I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 1286 Kill the Emperor-level Desolate Beast

I saw that when the two arms on the torso stretched out, they easily grabbed the two shadows in their hands.

Immediately, the torso lifted another foot, and a shadow stepped on it.

Then, he raised his other foot and stepped on a black shadow under his foot again.

In an instant, Chu Feng directly took over four shadows.

There are five black shadows in total. Yan Jun stopped the strongest emperor-level wild beast and prepared to let Chu Feng stop one, and the remaining three, let the other monks form a battle formation to deal with it.

However, Chu Feng alone took over the remaining four emperor-level wild beasts.

Let those monks who are prepared go stupid.

At this time, Chu Feng exerted force with both hands, and actually pulled the two incomparably huge wild beasts over and slammed into each other fiercely.


The sound was so loud that even the thick fog could not stop it, and it clearly passed into Yan Jun's ears.

The two wild beasts were hit to pieces, and their heads were smashed into a large piece.

Yan Jun was also stunned. He had never seen that human beings can achieve such power only with their physical bodies.

This is completely the power of crushing wild beasts.

"Is Brother Chu really human?"

Yan Jun involuntarily came up with such an idea18.

"Oh, so dangerous."

Because he paid attention to Chu Feng's side, he almost let the emperor-level wild ox beast hit the big formation.

With a move in his heart, he hurriedly directed the Sun Moon Wheel and greeted him again.

The two emperor-level wild beasts were pulled over by Chu Feng so abruptly and bumped into each other, making them extremely angry.

After getting up, ignoring the order of the emperor-level wild ox and ancient beast, he charged directly towards Chu Feng.

However, as soon as they moved, a force entered their bodies and twisted.

Their running bodies stagnated and fell to the ground with a bang, and they stopped moving.

After using the power of space to kill the two emperor-level wild beasts, Chu Feng did the same and easily killed the other two emperor-level wild beasts that he stepped on.

At this time, Yan Jun had just repelled the emperor-level wild beast.

"Brother Yan, leave these wild beasts to me to deal with. 35

Chu Feng's voice passed into Yan Jun's mind, making Yan Jun's face change greatly.

"Brother Chu, don't be impulsive, the emperor-level wild beast is much stronger than you think, and it is very difficult to kill.

Chu Feng said: "Brother Yan, don't worry, I have my own way to deal with them."

After speaking, Chu Feng took a sharp step and walked towards the place where the wild beasts were.

Soon, Chu Feng disappeared into the thick fog.

And shortly after he left, the thick fog surrounding the north side of the city actually became lighter.

"Well, what is that?"

The dense fog faded, and the spiritual consciousness of the monks returned to their original state, and soon someone found four behemoths on the ground outside the city.

As a ten-star holy monarch, Yan Jun naturally discovered it long ago.

With a rather complicated expression on his face, he said solemnly, "That's the corpses of four emperor-level wild beasts."


The monks exclaimed: "How could the four emperor-level wild beasts be killed so easily?"

Yan Jun sighed: "Chu Shengjun's strength is beyond your imagination."

The cultivators looked at each other in dismay, and they all saw a trace of astonishment in each other's eyes.

To kill four emperor-level wild beasts so easily and quickly, even Yu Jun and Yan Jun can't do it.

No, it can't be said that it can't be done, but it certainly won't be as easy as Chu Shengjun.

"Look, those attacks are gone."

Suddenly, a monk shouted loudly.

Only then did everyone realize that as Chu Feng entered the thick fog, those long-range attacks had all stopped.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Yan Jun.

Yan Jundao: "Stop attacking and wait for the news of Chu Shengjun."

"Yes!" "The attack on this side also stopped, so as not to accidentally hurt Chu Feng.

Yan Jun also had a heart, and followed Chu Feng to kill those wild beasts directly.

But he can't do it.

His task is to guard the north gate.

If something happened to him as soon as he left, the city gate here would be in danger.

Suddenly, a terrifying shock came from the thick fog.

This kind of shock, even though it was so far away, blocked by the thick fog, Yan Jun still felt it very clearly.

Not only Yan Jun, but several saints also clearly noticed this.

They looked in that direction in amazement, "Yan Jun, is this Chu Shengjun fighting the wild beast?"

Yan Jundao: "It should be so.

The shock suddenly became more pronounced.

They even saw that the thick white fog began to roll.

Yan Jun and the monks were very excited.

What kind of battle would it have to be to have such a scale.

But after just a moment, all the shocks disappeared.

Outside the North Gate, calm was restored all of a sudden.

The monks also began to worry about Chu Feng. They didn't know whether Chu Feng won the battle or the wild beasts won.

Boom! Boom!

The earth shook again, and the city began to shake again.

"Not good, looking at it like this, it seems that the emperor-level wild beast has attacked the city in person.

The monks' faces changed and exclaimed.

Yan Jun's heart also sank. Did Chu Feng really fail and was killed by the emperor-level wild beast and other wild beasts together?

But at this moment, a leg that I don't know how long took 350 steps in one step and walked directly outside the city, so that ordinary monks could clearly see this leg.

The cultivators were startled and were about to react when another leg stepped forward. Then, a huge golden figure appeared in front of them.

And in his hand, he was still dragging a huge wild beast whose head could not be seen at a glance.

Suddenly, the thick white mist faded away a lot, revealing most of Chu Feng's body.

That majestic body, dragging the figure of a wild beast bigger than a mountain, is like a real god descending to earth.

At this moment, the eyes of the monks were completely filled with the image of Chu Feng, and they could no longer see anything else.

In their hearts, in addition to being shocked, they were still shocked.

Even Yan Jun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Chu Feng to actually kill the emperor-level wild beast.

"Brother Chu is a good way, how about the other wild beasts?"

Chu Feng's body shrank rapidly, and soon returned to normal size. He said, "It's all solved, and I'll trouble Brother Yan to get those corpses back."

"All solved? Not a single one escaped?

"It's all solved." Chu Feng put down the corpse, the human figure flashed, and the person had appeared above the city.

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