I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1218 Violation

Under the influence of the balance, the power of annihilation on Zheng Yichen's body quickly balanced with the creation, and the quality of the two was highly unified and balanced, which was the reason why the aura of annihilation on his body was weakened.

The moment Zheng Yichen's aura changed, the Heavenly Dao system of the Breaking World Organization completed the analysis of him.

It was just because of the annihilation that the analysis of the Heavenly Dao system was not so accurate. At present, it was confirmed that Zheng Yichen had become weaker for some reason.

As for the reason, the Heavenly Dao system gave many possibilities.

Which one needs the boundary breakers to select by themselves, and Zheng Yichen will not give them the time to select. After using the balance, he began to try to "resonate" with the surrounding environment.

Understand the balance state of this environment. As expected, this environment is currently in an unbalanced state, but with the adjustment of the world's will, this imbalance problem has not erupted.

In addition, the big world itself is not the kind of world that involves balance and imbalance, and there is no corresponding world framework. This imbalance does not actually have much impact on the big world.

In other words, any normal world will not be like a world with a balanced framework. From the comparison of numerical values, most worlds are "unbalanced".

It's just that for those worlds, the so-called imbalance is actually normal. The benchmark comparison of those worlds is not absolutely 50:50, including the big world.

But under Zheng Yichen's interference and perception, Zheng Yichen can determine that the normal benchmark of the big world has been seriously deviated.

Under the influence of the deviation of the balanced benchmark value, the overall big world is actually unstable.

It's just that this instability is not affected by the world framework of balance and imbalance. Before the problem accumulates to a certain extent, there will be no negative problems.

And now Zheng Yichen plans to give it a push, but as an agent, he can't directly act on the world itself. Letting the world have an imbalance that it didn't originally have will inevitably lead to large-scale turmoil.

Moreover, he doesn't have enough power to directly affect the entire world. If it were a normal world, maybe he could still do it, but forget about the world like the big world.

He wants to act on the world will, but the world will controlled by the world-breaking organization is not the existence of the hell will, and has a clear embodiment.

He needs to get in touch with the world will controlled by the World Breaking Organization first.

Imbalance --

As the state of balance switches to imbalance, the power of annihilation, which was weakened by the balance, surges, and Zheng Yichen's eyes with special vision are replaced by the darkness of annihilation.

In this special vision, anything that does not return to annihilation will become an "abnormality" outside the darkness, and the impulse to clear all these abnormalities surges.

"So that's it --" Under the influence of this ultra-high degree of annihilation, Zheng Yichen understood in his heart that he has been trying to crystallize and materialize the power of annihilation, but so far it has ended in failure.

This is not that there is no way to achieve it, at least before this, Zheng Yichen felt that there was no way.

Now Zheng Yichen has a new way. In his perception, he is also an "abnormality" in the darkness of annihilation. He is a carrier of annihilation, but he does not belong to annihilation.

As a carrier that can carry annihilation, although the cost of this kind of bearing is that he will gradually return to annihilation, the tolerance is much higher than other things.

Since it is impossible to make the annihilation crystal in a normal way, what if he becomes the annihilation crystal himself?

It is a very good idea, but unfortunately the agent is not suitable for the route of world destruction. In Zheng Yichen's idea, the annihilation crystal is to make something similar to the weapon of heaven through dusk.

But he has already come to the headquarters of the boundary breaker. It is useless to think so much. It is better to finish the things in front of him before considering other things.

"What's going on?"

Seeing that the Tiandao system suddenly issued an alarm, the high-level leaders of the boundary breaker were stunned. The annihilation breath and power that Zheng Yichen burst out this time were too abnormal.

Not only that, just existing here seriously interfered with the operation of the Tiandao system.

Zheng Yichen looked at the place where the boundary breaker was. In the vision of annihilation and darkness, the headquarters of the boundary breaker was the biggest anomaly, and there was the highest existence anomaly here.

The starting point of the world will is here. That thing seems to be affected by something. The headquarters of the boundary breaker organization is deeply integrated. This is the center of the new world will of the big world.

