I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1236: People with no way out

"Dacia Philo, go back." Zheng Yichen, who was sitting on the back of the little white dragon, stood up and patted her head gently.

The figure of the little white dragon disappeared directly on the spot. In the past two days, Zheng Yichen had not told her to go back, but when he suddenly said this, it meant that the enemy was coming.

She didn't need to wonder why, just go back directly.

A few seconds after the little white dragon left, a stream of light quickly passed by Zheng Yichen. The speed of this stream of light was extremely fast. What was even more outrageous was that when it maintained this speed and did not involve the power of space, the stream of light could still turn flexibly against common sense.

In the blink of an eye, Zheng Yichen's skin had several scars with the power of annihilation.

During the next attack, the stream of light stopped. Zheng Yichen grabbed the black moon blade in the stream of light and showed a puzzled look: "What do you mean?"

The end machine is still the end machine, but the power exerted by this end machine has more characteristics of others.

Yu Heng is the domain master of the boundary breaker who has always been obsessed with him.

The movement of the Doomsday Machine is exactly the same as Yu Heng. The super high moonlight speed makes Zheng Yichen unable to maintain the previous state of steady speed when facing this Doomsday Machine.

Even when he didn't get the Infinite Space Gem, he still suffered a little when facing such a Doomsday Machine.

This thing was made to target him. If he was easily killed by him, then the people of the Breaking World Organization would be too useless.

Subtle refraction traces appeared from the depths of Zheng Yichen's eyes, and his vision without blind spots allowed him to accurately capture the movement trajectory of the Doomsday Machine.

He blocked part of the subsequent attack from the Doomsday Machine. While the black moon blade with the power of annihilation passed through his palm, Zheng Yichen's counterattack that distorted the space also acted on the Doomsday Machine.

The most intuitive feeling Zheng Yichen had from the feedback was hardness.

The strong recoil made his palm a little numb, but under this extremely hard confrontation, cracks appeared on the surface of the Doomsday Machine, revealing the structure in the body that was more sophisticated than human muscles.

Zheng Yichen's finger pierced into the crack, and the high-speed movement of the Doomsday Machine was forced to stop. The tearing force expanded the area of ​​the crack, and the violent force blasted into the body of the Doomsday Machine along the crack.

The bursting power of annihilation shook the surrounding environment, and the world will in the Doomsday Machine was still analyzing his power.

Zheng Yichen was doing the same thing as before, continuing to cause the imbalance of the world will.

In other areas, the agents fought on their own.

After Zheng Yichen took action, they did not waste time and acted according to the previous grouping, killing any new domain master with extremely high efficiency.

They did not have the power of Zheng Yichen to create the Jedi Tiantong, but after integrating resources, they made a lot of special dusk creations through dusk, and some dusk creations could disturb the blessing of the world will.

Therefore, in the past two days, Zheng Yichen did not receive much attention, and those agents who acted collectively made the Breaking World Organization a little uncomfortable.

The biggest reason is that the survival rate of the newly promoted domain masters has dropped significantly. In the past, one or two out of dozens of them could survive, but now none of the hundreds can survive.

It's not that they are not good enough, but that the good ones have been subjected to stronger concentrated fire.

The agents who act in teams are too efficient in killing, and the methods they use are endless.

In the areas where the agents have been active, they left a special kind of pillar, which is directly connected to the overall earth veins of the large domain. It will not harm the large domain itself, but will make the large domain more stable.

It is so stable that it can even produce an effect similar to the Jedi Tiantong.

Of course, that kind of stability is not the real Jedi Tiantong, but a restriction.

Within the influence of the pillar, all power will be limited to a certain extent. The range of this restriction is very high. It is fine under normal circumstances, but with the protection of the world will, it will exceed this limit.

However, the large domain itself is part of the large world, and the world will can indeed break through this limit. However, the price of breaking through is the instability of the pillar. The consequence of instability... will cause the entire large domain to be broken, and even implicate nearby large domains.

This is also a kind of conspiracy. The agent left the pillar to stabilize the stability of the domain. This is not a way to endanger the world itself. If the Breaking World Organization wants to kill the agent, it will inevitably use the power beyond the limit of the pillar.

The collapse of the domain that was caused later was also the fault of the Breaking World Organization.

