A group of people came to a stronghold on the border of the Fire Nation, took turns to rectify and rest, they had been rushing for more than ten hours in a row!

After about two hours, eight ninjas gathered in a room.

Yaskawa said to Riyo, the captain of the other squad, “First send two people to the territory of the country of grass to find out the news, right?” The rest remained here on patrol. ”

Ridai nodded and said, “I also have this idea, a team sends one person, and I let Phantom Moon go.”

The only female ninja present, Phantom Moon, immediately shouted, “Yes, Captain!”

Anchuan pointed to the boy in his early twenties next to him and said, “Then let’s let Park Chun go here, don’t look at his young age, but he is very stable.”

Park Chun immediately bowed his head, looked like an old man, and replied: “Yes, captain!”

Not long after, the two who had already dressed up came to an inn in the country of grass, about the same age, walking together and looking like a talented woman, I don’t know if they thought it was a couple.

At this time, it was not a meal, after Xianyue and Park Chun came in, they first went to the counter to order some food, and then found the closest position to the boss, sat down, and wanted to take the opportunity to chat with him and set up something useful.

Who knew that the boss was a very talkative person, and before Phantom Moon could figure out how to speak, the boss took the lead and asked with a mysterious face: “Oh, do you two come from the Land of Fire?” That knows the latest breaking news in Konoha Village? I heard that someone embezzled the property of a dead ninja – is this true? ”

Has this become known to everyone? Phantom Moon and Park Chun were stunned for a while, and then looked at each other and saw each other’s doubts.

Park Chun thought for a while, and then spoke: “This matter is in the country of fire, and the two of us came from there, so naturally we know a little.” I didn’t expect the boss to know it, it’s really well-informed. ”

The boss leaned on the counter, leaned forward slightly, and after listening to Park Chun’s words, he shrugged his shoulders slightly, and said a little proudly: “You also know that the hotel business is full of people, so it is inevitable to hear a few more things, and it should be the time to play.”

Just when Phantom Moon just opened her mouth to continue the routine boss, suddenly a childish voice trembled and majestic: “You… Hello, this is a meal for two. ”

A little red-haired girl with a pair of small glasses, and then carried a wooden tray, placed it on the table, and placed the meals that Phantom Yue and Park Chun had ordered one by one.

Phantom Moon looked at the timid little girl with cuteness, her heart softened slightly, she looked up and asked the boss: “Boss, is this your daughter?” Pretty cute. ”

The boss shook his head when he heard this, sighed loudly, and the chatterbox opened: “How could I, a rough man, give birth to such a water spirit girl?” Besides, if it were my girl, I wouldn’t want her to do rough work.” This little girl and her mother worked in my shop to earn money for travel. ”

Park Chun glanced at the child a little strangely and asked, “Their mother and daughter are from somewhere else, do they want to go home?”

The little girl heard the word “home” and her body was slightly finished, she bit her lower lip, bowed quickly, and then ran to the back kitchen to help.

After she left, the boss sighed again and said, “You guessed wrong, this little girl is called Xiangphos.” I once mentioned when listening to this mother and daughter chatting that they were the only few people left of the Vortex clan after the demise of the Vortex Country, and they have been flowing everywhere over the years. Now I work here to earn money for travel, and I say that I want to go to Kusanagi Village to become a medical ninja to earn a living. ”

After the boss said this, Phantom Moon and Park Chun hid their shock, and actually ran into the clansmen of the Vortex clan here.

Not in the mood to idle with the boss, after Xianyue and Park Chun quickly solved the meal, they hurriedly left the hotel, one left a watch, and the other immediately went back to report the matter.

At this moment, Xiangphos, who returned to the kitchen to help, did not know that because of such a fortuitous incident, the fate of their mother and daughter had changed, and they were working hard to brush the dishes over there.


On a dense towering tree, two women and a pink pig with a pearl necklace are squatting, and a gust of wind blows, and the painting style is very strange.

“Damn, where did Tsunade go again?”

“I owe so much money, I actually ran away, and I can’t let her into our casino in the future!”

········ Ask for flowers…

“Keep chasing me, I don’t believe I can’t find Tsunade!”


After the noise faded away, Shizune, who was squatting on the branch of the tree and holding the guinea pig, breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and said to Tsunade: “Tsunade-sama, they are finally gone.”

“Uh-huh~” Tsunade’s cheeks were slightly red, and he was still holding a wine bottle in his hand, and said drunkenly: “What, isn’t it just that you owe some money, as for chasing and killing us all the way?”

Rolling his eyes, Shizune slandered in his heart: “It’s really embarrassing to say it.”

“Let’s go down… Hmm…”

Shizune was just about to tell Tsunade to go down the tree, but Tsunade suddenly stretched out his hand to cover her mouth and whispered: “Shh~”


After a while, two men dressed in ordinary clothes suddenly appeared under the tree where the two were and began to talk.

One of them looked around, and after making sure that there was “no one” around, he took out a thick envelope from his cuff, lowered his voice and said, “Hurry up and pass this information about Konoha Village back.”


Konoha’s intelligence?

Tsunade was stunned, and then frowned, which country’s spy is this? Although she has been away from Konoha Village for decades, she will involuntarily stop when she encounters this situation.

Jumping off the branch, Tsunade gave each of them a fist and beat them violently. Ordinary ninjas simply couldn’t stand Tsunade’s blow, and then decisively fainted.

Clapping his hands, Tsunade crouched down and snatched the envelope over, then opened it curiously, wondering what the intelligence was about.

“Tsunade-sama, what’s written on it?” Shizune jumped down holding the guinea pig and asked suspiciously.

At this moment, Tsunade’s face was very solemn, making Shizune feel a little bad, did something big happen to Konoha?

Tsunade didn’t answer directly, but asked instead, “Do you remember the little ghost named Yunatsu that you met with us a few months ago?” ”

………… The dividing line…………

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