The will of this world is not a chaotic form, but a human form. The big hand that Zheng Yichen dealt with at the beginning was extended from this form.

As for the normal form of the will of the world, he had never seen it before. The will of the Hell of the City of Obscurity will only take human form after a certain degree of personification.

The will of the new world on the big world side also showed a human form. Maybe the Breaking World Organization has other plans, but if he saw it, he would not want to carry it out.

Zheng Yichen moved. Under the influence of annihilation, the interception from the Breaking World Organization was all invalid. The enemy holding the imitation Zhutian Sword was directly wiped out by Zheng Yichen before he had time to turn into a strange beast.

Zheng Yichen couldn't stop it at this time. He himself couldn't stop the extinction in the unbalanced state.

The power turned from balance to imbalance, which was a way of exchanging life for power, not to mention that Zheng Yichen's power to maintain balance was creation and annihilation.

The imbalance dominated by annihilation has a more serious impact on oneself.

Lilith can no longer observe the outside world through Zheng Yichen. The power of annihilation completely destroys the transmission of information.

She can't even make a complete analysis of Zheng Yichen's current physical condition.

Zheng Yichen estimated that with his current physical condition, he can only live for 100 seconds if he maintains the current imbalance...

In this state, the immortal life fire cannot guarantee his physical condition. The impact of the annihilation imbalance on him is equivalent to losing the maximum upper limit of life value per second. No matter what kind of recovery power there is, it cannot restore this upper limit of life.

Even if Zheng Yichen has a life save, it won't work, not to mention that this is an imbalance dominated by annihilation, and the power related to the life system is almost ineffective.

The current imbalance difference he uses is 40, creation 30, and annihilation 70. This difference is already very dangerous. He can continue to strengthen it, but any strengthening will cause his time to be greatly reduced.

"Is he planning to self-destruct?" In the monitoring of the Heavenly Dao system, the boundary breakers here looked horrified. The entire boundary breaking organization did not want Zheng Yichen to come to the headquarters because they were worried about this!

This thing is not like an agent at all, but more like an exclusive nemesis tailored by Huanghun for the boundary breaking organization. Every head-on confrontation will bring them some surprises and shocks.

Zheng Yichen's destructive power is undoubtedly top-notch. If it weren't for the identity of an agent that restricted him, God knows what this guy would do.

No, this guy is already planning to do something beyond their imagination.

In the observation of the Heavenly Dao system, Zheng Yichen has completely become an "indescribable" thing. Just observing it has caused the Heavenly Dao system to shake.

Zheng Yichen's goal is even clearer, and his trajectory of action is extremely abnormal. They have reshaped and blocked the environment through the world's will, and even the division that they don't want to use here.

However, all changes in the environment were ignored by Zheng Yichen.

Many interceptions, barriers and other things seem to be non-existent in Zheng Yichen's eyes.

In Zheng Yichen's eyes, those obstacles were no longer normal things. He had long been unable to see those things through normal vision, and even could not hear the voice of Lilith in his heart.

Even under the feedback of Silence, Zheng Yichen's inner world was affected, and the deep universe and starry sky gradually lost their brilliant colors.

Zheng Yichen kept his consciousness highly active. He had experienced the feeling of using Silence deeply, and knew very well how serious the impact on the mental state was in this state.

If he completely accepted this state, even if he recovered, it would take a long time for his mental state to recover, or even impossible to recover.

Outside, the huge new type of imitation god machine just raised its palm, and was pierced through by a black figure.

The pierced place quickly turned black and spread, and the powder thrown out was difficult to retain even the particle state in the process of drifting.

Hundreds of imitation god machines were completely destroyed in less than a second. This efficiency allowed the Tiandao system to make feedback autonomously.

After all, the speed of issuing instructions is limited. In the huge threat, the Tiandao system can only deal with it on its own.

The transfer of space replacement is ineffective for Zheng Yichen now. Zheng Yichen's existence is already difficult for the Heavenly Dao system to observe normally.

The result of using space replacement is that the space is lost. Zheng Yichen directly smashed a hole in the lost space and left it in place.

