I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 995 What will happen?

Du Gang didn't envy Zheng Yichen's treatment at all. Even though Zheng Yichen became stronger very quickly, he knew all too well the price of such becoming stronger. If Zheng Yichen didn't have enough potential, he would have died long ago.

Continuing to eat and drink, Du Xuan, who was sitting next to Chun Xi, also showed his strong talent. Although the child could not speak yet, he was eating and eating during the whole process...

It's not generally edible.

Du Xuan even wanted to grab the wine glass in Du Gang's hand, but Du Gang knocked him on the back of his hand and burst into tears.

Obviously, they are both more relaxed about drinking, but for real cubs, they would not let each other touch this thing.

"Next, I'll take Chunxi to go somewhere else. Don't worry about our affairs." After eating, Du just said carelessly, not planning to stay at Zheng Yichen's place for a long time.

In addition to coming to Zheng Yichen with the idea of ​​helping, he also wanted to bring his wife and children to see more of the world.

Since there is a war happening next door, there is nothing to say. Just go to the world next door and watch. He will not interfere in wars that do not involve boundary-breaking forces, but it still doesn't matter.

They had just left, and Zheng Yichen continued his own affairs.

Engage in new research with Lilith, and at the same time go to other worlds with Sen Luo.

Those environmental soils play a great role. They can quickly add new decimal places behind the core of the virtual world, and their effect on Virtual Genesis is also quite obvious.

Let's put it this way, when Zheng Yichen tried to use Virtual Genesis to perform display interference, he could temporarily affect the real environment as long as he connected the divine realm with reality. In other words, he now has the ability to create new types of raw ore.

It's just that the randomness created this way is greater.

But this can be regarded as a brand new breakthrough. The effect of the core of the virtual world has far exceeded the original version.

The comprehensive strengthening of environmental soil, fantasy flowers, fantasy dust, etc. has long made the core of the virtual world separate from the original version.

Even if the simulated world still cannot truly break through to 1 or above, there is no problem in using the simulated virtual world as a dream world.

Zheng Yichen uses the connection with the divine realm to influence the environment, which can produce meteorite ore, and the dream world simulated by the virtual world can also produce the same thing. However, if such things want to be brought into reality, they need to be replaced by dream dust.

In addition to optimizing the evolution program, Lilith is constantly observing the replacement process in order to bypass things like dream dust and perform replacements.

It gave Zheng Yichen a feeling of alchemy. Zheng Yichen was very supportive of Lilith and quickly created an exchange-style alchemy through this, even if it was an exchange of equal value...

Equivalent exchange is not based on the value set by people. Glass beads cannot be exchanged for the same amount of steel, but at the price set by people, you can exchange for more things.

If Lilith can research something in this area, he can use some things that are of no use to him to replace them with brand new items.

It doesn’t matter if it consumes a little more.

"This kind of meteorite seems to make people vulnerable." Zheng Yichen held a stone in his hand. This thing was a meteorite ore randomly generated by simulating the world after obtaining the environmental soil from the core of the simulated world.

This randomness is truly random.

"Making living organisms vulnerable can amplify the perception of environmental energy." Lilith said on the sidelines, because those meteorites are truly random, so the effect and frequency of appearance cannot be determined by her.

Of course, she can also interfere. Once she interferes, it means that the new characteristics obtained through the environmental soil will lose the naturalized part.

As artificial intelligence, after it has evolved to a high enough level, it will focus on the characteristics of "natural life forms".

This kind of random generation is equivalent to a kind of spirituality possessed by natural life forms. Although it is not strong, it is indispensable. If there is interference, there will be no corresponding spirituality.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to create more meteorites in the virtual world without limit.

The most that can be done is to predict the time when new meteorites will appear and prepare for storage in advance.

As for Zheng Yichen's use of the divine realm to connect with the real environment, it also takes time to wait, not that he will get the meteorite immediately if he wants it.

But Zheng Yichen can speed up this process in other ways, because in reality, being intentional or not does not have much impact. The key is consumption.

