I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1199 Obstruction


"Why are you screaming so miserably?" Zheng Yichen couldn't help but pinch his ears when he heard Jiang Wei's screams.

The immortal fire has a great impact on the physique, but it won't hurt people so much. Even if such a flame can burn people to ashes in an instant, under his control, the flame will only put people on the edge of burning to ashes.

Then the body affects the soul, and this process will not be too fast, so there will not be too much pain. As for the body? There is no time to feel the pain.

"The immortal godhood can make her immortal in most cases, but it cannot increase the upper limit of the soul overclocking, so it is necessary to further strengthen the soul when it is upgraded."

Lilith explained why Jiang Wei screamed so miserably.

"And this is her own choice."

"Really strong." Zheng Yichen praised sincerely, and Jiang Wei, who was bathed in fire, regretted it. At the beginning, her experience was not bad. The whole person felt warm and as if returning to the mother's womb.

However, after mixing with another kind of flame, the pain of the soul being ignited bit by bit came.

This is not a heart-piercing pain, but a pain that penetrates the soul and is hard to forget. However, she cannot faint in this pain.

Such pain makes Jiang Wei scream. Image is no longer important. After all, screaming is the only way for her to vent.

It will take some time for Jiang Wei to deal with it. Zheng Yichen focuses on the World Tree. The battle of hell is still not over. A large number of hell islands are fighting each other.

It’s just that there are too many hell islands here. It will take more than one or two days to decide the final winner.

But Zheng Yichen’s harvesting speed is the fastest.

The combat units released greatly accelerated the plundering speed of the Hell of Longcheng.

The resting place expanded rapidly. Soon, the hell will of Longcheng had found a way to ride the wind and quickly contacted other hell islands through the hell storm.

The suppression of the world tree became more and more stable. Not long after, a gap was torn in the sky of hell. A mechanical hand stretched out from the crack, and there was something like a gem inlaid on the palm.

It looked like a work of art rather than a machine. There were many smaller hands next to the big hand, which made Zheng Yichen's expression a little subtle.

This thing might be a replica of the black hand before, right?

Even if it is not a replica, it should be something of similar nature. According to the information that Lilith had analyzed about the hand before, Zheng Yichen gave the hand a name.

The developer's hand, that thing itself is related to the will of the world, and can be fabricated and changed at will. Zhengyi thought that the name was correct.

The mechanical big hand that appeared here made Zheng Yichen think of the mechanical city first.

This thing might not be developed by the mechanical city.

The huge palm smashed the approaching hell island and grabbed the world tree. The size of the palm was very different from that of the world tree, but when it approached the world tree, the specifications of the big hand became the same as the world tree.

Before the hand fell, it was knocked away by a bloody figure, and the powerful impact directly broke a finger.

Zheng Yichen, with dark eyes, grabbed the broken finger and pierced the palm of the big hand with it as if it were a spear.

The destructive power of annihilation made the surface of the thugs dim. At this time, those densely packed small palms quickly surrounded them and formed a huge formation.

As soon as the formation was formed, a sharp claw tore a gap, causing the formation to fail to fully form, and the chain self-explosion power generated could not be concentrated, and Zheng Yichen escaped from the explosion.

The minor injuries on the surface of the body quickly recovered as before. If the formation of those palms was fully functional, it would still pose a threat to Zheng Yichen. What if it was not formed?

Even if only one percent of the structure was destroyed, the explosion could not be fully effective. The threat was not reduced several times, but the difference between breaking the defense and not breaking the defense.

Looking at Wu Lingluo, who had recovered the posture of a big fox, Zheng Yichen stared at the crack, which contained some extremely dangerous attacks.

The dense eyes opened from the crack, which reminded Zheng Yichen of a seventeen-year-old monster...

But that monster would definitely not emit a killing beam from its eyes.

The dense cutting beams were not directed at Zheng Yichen, but at the World Tree.

"Hmph——" With a cold snort, the figure of the World Dragon and the Wheel of the Sky appeared together, surrounding the Wheel of the Sky, and a black ball condensed from Zheng Yichen's hand.

The color of those sweeping beams immediately changed from black to red, and the beams fell on the nearby Hell Islands, which underwent drastic changes.

Zheng Yichen blasted out the attack in his hand. After the compression of the Wheel of the Sky and the forced alienation of the World Dragon, this attack was not affected by the will of the world.

The entire crack collapsed completely in one blow. Zheng Yichen shook his numb arm and looked at the World Tree. The huge World Tree was the target.

Those rays of light with destructive power left scars on the World Tree, and some places almost cut the World Tree in half.

The affected hell islands all turned into animated monsters.

The transformed light further activated the hell wills, turning them into more ferocious monsters. Zheng Yichen took a quick look and found that there were more than two thousand hell islands that had been activated into monsters.

Not only that, many new cracks appeared.

The size of those cracks was small, but they were firmly attached to those activated hell islands. The hell islands became more ferocious and powerful, just like the monsters generated by the fragments of the world's will.

