I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1230 Mutual Targeting

"What's going on?" The agents who were in action felt something was wrong. They had received some kind of protection. Although this protection would not make them stronger, it could avoid many external influences.

Although the will of hell could not fight against the will of the big world, it was more than enough to provide sufficient protection.

"It's the protection of hell. This can prevent you from being exiled by the will of the world." The voice of the will of the will of the will of the will of the city of obscurity came, which made these agents stunned for a moment, and then accepted such protection.

The strategy of the big world provided by Zheng Yichen was evaluated as true after being identified by the twilight nun in charge of them. In addition, with the restrictions of the twilight extinction order this time, no one dared to be careless.

After all, when there are reservations, death is no longer the end. Who dares to slack off? Only complete death will get rid of the extinction order.

But complete death does not need to get rid of it.

Now with the protection of the will of the will of the city of obscurity, they have no reason to refuse.

"There will always be a place for you in the Sky Wheel." In the Hell of Longcheng, Zheng Yichen said to the somewhat weak Long. She divided the Hell of Longcheng and created a special protection to ensure that the agent would not be exiled.

This protection lasts for a long time, at least it will not disappear when they die in this battle.

"I want to go there now."

"The Sky Wheel cannot bear the current Hell of Longcheng." Lilith's figure appeared immediately.

The will of Longcheng Hell nodded helplessly: "I will continue to provide hell protection."

"Thank you for your hard work." Zheng Yichen left Longcheng Hell, and the new hell that crashed into it was demolished by him, and the original hell will that was suppressed in Longcheng Hell was directly torn apart by Zheng Yichen.

The big world has created a new hell, which is naturally out of track with the old hell. It's no problem to kill the original hell will at this time.

Anyway, it's a crazy hell will, and it can strengthen the will of Longcheng Hell after killing it.

"Here it comes..." In a large domain of the Great World, the newly promoted domain master looked at the figure approaching from a distance. The Great World is huge, and not all agents are good at long-distance movement, but with Dusk, this is not a problem.

Originally, the agent was not willing to spend credit points on this aspect, but now he didn't save it and directly made something that could move long distances.

In the eyes of this domain master, an agent held a dark purple short sword. The weapon passed through the air in front, and a channel appeared in front of him.

This is a way of moving by directly cutting through space to open a channel. Relying on this way of moving, they can ignore the influence of the area of ​​the Great World to the greatest extent.

The newly promoted domain master directly mobilized the power of the entire domain and crushed the incoming agent. This is the authority given to them by the will of the world. They are very strong now! !


The agent who was the first to bear the brunt of the body sank, and then felt the protection of the will of hell on his body take effect, and the pressure from the Great Domain was relieved a lot.

He stared at the target of the pressure, and a battle axe appeared in his hand. The battle axe in the agent's hand emitted a bloody glow, and he jumped and chopped at the domain master.

The power of destruction tore open the defense of the domain master, and the axe split the opponent's chest. The severely injured domain master retreated in shock, but the wound on his chest did not heal. However, under the protection of the world's will, he would not die easily.

The agent holding the battle axe smiled grimly: "You are much worse than the gods I met. You are a temporary post!"

"Shut up!!" The face of the newly promoted domain master turned red, not because of anger, but because the blood was surging because of the axe.

The power of destruction made him unable to experience what "invincible" was. He obviously had almost invincible power now, but facing this agent, he felt that he seemed to have taken the wrong script.

The agent who took action was also very fortunate. Fortunately, they had a god teammate on their side. He was the kind of person who "listened to others' advice". He had read the strategy of the big world given by Zheng Yichen very seriously.

He used the destruction crystals and the creation crystals made from the chaotic seawater according to the methods in the strategy. Although the strategy clearly stated that if there were better ways to use them, they could be used in other ways.

But he didn't, so he chose the best one.

After fighting with the local domain master, he felt the power of the world's will. Without the blessing of the destruction power, he had to fight hard to break that defense.

But after the world-breaking organization mastered the world's will, the existence of the domain master became a "conventional" combat force. To deal with a domain master, you have to do your best. How to execute the next extinction order?

The power of destruction is really the admission right.

Although the domain master he faced had powerful power, his fighting skills were too poor compared to the agent, and his use of power was also very powerful.

In the end, he didn't hold on for long and was hacked to death by him.

But after hacking this domain master to death, the agent felt that a new domain master had appeared.

"... Is it still a successor?" It can only be said that it is worthy of the extinction order that is bound to death.

With a sigh of relief, the agent did not give the new domain lord a chance to speak, and he jumped up and slashed. The destructive force broke through the opponent's defense and chopped off the domain lord's head in one blow, tearing the opponent's soul apart as well.

