I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 149 The Golden Light Curse Shows Its Power (2 More)

Chu Feng froze in his heart, the Reaper was really powerful, and with just one blow, Chu Feng judged that the other party at least had the strength of a resentful spirit.

Moreover, the level of resentment is not low.

If Samora is in front of it, he will not cut a scythe on the other side.

"Humph!" Chu Feng snorted coldly and raised his hand.

A dark yellow wooden needle flew out and did not enter the reaper's body.


The reaper screamed in pain, his body kept retreating, and the sickle was naturally retracted in order to resist Chu Feng's next attack.

The reaper's painful screams echoed in the basement.

However, Chu Feng's expression did not relax at all.

Because the reaper is only in pain, not hurt.

You know, what he threw out just now was a thin needle made from the leftovers of the wood struck by lightning.

Chu Feng also blessed these fine needles with mana.

Note that it is mana, not psychic power.

Before the Taoist priest came to the earth master, he could only bless the magic weapon with the power of mind by reciting the Taoist talisman.

And when you arrive at the earth master, the vitality can be released from the body, and then the magic weapon can be blessed.

Chu Feng blessed these lightning-strike wooden needles with mana.

Although, these fine needles cannot carry too much mana due to their size.

But because it is the reason why lightning strikes the wood, the combination of the two is still quite powerful.

Ordinary ghosts will be dissipated after a single injection.

Chu Feng also gave these fine needles a name, called Thunderstorm Needles.

This time, it was Chu Feng's first use.

Although, the reaper screamed again and again as soon as he shot, but he was only beaten very painfully and was not injured.

At this point, it can be seen that the reaper is indeed very powerful.

"It seems that the Holy Light suppresses him even more. However, I can take care of you without the Holy Light."

Chu Feng stretched out his hand to catch it, and the lightning strike wooden peach wood sword behind him was already in his hand.

Chu Feng stepped out and quickly deceived himself to the side of the reaper. With the peach wood sword raised, the sixth-level magic-defying sword technique was displayed for the first time.

I saw an orange-yellow vitality sword that was bigger than the peach wood sword, and came out of the sword.

The speed quickly fell into the reaper's body.


The reaper screamed again, and it seemed more painful than before.

But this time, it did not retreat, endured the pain, the huge scythe in his hand slipped, grabbed the neck of the scythe, and waved it hard towards Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was determined to try the reaper's strength. He sat down on his hips, his whole body was full of vitality, and the peach wood sword in his hand also condensed a layer of orange light.


The sickle and the mahogany sword clashed, making a dull muffled sound.

Chu Feng was shocked and slipped more than two meters away, but because of his strong physique, he was not injured.

I just felt a shock in my body, a little uncomfortable.

But that monster just swayed and didn't have much impact.

Chu Feng knew that he had actually lost the power competition.

The reaper is close to 3 meters in height, and the huge body is really not white.

Moreover, it was only slightly injured when it was hit by a Demon Slayer Sword, and it did not affect it to continue fighting.

It was the first time that Chu Feng had encountered an opponent who had not had much influence after he had faced the Demon Sword.

Such power, such defenses, and powerful weapons, he would take away his lifespan if he was not careful.

This thing is really not easy to deal with.

However, this made Chu Feng's fighting spirit even higher.

"Death to me."

The reaper roared and pounced again.

"Carrie, stop him for a few seconds. 99

"it is good.

Carrie nodded solemnly, stood in front of Chu Feng, and pushed her hands forward out of thin air.


An invisible violent force actually pushed the reaper unsteadily and retreated again and again.

Chu Feng also looked at it for a while, Carrie was so powerful.

I underestimated her.

However, he saw that Carrie's face was as pale as paper, and two black blood flowed from her nose. Obviously, this kind of power was a great burden on her.

Chu Feng had the heart to blame her, but couldn't bear it.

I had to close my mind and stop thinking about it.

Chu Feng's expression turned solemn, and he quickly took a step under his feet. At the same time, he also pinched the Taoist formula in his hand, and quickly recited in his mouth:

"The Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth is the root of all energy.

Extensively repair thousands of kalpas and prove my supernatural powers.

Inside and outside the Three Realms, the Tao is the only one.

The body has golden light, reflecting my body.

Donghui is full of wisdom, and the five spirits are soaring.

The golden light appeared quickly, covering the real person. 35

As soon as Chu Feng finished reciting, he felt that the vitality in his body suddenly disappeared a lot. Fortunately, he is now a three-star earth teacher with abundant vitality, so he doesn't need to worry for the time being.


A layer of golden light silently covered Chu Feng.

Wrapping his whole body inside makes Chu Feng look extremely majestic and sacred.

"'々 Get out of the way. 99

Chu Feng drank lightly and stopped in front of Carrie.

Just at that moment, the reaper made a comeback again, and the sickle quickly cut on Chu Feng.

Chu Feng immediately felt that the powerful evil power fell on him, but was blocked by the golden light.

But even so, Chu Feng felt a chill penetrate into his body.

However, at this moment, his innate thunder spirit body automatically released a warm current, dispelling the chill at once.

Chu Feng was shocked, the reaper's sickle was so powerful.

If it weren't for his golden body protection, even if he was not directly harvested for all his lifespan, the taste would definitely be unpleasant.

"Hmph, are you great?"

Chu Feng snorted coldly, and with a move in his hand, a Spiritual Blood Lightning Talisman appeared in his hand.

Throwing it on the reaper, Chu Feng said: "Hurry.


The spirit-blood Yulei Talisman turned into a thick bolt of lightning and fell on the reaper.

Let the reaper let out an even more painful scream.

For the first time, the Reaper was seriously injured.

Chu Feng did not miss this opportunity.

I saw that he took out a ruler made of peach wood struck by lightning.

There are scales on both sides of the ruler, and there are also patterns such as gourd Ruyi.

This is a Taoist ruler with a domineering name, called the Measure of Heaven.

Known as the energy of the sky.

Of course, that's a false claim.

Chu Feng measured the sky ruler against the reaper and shouted: "One foot three inches, shrink. 35

With that said, Chu Feng threw the measuring ruler into the air.

Something magical happened.

The measuring ruler actually floated in the air, and there was no sign of falling.

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