I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1259: Missing Time

Zheng Yichen, who was under great pressure, felt the feeling of being analyzed by the will of the world when he was stared at by the giant.

The power that once mobilized the will of the world to analyze him should be related to those eyes.


With a cracking sound, as if some kind of container was completely broken, Zheng Yichen's raised right hand lost its original shape.

The deep power of annihilation wrapped around the falling Zhutian weapon, but the protection of the time fault made the flame of the weapon only extinguished on the surface, and the weapon itself continued to cut down slowly.

The fierce sound of shattering and collision sounded, and Zheng Yichen's arm further lost its normal shape. The Zhutian sword maintained by the power of time could not bear the weight, and the traces of cracking expanded rapidly.

The concentrated power of annihilation even broke through the protection of the time fault, no, it should be said that it penetrated the time fault.

It was just like what Tia explained at the beginning. In this collective world, time can be said to be the power above everything. Even places without the concept of time will gradually end because of "time".

Silence will also gradually fade away with the influence of time.

If there is something that can stop the spread of annihilation, then this true time power is definitely the most effective one, which is more effective than creation, which can only be regarded as stopping by offsetting.

The real time power is stopped by strength.

What price did the Breaking World Organization pay for maintaining the Zhutian weapon?

In the Dusk Land, a large number of agents appeared here. They were killed by Zhutian on the spot. Those who reacted quickly used all their defenses but could not stop Zhutian's attack.

Those who reacted slowly saw the Dusk Sister in charge of them in a blackout.

This group of agents ran out of the Dusk Land and cursed a lot, but then they were shocked by the changes in the big world.

The sky of the big world was shaking violently, like a dying old man who was being drained of blood.

Other agents felt that they had some kind of dull feeling.

He quickly took out a watch from his locker. The time on it was obviously abnormal, and the second hand was trembling slightly, as if every jump took great effort.

Some invisible force was moving the second hand, causing its movement to be slightly affected.

"How could this happen?" The agent's pupils trembled. He was a space ability user. This watch was made of special materials in a world he had experienced.

That world was related to time. Time could even be traded. Later, he found a way to obtain the time materials in that world.

He made such a special item here at dusk, and he spent nearly two hundred credits for it.

The purpose of making this thing was to master the power of time. Time and space are closely related. After all, space can carry time.

He tried to master the power of time through this thing, but it turned out that he thought too much...

This watch can only allow him to master pseudo-time power, which is similar to space constraints. For those who can break free from space constraints, that pseudo-time power cannot take effect.

As for creating a space with a large difference in time flow rate, it is not a real time difference, but acceleration. Although this acceleration is perfect in all aspects, including the improvement of cultivation in it, it will not decay due to acceleration, but that's it.

This kind of power is still pseudo-time power.

This made him feel quite disappointed, but he was not too angry. Pseudo-time power is pseudo-time power.

As long as the energy is sufficient, he can easily produce thousands of years of medicinal materials with his spatial ability. After all, in space, time is accelerated, which means that the energy consumption of things inside will also increase by the same multiple.

This is where his watch is powerful. No matter how much it is accelerated, it will only increase by the same multiple, and there will not be too obvious extra consumption due to acceleration.

Therefore, this thing is a top-grade treasure in all aspects, so he will not carry it with him in many actions.

In order to avoid it from falling because of that death, there is only one copy of the material for making this thing. If he returns to the world related to time, he can't find the second copy of the material.

Now he took this thing out again because he felt the problem of time in the big world.

His spatial ability is related to time. Even if it is pseudo-time power, it also involves time, but it cannot be directly used for operations at the real time level. There is no problem with acceleration and deceleration.

In addition, it also gives him excellent perception ability.

Whenever he goes to any world, as long as he enters, he can accurately determine the "time" of this world. The power of others that affects the sense of time will have no effect on him.

But now the time he can feel has become slow. In order to further determine what happened, he took out this watch.

The biggest performance of this watch in the world is to synchronize time.

Synchronize time according to the timing rules used by this watch.

Even if one minute in this world is one hundred seconds, this watch will jump in the form of one minute and sixty seconds. As long as the time in this world is normal, then this watch will be a constant sixty seconds per minute.

This will not change in the big world, but now the time jump of this watch has changed, and one minute has become 59.99 seconds.

For this agent with an absolute sense of time, the second hand of the watch jumped, and he felt the impact of time.

"What happened? The time of the whole world is 0.01 seconds less?"

"... Very serious?" The gloomy agent asked. It is not glorious to come back from death, but everyone came back from death, so it is the same, no one needs to laugh at anyone, but they were in a state of nothing when they came back from death.

All the equipment and other important things they carried were gone.

For this operation, they invested a lot, and all those investments were wiped out.

"Serious? I don't find it strange that the fucking world was torn apart! This is a real time gap of 0.01 seconds in the whole world!"

The agent holding the pocket watch was manic. The real time is difficult to shake. Even if the way the accomplice slowed down allowed one person to have several times the life of others, this was also a pseudo-time power, and both parties were still in the same time level.

