I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1221 New Extermination Order

Here comes a tougher one!

This is the consensus of the domain lords in the battle. Using the curse in the environment, plus the destructive power of Zhu Li's curse itself, makes Zhu Li's curse extra effective.

And this curse is not targeted at anyone, it is a power like a halo, which will continue to affect all enemies within the range.

It will not cause them direct damage, but will further target the world will protection on them.

When the world will protection weakens, another curse integrated into the big world will take effect.

The fire of destruction that came out made some cannon fodder unable to bear it. They screamed and struggled. The world will protection that had not disappeared completely prevented them from being burned to death directly, but they suffered more severe pain.

Zhu Li was very satisfied with this scene, laughing a little crazy, which made those domain lords feel sympathetic and unwilling to approach Zhu Li, the hedgehog.

The closer they were to Zhu Li, the faster the world will protection on them would be killed.

"Don't leave!" Zhu Li was a little anxious as she watched the domain masters moving away. It was not easy for her curse to take effect against a large number of enemies protected by the world's will.

Fortunately, she had excellent talent. After changing the form of the curse, the curse could take effect in another mode. In this mode, her other attacks were like scraping...

Well, even if it was not in this mode, her normal attacks would be useless against these domain masters.

Other domain masters were too lazy to pay attention to Zhu Li. They restricted her remotely in various ways and maintained a safe distance.

The next moment, another claw mark appeared, tearing through the attacks that restricted Zhu Li, and taking away the lives of two domain masters and a large number of worldbreaker cannon fodder.

Zhu Li took advantage of the loophole in the attack blockade and threw the bone blade she was carrying.

The bone blade pierced a domain master who failed to avoid it. It was not that he did not want to avoid it, but that the bone blade carried some kind of "must-hit" curse.

The intensity of this curse was so high that he could not dodge normally. He could only deflect the angle of attack, from piercing the heart to piercing the arm. This should be okay...? !

The domain master whose arm was pierced felt a violent agitation in his body. In less than half a second, his body was deformed into a monster like a meat ball.

The surface of the meat ball was filled with a large number of curses, and dense bone spurs grew from the meat ball. After the bloated meat ball expanded to a certain extent, it exploded directly, and the bone spurs like fragments flew in all directions.

Zhu Li was within the range of the attack, but more enemies were also within this range.

The injured domain master quickly lost the protection of the world will. Without the protection of the world will, the curse of the obscure city quickly took effect, and the fire of destruction burned on them.

The domain master himself was powerful. Even if he was ignited by the fire of destruction brought by this curse, he did not die immediately, but the damage caused by the fire of destruction could not be ignored.

If the domain master who was cursed did not choose to evacuate, it would be no different from death.

A blood-colored figure rushed into the group of domain masters who had lost their protection, and several of them exploded into blood mist on the spot.

Tong Yue's figure quickly passed through the blood mist, and her injuries became more serious.

Even if the domain masters who lost the protection of the world will were not passive targets.

They only lost their immortality, but not the corresponding combat consciousness. Moreover, without the protection of the world will, their destructive power that could be used was strengthened.

Even if excessive use of this destructive power would hurt them, it would be better than being burned to death by the cursed destructive flames or being killed by the enemy.

With a stronger destructive power to counterattack, Tong Yue, who mainly fought in close combat, was more and more seriously injured.

The claw marks cut in front of Tong Yue, leaving a partition. Tong Yue, who was moving at a high speed, stopped: "What are you doing?"

"Don't rush to die." Wu Lingluo pulled Tong Yue back and looked at the halo that was changing in the distance.

As for intercepting Tong Yue, it was because she didn't want her to die in vain. Tong Yue's offensive was too radical.

Those domain masters who couldn't escape and temporarily lost the protection of the world's will were almost crazy. They were going to be killed anyway, so they might as well do something more useful.

The domain masters that Tong Yue targeted were now like bombs. She rushed to kill them, just like using a hammer to smash a cannonball.

She could kill the cannonball, and the cannonball could also kill her.

"...Oh." Tong Yue nodded unwillingly.

In the black halo, a large amount of fine powder was floating around Zheng Yichen. These were the cannon fodder filled by the world-breaking organization. The heavy powder quickly disintegrated and faded.

Some of these powders were left by the domain masters of the world-breaking, and some were left by other world-breaking and other things.

In order to stop Zheng Yichen, the world-breaking organization even smashed the world of the world-breaking during this period of time, in order to eliminate Zheng Yichen's extinction.

There was nothing wrong with their approach. The higher the degree of Zheng Yichen's extinction was used, the greater the damage to him.

Let Zheng Yichen's extinction power be consumed elsewhere, and his threat to the heavenly system of the world-breaking organization would be reduced.

