Li Zhao's logistics support base is also located in the suburbs of the city, covering a huge area, and the surrounding roads are extensive and wide.

When Su Yang arrived in front of the gate, what he could see was that the entire area was blocked by a wall, which extended all the way to the wide gate.

There are also metal barriers in front of the gate, and there are various new interception devices on the ground.

Faintly, Su Yang heard the sound of shouting from inside. The sound was very far away and already very small, but it still gave people a strong and shocking feeling!

In addition, there are sentries with guns and Li Zhao waiting in front of the gate in advance.

Li Zhao took Su Yang out of the car: "Except for warehouses and other important places where you can't go, I will show you around other places to satisfy your curiosity!"

"Okay!" Su Yang followed Li Zhao into the base. The first thing he saw was a large open space with flying flags.

The entire venue was spotless. Occasionally, people passed by on the road, and they were all neatly dressed and walking steadily and in unison.

The atmosphere was quite solemn and serious.

From time to time, people passing by would salute respectfully and call Li Zhao "chief".

Su Yang was a little curious: "Is there an army here?"

"There are support troops." Li Zhao said softly: "You can simply understand that there are troops."

Su Yang stopped asking any more questions, focused his attention in his mind, and signed in directly.

"It was detected that the host was checking in at the logistics support base, and the item was obtained, the Hummingbird drone!"

Drones, drones are a good thing. They are super killer weapons on the modern battlefield. They are cheap but have great effects.

Focusing on the Hummingbird drone technology, a large number of memories poured into Su Yang's mind.

Su Yang also subconsciously widened his eyes.

Isn't this drone a little too outrageous?

"What's wrong with you?" Li Zhao didn't know Su Yang's brain activity, he only saw Su Yang suddenly in a daze.

"It's okay." Su Yang waved his hand and walked forward while digesting the knowledge in his mind.

I couldn't help but swear in my heart, this was too scary, this is not a hummingbird, this is the scythe of death!

Li Zhao felt that something was wrong with Su Yang: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Su Yang waved his hand again and drew his attention away from the complicated memories in his mind: "I just thought that our company has a new product, do you want it?"

Li Zhao was a little surprised: "What new product?"


Li Zhao hesitated at first. After all, it is one thing that drones play a great role in modern battlefields, but currently the leading company is in the Dragon Kingdom!

The various types of drones owned by the Dragon Kingdom military are also quite advanced in the international market.

When Su Yang talked about drones, his first reaction was, why is this toy factory still researching drones? "How is the performance? If the performance is good, I can order a batch."

"The performance will definitely not disappoint you. Can I have someone send the sample over for a look first?"

"Okay." Li Zhao nodded and said with a smile: "Do you want to transform your toy factory?"

“If we don’t transform, we will just create something based on what is lacking.”

Li Zhao nodded with satisfaction. Su Yang's state of mind was really good.

"Speaking of drones, let me take you to see our drones!" Li Zhao was a little proud. Longguo's drones have been well received in the international market.

There is also a foreign blogger who commented that the performance of Bald Eagle's drone worth 200,000 yuan is similar to that of a domestic drone.

So much so that civilian drones are becoming popular on overseas battlefields.

The number of drones used by the Dragon Kingdom's military has increased significantly in addition to civilian use!

Su Yang is indeed interested in learning about these things. In other words, as a boy, how can he not like these things?

When I was a kid, I had so much fun folding paper airplanes. With technology, I can only be happier!

Li Zhaoxian took Su Yang into a room. In this room, there were many soldiers sitting neatly, holding a remote control with a screen, a joystick, and slightly complicated buttons.

On the screen in front of them, drones were flying rapidly.

Li Zhao explained: "UAV flight simulation training is simulated using games, and the effect is not much different from actual aircraft operation."

Then Li Zhao took Su Yang to the equipment display area, where a variety of drones were placed alone.

These drones are all painted in camouflage, and some are marked dangerous because the drones are filled with explosives.

When the speed can reach 200 kilometers per hour, carrying a bomb, the destructive effect is quite large!

This thing can perfectly suppress fortresses that were once difficult to conquer in wars!

Facing tanks, tanks, and various bunkers, this thing has great power.

Approximately equivalent to a super flexible small missile!

Su Yang's eyes were a little solemn. Judging from the current situation, this drone can restrain the toy tank!

There are also drones that can continuously cruise at high altitudes!

Long-term cruising surveillance, no sound, and with a coating similar in color to the sky, it is almost impossible to be discovered.

There is also an integrated search and attack machine, which can truly find targets in the sky and launch missiles.

A variety of drones designed for different situations, each one made Su Yang feel like he was a frog in the well.

Originally, he thought the Hummingbird drone was quite unparalleled, but now it seems that it only stands out in a single aspect.

Li Zhao looked at Su Yang's expression: "How does the performance of your company's drones compare to these drones?"

Su Yang shook his head gently, this thing is not comparable.

Li Zhao looked at Su Yang and shook his head, thinking that Su Yang felt that his drone could be thrown away in comparison, but he still comforted him: "Let's take a look at the situation first. If the performance is okay, I can order a batch."

This batch of orders is a consolation prize.

Su Yang didn't refute and continued shopping with Li Zhao.

There are also test flight assessments and competitions for drones.

Su Yang had seen the test flight and could see drones flying in the sky. As for the competition, this was the first time for Su Yang to see it!

Li Zhao introduced: "Travel machine competition!"

An S-curve with various obstacles and fixed passages, ranked according to arrival time!

Su Yang was very curious as he looked at the hoops hanging in the air, various obstacles, curves and other required venues.

Then the next moment, his eyes widened.

A black shadow whizzed up and down, quickly passed the obstacle, and then suddenly lowered through the ring like a kite turning over, accelerating forward.

Then it flipped several times, and the traversing machine hit the finish line and hit the net in front of the bullseye.

Su Yang was shocked. The speed at which the drone was flying just now was at least 150 kilometers per hour. At such a fast speed, that kind of operation was a bit outrageous!

In practical application, wouldn't that be even more outrageous?

Is there any place that this time-traveling machine can't fly to?

When he saw the introduction of the performance of the flying drone, Su Yang felt that the drone was very useful, but that was the basic performance. In the hands of these top drone operators, the role of these drones would become quite significant. huge!

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