I Am a Taoist Priest in Hollywood

Chapter 474 Ed's Collection (1 more)

Chu Feng suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the couple knew Polk.

At the beginning, when Chu Feng cleaned up Samora, Polk watched the whole process, and naturally knew his ability.

Possibly afterward, Polk blew a rainbow fart for him, and some media reports made the two people worship themselves a little bit.

After all, they themselves are doing this business, and they will naturally worship the bullies in their peers.

And Chu Feng, is definitely the bull among the bulls.

Speaking of which, Chu Feng hasn't seen Polk since he left in New York.

Can't help asking: "How is Polk recently?"

"Very good." Ed said: "Master Polk has become more and more famous recently.

Because he has a lot of magical talismans in his hand, when he encounters some problems, he often throws a talisman and solves it.

I heard from Master Polk that his magical talismans were sold to him by Master Chu Tianshi. ""

When he said this, Ed looked at Chu Feng with shining eyes.

Chu Feng didn't expect that Polk, holding those talismans, would get better and better.

Thinking of the scene when he sold those talismans to Polk, Chu Feng also wanted to laugh.

Polk wanted a large amount. At that time, he drew a lot of talismans for Polk overnight before he could get the amount he wanted.

Chu Feng smiled: "Yes, I sold it to him, that's a lot of money."

Ed said expectantly: "Can we buy it?"

"Of course." Chu Feng said: "Actually, I have a shop on 36th Street called Baopuzhai, which specializes in selling these talismans, and anyone can buy them.

"That's great." Ed said excitedly: "Then I must buy some more."

Chu Feng said: "Yes, you can buy it at any time, I don't have it with me now."

With his current strength, those talismans are useless to him, so naturally he doesn't need to bring them.

Ed and Luo Lin looked at each other: "We'll go when we're free 〃々.""

Chu Feng smiled and said: "My talisman is a little expensive, you have to be prepared. 35

Ed nodded indifferently, the two of them were wealthy.

After all, they were the only exorcists recognized by the church.

In other words, it is in cooperation with the official.

When the church receives a case, it will usually be handed over to them.

Afterwards, they get paid to give a portion to the church.

Although they have to be layered, they have received far more cases than other exorcists.

Income, of course, is much higher.

Lorraine said: "Ed, sit with Tianshi Chu for a while, and the meal will be ready soon.

"it is good.""

Ed responded and went to the sofa in the living room with Chu Feng.

Before he could sit down, Ed suddenly said: "Chu Tianshi, I will show you my treasure. 99

"Okay." Chu Feng knew what treasure he was talking about.

In the movie, Ed has a habit of bringing back a key item in that case every time he handles a case.

Because there were too many cases, Ed brought back more and more items, and finally put a full room.

Ed took Chu Feng to the outside of a room, turned the door and walked in.

The curtains in the room were closed, and it was dark. Ed turned on the light, and the dim light came down.

Ed said: "Nothing here likes too harsh light, so I installed such a dim light.

Chu Feng nodded, indicating that he knew, and began to look at the things in the room.

It is really strange, there are ordinary-looking alarm clocks, music boxes, small toys, and small dolls.

However, Chu Feng found that these things carried some evil spirits.

Chu Feng knew that these things were originally not evil, but yin.

But the ghost inside, after being dealt with by Ed and his wife, only some evil spirits remained.

Chu Feng looked all the way and saw a dagger and a medieval long sword.

These two things have hidden energy fluctuations. Chu Feng took a closer look and knew that they were two weapons with special energy.

If it is used to deal with ghosts, it will have a special damage effect.

But for Chu Feng, the effect is similar to his original three-strike lightning peach wood sword, so naturally it doesn't have much value.

Continuing to go inside, Chu Feng remembered that in the movie, in a prominent position, there was Annabelle's doll.

But Annabelle has been dealt with by him long ago, and there is naturally no Annabelle here in Ed.

Ed waited until Chu Feng had finished reading the entire room before asking: "Chu Tianshi, what do you think of my collection? 35

Chu Feng said: "The collection is very evil, so be careful not to be touched by ordinary people.

Actually, my suggestion is to burn it all down.

Ed said with a wry smile: We also know this before, but we have a deep relationship with the church, and sometimes we have to write something about this and give it to the church.

These tools are needed.

Chu Feng nodded: "Then you have to keep it safe.

These things are very attractive to femininity, and if they spread out, they will attract some femininity. 99

Ed heard the words solemnly: "We will."

Chu Feng pointed at the dagger and the long sword: "These two things are okay, they are useful to you.

In the future, when a case occurs, bring them with you, it may be of some help.

Ed glanced at the dagger and the long sword, with a happy expression on his face: "Thank you!

He really didn't know that these two things had special effects.

Chu Feng smiled indifferently: "When there is no case, it is best not to bring it.

The energy contained in it is not good for the human body. "

(Get money Zhao) "Okay, I must remember. 35 Ed hurriedly agreed.

"Ed, it's time to eat." Lorraine's voice came suddenly.

Chu Feng and the two exited the room.

After Ed asked Chu Feng to sit down, he went to call his daughter and nanny Gong.

Ed's daughter, Judy, is a very cute little girl who is only six years old this year.

After seeing Chu Feng, Judy kept staring at Chu Feng with a pair of curious eyes.

Lorraine said: "Judy, don't be so rude, you can't keep staring at the guests.

Chu Feng waved his hand indifferently and smiled at Judy: "Do I have flowers on my face?"

Judy shook her head and said, "No, I just think you smell good.

Chu Feng laughed dumbly, and then his qi closed and his pores shrank: "Is there any more now?

Judy sniffed and said strangely, "No more."

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