Zheng Yichen could foresee the result of letting the Boundary Breaking Organization hold out this time.

They would definitely slow down the Boundary Breaking's actions temporarily and focus on guarding Zheng Yichen to prevent him from making the same threat again. It would not be so easy for Zheng Yichen to find the Boundary Breaking's headquarters next time.

But is it considered a violation for the Boundary Breaking Organization to toss so much?

Sometimes when the Boundary Breaking Organization cannot intercept him, it will even directly split part of the framework of the big world to isolate Zheng Yichen.

He cannot see this split with his naked eyes, but he can "see" it in the special perception brought by the Silence.

In the Dusk Land, Tia looked at the outside world, and the Dusk Land of the Big World began to become "lively".

Wu Lingluo and others who were fighting were also stunned. They had a special feeling, which was the "summoning" of the Dusk Extinction Order.

"Is this considered to have achieved the goal?" Tong Yue said with some surprise. The place where the Dusk Extinction Order was least likely to appear, now there is such a Dusk Order.

This must have nothing to do with them. They are not enough to force the Boundary Breaking Organization to shake the whole world.

If there is such a situation, then there is only the black halo in the distance. They can't see what happened inside, but based on the current situation, they can guess it.

There must be something that affects the integrity of the whole world, and the reason for this integrity problem is still caused by the Boundary Breaking Organization.

If it was brought by Zheng Yichen, it would not be the Twilight Extinction Order, but Zheng Yichen was directly wiped out.

"It's too early..." Wu Lingluo shook her head. The Twilight Extinction Order was only a special guarantee to ensure that the local Twilight intervened in the big world, but it did not mean a sure win.

Even without the existence of Zheng Yichen, Wu Lingluo felt that the future Breaking World Organization would take the initiative to come up with the Twilight Extinction Order.

So as to gather those hard-to-find agents and kill them.

But with agents like Zheng Yichen, the Twilight Extinction Order became a sharp weapon against them.

The intervention of the Twilight means that the Breaking World Organization can no longer hide in the future.

No matter where they run, as long as they are still in the big world, their specific location will always be marked by the local Twilight.

What makes Wu Lingluo puzzled is that at this time, why don't the Breaking Worlds use the Heaven-Slaying Weapon?

Zheng Yichen is very strong, but when facing the Heaven-Slaying Weapon, he will still be very passive. Even this black halo may not be able to maintain after encountering the Heaven-Slaying Weapon.


"What's wrong?" Noticing Wu Lingluo's thoughtful look, Zhu Li glanced at the agents who temporarily slowed down their offensive vigilantly.

With Du Gang as a super meat shield, plus their close distance, Wu Lingluo's secret method, and small props such as the phantom eye, they can communicate in battle.

"Where is the Zhutian weapon? The Breaking World Organization has not used this weapon until now."

"Are they worried that the weapon will break?" Tong Yue was a little puzzled.

Wu Lingluo looked at her subtly. This statement sounded a little unreliable, but it was the most likely one.

The reason why it seemed unreliable was that the Zhutian weapon itself had a record of killing the world will, and it was the world will of the big world.

If it could do this, how could this weapon be easily destroyed?

But so far, the Breaking World Organization was unwilling to use the Zhutian weapon, so this reason seemed very likely.

Zheng Yichen in the black halo was definitely in a dangerous state at the moment, so dangerous that the Breaking World Organization was unwilling to use the Zhutian weapon.

Choosing to delay time?

Wu Lingluo said calmly: "Be prepared to die, remember not to get caught."

Since the Breaking World Organization wants to delay time, it is probably determined that the tactic of delaying time is useful. If Zheng Yichen is killed, they will also die here.

The Tianzhou Life Mirror is gone, even if they move too fast, they can't run away.

It's better to think about how to die beautifully than to think about escaping, so that they can take away more enemies before death. They are already the agents who accept the extinction order.

If they are caught, as long as the Breaking World Organization keeps controlling them, their chance of survival will be completely invalid.

As long as the extinction order does not disappear, they will not accept other tasks.

As for how long the extinction order will be executed?

Although I didn't see the specific information, Wu Lingluo could feel that the extinction order mission this time would take more than a year.

"Don't worry, I still have a great way to die." Tong Yue said confidently.

Zhu Li smiled lightly: "Then you are definitely not as professional as me."

"..." Du Gang was silent. He was not good at committing suicide. The breakthrough of the Diamond Body made him have extremely strong defense even if he did not activate the Diamond Body.

Even if he gave up resistance, he was the slowest to die among all the people.

The defense was too strong, and suicide was ineffective. With his physique, he basically had no chance of self-destruction.

Du Gang was overwhelmed by a large number of attacks when he was distracted for a while. Many of these attacks came from dusk creations.

Enemies are hateful, but traitors are even more hateful!

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