His axe has the tearing effect of synchronizing injuries to the soul. After the destruction enhancement, this effect is further enhanced. It is a complete kill for these water-traded domain masters who have unique ways to save their lives.

However, he was temporarily intercepted in this large domain, which made the agent immediately choose to retreat. He wanted to find other agents to form a team.

If they form a team, even if they encounter such water-traded domain masters, they can quickly kill them. Even if they cannot destroy this large domain, they can quickly pass through here.

After the power of the agents came to the big world, they were affected by the environment of the big world and had already surged to an exaggerated degree.

In addition, the chaotic seawater crystals made by Zheng Yichen strengthened their bodies, which significantly increased their physical fitness. The most obvious change is that they are more affected by the environment.

"All-out war."

At the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization, a domain master looked at the latest battle report. Tens of thousands of agents are equivalent to one-third of the current number of agents.

These agents were selected by Huang Hun, with sufficient credit points and many retention times. As for combat effectiveness, there is no doubt that if they are really bad, they will not become agents.

They will be directly frozen and sealed by Huang Hun.

Therefore, the agents who come to the big world, without exception, have their combat effectiveness raised to a very high level after the environment is adjusted.

In addition, the weapons and equipment have been strengthened with destruction materials, so there is no disadvantage against the domain master.

Even the targeting of the world will was resisted by the will of the Hell of the City of Longevity with the protection of cutting flesh.

However, the role of the world will is not only reflected in enhancing its own combat effectiveness, but also in the reshaping of the big world. Now the space of the big world is chaotic.

It takes a lot of time for those agents to find the headquarters of the world-breaking organization.

The large area of ​​the world is also an advantage.

The trouble is Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen, who tore the new hell apart, also started to act. At this time, it is not easy for them to target Zheng Yichen. The Heavenly Dao system is under maintenance. Although it can play a corresponding role, it cannot deal with the research related to extinction for the time being.

This has seriously affected the progress in this regard, and delaying time will become a relatively ineffective delay.

However, for them, one more day means that a large number of worlds will be broken, the big world can be supplemented, and the world will can be further strengthened.

"Foster, half a month has passed." Dashia Philo looked at the scenery below with some boredom.

The big world is too large, so you can find a lot of good scenery here.

"Why are you more anxious than me?"

Zheng Yichen smiled and touched the little white dragon's head.

The flying Dashia Philo turned her head and looked at Zheng Yichen with tears in her eyes: "I don't want you to die, fosterer!"

"Hahaha, give me some confidence." Zheng Yichen looked at Dashia Philo's cute appearance, couldn't help but smile, and reached out to touch the little white dragon's head.

"Just here, someone is coming."

The little white dragon looked around vigilantly, and the life shield on his body blocked the external attack, and the entire emerald green shield shook violently.

She looked at the source of the attack fiercely. It was a figure close to Zheng Yichen, and anger was raging in her eyes.

They had encountered this kind of fake many times during this period of time.

If she hadn't been unable to beat it, she would have rushed up and torn the fake with her hands!

"Be careful, fosterer." Dashia Philo went directly back to the Wheel of the Sky.

Here, she saw the shining starlight above the sky. It was the star god core that Zheng Yichen had obtained. These star cores were now used by Lilith in a special formation.

Retracting her sight, she walked towards the control room of the Wheel of the Sky.

Outside, Zheng Yichen stared at the end machine that came back to the door again, and a black gun took shape in his hand. This thing was the fourth one he encountered.

It was very impressive. After all, he encountered this thing when he died last time. At that time, this thing was not perfect. Now this thing keeps fighting with him and is further improved.

This thing has his image, but the inner core is the world will. This end machine can be regarded as the new world will incarnation of the big world.

Under the control of the Breaking World Organization, they took the initiative to find trouble with Zheng Yichen, fight with him to further analyze him, so as to obtain more information related to Nirvana.

Zheng Yichen smashed one of these things, and now there are several similar wreckages in the Sky Wheel.

Lilith has also analyzed this thing, and the cost of this thing is extremely high.

According to Lilith's calculations, even if the Breaking World Organization owns a large world, it is not easy to mass-produce this thing.

So she recommended that Zheng Yichen keep the end machine as intact as possible when he blew this thing up, so that they can use this thing to upgrade the Sky Wheel completely.

"The person who thought of this method is really talented." The engineers in the maintenance department of the Heavenly Dao System drank cooling drinks here, and they paid close attention to the search for Zheng Yichen's end machine.

The maintenance of the Heavenly Dao System has been going on for half a month, and the battle of the Agent Breaking World Organization during this period has been particularly fierce.

