Its rotary engine can also make a small tank very fast, but when running in this complex environment, it will take off immediately if it hits it.

In addition to being extremely powerful, this tank also has an incredible stability system!

Who made the big invention? Is it hidden and tucked away without being exposed?

This needs to be exposed and properly made into the news!

Mr. Cao looked up at the student with a solemn expression: "There should be a major breakthrough. The engine, power system, and intelligent system have all made great progress. What kind of laboratory is this? Or is it a big company?"

The girl hesitated: "It's not a research laboratory or a big company. It's a toy factory. It's called Baby Toys!"

Mr. Cao looked up in confusion: "Why haven't I heard of it?"

Two minutes later, Mr. Cao looked at Haobao Toy Company with a confused look on his face as he looked at Haobao Toy Company, which had a registered capital of 100,000 yuan and a lot of operational problems, and had even begun the bankruptcy liquidation process.

What's going on? Scam?

How could a company like this possibly develop such a multi-functional tank?

But he was almost certain that the tank shown in the live broadcast room was real, and apart from this one, no other tank on the market could have such performance.

Look at the price again, twenty thousand?

What about charity?

After pondering for a while, Mr. Cao said: "Find a way to contact this good company, I want to visit you!"

"By the way, buy two of these tanks first!"


In the live broadcast room, Su Yang has already introduced all the functions of the tank.

Fireworks appeared in the live broadcast room twenty-four times!

Transaction volume, 2.4 million!

One hundred and twenty units sold!

This result exceeded Su Yang's expectations!

It doesn't sound like a lot, but you have to remember that this is worth 20,000, and it's still a toy!

The toys cost RMB 20,000 and sold 120 units a day. The sales volume is quite good!

After turning off the live broadcast, Su Yang still felt a little unreal!

Looking at the huge sum of 2.4 million, he felt extremely happy and settled in his heart!

The wages of employees have been reduced, and the money owed by the factory can be paid back.

Now all he has to do is wait for the toy tank to be sent out and the other party to confirm receipt of the goods, and then he will receive the money.

I looked at the transaction amount again and saw that it had increased from 2.4 million to 2.42 million. I had one more order, so happy!

Gotta give birth first!

With his mind sinking into the system, Su Yang entered the data form page, where he could arrange factory production tasks.

Su Yang pulled the multi-functional tank into the production page.

There is a countdown on it, two days, twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes!

It takes three days to make one?

Su Yang clicked the plus sign behind one tank, and the manufacturing time of the second tank also appeared. When the first tank turned into fifty-eight minutes, the second tank just turned into fifty-nine minutes.

Su Yang breathed a sigh of relief, they can be made at the same time!

This way production efficiency can be greatly improved!

Su Yang set the number at one hundred and twenty-one, and then he faintly heard the roar of machines outside.

Manufacturing begins!

Su Yang suppressed his excitement and walked into the factory where production was taking place. He could see that everything was in order and busy!

Some people process various materials and process the materials into parts. Different parts are put into different areas, and then automated processing equipment is quickly installed.

Fast, fully automatic assembly line.

Several assembly lines are working at the same time, and many small and precise parts are being manufactured quickly.

This picture, with flowing clouds and flowing water, gives people a pleasing feeling.

Moreover, the entire manufacturing process is very fast. Whether it is the manufacturing of parts or assembly, it is quite fast and precise.

Su Yang had been watching it for several minutes without even realizing it. It was such a stress reliever!

If you weren't worried that posting this scene would be too shocking, then posting it online would definitely be a speed bump for men, and the number of views would never be low.

After taking a look at the sky, the sunset was about to set. Su Yang was also a little hungry, so he went straight to the cafeteria.

There used to be a canteen in the factory, but the canteen was run by an aunt from a nearby factory and the food was not very good.

Although the chef given to him after the system upgrade is also lv1, his lv1 label is a special chef.

Su Yang walked into the cafeteria and smelled the aroma of vegetables.

Suddenly my appetite increased greatly and my stomach began to growl. I didn't eat much all day today.

He was not in the mood to eat before. After all, the company closed down and he had almost no chance of climbing up. Later, he forgot to eat because of the system.

After finding a seat and sitting down, the chef hurried over and said, "Director, what would you like to eat?"

Su Yang thought for a while and said, "Look at it, just be a little lighter."

"Okay." The head chef turned and walked into the kitchen. Within ten minutes, he brought out a tray full of various seafood.

Really light!

You can eat more seafood now, so that you won't feel so uncomfortable when you eat the seafood you cultivated in your childhood.

While he was nibbling on shrimps, the secretary came over quickly and said, "Boss, someone wants to come to our factory for technical exchanges."

Su Yang was a little confused. The transformation of his factory just started in the afternoon, and someone came to communicate? Is it an old toy factory before the exchange, or a new toy factory?

The secretary seemed to see Su Yang's doubts and explained: "After checking, it is Professor Cao Yonghua, a first-level professor. He must have seen your live broadcast today, so he wanted to come over to communicate."

Su Yang first took out his mobile phone and checked. He didn't quite understand what first-level professor meant.

After checking, Su Yang fell silent. The most awesome professor besides academicians?

Such an awesome professor wants to come here to communicate?

Then he could also see the resume of Cao Yonghua, who went to Bald Eagle to study abroad in his early years, obtained a doctorate, and then returned to Longguo to research and teach at the same time.

He is currently the core developer of several small detection equipment for the military.

He has also published many books and is a real industry leader.

Su Yang was a little hesitant. This big guy was coming over. Wouldn't his secret be exposed all of a sudden?

Seeing Su Yang's hesitation, the secretary added: "The other party said they could introduce military orders!"

Su Yang didn't want to see Cao Yonghua, but he didn't want to give up the military order either!

Being able to take orders from the military not only means making money, but it also means expanding your network of contacts!

With this tiger skin that has cooperated with the military, there will be almost no trouble in subsequent development!

Su Yang frowned: "But as soon as he comes over, our factory will have to reveal the secret. There is no one in the factory who can communicate with him."

The secretary looked at Su Yang: "Can't you do it? In addition, you can upgrade the technicians."

Su Yang was startled, yes, he can, he has all the knowledge about multi-functional tanks in his mind!

There is absolutely no problem for him to communicate with Professor Cao!

But he is the boss, and he is relatively young and not very good at performing!

Upgrading technicians?

Su Yang's mind sank into the system. Upgrading from lv1 to lv2 requires 50,000 yuan!

Originally a senior mechanical engineer, once upgraded, he will become a researcher-level mechanical engineer!

After upgrading for the second time, you will become a special expert, but the second upgrade costs 500,000!

Su Yang currently has no money in his account, but the problem is not big. The system can provide interest-free loans!

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