"This is troublesome." Zheng Yichen looked at those monsters, his eyes fell on the scarred world tree, the chaotic sea water flowed through those scars, and the cracks were quickly filled.

The monsters transformed from the hell islands could not hold back.

The Sky Wheel fully unfolded the corresponding specifications, and the huge turret bombarded the approaching hell monsters. The attack could hurt those hell monsters, but it could not kill them directly.

Wu Lingluo fought with a hell monster for a short time. When the circulating tide reached the peak of destruction, her claws carried a sharp force and tore the space in front of her, like tearing a scroll.

The hell monster within this attack range also twisted, and three deep claw marks appeared on the surface of its huge body.

The hell monster struggled a little and completely collapsed into pieces.

Wu Lingluo exhaled lightly. These hell monsters were forcibly enhanced by the World Breaking Organization in some way, and their power was stronger than those monsters generated by the fragments of the world's will.

What's more troublesome is the protection of the surface of these hell monsters, which is a world-class protection. If it weren't for the power of destruction attached to the attack, it would be difficult to break such a defense.

Like the Obscure City Hell, under the siege of such hell monsters, it seems extremely passive and can only be beaten. Counterattacks are difficult to work.

On the contrary, the monsters released by Zheng Yichen can still play a role, but the effect they produce is limited. At present, the only ones who can bring direct threats to these monsters are their agents.

The Sky Wheel also has destructive weapons that can function normally, but the power of those turrets is slightly insufficient, so Lilith directly used the newly loaded emotional system,

The monstrous demonic thoughts circulated and compressed in the built-in channel of the Sky Wheel, becoming the new energy source of the Sky Wheel's turrets. These demonic thoughts gathered together and burst out to blast through the body of a hell monster.

The simulated Demon Abyss Seven Kills completely blasted this hell monster into pieces.

Lilith checked her own state. The emotions generated by the emotional system were real, but this kind of emotion was not like the emotional outburst of spiritual creatures. Even ordinary people had the possibility of super outburst.

Her outburst consumed energy.

The fixed energy was converted into the corresponding emotional power in the form of explosion. The specific extent of the explosion depended on the power of the explosion.

The power of the explosion was completely converted into the corresponding emotional power, so as to achieve secondary utilization. After all, she was not a spiritual creature in the true sense.

But this emotional system greatly enhanced her energy utilization efficiency.

New evil thoughts were generated from the energy explosion again, and after accelerating the cycle, they were blasted out from another turret.

"So powerful..." Tong Yue looked at the Demon Abyss Seven Kills shot out by the turret, thinking about what she would feel after taking a direct hit.

Then she was caught by the hell monster. Her body was insignificant in front of the hell monster, but Tong Yue, who was caught, did not die on the spot.

She showed a little pain: "It hurts."

Crack, crack, crack—the palm of the hell monster crushed the agent's palm and made a cracking sound. Tong Yue's eyes burned with a strong flame, and her slender arm blocked the other fist of the hell monster.

Dense cracks appeared on the surface of the fist, and the cracks quickly spread along the arm to half of the hell monster's body.

The next moment, Tong Yue's figure disappeared in front of the fist that was about to break, and she smashed half of the hell monster's body with an attack similar to the Iron Mountain.

Zhu Li saw this scene and couldn't help but twitch his eyes. Tong Yue, who possessed the immortal fire of Suzaku, was getting more and more perverted in bearing the pain and counterattacking.

Others would be distorted with pain, but Tong Yue was distorted because of pain, and then she twisted this distortion into a human again.

Others fell because of distortion, but she directly gave the distortion to Shansheng.

But even so, the essence is still distorted. After transforming this strong distortion into a favorable factor, Tong Yue showed that kind of super aggressiveness.

The hell monster, which has full resistance, was blown up by Tong Yue's power transformed from pain.

Du Gang... Oh, he is being beaten.

Zhu Li took a look and retracted his gaze. He knew Du Gang's situation very well. The opponent was a super meat shield that took a beating and counterattacked. The power-defense ratio was quite extreme.

This is because Du Gang has a special way to transform defense into attack, otherwise he would be a real live target in his current combat power.

Now, the power of destruction makes up for some of his shortcomings. When the hell monster touches Du Gang, the attack shock generated will carry destruction into the body of the hell monster.

A small amount of recoil is insignificant, but if the amount accumulated is too much, it is not something that this monster can easily bear.

Even so, Du Gang's efficiency in killing hell monsters is still the lowest, unless there are more than a dozen hell monsters maintaining high-frequency synchronous attacks at the same time.

"It hurts so much - don't just watch!" A figure fell beside Zhu Li, and Dashia Filo stood up after falling several times on the ground.

The broken scales on her body began to recover in the light red flames.

She and Suzaku's immortal fire have good compatibility. After all, they are both life-related, and there is no conflict between the light and fire systems. They can even be combined to form a holy flame.

However, Suzaku's flame is different from the normal fire system, so the light flame produced is not a holy flame, but a special light flame.