The number of domain lords who died was no less than 100,000, but these domain lords were just temporary domain lords. It was not a big deal if they died, as long as they could use the numbers to replace those agents.

It’s just that the current battle loss ratio is slightly lower. According to their statistics, the number of dead agents is less than 200...

The agents get too much power in the big world, and there is also protection provided by the will of the hell in the city of obscurity.

Without this protection, the number of dead agents will at least increase tenfold.

Although the battle loss ratio is terrible, as long as the agents are still dying gradually, it will be fine. The more they die, the weaker they become. Moreover, as the agents die, the equipment they strengthen with the crystals of destruction is also acquired by the world-breaking organization.

The perfect dusk creation is too valuable for research.

Such a battle can last for ten or eight years, and the world-breaking organization does not care at all, and is even happy to maintain it for so long.

Without so many agents to save the world, it is too easy for their people to go to the world-breaking.

Loss? What if a few large domains are destroyed because of the battle with the agents? This loss was replenished on the same day, and even dozens of large domains were destroyed every day, which did not affect them at all.

The strength of the big world is rising, and the strength of the world will is also increasing by leaps and bounds.

The disadvantage is that the strength of the big world grows too fast, causing many strong people here to be passively dragged by the environment in terms of improvement.

In this regard, the talent of the agents is better, which makes the Breaking World Organization a little entangled, hesitating whether to slow down the speed of breaking the world. After all, when the agents are too much improved by the environment, their threats will also increase significantly.

However, if the breaking of the world is not accelerated, their analysis of the power of annihilation will not be able to go deeper.

In the end, the Breaking World Organization decided to continue to maintain the state of high-speed breaking of the world. As long as the strength of the world will is high enough to further suppress the influence of annihilation, the speed of related analysis can be accelerated.

After the power of annihilation is completely analyzed, what threat can those agents pose in the face of this ultimate destructive power? Even Zheng Yichen can't do it.

It's just that the Heavenly Dao system is a bit unbearable. Those engineers spent a lot of time and overloaded their brains before they barely maintained the problematic Heavenly Dao system.

But there is still a lot of follow-up repair work. It is better to make a new Heavenly Dao system directly than to mess around with it.

So the geniuses in the development department came up with a new way to combine the Doomsday Machine with part of the World Will and create a special World Will incarnation.

This thing is much more stable than the new Hell Will incarnation, and it is directly connected to the World Will. By fighting with Zheng Yichen to analyze Nirvana, the World Will also bears the influence of Nirvana completely.

The Heavenly Dao system only needs to analyze the purified information.

I have to say that this method is very useful. The number of errors reported by the Heavenly Dao system has been significantly reduced, and the stability of the system has gradually returned to normal. Even if it has received excessive Nirvana information, there are no obvious errors.

The enhancement of the World Will is really too important, and the boundary breaking can't stop for a moment.

Now the maintenance department is ready to face the new data impact. After all, the Doomsday Machine has met Zheng Yichen. If nothing unexpected happens, the Doomsday Machine will be dismantled by Zheng Yichen again.

"How long can the 5.0 version of the Doomsday Machine last this time?" The engineers who were waiting chatted. They didn't need to be too nervous before the battle, but they would fight hard after the battle.

"It depends on the mood of 'Changqing'." Another engineer said indifferently. When the 3.0 version of the Doomsday Machine found Zheng Yichen, they were willing to guess.

Now? Come on, the 4.0 version of the Doomsday Machine was dismantled by Zheng Yichen in half the time it took to deal with the 3.0 version. It is not impossible that this 5.0 version will be killed instantly when they meet.

However, these Doomsday Machines were not given in vain. A lot of useful information was indeed analyzed from Zheng Yichen.

After all, they are special combat units that integrate the will of the world, and this Doomsday Machine can also use the power of the Heaven-Slaying Weapon. Zheng Yichen can't keep too much if he wants to fight it.

He doesn't use the power of annihilation to fight the Doomsday Machine, so he can't fight the Doomsday Machine until the end of time.

In the information they obtained, Zheng Yichen has an overlapping move involving parallel space.

This method allows Zheng Yichen to create an inner parallel space, which is on his own body. As for how many times it can overlap, it depends on his own ideas.

As long as Zheng Yichen can withstand the consumption, it is not impossible for him to instantly kill this end machine. After obtaining this information, the Breaking World Organization has become more cautious about Zheng Yichen.

When dealing with Zheng Yichen, it is necessary to prevent Zheng Yichen from obtaining more external energy resources, otherwise Zheng Yichen's method of differentiating parallel selves can theoretically blow up everything.

