This is clearly the writing of the author of “Konoha Love Story”!

Minako immediately got up, ran back to her room with the newspaper, took out the latest copy of “Konoha Love Story” from the bookshelf and carefully compared it with “This killer is not too cold”, she knocked on the braincase, and said remorsefully: “Why didn’t you see it earlier?” I’m so stupid! ”

Although “Konoha Love Story” and “This Killer Is Not Too Cold” are two completely different types of novels, Yunatsu’s writing is very special.

After all, Yuxia has lived in modern times, which is different from the world of Hokage, and when writing novels, his rhetoric and expression will inadvertently write the style of modern text, which Yuxia cannot control, after all, it is decades of edification.

When Minako knew that the two novels she was chasing were the same author, the whole person was a little uncomfortable, you must know that she is a Li Xiang party! She also participated in yesterday’s event where the “Rika Party” frantically intercepted the person in charge of Maruzendo, which was the first time she ran around the street in spite of her image, hoping to find out who the author was from the mouth of Momoko Kinomoto.

The final outcome is, of course, a failure, which makes Minako very regretful.

710 “Alas…”

Minako sighed and rested her chin on the shelf, now she was really worried that the author would spoil the ending of “This Killer Is Not Too Cold” again, she really couldn’t believe the situation that Leon and Matilda finally separated!

Today is the first day after the change of the Konoha Daily, and the sales of the newspaper have increased a little, and there has been no explosive growth, which is also expected by Yunatsu.

After all, the crowd of people who buy newspapers is generally very fixed, and if a person does not have the habit of reading newspapers, he will not suddenly rise up to buy them.

However, as long as the sales of newspapers can be seen to increase compared to previous issues, then it is a good trend. Konoha Daily is not only published in one issue, it is to be published for a long time, so there is no rush.

A newsstand in the West District of Konoha Village.

The owner of this newsstand likes to count the income after lunch at noon, and today when counting the balance of newspapers, he was surprised to find that more newspapers were sold today than before!

This is not a common thing, and the newsstand owner knows better which kinds of people buy newspapers: first, ninjas who often go out on missions, and read newspapers to learn about recent events in the village; The second is high-level people who are interested in the development of the village, who are obviously more interested in the regulations issued by the village or the Fire Nation; The third is housewives who have nothing to do, and they also use newspapers to pass the time when they are bored after doing housework.

In addition, there will be other groups of people buying, shop owners, idle middle-aged men, students trying to complete tasks, etc., but these are in the minority.

With such a clear audience, Ye Ribao’s sales have been stable at a horizontal line, most of the time it is below the horizontal line, this sales above the horizontal line is the first time, no wonder the newsstand owner is very surprised!

The newsstand owner directly took a newspaper himself, and he wanted to see what was different about today’s Konoha Daily.

It took nearly half an hour to read this entire newspaper, and the newsstand owner was ready to take more goods the next day, no wonder this sales picked up a little, it turned out to be a revision of the “Konoha Daily”, which added a “novel column”! Most importantly, the column “This killer is not too cold” is really good.

This happened to most newsstands throughout Konoha Village, and many newsstand owners would go to find out what was going on after seeing that newspaper sales had increased, and after reading it, almost always decided to pick up more goods the next day.


Minako dressed herself up and went out with her cyan canvas bag, and today she is going to visit her friend, (bbdb) Yuzuki Xiyan!

Before getting married, Yuzuki Xiyan and Minako’s homes were next to each other, and the two were girlfriends who grew up together, and if Xiyan was not on duty, the two would basically get together.

In the past two days, Minako and her went to block the door of Maruzendo, intending to find out the original author of “Konoha Love Story”, but unfortunately failed. For this matter, both people can be said to be very worried.

Now that Minako has such important information, she can’t help but share it with Yuyan.

When Minako came to knock on the door, Yuyan had just gotten up, she rubbed her somewhat embarrassed eyelids, yawned and said, “Minako, why are you here in the morning?” I haven’t slept enough…”

Looking at the woman who had not yet woken up with black lines on her face, Minako said helplessly: “Xiyan, it’s all afternoon, you actually told me it’s early morning?” What did you do yesterday…”

Welcoming people in, Xiyan dragged the clogs and dropped her body on the soft sofa, signaling Minako to sit casually, before she forced her spirits and said: “I stayed up all night yesterday night, and I watched “Konoha Love Story” again from beginning to end, you see my eyes are crying and swollen, Miss Lixiang is really pitiful!”

Just mentioning “Konoha Love Story”, Minako quickly took out the folded boxy newspaper from her canvas bag and spread it in front of Xiyan, pointing and saying: “You see, this is a novel called “This Killer Is Not Too Cold”, which is currently serialized in “Konoha Daily”.”

“Huh? What the hell are you doing! Xiyan was a little strange, she got up and picked up the newspaper, and after reading it for three minutes at first, she said in surprise: “Minako, this is not right!” How do I think this person’s writing is so familiar… Like what’s going on? ”

Minako spoke: “Konoha Love Story!”

“Yes, yes, yes! It’s “Konoha Love Story”! Xi Yan glanced at it twice, then nodded affirmatively, and said: “There is absolutely nothing wrong, the writing of these two novels is exactly the same, should it be the same author?”

Clapping her hands, Minako said excitedly: “I also think so, the author of “This Killer Is Not Too Cold” should be the person we are looking for!” Momoto Kinomoto of Maruzendo hid the news too tightly, but we can start with the Konoha newspaper. ”

“What you said is also feasible,” Yue Xiyan said after thinking for a while, “The reporters of the Konoha newspaper are originally in the news business, and I don’t think their mouths will be too strict.”

The two hit it off and prepared to investigate. Before this, Xi Yan first finished watching “This Killer Is Not Too Cold” and freshened up before going out. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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