"This isn't bad. Let's find a way to get it out." Zheng Yichen put the stone back. At this point, the research on the new soil environment was almost done.

After checking the time, he arrived at the place he had agreed with Sen Luo. As usual, he began to place statues into the new world.

So far, the Faith Trading Statue has allowed Zheng Yichen to obtain a large amount of information about other worlds. Although this information about other worlds has no substantive effect, it is enough to guard against the forces that break the world.

Even if the boundary-breaking forces will hide and lie dormant first, there will always be some special information among the information provided by those believers, and Lilith will be able to analyze the useful parts from it at this time.

She is an excellent artificial intelligence. Zheng Yichen does not need to slowly sift through a lot of information. She can just send him the results he needs.


"??" In the new world of visions, Zheng Yichen looked at the crack in the distance with some confusion, and suddenly turned his head to look behind him, where there was a vision.

The cracks that appeared in the distance made Zheng Yichen's expression particularly subtle: "This should not be a natural phenomenon in this world!"

After saying that, Zheng Yichen pressed his hands to the ground, and the fantasy formation emerged. New Devouring Sky Pillars appeared one after another, extracting the original power of the local world, which was then used by Zheng Yichen to seal the cracks in the distance.

If it's not a natural phenomenon, it's an invasion from the outside. No matter what kind of invasion it is, if you encounter it, don't try to get better.

The crack did not open, and the situation was still under control, but the other end of the crack began to compete with him. The more powerful he blocked it, the more joyful the other side became.

As if he had discovered some treasure, Zheng Yichen reacted very quickly. As a passive protection, blocking is useful, but blocking does not mean reinforcing the world's barriers.

The crack quickly collapsed under the double pressure, revealing a huge hole.

"It's over." Seeing this, Zheng Yichen was a little angry. His reaction speed was already very fast. As for what he encountered now, it was really a small probability event.

He and Sen Luo have been in frequent contact with the world of visions, hundreds of them, and the probability of encountering devouring forces will only become higher and higher.

There is no need to think twice about what to do after encountering them. If you can stop them, stop them. If you can't stop them, just rush past them and kill them.

"Hahahaha, finally got through!!" A joyous laughter came from the other end, but after seeing something in the distance, Devourer suddenly felt a little confused.

That thing looks like a stunted Devouring Tianzhu?

And what's going on with this barrier? It actually resisted the Devouring Sky Pillar they drilled. If it hadn't been for this thing, they would have opened the passage to this world long ago.

"I'm thinking about one thing. Now this world has a vision related to the city of Hazy, and this place has been invaded by the Devourer. What kind of impact will that have?"

Sen Luo didn't think about it and simply said: "I don't know."

She was just a twilight mercenary, so she didn't care about this kind of thing, and it was useless to care.

What's more, now that there is such an example, the results will be seen soon.

The anomaly is not a normal channel, but it will still be affected by the balance of the environment, but this effect will not be too obvious in a short period of time.

But the impact will become greater and greater as the balance increases, and the extension of the existence time of those anomalies is one of the results of balance.

"We'll see what happens, damn it!"

Zheng Yichen cursed, and without giving the Devourer on the other side of the passage time to react, he directly exploded into three levels. The bloody figure quickly approached with space distortion, and shattered the Devouring Sky Pillar with a blow of the world's original power.

Anyway, the extracted power no longer needs to be used for protection, so it can be used for attack.

Without Zheng Yichen's power, the fantasy formation stopped functioning, and the embodied Devouring Sky Pillar quickly disappeared.

"What monster??" Having avoided the first wave of impact, the surviving Devourer looked at the bloody figure in horror. The indestructible Devouring Sky Pillar was actually destroyed by one blow? ?

What's going on with him?

Soon, the surviving Devourers discovered another thing. The drilled Devouring Sky Pillar was blown up, and even the foundation holding the Devouring Sky Pillar was shattered, but the drilled hole did not disappear!

They also did not feel any special force from the edge of the hole, which meant that the hole was fixed by other reasons.