Even if this method is simply stacking power, normal stacking is difficult to cause qualitative change, and at most it is a complete crushing of quantity.

But Zheng Yichen does not need to stack up qualitative change. The annihilation power he controls is the ultimate destruction itself, and has reached the peak of quality. It is enough to stack up a number of crushing.

As long as Zheng Yichen obtains enough external energy resources, breaks through his parallel differentiation limit, and reaches an infinite degree... well... terrible!

Fortunately, the world will is under their control, and it is not difficult to prevent Zheng Yichen from obtaining too many energy resources from the outside world.

After cutting off this channel, what remains is to determine the upper limit of Zheng Yichen's own parallel differentiation, and the terminal machine is the best test product.

The performance of the 5.0 version of the Doomsday Machine is 7% higher than that of the 4.0 version. This thing itself is an ultimate mechanical creation, and it is very difficult to improve it.

An Doomsday Machine can push a large number of high and low environment worlds.

In a low environment, the Doomsday Machine can push everything with its own strength. In a high environment, the Doomsday Machine can quickly kill the high-tech space fleet.

It is a perfect combat unit with high adaptability. It is the ultimate weapon in all types of worlds.

However, Zheng Yichen has dismantled several of them.


At a glance, the Doomsday Machine was pierced through the body by the black gun in Zheng Yichen's hand, and the place where it was pierced had a mercury-like flow.

The power of annihilation was isolated before it spread, and flowed out of the body of the Doomsday Machine along the isolated mercury ring. By the way, before this mercury ring was completely destroyed, a lot of information about the power of annihilation was analyzed.

This is a forced analysis in front of Zheng Yichen. It is an open plot. Zheng Yichen is unwilling to use the power of annihilation and wants to conceal information, so the end machine will show more ferocious fangs.

This thing is very threatening to Zheng Yichen. It can use the Heaven-killing Weapon. Even if it is only a part of the power condensed into the Heaven-killing Weapon, Zheng Yichen will not feel good if he is cut.

The combat performance of the end machine is extremely high, but Zheng Yichen has not fallen behind in this aspect. His extreme speed ability allows him to respond to all changes with speed.

No matter how high the combat skills are, his speed can suppress it. The new version of the end machine has been strengthened in speed and has new resistance to will interference.

It can be said that every time this thing is upgraded, it will be updated in a targeted manner according to the last situation.

But these are all for the purpose of analyzing Zheng Yichen.

Faced with such an open plot, Zheng Yichen is willing to accept it... Of course, he has to show that he is very unhappy in the eyes of the Breaking World Organization, and the way to show his unwillingness is to make the attack a little more violent.

Shake the environment, distort the environment, and destroy the environment.

Then Zheng Yichen will continue to infiltrate the unbalanced power into the world will through the connection between the world will and the end machine, further causing the imbalance of the world will.

He didn't know how long it would take for the Breaking World Organization to discover this problem, but since they kept sending out the end machine to deal with him, they should not have discovered this problem yet.

Or they have already discovered it, but they are confident enough in the world will they dominate.

No matter which situation, Zheng Yichen seized the opportunity to interfere with the world will, so he would not miss it. Will interference is difficult to penetrate into the world will associated with the end machine?

It doesn't matter, he uses parallel differentiation to forcibly enhance will interference, one is not enough, two.

Of course, the external manifestation of his will interference is to interfere with the addition of the world will to the end machine.

Use your own will power to affect the effect of the world will.

"Well, as before, his will is interfering with the world will in the end machine, trying to completely merge that part of the world will with the end machine."

The engineer of the maintenance department looked at the information in the Tiandao system and nodded as expected. They could understand this situation. Zheng Yichen also had a super artificial intelligence.

Zheng Yichen now integrates the world will into the part of the end machine and seals it forcibly, and then kills the end machine, so that part of the world will will also be left.

While they analyze Zheng Yichen's power, Zheng Yichen is also constantly counterattacking and obtaining information about the world will. In this comparison, it depends on who is more skilled.

In this regard, the engineers here are very confident. They have been operating the big world for so long. Even if Zheng Yichen's super artificial intelligence gets the simulation world core, how much can it grow?

They have a lot of simulation world cores!

"Strange, why is the stability of the world will reduced again?" Another engineer looked at another part of the information with some confusion.

Then he calculated it. With the assistance of the Tiandao system, his frown was slightly relieved.

The degree of reduction in stability is within the controllable range. If the speed of breaking the boundary is slowed down, the reduced stability will slowly recover. Now it is unstable, mainly because the efficiency of breaking the boundary is too high... right?

The engineer who was a little uneasy calculated it several times again, and there was nothing wrong.

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