The female robot is gaining fans in the live broadcast room, and Su Yang is not idle either.

The anti-interference problem of tanks has not been solved yet, and there is currently no way to solve it with the technology obtained through lottery.

But other stones can be used to attack jade, and the intelligent algorithms of robots can be added to toy tanks.

In this way, the tank has a certain ability to judge itself.

Even if the tank's communications are blocked during a war, it can still fight autonomously.

Although it still failed to solve the key problem, it at least made improvements.

It is slightly more difficult to improve because all basic logic codes need to be typed by hand.

Su Yang led a group of lv3 super experts and quickly tapped the keyboard.

Two days later, the code upgrade was completed, and the tank's computing power was greatly enhanced.

It's just a software improvement. It only needs to be replaced and restarted, and it will not affect manufacturing efficiency.

After stability testing, the first batch of tanks manufactured for the military will be replaced.

The replacement was completed and the first batch of one thousand toy tanks was shipped.

Su Yang didn't need to worry about supplying goods to the military. The military trucks came to haul the goods and the money was paid quickly. The remaining 22.4 million was received on the same day.

Originally there were 19 million, and adding these 24 million, the total is 43 million. Adding in the millions that have been received every day in the past few days, Gaoyang Factory already has 56 million in its accounts!

There is no need to wait for the second payment to arrive, and the factory can be upgraded!

Looking at the factory upgrade page, Su Yang was a little excited.

The factory that has not been upgraded is so awesome, but it cannot be even more awesome after the upgrade?

Su Yang didn't delay and directly chose to upgrade.

The amount on the account instantly became six million, and at the same time, a prompt sounded in Su Yang's mind: "The factory is being upgraded. Some of the upgrades require manual upgrades. Please do not leave this page."

Then the scope of the virtual factory in my mind began to expand.

In Su Yang's opinion, the factory building, which was already very large, has been expanded again. Based on the original size, it has quadrupled again, with a full row of additional manufacturing plants.

At the same time, various manufacturing equipment are also being upgraded, and various infrastructure personnel are also being upgraded.

The prompt sounded again: "In this upgrade, a worker can be upgraded to a mechanic. Please select the target."

Su Yang subconsciously wanted to choose Zhao Yi, but he did not rush to issue the order because an idea suddenly came to his mind: "Can the person who upgrades be me?"


"Upgrade me!" Su Yang immediately seized this opportunity.

From what he knew so far, a researcher reaching the level of a super expert was already the limit. He was curious about the level of a mechanic who exceeded the limit.

Moreover, the system does not have an upgrade mechanism for him, so this opportunity is relatively rare.

After the order was given, Su Yang felt a massive amount of memories, knowledge about various aspects of machinery, and various manufacturing techniques pouring into his mind.

While knowledge was pouring into his mind, Su Yang could also feel his body strengthening.

Without enough power, there is simply no way to support various manufacturing.

The upgrade process was quite fast and ended in a few seconds, but it had a huge impact on Su Yang.

Su Yang's eyes widened, feeling the vast amount of knowledge in his mind and his strong physique. Is this a bit outrageous?

He can now rub all kinds of cutting-edge mechanical products around the world with his bare hands!

His feel is comparable to the most precise vernier caliper!

[Mechanical Affinity] When you touch any mechanical product, you will know the structure of the product, and the manufacturing speed will be doubled!

Develop machinery-related technical products and double the research and development speed!

Su Yang was extremely shocked, this was a bit beyond his understanding.

Doesn’t this mean becoming a machinist who can imitate all mechanical and electronic products he has seen?

In addition to counterfeiting, the research and development speed will also be greatly accelerated. Combined with the already terrifying knowledge reserves, it is somewhat unbelievable.

Now, even if Su Yang just thinks about anti-interference technology, a lot of technologies will pop up in his mind.

If you think about it carefully, there will be more ideas that will collide and create new technological sparks.

The technical problem that he was originally unable to solve has been completely solved in the process of random thinking!

This is very abnormal. It seems that the mechanic is the source of the research and development function for system upgrades!

The technical level is high and the research and development speed is fast. Isn’t this invincible?

When Su Yang was shocked, another prompt sounded, indicating that the secretary was being upgraded.

He was just a secretary and was directly upgraded to level 2, and then everyone in the department was upgraded.

Su Yang didn't know most of the people in these departments because they had not been used before.

Before, the company was small and could only walk on one leg. Now after the upgrade, the entire company can actually run.

For example, the operations department, purchasing department, and marketing department, etc. People from these departments can start doing things.

You can’t live off live broadcasts all the time!

In addition to the upgrade of the original employees, this upgrade also recruited some more employees.

The upgrade of the entire factory lasted half an hour, and the entire factory could be said to be completely transformed.

Su Yang opened his eyes. The office was over 100 square meters, quite luxurious.

The decoration level has also been directly improved.

Low-key luxury and high-end!

As soon as he sat on the wide office chair, Su Yangneng obviously felt more comfortable. All the parts of his body that needed support were supported, and he would not feel uncomfortable even if he sat for a long time.

When you walk to the door, the double doors automatically open left and right.

Su Yang knew it was a sensor door just by looking at it. He even knew the structure of the sensor door clearly. It was so terrifying for a mechanic.

Then walking outside is the production workshop. The upgraded production line is faster.

Toy tanks were quickly produced one after another.

It used to take three days to manufacture one. After upgrading several special experts, the efficiency increased by 70%, and it only took less than two days.

But now it only takes eight hours to make a toy tank!

The manufacturing time of the most intuitive robot, which used to take ten days, now only takes two days!

Speed ​​increased five times!

Qualitative change!

There are no changes in the playground, which means the expansion of the factory building, which is mainly used for production lines, is good.

After shopping around in other places, Su Yang went directly to the cafeteria.

The canteen of the factory has not been expanded, but there are two more special chefs. In addition, the original special chef has been upgraded to level 3!

God of Cooking!

For this chef who was beyond the level of a special chef, Su Yang ordered several dishes with great anticipation, including fried meat with green peppers, fried eggs with tomatoes, and fried shredded potatoes.

They are all side dishes, and they are all Su Yang's favorite dishes.

What he can do with these few dishes is beyond what other chefs can do. This is his standard.

After waiting for a while, the dishes were served, starting with the fried meat with green peppers. First of all, the color combination and the color of the meat made people appetite!

After taking a bite, Su Yang was immediately amazed. The taste was amazing!

The aroma of green peppers intertwined with a touch of spiciness, as well as a very soft and sweet taste, as well as the different sensations brought by the different textures of the ingredients, made Su Yang even more amazing!

He has never eaten such delicious fried pork with green pepper in his life!

Try the hot and sour potato shreds again. It is moderately sour, moderately spicy, and has the same moderate taste. Combined with the less strong potato flavor, it is obviously very ordinary, but it feels very different when you eat it.

Finally, there was scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Su Yang just took a bite and poured it directly into the rice. The bibimbap was invincible!

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