I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 132 The Soul of Hell at Night (5 More Customized)

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Kevin, you don't have to feel sorry, you have done a good job.

To have the courage to stand up in that situation, you have proven that you are a man. "

"Really? But I was terrified in the end. 35

Chu Feng said: "Fear of death is a human instinct, not being afraid is abnormal, you don't need to feel guilty.

I am so grateful for you to stand up. By the way, you should be the one who called the police, right? 35

"Well." Kevin-Chou nodded and admitted: "They pointed a gun at me, and I dared not do anything else, but quietly called the police."

"Look." Chu Feng said with a smile: "Didn't you help me a lot?"

"Hehe..." Kevin-Zhou also laughed.

"Go back, your father is still waiting for you at home."

"Well." Kevin-Zhou nodded with a smile: "Chu Feng, Uncle Huang, Miss Li, then I'll go back.

By the way, Chu Feng, you have to be careful, those people will definitely come to revenge you. 35

"I know, I will be careful, thank you for your reminder, go back quickly.

Watching Kevin-Zhou leave, Chu Feng said: "Kevin is a good boy.

Huang Bojun nodded in agreement, but soon felt wrong: "If I remember correctly, Chu Feng, you are only 24 years old this year, why are you so old-fashioned?"

Chu Feng smiled, but did not answer, but gestured to his car: "Carrie, come down. 35

Just now, Chu Feng told Carrie before getting off the bus, and told her not to get off if she didn't call her.

After all, Carrie had more than a hundred lives on her shoulders.

Moreover, now that the media has reported it, the whole city knows it, so she has not been allowed to show up.

Even if Chu Feng handled things very cleanly, but after all, time is short, it is better not to take risks.

Carrie also knew her own business, and she was obedient and didn't mess around.

At this time, seeing Chu Feng greet her, she got out of the car and walked here.

Only then did Li Maggie and Huang Bojun know that there was another person in Chu Feng's car.

Seeing that it was a little girl, both of them looked at Chu Feng with questioning eyes: "Who is this".?"

Before Carrie had arrived, Chu Feng said quickly: "A poor child without parents, don't ask this later. Lest she be sad."

The two of them understood and didn't ask any more questions.

After Carrie came over, she said hello to Maggie Li and Huang Bojun under the introduction of Chu Feng.

Huang Bojun had something to do in the store. After delaying for so long, he hurriedly said hello and went back.

Carrie looked at Maggie Li curiously, as if guessing her relationship with Chu Feng.

Li Maggie also looked at Carrie curiously, but she didn't ask more with Chu Feng's reminder.

After such a thing happened, Chu Feng naturally couldn't bring Carrie back to Taolin immediately.

Instead, they went up to the second floor with Maggie Li.

Chu Feng quietly pulled Maggie Li and asked her to talk to Carrie more.

Although Maggie Lee is only one year older than Carrie, she is much more mature mentally than Carrie.

Besides, she had some sympathy for Carrie, so she readily agreed.

Carrie has only known one friend like Chu Feng since she was a child.

She saw that Maggie Li had a good relationship with Chu Feng, so she also had a certain affection for Maggie Li.

In addition, Maggie Lee deliberately treated her well, and the two soon became friends.

Carrie is very happy that besides Chu Feng, she has another friend.

However, in her heart, friends are also ranked.

Chu Feng must be the first.

After dinner, Maggie Lee and Carrie got together again.

Maggie Lee took out some of her girls' private collections and shared them with Carrie.

Carrie, who had never experienced a real childhood, looked both happy and envious.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Chu Feng and Carrie went out together.

Originally, Chu Feng wanted to go alone. After all, he didn't want Carrie to be contaminated with blood again.

But Carrie also insisted on following her, so Chu Feng had to take her.

37th Street is naturally next to 36th Street.

The two of Chu Feng arrived here after a while, and successfully found the Hell's Soul Bar.

After ten o'clock, it was when the bar was busy.

Standing outside, Chu Feng could hear the deafening music coming from inside.

Chu Feng took Carrie into the bar and saw the men and women who kept twisting their bodies inside.

Chu Feng said to Carrie: "Turn off the music.

Carrie said nothing, just looked up at the DJ booth.

Soon, the DJ who was playing the disc screamed, and the disc player under his hand exploded a string of sparks, and then all the speakers here exploded with sparks.

The deafening music came to an abrupt end.

Those men and women who kept twisting their bodies were stunned at first, followed by all kinds of curses.

Chu Feng raised his chin to Carrie again and said, "`々 Get that spotlight ball down."

Carrie nodded slightly, and after a while, the spotlight ball, which was hanging in the air, kept emitting various lights, squeaked and showed signs of falling off.