Zheng Yichen had no intention of communicating with these devourers. When he saw that the holes still existed, he knew the answer to the question he just thought about.

After the visionary world associated with Occult City is invaded by the Devourer, very bad consequences will occur.

This hole was exactly the same as the hole in Longcheng. It was just separated by a vision. Zheng Yichen didn't dare to think about what that vision would be like. He would go and see it later.

After exhaling, he spat harshly at the surviving Devourers: "You! You all must die!!"

"Agent...Agent? Run quickly!!"

Seeing Zheng Yichen's eyes, the Devourers present knew that something bad was going on. The agent who could destroy the Devouring Tianzhu with one blow was not something they could fight against, so they had to call the boss.

Soon their boss arrived, without too much nonsense. When facing the agent, it was only life and death between them.

The Devourer's high-end combat power went all out as soon as it was launched, but when it approached Zheng Yichen, the opponent saw a strange phenomenon in the starry sky and universe.

In this vision, the Devourer's high-end combat power is struggling.

They made a prompt decision and used the power involving Tianzhu energy, but this power no longer had that big effect on Zheng Yichen.

"Is it just to strengthen oneself?" Zheng Yichen looked at the changes in these high-end combat powers and dealt with them before speaking.

This way of using Tianzhu energy is not as good as artificial heavenly beings. At least artificial heavenly beings have no substantial side effects. Their lifespan is short, but they are quite powerful before they emerge and dissipate.

But the Devourer here is different. The use of Tianzhu energy is still limited to its own stage.

Strong is strong, and after being overloaded, they commit suicide. The more pressure Zheng Yichen puts on them, the faster they will die.

The closer to death, the more fearless these high-end combat powers become in fighting.

After clearing away the high-end Devourer combat power here, Zheng Yichen found Sen Luo.

This daughter of the World Tree eliminated all nearby Devourers.

After the Devouring Sky Pillar exploded, the collapsed earth was also repaired.

However, this kind of repair seemed to be made of flesh and blood. Zheng Yichen did not see many Devourer bodies at the scene, nor did he ask where those Devourers died...

"I still need a little more time, why don't you go do your thing?"

Sen Luo shook his head: "No, let's settle the matter here quickly."

She couldn't conquer the headquarters of the Devouring Forces by herself. Zheng Yichen could defeat the Devouring Powers' high-end combat power, but when she faced those high-end combat powers, it wouldn't be so easy.

The greater the number, the harder it is to fight, but with Zheng Yichen's ability to attract fire, high-end combat power lower than a certain number will be in vain when it comes to her.

"How could this happen??" Looking at the surveillance footage, the top management of the Devourer of the World was in a panic, and their usually aloof attitude was completely shattered.

They never thought that one day they would be so unlucky and encounter something like a representative blocking the door.

What's worse is that the other party is cleaning up all the Devouring Sky Pillars with extremely high efficiency.

The high-end combat power of interception is simply unmatchable.

The senior executives were so frightened that they decided to run away on the spot.

Contacted the real ruler behind them.

Big world.

A researcher hurriedly came to a laboratory. The laboratory was filled with semi-fleshed substances. The combination of machinery and flesh made the people who came in extra uncomfortable.

But I had to come here.

"Your Excellency Ban Long, this is the latest information."


After hearing this heavy response, the researcher left the things in his hands and quickly left the laboratory.

The cube placed on the ground was picked up by a twisted hand.

A pair of cloudy eyes looked at the information projected on the square and then closed them again.

Something happened in a world dominated by the big world. Normally, this kind of information would not be sent to him, but the world in trouble was related to a very important goal.

The agent named Changqing attacked the world of 'pig' specially cultivated by the breaking forces.

The so-called pig world is a devouring force.

Devouring forces are like farmed pigs, constantly plundering other worlds to obtain enough food to grow. After being fattened, they will be harvested by the big world.

Occasionally, some farmed pigs will go out of control, but most pigs grow very steadily, and even if there are losses, they are within an acceptable range.

This is one of the biggest secrets of the Breaking Organization.

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