As far as Yuxia knows, Danzo, Koharu, and Mito Menyan are not good birds, since they offend them, they will directly do it at once, let the three of them be jealous, it is best to let them take care of themselves.

Otherwise, it will definitely be yourself who will suffer at that time. Yu Xia narrowed his eyes, it was impossible for Red Bean, Kai, and Xi Yan to protect themselves day and night.

For this reason, Yuxia had secretly made some preparations yesterday.


One after another, a lot of Shinobi have come to the conference room, and the patriarchs of big clans such as Hinata Hiashi and Nara Shikahisa have also come a lot.

The dark member who went to invite Kai and Asma suddenly appeared in the conference room, he knelt down on one knee, and said: “Three generations of adults, the president of the Konoha newspaper – Yunatsu, request to join the meeting, and interview and broadcast this meeting.”

Koharu frowned his eyebrows and said reluctantly: “What interview live broadcast?” In addition to the patriarchs of the various ethnic groups in this meeting, he is a subordinate forbearance, what is the excitement of him? ”

“No, let Yuxia participate.” Tuanzo’s eyes lit up, and he touched the teacup and said, “The result of today’s meeting still needs to be informed by the Konoha newspaper through tomorrow’s Konoha Daily, so he must come.”

The third Hokage also nodded, clasped his hands together, and said: “Konoha Daily is the only newspaper in the village, even if Yuxia does not come, we need to write the results of the meeting as a press release and send it to the newspaper office, since he can come, he can save a lot of effort.”

Although Mito Menyan did not treat this person called “Yuxia” so much, he also nodded in agreement.

After the words of the three people, Xiaochun instantly understood what was going on, Yuxia participated in this meeting to record what they made up, release the news, and the matter could be directly calmed down. Why not?

As the few people in the conference room, they did not deliberately suppress the volume, so most of the trolls who had already arrived heard it. Including Kakashi, who had arrived a long time ago, he put down “Intimate Paradise” and lightly tapped his thigh with his fingers, a little curious about what Yunatsu wanted to do.


Before the members of the Dark Department could come and reply, Yu Xia had already begun to arrange the work with great fanfare, striving to arrange things in the shortest possible time.

In the entire world of Hokage, it is very strange to have a “.point”. It stands to reason that the first use of the development of science and technology should be the military industry, followed by the civilian industry, but in the shadow, the civilian industry has developed rapidly, completely leaving the military industry behind.

In the end, the reason may be in the country, the village, because of the existence of Chakra and the emergence of ninjas, so there is little need for thermal weapons to participate in the war.

The development of technology in Konoha Village is particularly rapid, and applications such as television, radio, photography, and cameras are available.

Yuxia took the lead in sending the head of the administrative department to Konoha TV to borrow a video camera, and he contacted the other party and broadcast it live in real time.

After the minister of the administration department and the director of Konoha TV agreed, the other party readily agreed. He also learned about someone embezzling ninja money. But in addition to the indignation, what is a good way, just this is an opportunity.

In addition, there is another reason, the ratings of Konoha TV are very low, and usually the TV station can’t think of any good programs, and it is repeatedly those traditional programs, and many viewers are tired of watching them.

Being able to broadcast meetings in real time will definitely increase viewership. The director of the TV station thought for a while, waved his hand directly, and said: “The camera is lent to you, then the staff on our side will also go with you, the camera operation is more difficult, and there is a real-time connection, there is no professional technician.”

“Then thank you,” Minister Koda of the Administration Department immediately got up and said, “Then I won’t bother you, the trouble must be as soon as possible to let the reporters from your station rush to the Hokage Building, I have other tasks, so I will quit first.”

“Good! Go slowly, I won’t send it. ”

The price of TV sets is quite high, and because there are no programs to watch, few people buy them. But the number of people who have a radio is quite large, because it is cheap, almost every family has one, usually when there is nothing to do, you can listen to songs and listen to comics and the like, after all, there is not much entertainment in this world.

Therefore, Yunatsu also sent someone to Konoha’s radio, and it was Ryosuke Yamada who personally went out, and the other party naturally responded, and also sent someone to wait downstairs in Hokage.

After Ryosuke Yamada and Minister Koda brought back the “good news”, Yunatsu immediately asked all the people in the press department and the editorial department to go to the street and start posting announcements, the content was simple, that is, the TV station and radio station would broadcast the meeting of the upper echelons of Konoha at the same time to decide how to deal with the “handling of someone embezzling ninja money”.

The people in the Konoha newspaper office were almost all ordinary people, there was no chakra, and the announcements posted were only limited to five or six streets near the Konoha newspaper office, but the ninjas seen on the road rushed to tell each other, and it didn’t take long for the villagers to be known.

If this kind of mass advertising and publicity on the street had not been done by someone from the Hokage Tower, it would have been stopped by the people of the Konoha Police Force long ago.

But this time it was surprisingly, and there was no one.

After everything was arranged, Yuxia took the set of reporters who had been prepared, let Xiyan hold some documents, legal books and the like he had collected yesterday, and then a group of people began to set off in the direction of the Hokage Tower.

About half an hour later, Yuxia brought five people to the Hokage Building, and the reporters and technicians of the radio and television stations were already preparing in place, and after saying hello to each other, Yuxia took a deep breath and walked into the Hokage Building.

The conference room is at the end of the second floor of the Hokage Building, which is very spacious and can accommodate hundreds of people at a time, and Yuxia, Kai, and Hongdou are the last to come to the meeting site.

Asma and Kai went in first, Yuxia walked in with the camera, followed by Red Bean, Hong, and Xiyan, and such a battle attracted everyone’s attention as soon as they entered.

Yamanaka Haichi came relatively late, so he didn’t know that Yunatsu would come, and when he looked at the door, he happened to see Yuxia who was surrounded in the middle, and immediately asked Nara Shikahisa and Akimichi Dingza next to him with a confused look: “What’s the situation!” Wasn’t this meeting attended by Shangnin and clan chiefs? Why is this kid here too? ”

………… The dividing line……… Forever…

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