I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1241: Calling for help

Zheng Yichen didn't feel much about Yu Heng's death. To be honest, he was not familiar with him, and he didn't know what this woman who broke the boundary was thinking.

They were enemies from the beginning. Could they understand each other? This was not true. As for the will shown by the other party's final decisive attack... he had already sighed.

It was that "so powerful", and then there was the joy of obtaining a special information solidification item.

And the entanglement of his current miserable situation. The Breaking World Organization could only take out such a Breaking World, which really exceeded Zheng Yichen's expectations.

That woman could exert the "speed of light" that surpassed space. A straight line of light blade without space power, abruptly produced an effect like a dimensional slash.

She cut off Zheng Yichen's right arm and left dense cuts on his body.

The complete skeleton was broken, and this attack was full of pure and incomparable cutting characteristics.

The place cut by her attack was not cursed, and there was not even any power left, but the place cut seemed to really no longer exist.

Such a cut even affected Zheng Yichen's life archive.

The injuries left by the Zhutian weapon are irreversible because the life source is damaged. This did not damage his life source.

But the place where he was injured "no longer exists", which means that if Yu Heng had dealt a fatal blow at that time, he might have been "killed instantly".

Yu Heng was really powerful in his disappearance.

A large amount of broken flesh and short limbs were collected by Zheng Yichen.

Lilith gave Zheng Yichen a puzzle.

Those pieces of flesh can be pieced together to form 0.4 Zheng Yichen.

"This is really hell, I feel so uncomfortable now." Zheng Yichen felt his voice leaking when he was telling the story.

But he had no time to rest, because new dangerous things came.

Two terminal machines, and they were very fast.

Facing these two terminal machines, Zheng Yichen directly used parallel unification. After a short delay, the terminal machine that turned into light was directly decapitated by Zheng Yichen.

He didn't have time to waste here at this time. Even if this quick kill would make his condition worse, it was better than continuing to waste time.

The speed of the Doomsday Machine was very fast, but it was a slightly clumsy imitation of Yu Heng after all. After just adapting to Yu Heng's speed, the speed of this Doomsday Machine was a bit slow for Zheng Yichen.

"Why didn't she use the Heavenly Sword!!" The top leaders of the Breaking World Organization, watching Zheng Yichen quickly kill two Doomsday Machines, were a little unsettled at this moment.

Yu Heng's final burst even exceeded the calculation of the Heavenly Dao System. Under that extreme burst, coupled with Yu Heng's authority in the Breaking World Organization, her will was superior to the Heavenly Dao System in a small range.

In that range, the highest authority of the Heavenly Dao System could not suppress Yu Heng's will.

At that time, the environment was under the control of Yu Heng, so when Yu Heng burst, she withdrew all the power related to the world's will in that place,

and even caused a temporary vacancy in the world's will.

But in that brief burst, Yu Heng actually gave up using the Zhutian weapon? ?

It was obvious that Zheng Yichen could be sliced ​​directly. With the power of the Zhutian weapon, Zheng Yichen could definitely be killed by cutting him to that extent.

Even if there was a dusk reservation, would Zheng Yichen have another chance after that?

Absolutely not. The organizer of the cracking counted the dusk missions that Zheng Yichen had performed. He had at most two reservations. If he died after using them up, he would be completely dead.

But Yu Heng did not use the Zhutian weapon, but only used her own moonlight to deal with Zheng Yichen.

Although it also severely injured Zheng Yichen, making it difficult for Zheng Yichen to recover from his injuries, but that was not what they wanted to see.

They wanted to see Zheng Yichen die again, kill Zheng Yichen, and then Yu Heng could survive after breaking through the inner demon, and then become the peak existence of the organization, and they could also invest more resources in Yu Heng.

Even integrate part of the world will into her body, or let her absorb it by herself, either situation is fine.

But Yu Heng chose the most stupid approach, giving up the Heaven-Slaying Weapon and insisting on proving that her own strength could kill Zheng Yichen?

The result was good, she did prove herself, and the last light even broke through Zheng Yichen's annihilation power.

But so what? It was just a breakthrough, proving that her power could reach that level, but in the end, the last light was still annihilated by Zheng Yichen's annihilation.

Zheng Yichen lived, she died.

Even that extreme approach made it impossible for the Breaking World Organization to use the forced retention plan.

The world will was extracted by her to have a temporary hole, how could she be forcibly retained?

After Yu Heng's final will was superior to the Heavenly Dao System, any retention plan was meaningless, and all the people in the Breaking World Organization could only be spectators and witness Yu Heng's last light.

The annihilation of this light had a significant impact on the morale of the organization.