As for using this to kidnap those agents, saying that the agents are inhumane and ignore the creatures living in the domain in this way, just think about it.

They have implanted pillars in the domain, so would they care about such things?

There is no point in directly destroying the domain. On the contrary, the world will lose some resources. At least when they are left, those domains are still within the control of the world's will, but they cannot exert their power beyond the limit.

If they are destroyed, it is equivalent to demolishing the house. Not only will they get nothing, but they will also consume a lot of energy.

They have prepared a lot of such pillars. Not only that, but the latest dusk mercenaries who have joined have also brought some news.

The agent in the ruins of Longcheng seems to have prepared a lot of dangerous things, but it is not clear what those things are.

The agents are not stupid. After knowing that the Twilight Mercenaries are unreliable, they are not allowed to touch many important things, and some are not even allowed to be seen.

Do it by force? That's because they have lived enough. It is not easy for agents to fight each other, but it is not a problem for agents to kill some Twilight Mercenaries.

Although they don't know what those things are, it is enough for the Breaking World Organization to pay great attention to it.

The Breaking World Organization now needs a battle result that can overwhelm the agents. Once it is completed, those Twilight Mercenaries who are waiting and watching will completely lean towards them.

But the biggest problem is that there is Zheng Yichen here at this stage, which makes it difficult for them to do so.

It's not that they can't do it, but if Zheng Yichen interferes after doing so, it may become a situation where the confidence of the Twilight Mercenary Organization cannot be hit, but it will increase their confidence.

In the final analysis, the biggest problem is Zheng Yichen. As long as Zheng Yichen can be dealt with, everything will become simple.

"It's been two minutes. Although there are surprises, they are limited..." The boundary breaker who was watching Zheng Yichen's battle shook his head. Judging from the battle record, this end-time machine is undoubtedly a successful work.

The speed that almost crushes everything has left a lot of external injuries on Zheng Yichen. If this end-time machine is arranged in other battle zones, it can definitely harvest a large number of agents before being killed.

Even the agents fighting in the team do not have stronger trump cards, and basically the end is wiped out.

But when facing Zheng Yichen, the super fast speed becomes the basis for self-preservation. Just as they analyzed before, when the end-time machine fights Zheng Yichen, the strength of the body is not that important.

First, the power of this thing has been cut by one third, and what is the result? It can still hurt Zheng Yichen, and without this super fast speed, the end-time machine would have been completely killed a minute ago.

However, the battle has reached this point, and this end-time machine has almost reached its limit.

The originally flawless body was hit and leaked everywhere, and the world will integrated into the end machine also shook violently.

The speed of the end machine now, due to the influence of the power of destiny, occasionally burst out to suppress Zheng Yichen's speed, which allowed them to obtain new valuable information about Zheng Yichen's speed limit...

Although this limit may not be the real limit, with such information, they can target him more.

"What is the result of the test?" Zheng Yichen asked Lilith about the situation.

He could have solved the battle a minute ago. Although the speed of this end machine is very fast, he can lock the end machine in all aspects through infinite space vision.

No matter how fast this thing is, with Lilith's prediction and Zheng Yichen's judgment, it can directly block his retreat when it moves.

A nihilistic internal explosion can kill this end machine.

His nihilistic quality is higher, and the end machine cannot withstand the attack of internal explosion.

"We can interfere, but once we really interfere, it will expose that we can do this. Boss, do you want to use it?"

"No, leave it for next time." Zheng Yichen continued to fight with the Doomsday Machine for a while, and ended the battle after crippling the Doomsday Machine with an extremely strong attitude.

If this kind of interference can be used all the time, Zheng Yichen doesn't mind letting Lilith and Jiang Wei's efforts play a corresponding role, but it is easy to be sealed after use, so we should keep this opportunity and use it at a more critical time.

"This time the harvest is good, and the new Doomsday Machine has better optimization space." The boundary breaker who pays attention to Zheng Yichen was not disappointed.

The results achieved this time are already good. Optimizing the Doomsday Machine on the existing basis will definitely bring Zheng Yichen more trouble next time.

After this battle, Zheng Yichen also needs to recover from the injuries on his body. The wounds left by the power of annihilation are more difficult to deal with than the power of destruction.

