Su Yang put down the gun in his hand and looked back at General Huang.

General Huang saw Su Yang's eyes and was a little confused: "What's wrong?"

"Actually, I have another purpose for coming here this time. I want to borrow the shooting range to test the guns developed by our company."

He couldn't wait to test the true power of the laser gun!

General Huang was stunned. No wonder Su Yang suddenly said he wanted to play with guns.

However, companies that develop firearms need to be qualified, otherwise any machine tool can produce a gun.

"Take the gun and test it, and I will approve your company's qualifications to avoid being caught later."

Su Yang shook his head: "Such a shooting range is not easy to test. The gun I developed is very powerful."

"How big is it?"

"Can fight tanks."

General Huang was silent for a moment. A gun that can shoot tanks? Isn't that a joke? How much recoil would that be?

Is that a human pistol?

However, General Huang didn't say anything more and just nodded: "Okay, I'll make the arrangements. Show me the gun and I'll have the tanks shipped over."

"Some of the tanks that have been scrapped are good targets."

"Wait a minute, I'll have someone bring the gun over."

When Su Yang was talking, a car from the headquarters had already set off with a laser gun, and it could arrive in an hour.

General Huang arranged for people to transport the scrapped tanks.

Soon a rusty tank appeared on the shooting range.

Su Yang was sitting in the shade of the shooting range, waiting for the laser gun to be delivered. Sitting next to him was Chen Xuerou.

There was confusion and surprise in Chen Xuerou's eyes.

Why is Su Yang qualified to be here and still has a good relationship with the general?

From the beginning, she only thought that this person was a business genius, but now she is increasingly unable to see through it.

Su Yang leaned on the chair and looked back at Chen Xuerou: "Aren't you interested in guns?"

Chen Xuerou stretched out her hand. Her hand was very beautiful, with long and white fingers. The whole hand was soft and boneless, but the tiger's mouth was red at the moment.

"It hurts."

Su Yang subconsciously turned to look at Xiao Meng.

Xiao Meng was playing with a sniper rifle. He fired one shot on his left shoulder, grinning, then put the gun on his right shoulder and fired the second shot.

Belonging is painful and joyful.

Chen Xuerou followed Su Yang's gaze and smiled: "She has been a crazy girl since she was a child. She likes to play with things that boys like."

"You can see, it's quite crazy." Su Yang also nodded. Except for people who often play with guns, who can withstand such a torment?

Even if he had a strengthened body and played with guns for a while, he could still feel pain.

"How did you get involved with them?" Chen Xuerou asked curiously.

"With cooperation, it started out as a toy tank. It was equipped with weapons and purchased by the military." Su Yang said with a smile. It was purely Professor Wei who built the bridge. Without Professor Wei's recommendation, he might not have been able to reach this point. .

Chen Xuerou was stunned, she didn't expect it to be like this.

"I saw a video on the Internet saying that the performance of the toy tank was very good, but I didn't expect it to be so good that the military even purchased it."

Su Yang also smiled: "With that cooperation, our company will also develop products that are only supplied to the military. This time we came here to test the power of the new products!"

Chen Xuerou looked at the field and saw that it was the second tank that had been transported: "Is this tank being transported here as a target?"

"Yes!" Su Yang nodded, and then saw a chariot approaching in the distance, more than one.

If there is a big event, there must be important people present.

Su Yang signaled the bodyguard to call Xiao Meng over.

Xiao Meng, grinning, rushed to Su Yang's side: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong?"

"Here comes an unfamiliar big shot, please be patient."

Xiao Meng instantly became honest.

The convoy arrived, and the first person to get out of the car was a tall general with the same two gold stars on his shoulders.

Then in the second car, a general also came down, a three-star boss!

Su Yang's expression tightened. There weren't many people like this in the entire Dragon Kingdom!

On the third car, the same boss came down, with two stars.

The cars behind were all filled with big guys.

The stars made the atmosphere at the scene almost solid. The instructors and ordinary soldiers at the shooting range were now standing upright, their bodies tense, their hearts beating fast, and their eyes fixed!

If someone were to go over and throw them to the ground at this time, they would fall straight down.

The big guys got out of the car and greeted each other, then looked around.

Suddenly, someone noticed Su Yang and walked forward quickly: "Su Yang?"

Su Yang nodded, neither humble nor arrogant: "Hello."

The general slapped Su Yang on the shoulder: "Well done, you have such magnanimity at such a young age!"

Su Yang was so stupid, why was he so good?

"you are?"

"My surname is Wang!" The general said with a smile, "Let's exchange phone numbers. If you need anything, call me."

Chen Xuerou and Xiao Meng looked at this scene in confusion. There were three gold stars on General Wang's shoulders!

Anyone else who wants to say hello to Su Yang has to wait behind!

What's going on?

Su Yang exchanged phone numbers with General Wang: "What are you doing here?"

"Come here to get the Hummingbird drone. I heard that your company has new equipment. I just want to test it, so I came to take a look."

Su Yang turned around instantly. It seemed that the Hummingbird drone was delivered today, and he also relaxed: "Why do you have to come in person to pick up the goods? Shouldn't it be delivered directly?"

General Wang looked back at the group of people behind him: "Waiting for delivery? They are gone. There are only 10,000 sets in total. We have to grab them!"

Su Yang looked at a large group of big guys, how much would each person get? How many sets per person?

It seemed like it wasn’t enough: “Shall I send another batch?”

"No need." General Wang waved his hand: "The first batch is mainly for testing. If it becomes useful later, we will definitely place additional orders. You don't need to think about this. Your company can just continue to do research and development."

"By the way, what equipment are you testing this time?"


A general behind said: "High-tech companies should invest all their R&D funds in high-tech products, firearms, etc. This has actually come to an end."

"No matter how powerful it is, it can only kill people. If it is small, it can kill people. As for other functions, they have basically been explored to their limits."

"Even if a gun with fairly good performance is developed, it will only be used on a small scale."

"If you want to replace guns on a large scale, the key is not the guns!"

Su Yang nodded. He knew this. Let's take the bald eagle as an example. In the past two hundred years, the bald eagle has only changed its pistol four times. On average, it has changed its equipment once every fifty years!

But other fighter jets, various artillery, etc., can be replaced almost in real time. When powerful equipment appears, it will be equipped immediately.

After thinking for a while, Su Yang said: "My gun is different. It is also a super high-tech product. I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"Okay, let's wait and see!"

General Wang led a group of people to sit down in the pergola and wait to see the test results.

Xiaomeng was crazy before, but now, even more quail than quail, she sat there motionless.

Chen Xuerou is a little better, but if you look closely, you can see that the joints of her two intertwined hands have turned white, and it is obvious that she used too much force.

Su Yang was the calmest. Knowing that these people came here for the equipment, they were the ones who should be nervous!

While waiting, General Huang delivered the third tank!

The first two are small tanks, that is, special tanks, and the third one is a heavy tank!

The corner of Lao Wang's mouth twitched when he saw it: "Old Huang, what are you doing? Testing the pistol, you drag the heavy tank over?"

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