After that, the final machine that was arranged to collect heads was killed instantly by Zheng Yichen. The Heavenly Dao System analyzed that Zheng Yichen paid a heavy price for doing so.

But as long as he is still alive, that price is meaningless.

"Boss, in an undisturbed environment, it takes seven minutes to create and reshape the body." Lilith reported Zheng Yichen's physical condition.

Zheng Yichen's life source was not damaged, but was cut into a "naturally incomplete" state by Yu Heng's final attack.

The absoluteness of that kind of cutting is very high, so it is not easy for Zheng Yichen to reshape his body.

With her assistance, seven minutes is enough. Let Zheng Yichen operate on his own... It should take ten or eight years to recover.

After all, the computing power shown by the two of them is not at the same level.

"What about during the battle?"

"At least two hours."

"Then wait a little longer..."

Lilith continued: "There is one more thing, BOSS, the body parts that were cut off from you can no longer be preserved."

Zheng Yichen took a look at the broken bones, flesh and limbs that were cut off. Those limbs were cut off when he maintained the state of extinction.

After being cut off, they still maintained their original state and lost contact with Zheng Yichen, and they could not be cancelled.

Now Lilith is using the world tree and the chaotic sea water to buffer the influence of the power of extinction. Even so, some small pieces of debris have turned into ashes.

"... Then everyone will suffer."

Zheng Yichen gritted his teeth slightly, a large amount of life essence burned, and the parallel individuals increased rapidly. The high-amplitude interference of wills stacked up allowed him to break through the limitations of the environment.

Through space distortion, he appeared directly near the Breaking World Organization.

This was already the limit. Even if he was a little further away, he couldn't do this. After the Breaking World Organization suffered a loss, it built a lot of defenses near the organization.

It also interfered strongly with Zheng Yichen's will, so he couldn't directly transfer through space distortion in a way that almost ignored the distance like last time.

The short-distance space distortion also made Zheng Yichen dizzy, as if he had hit his head through the wall.

This was enough.

The moment he arrived here, a large number of attacks focused on Zheng Yichen, and these attacks were getting farther and farther away from Zheng Yichen as they moved forward.

Densely packed solidified space mirrors appeared around Zheng Yichen, and these space mirrors reflected countless spaces.

The pictures inside were all real. The agents who were fighting were stunned for a moment, and then laughed and rushed towards the solidified space mirrors.

The opportunity they had been waiting for came.

Zheng Yichen really arrived near the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization with the infinite space gem. The infinitely refracting space mirror extended to their side. They all saw the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization through this mirror.

What are you still hesitating about? The moment they touched the space mirror, they felt a slight obstruction, but the obstruction was broken through with a little force, and they successfully arrived at the location where Zheng Yichen was.

"I thought it was fast, but it turned out to be slow." Looking at the thousands of agents who had already arrived, the subsequent agent said, and then he was shocked by Zheng Yichen's miserable condition.

"What's going on?" The agent didn't expect their main C to become so miserable, and then he thought of something: "Is it that light?"

The light that Yu Heng finally transformed into was seen by many agents. That light ignored the space. When the agents who were far away saw that light, they felt that their horizons were cut off.

"Give me some time to recover, I'll trouble you here first." Zheng Yichen said with full energy. Although his body was broken, he didn't look weak at all.

"No problem!" The subsequent agents said simply. They came here to fight for their lives. They were ready to die eight or ten times for this extermination order. As long as the Breaking World Organization was finished, they could accept dying so many times.

Some agents have begun to nail the pillars they brought into the ground.

The pillars are used to anchor the location of the Breaking World Organization headquarters to prevent them from running away and to gain a favorable venue for them.

But this action was not smooth. In the place where the world will is concentrated, Zheng Yichen couldn't even use the Jedi Tiantong here, let alone these pillars.

But the agents also have their own ways. They have prepared too many things in advance.

Since they are blocked by the world will and can't nail the pillars into the domain, they can just drill holes in the place where the world will is blocked.

They can't touch the normal world will. The world will here has begun to directly interfere with reality, just like facing some supernatural.

When they can't see each other, even if they know each other, they can't interfere with each other. But when they can see each other, it means that they are on the same level, so they can interfere with each other.

After all the agents who could come came, Zheng Yichen crushed the infinite space domain that was maintained.

If he didn't do this, the infinite space domain would also begin to collapse rapidly under the pressure of the world's will. Zheng Yichen's initiative to do this can also eliminate external attacks and create a temporary safe zone.

Taking advantage of this time, Zheng Yichen hid directly. He had to do two important things next.

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