When Zheng Yichen goes back, just throw a lot of rule-based weird monsters to block him.

It's better to waste a little time.

"The stability of the world will is okay this time, but every time the Doomsday Machine fights him, there will be some problems." The engineers of the maintenance department checked the status of the world will.

One of the engineers sighed. They have determined that the instability of the world will is not only due to the rapid growth of the big world, but also to a considerable extent due to Zheng Yichen.

The other party used some method to disturb the stability of the world will, and the important medium for him to use that method is the Doomsday Machine.

Under normal circumstances, although Zheng Yichen can contact the world will and even attack the world will, that kind of attack is only destructive.

When the Doomsday Machine analyzes Zheng Yichen, it is equivalent to opening the network connection. When analyzing Zheng Yichen, Zheng Yichen can also operate in reverse.

Just like releasing a virus to the world will, although the virus created by Zhu Li before affects the world will, that kind of influence is only effective on the outer layer of the world will, and does not involve the stability of the world will.

In order to affect the stability of the world will, the curse must first break through the outer layer of the world will and contact the core of the world will before it can affect its stability.

Zheng Yichen's method of releasing the virus is equivalent to influencing the world's will from within the world.

After realizing this problem, they carefully located and checked the problem. There were many problems caused by the instability of the world will, and they could not fully confirm many of them.

But after discovering the problem, it was much easier to locate and check.

At present, they can be sure that Zheng Yichen's method is to destroy the regulatory ability of the world will and cause conflict errors by destroying the regulatory ability.

This situation is equivalent to causing a person's endocrine system to be seriously disordered, eventually reaching a life-threatening level.

This problem is not big or small. After discovering it in advance, it can be adjusted in time.

It's just that Zheng Yichen didn't give them a chance to adjust!

After solving the end machine, Zheng Yichen, who was supposed to recover, suddenly accelerated. The space around him was severely distorted, and he directly broke through the blockade of more than a dozen large domains.

Quickly approaching the location of the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization.

In order to prevent the agents from arriving at the headquarters, the Breaking World Organization has used the world will to affect the spatial structure of the big world.

Among the agents, even the most outstanding spatial ability users cannot move across several large domains in an instant.

Zheng Yichen has always lacked spatial ability. For those with spatial ability among the agents, Zheng Yichen originally wanted to ask them to donate blood, but the strength of the infinite space gem gave him a new idea.

Since this thing can observe and affect space globally, he can completely obtain the corresponding blood during the battle.

There will be no less bloody battles in the future. At that time, not only will the enemies bleed, but his own people will also bleed.

He can obtain all the blood on the battlefield through the infinite space gem. In this way, he does not need to ask for help from others, and he can also temporarily improve his combat effectiveness by obtaining a large amount of blood.

"Is he planning to take advantage of our inability to take out new terminal machines and attack the headquarters?" Looking at Zheng Yichen's tracked movements.

The top leaders of the boundary breaker are not in a hurry.

The terminal machine is difficult to make, but it is not impossible to make it quickly.

When dealing with Zheng Yichen, the terminal machine has many spare modules.

By using all those modules, several terminal machines can be made in the shortest time.

But after doing so, the upgrade and transformation function of the module will be locked, and the terminal machine cannot be further updated.

But Zheng Yichen has already planned to attack the Boundary Breaker headquarters again, so those modules must be fully used.

"Why don't you wait a little longer? The experiment is still a little behind, and you may not be able to complete it if you go there now..."

Looking at Yu Heng coming out of the laboratory area, a researcher was a little embarrassed. If it weren't for her inner demon problem, Yu Heng would have remained completely isolated from the outside world when conducting experiments.

Even if Zheng Yichen attacked the headquarters again, as long as there was no fighting that caused turmoil in the entire headquarters, the isolation on Yu Heng's side would not fail.

However, Yu Heng's inner demon problem made her have to keep an eye on Zheng Yichen's dynamics.

When Zheng Yichen didn't come here, she would not have any problems, but Zheng Yichen took the initiative to come here, and Yu Heng's state of mind was affected.

The experiment didn't have her to fight Zheng Yichen. Whether it was to suppress or even digest the inner demon, or for the inner demon to be liberated, she had no room to avoid it.

Even if Zheng Yichen turned around and ran away now, Yu Heng might chase him directly...

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