The men and women who were swearing at the beginning suddenly became quiet.


With a loud bang, the spotlight ball fell out of the air and quickly fell to the ground.

The crowd let out an exclamation and hurried to the side to dodge.


The spotlight ball fell to the ground and shattered.

Fragments flew everywhere, and many people were scratched instantly.

The men and women roared even more angrily.

But just then, more stuff in the air began to fall off, and more people were injured.


I don't know who roared, and then everyone ran to the door of the bar desperately.

Seeing this, Chu Feng smiled and said to Carrie: "You also go out with them and wait for me outside.

Carrie turned her head to look at Chu Feng. Seeing that Chu Feng's face was serious, she nodded and said, "Okay, hurry up."

Carrie followed the customers out of the bar and stood outside the bar.

Those customers turned out to be very angry, and they kept scolding all kinds of words with sexual organs in their mouths.

But after calming down, he quickly thought that this was the stronghold of the soul of hell, and his voice lowered unconsciously.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot in the bar, and then more gunshots sounded like a bow like fried beans.



The customers outside were startled, and before they could figure out what was going on, another scream rang out.

Out of curiosity, a few customers were about to take a look, but as soon as they got close, a few bullets flew out from inside, rubbing their scalps and quickly leaving.

Those few people were so frightened that they almost urinated on the spot.

With a loud cry, he ran away, not daring to stay for a moment.

It means that where you can lie down on a cow, you can practice Tai Chi.

Therefore, it is not necessary to practice Taijiquan in a very open place at all.

Just after Chu Feng finished practicing, she was sweating, and saw Carrie walking downstairs.

Chu Feng said early and asked, "Carrie, didn't you say yesterday that you want to get up early with me to learn kung fu?

Why didn't you get up today?

Carrie said: "Because I didn't sleep well last night?

"I didn't sleep well, do you recognize the bed? But you slept well the night before." Chu Feng asked in confusion.

Carrie gave Chu Feng a sideways look: "Because you guys made too much noise last night, don't you know how to keep your voice down? And it's still so long."

"Uh..." Chu Feng was stunned for a moment, his old face a little embarrassed.


Something seemed to fall to the ground upstairs, and Li Maggie's voice came: "It's alright, it's alright, it's just that the pot fell to the ground."

Chu Feng is even more embarrassed, this is what Li Maggie heard too.

Until breakfast, Maggie Lee's face was still a little red, and she was a little afraid to look at Carrie.

He also glared at Chu Feng several times.

Chu Feng gave him an innocent look back.

After breakfast, Maggie Li was going to an acting class, and Chu Feng took Carrie back to Taolin 0...

"Oh, by the way, I recently made a new batch of magical instruments, and I will send them over to sell together the other day. 35

Before leaving, Chu Feng said to Maggie Li.

Just arrived in Taolin, Chu Feng received a call from Mike.

"Tianshi Chu, a fire broke out at the Soul of Hell bar last night. Forty-seven members of the gang from top to bottom all died last night."

Chu Feng said lightly: "Oh, is it? This is really good news."

Mike was speechless: "I just called to tell you, goodbye, Chu Tianshi. 35

"Goodbye." Mike heard Chu Feng's calm voice on the phone.

Hanging up the phone, Mike was stunned for a while.

Forty-seven people died in one night.

Moreover, after the police went in, they only found some skeletons that were burnt and mutilated.

It's still, last night the fire brigade went over and put out the fire.

Otherwise, none of these skeletons would remain.

Mike suddenly remembered the case that had been making a lot of noise recently.

One hundred and forty-nine people died mysteriously in a villa in the suburban town, but only some of the ashes were found at the scene.

Is it?

Mike suddenly shuddered, not daring to think about it any further.

"Definitely not, definitely not Chu Tianshi, this is just a coincidence."

Mike tried his best to comfort himself, even he was reluctant to investigate other 5.1 information.

Chu Feng hung up the phone and thought about it.

"The way I killed the soul of hell is very similar to the way I dealt with Carrie's classmates, and it will definitely reveal something."

"However, except for Mike, the other police officers don't know my abilities. So, they don't suspect me."

"And Mike and I have a certain tacit understanding, even if there is doubt, he is not sure. Even if he is sure, there is a high probability that he will not expose me.

"Even if he wants to break me down, it's useless because I left no evidence.

"What does a handful of ashes say? There were no cameras at the scene, and no witnesses other than Carrie."

"So, I don't have to worry about anything.

The thoughts in Chu Feng's mind turned sharply, and after confirming that there was no problem, his face relaxed.

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