Zhengying.

However, with Chu Feng's greeting in advance, Lin Zhengying naturally refused.

Then, they found a way to find Huang Qingfeng, and the result was naturally the same.

Those parents are not discouraged, anyway, there are many famous masters of metaphysics on Hong Kong Island, they are rich, and they are not afraid of not being able to invite them.

It didn't take long for them to re-invite a master over there.

As a result, the master just went over to take a look, did nothing, and hurriedly refunded the money and left.

Only then did those parents know that something was wrong.

However, by the time they reacted, it was too late.

On that day, among their parents, people also began to die.

On the first night, only 1 died.

The next day, 3 people died directly.

These parents were completely panicked.

It turned out that they only went out to 200,000.

Now the direct increase to 500,000.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

They invited a few more "masters".

It's just that after these "masters" went to see it, everyone's reaction was the same, and they all refused.

...for flowers ·

On the third day, they again killed 5 people.

In this case, these parents are beginning to despair.

Or Huang Qingfeng couldn't bear it, so someone gave them a sentence and asked them to apologize to Zhang Yuling.

This specter, on the whole of Hong Kong Island, only Miss Zhang can solve it.

What Huang Qingfeng was really referring to was of course not Zhang Yuling, but Chu Feng behind Zhang Yuling.

Several parents got advice, and this is what happened this morning.

"Okay, I already know the matter. You guys can go back and wait. I'll go to Huangshan Village in a while to solve this matter."

Chu Feng waved his hand, meaning to see off.


Several parents are not very concerned.

You are too casual.

Besides, why did you go to Huangshan Village, not Miss Zhang?

Seeing this, Zhang Yuling said: "Mr. Chu is more capable than me. He said that this matter will be solved, and it will definitely be solved. You don't have to worry about it. 99

Zhang Yuling said so, and these parents can't believe it.

I can only thank you and leave in a hurry.

After sending these parents away, Chu Feng and Zhang Yuling returned to the villa and made breakfast as usual.

For Chu Renmei, Chu Feng certainly wouldn't take it to heart.

After all, the distance between the two is too far.

But he wouldn't take it to heart, but Zhang Yuling wouldn't ignore it.

During breakfast, Zhang Yuling asked, "Brother Feng, is that Specter really that powerful this time?

Even the little Celestial Master Aying can't solve it?"

Chu Feng said: "According to my estimation, it is difficult for A Ying to rely only on his ability.

But if he uses some of the magic weapons I gave him, he may be able to fight, but it is hard to say whether he can defeat that Specter.

Zhang Yuling was a little frightened after hearing the words and said: "It's fortunate that you arrived in time, Brother Feng, otherwise I would be really in danger this time.

"That's not the case." Chu Feng smiled and said, "You have the magic weapon bracelet made by me, which can protect you at least ten times.

As long as Li Gui is not too ignorant of advancing and retreating, he should automatically retreat after being stopped by this magic weapon bracelet several times. "predict.

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