The cannon fodder of the broken world organization headquarters has also been consumed. Many of those cannon fodders with strong combat power and can be comparable to the domain masters under the protection of the world will have not had time to contact Zheng Yichen before being swallowed by the silence around him.

The big hand that was used to deal with Zheng Yichen did not appear, and those domain masters who had never participated in the battle intervened in the battle.

This is the best result analyzed by the Heavenly Dao system.

Zheng Yichen at this time is not only indescribable, but also difficult to touch. The palm attack manifested by the world will will only affect the world will.

At the same time, in the autonomous operation of the Heavenly Dao system, the form of the world will changed again, this time for self-protection!

The world will is more deeply connected with the big world. If Zheng Yichen wants to destroy the world will, it will trigger a chain reaction and directly cause all-round damage to the big world.

The former world will of the big world did not have this characteristic, that is, the world will was too passive, while the new world will was actively operated. Within the scope of the world will, it is not difficult to achieve this step.

The world is the body, the world will is the soul, the soul will become a vegetable without the body, and the soul will not die without the body.

But the world will created by the Breaking World Organization deepened the connection between each other, so that the injuries on the soul will also be fed back to the body. If the soul has corresponding injuries, the body will also have the same injuries.

If the soul dies, the body will die with it.

In this way, the entire big world is held hostage to prevent Zheng Yichen from completely destroying the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization.

This is the best solution for the Heavenly Dao System to use autonomously in this emergency period.

The agents who invaded here cannot be thrown away or killed, and can only wait for the other party to slowly die. According to calculations, the time of this death will not exceed two minutes.

However, Zheng Yichen will not give them two minutes. Without obstacles, the entire Breaking World Organization can be dismantled in one minute, and even the world will can be killed!

Just after the connection deepened, the Tiandao system recorded more error messages, and even serious alarms.

The curse that Zhu Lina fed back to the world's will was fed back to the big world along the world's will because of the methods of the Tiandao system.

This is already 'illegal'. The Heavenly Dao system physically connects the will of the world to the world itself, causing the curse to directly affect the world itself.

This is an act that harms the world itself, which is more serious than the division of the great domain not long ago!

The Tiandao system has always been operating with the Eye of Tiandao, and is also responsible for avoiding the boundary-breaking organization when doing things in the big world to avoid triggering the Twilight Extinction Order.

But now that they have taken control of the will of the world, the priority of avoidance in this area has been lowered. Even if the Dusk Extinction Order is triggered, it will not be as troublesome as before.

The higher priority now is to deal with Zheng Yichen and put them in a temporary invincible position. As long as they delay for enough time and wait for Zheng Yichen to die naturally.

Although it is difficult for the Eye of Heaven to observe Zheng Yichen's essence, it can analyze the current situation without any problem. Zheng Yichen's current state is as if he has made himself into a 'weapon'.

Similar to the Heaven-Destroying Weapon, but more dangerous than the Heaven-Destroying Weapon.

However, along with this high degree of danger, the price is insufficient durability.

After surviving this difficult period, the other party will face death.

"What's going on?" Du Gang gasped slightly and looked at the disappearing enemies around him. He hesitated for a moment and then stopped. He wanted to pursue him, but the enemies here all left in the form of space displacement. Yes, there is no way to catch up.

All the enemies they fought with disappeared, and even the Domain Lords who appeared later were gone. It could only be said that there was a serious problem with the Boundary Breaking Organization, which forced them to evacuate urgently.

Although I can rest, I just learned that someone is still fighting.

"Can you still fight?" Wu Lingluo's phantom first appeared next to Du Gang, and then her body replaced the phantom. This was her way of moving.

"Of course!" Du Gang said without hesitation.

Wu Lingluo's eyes fell on his cracked Diamond Body, and he grinned, and the cracks quickly disappeared: "My Diamond Body has made new breakthroughs, and its weaknesses have long been made up!"

"Okay then, get ready to pursue."

"? Do you have a way to find them?"

Wu Lingluo smiled slightly: "Of course there is, but this method was originally intended to get people."

"Tianzhou Fate Mirror?" Du Gang immediately thought of the thing that dragged Zheng Yichen back.

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