Under the burning of this light flame, the broken scales quickly recovered as before, and the breath of the little white dragon, which had weakened due to the injury, also recovered as before.

The immortal fire is very powerful, but the price of this flame bringing vigorous vitality is very uncomfortable, after all, it uses its own vitality as fuel.

Although the more vitality burned, the stronger the recovery power, it will not really burn itself to death, even if the vitality is burned to only a little bit.

It can also completely give up the body and be reborn in the fire.

However, the pain brought by burning vitality cannot be exempted. It not only acts on the body but also on the soul. The more vigorous the immortal fire is, the more intense the pain of burning life.

She is just a child. Can you not let the child bear the infinitely enhanced pain?

"I don't want to watch, but I don't have a chance to do it." Zhu Li's tone was a little helpless. As she spoke, she came to Dashia Filo and patted her scales.

The black weird pattern spread along her scales, and then the little white dragon's eyes became bright: "It doesn't hurt anymore! How did you do it!?"

The burning of the immortal fire cannot be exempted. Methods such as paralyzing nerves and bloodthirsty spells are all useless. If the body has no pain, then the soul will bear the pain of burning life. After all, the soul is also a living body.

"I used the curse to divert your pain to Tong Yue, but the maximum diversion degree of this curse is only 97%."

"Is she okay?" Dashia Filo asked with a little concern.

"I think she enjoys it." Zhu Li glanced at Tong Yue, who was already excited. The hell monster with half of its body smashed was completely smashed by her with a pair of fists.

"It's terrible. I won't be polite then." Unable to feel so much pain, Dashia Philo further burned her vitality. After spreading her wings, the flames radiated out, and the hell monsters that were chasing her were directly ignited.

However, this kind of flame could not kill the hell monster immediately. In the flames, a red lightning shadow moved quickly, and wherever it passed, the hell monsters' bodies were torn with lightning wounds.

The surging flames poured into those lightning wounds. The two forces conflicted slightly, but soon Lilith, who was controlling the overall situation, coordinated and diverted them, and each did their own thing.

The bloody gale that followed crushed the flames, blowing them as if they were going to go out, but these flames were not pure flames, and there was also part of the light power.

The wind was not enough to blow them out, so under the compression of this wind, the flames and the gale further poured into the body of the hell monster.

The hell monsters are protected by the power of the world's will. They have the power of destruction to break the defense, but if they want to completely kill this monster, they still have to break through from the inside.

The double Seven Kills of the Demon Abyss and Lilith's light explosion tore the body of this hell monster from the inside.

The huge body was still trying to struggle, but the ground of the Obscure City Hell collapsed, and the dark red hell lava gushed out, swallowing up the last life of this hell monster, and the huge wreckage fell on the Obscure City Hell.

The volume of this monster occupied one-fifth of the Obscure City Hell.

"..." The Obscure City Hell Will looked at this huge wreckage, said nothing, and silently swallowed it up, turning it into a part of the resting place.

Anyway, she couldn't beat any hell monster. She didn't have the power of destruction, and she could only get beaten up when facing such a monster.

Although counterattacks are useful, she will definitely be killed before she kills the hell monster. The reason why she didn't have no counterattack power is because she is the hell will.

Although it can't compare to the world will, it is at least a close existence, otherwise it would be impossible to break the defense.

What she can do now is to give hell protection to any friendly forces she can affect.

But this protection is only within the influence range of the Obscure City Hell, and it will be invalid beyond this range.

It's not that it can't be maintained offline, but these enhanced hell monsters will directly dispel those protections.

"Can't you also become a monster like this?"

After exhaling, Xiaobailong looked at the hell will with the appearance of Lilith.

"... Sorry, I can't." With an expression that Lilith would never show, the will of the hell in the city of obscurity looked very weak.

"Forget it, forget it." Dashia Filo didn't say anything, but looked at another hell monster eagerly. They were not the protagonists on the battlefield, but the battle was fought around the world tree.

The main target of those hell monsters was the world tree.

As for why the Breaking World Organization wanted to help the will of the hell of the big world break free from the suppression, Dashia Filo couldn't figure it out for a while, and she didn't think about it. It was a hell monster that could be killed.

When she decided on the new target, a large number of fragments fell from the sky.

Those were the remains of another hell monster. Facing these new remains, the will of the hell in the city of obscurity accepted them all. These were all supplements for her.

As for those hell creatures on the hell monsters, they had long since become part of the hell island as they became active. The activated hell island was destroyed, and those hell creatures never appeared again.

"Can you anchor a monster?" Dashia Filo asked Longcheng Hell Will again.

If she couldn't do this, she felt that her caregiver was just raising a mascot.

Longcheng Hell Will quickly replied: "It can be anchored. If it is within a certain distance, I can suppress it."

"That's fine, hurry up."

Dashia Filo's tone was impatient. They needed to work together to solve the hell monsters, but as long as they could solve one here, Zheng Yichen would have to deal with one less, and the lack of efficiency improvement was not a reason to be indifferent.

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