Zhao Yi shook his head slightly: "There is no special stabilization system, but there is an intelligent balance system!"

"This balance system can control all the movement equipment of the tank, including the engine, and then the calculations."

“When various detection equipment on the tank detects an obstacle in front, it will calculate the best contact angle.

Control the front to tilt slightly so that you can climb. When there is a depression in front, press the front end down to minimize the impact. "

Professor Cao was shocked when he heard this.

Currently, almost all over the world, passive stability is adopted, that is, equipment is used to maintain stability, such as shock absorption and counterweights, front drive and rear drive, etc. But this little toy tank uses an active balance system!

This level of difficulty has risen to another level!

If you put this system in a car, it will be the car with the best experience in the world!

As a result, such a system is put on a toy?

But considering the performance of this toy tank, this is really not just an ordinary toy.

He can even come up with a story. A group of capable people created a very high-end product, but they couldn't find a sales channel, so they sold it as a toy!

Professor Cao came to his senses and continued to ask: "Where is the power system?"

Zhao Yi took out his notebook from his arms and scribbled quickly: "It uses our improved motor. You should know it by looking at this."

Professor Cao leaned his head over. He didn't quite understand it at first, but Zhao Yi pointed out a few key points and explained.

After a moment, Professor Cao's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. This improvement could change the entire motor industry.

But if it works, he immediately takes out pen and paper from his bag to check and draw pictures.

After a while, the two talked about the connection structure, steering, mechanical control, etc.

We had a meal at noon and evening and chatted until eight o'clock in the evening.

Professor Cao had a large pile of draft paper in his hand and held Zhao Yi's hand tightly: "Listening to Mr. Cao's words is better than ten years of reading!"

"Don't worry, give me a toy tank sample, and I will help you negotiate with the military. However, if the military really wants to cooperate, it may need to be modified on the existing basis."

Su Yang stood up: "There is no problem with the transformation. Just ask for it and we will give you samples for testing."

Professor Cao nodded: "It's getting late, I'll leave first."

He was curious when he came. When he arrived, he was surprised to see that the factory was not big. Quite surprised!

After all, how can you raise a dragon while diving?

Then he saw Zhao Yi, this is not a dragon, this is a real dragon.

The more they communicated, the more frightened he became.

Zhao Yi's level is far above him!

Is this a level that can be achieved by self-study?

How genius is this?

This factory is really lucky to have found such a talent!

Professor Cao looked at Zhao Yi again, as if looking at a close friend: "Call me by phone."


After Professor Cao left, Su Yang's expression changed subtly. Professor Cao's level was quite high.

Not inferior to Zhao Yi, it was because Zhao Yi happened to know the technology of toy tanks, so he was able to convince Professor Cao.

There are great benefits to being convinced by Professor Cao. At the very least, there is hope of getting an order from the military, which is great!

Even though the system sign-in button is still gray, can’t I draw a lottery at the same location?

Su Yang went out to visit a supermarket and the square at night. When he still couldn't sign in, Su Yang still didn't believe in evil and went to a foot bath club.

Mainly to test the system sign-in function.

After confirming that he couldn't sign in today, Su Yang went back to the factory first and could come out for a few more tests later.

Without financial pressure, he can live a very comfortable life.

Back at the factory, at ten o'clock in the evening, Su Yang went to a live broadcast and carried out a two-hour delivery, bringing out a total of twenty toy tanks.

I also sold some plush toys by the way.

It's quite normal that the sales volume is not high. At present, this tank is only shocking to those who have watched the live broadcast.

But in the final analysis, this tank is just a toy to most people, and 20,000 is not a small amount!

Many people still have doubts about the functions Su Yang said.

But this is really not a big problem. Next, it all depends on word of mouth!

The three days of production passed quickly. In these three days, a total of 200 tanks were sold, which is 4 million!

Boxes containing toy tanks were loaded onto trucks and shipped across the country.

The harvest time is almost here.

As long as the other party confirms receipt of the goods, the sales volume becomes cash that can be withdrawn.

On the first day after delivery, the cash that could be withdrawn reached 1 million!

After Su Yang withdrew the cash, he immediately handed the money over to the finance department and paid it back first.

The previous employees of the factory all left due to bankruptcy. This was considered a dismissal. In addition to the unpaid wages, there were also additional subsidies.

Su Yang thought for a while and said, "Each person will be compensated an additional two thousand."

If someone is willing to stay with him for several months without any salary, he can indeed be compensated appropriately!

"Okay." The finance manager responded, quickly calculated the amount of money each person deserved, called to confirm, and then gave the money.

Su Yang didn't leave either. He just sat in the finance office and listened to the finance department hand out money.

It was his money, but he didn't feel distressed at all. On the contrary, he felt very comfortable.

For responsible people, owing money can be stressful.

In addition, this is also a farewell to the past and the beginning of take-off!

Finally, after paying several suppliers, the bankruptcy process can be terminated.

While Su Yang was thinking, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Su Yang answered the call, and a kind voice on the other end of the phone rang: "Mr. Su, I want to start bankruptcy liquidation as soon as possible. Several dealers you owe money to have already called me several times. Demand repayment.”

Su Yang smiled: "Before tonight, all the money owed to them will be settled."

The middle-aged man on the other end of the phone was at a loss. After a moment of silence, a voice came out: "Master Su, according to the rules, the company you run cannot accept investment, otherwise it will be regarded as cheating and will be eliminated directly!"

Su Yang smiled: "I didn't accept investment. I sold some toys in the past few days and made money."

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment and said a little uncontrollably: "I need to see the accounts."

"You're welcome at any time." Su Yang hung up the phone and frowned. The people in the Su family were a little too ugly!

Those responsible for bankruptcy and liquidation are those arranged by them.

Even due to accidents, supervision was directly proposed.

The problem of supervision is really not that big. The biggest problem is that the middle-aged man came to Good Toy Factory once before it was tied to Gigafactory!

But this is a level that must be passed!

After a while, the middle-aged man arrived.

Su Yang was observing his expression and reaction throughout the process.

The middle-aged man didn't have any surprise on his face, only a frown, as if he didn't understand where Su Yang got the money.

Under the leadership of the security guard, he entered the financial room and saw the company's accounts. He looked confused. What the hell, a toy tank worth 20,000 yuan?

What about this money grab?

Forget about robbing money, there are still two hundred people who are willing to be robbed?

How can this be?

The middle-aged man looked at Su Yang sitting on the side and felt something strange. Su Yang seemed to be sizing him up and observing him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But he still raised a question: "Twenty thousand toy tanks! I will report it later and there will be specialized people to investigate."

Su Yang knew that the other party mistakenly thought that he had violated the rules, but the problem was really not a big deal: "Whatever!"

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