The real time impact is that even a gap of 1 millisecond will cause a time gap.

Now there is a problem with the time in the big world. The difference of 0.01 seconds is very small, but the separation caused by this difference is no less than a rotating planet suddenly stopping in the eyes of this agent.

No, it is not stopped.

The normal pseudo-time power can slow down the rotation speed of a rotating planet or even stop it, but this kind of real time difference with a difference not only stops the rotation of the planet, but also makes the planet reverse instantly.

Even if it is a slight reversal, the original normal rotation force of the planet has not disappeared. Under the collision of the two forces, not to mention everything on the planet will be in trouble, even the planet itself will be in trouble.

"The Breaking World Organization has taken away 0.01 seconds from the real time level... What are they going to do? No, how did they do it?" The agent who once tried to master the real time power was a little confused.

While he was still at a loss, the agent next to him had already pulled him to the Dusk Land: "You've said it so seriously, and you still dare to stay outside?"

"No, I want to feel it myself. Yes, such an opportunity is too rare. If I don't feel it myself, I will regret it for the rest of my life." The agent handed the pocket watch in his hand to his sister Dusk, and walked out with a trance and fanatic look.

He knew that the World Breaking Organization was doing a dangerous thing, which might even affect their extermination order, but if he didn't really feel it at this time, he would not rest in peace even if he died.

If he could really find something, then he would have returned the ticket after death, at least he would not regret it at the last moment.

Elsewhere, Tong Yue saw Du Gang coming out, walked over and asked, "Why are you so slow?"

"I'll die slower." Du Gang looked tangled. He thought that his current diamond body could withstand the Zhutian weapon, but he didn't expect that facing the fully opened Zhutian weapon, he could only struggle for a while and died a little later than others.

He died a little later than others, but saw a lot of things.

For example, the world bubbles were destroyed by the attack of Zhutian, and the weapon that deployed Zhutian, and Zheng Yichen who faced the weapon head-on.

Zhutian weapon used Zhutian twice in a row, one to clear the field, and the other to target Zheng Yichen.

"The Breaking World Organization allowed us to cultivate world bubbles, just to be able to use Zhutian twice in a short period of time. They have already calculated this."

Du Gang exhaled and looked at the town pillar outside the Dusk Land. This town pillar was originally connected to the town pillar near the Breaking World Organization, but now this connection is broken as the other side is completely cleared.

They can only go to nearby places through this town pillar.

"I'll go back and see."

"Can I still catch up?" Zhu Li looked at a passage in the Dusk Land. Maybe Zheng Yichen will come out from there at any time.

"Then go and see!" Du Gang came to the town pillar very straightforwardly, and came to the area closest to the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization through the town pillar.

At this time, many agents have come here.

They were all unwilling agents who wanted to find out how they died, and they were willing to die again for this.

At the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization, what they saw was a frozen picture. Although there was a lot of noise over there, the biggest feeling they had was that everything seemed to appear in two worlds.

They were outside, and what happened over there was within the world.

A layer of non-existent isolation completely separated them.

"How long ago is what we are seeing now?" The agent with pseudo-time power stared at the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization.

It was a few minutes later that they came here, but the darkness that broke out from the Breaking World Organization seemed to have just happened for a few seconds.

The time that the Breaking World Organization took away from the big world seemed not to be used for acceleration, but for deceleration?

This made the agent suddenly envy Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen could now directly face this kind of power involving the real time level and feel it the closest, while he could only watch these like an outsider.

He accelerated unwillingly and moved forward for a distance, then suddenly stopped. Even so, his head fell down at a strange angle.

The head that fell down was like being cut into pieces thinner than spider silk, and the pieces scattered into countless pieces when they fell.

"Why are you back again?"

Looking at the reappearing agent, another agent who had just communicated with him not long ago was stunned: "How did he die?"

"I was hit to death..." The agent shook his head, but he didn't feel too depressed. Although he died again, he was prepared when he was close to the past.

Even when he died, he saw his own death.

His body was shattered by the time, and the layers of fragments were as thin as molecules. The fault cutting at the time level was stronger than any space cutting.

When he was flying, he created a layer of space protection for himself, but it turned out that this layer of space protection was as if it didn't exist.

The power of true time made the agent sigh sincerely, and then he returned to the town pillar like a demon, and came to the place of death at the fastest speed.

He couldn't find his body here. His body had been completely shattered into a non-existent state by the time fault.

The speed of his death was too fast, so fast that he didn't even have the corresponding perception. Looking at the calm environment in front of him, the agent knew very well that once he stretched out his hand, he would most likely die instantly.

The time fault of a large area is no longer just cutting the things it touches. It is like the gravity of a huge celestial body. The gravity of an apple is negligible.

Under the influence of the gravity of a huge celestial body, once you are pulled by the gravity of this celestial body, it is not easy to break free.

Although this time fault environment does not emit gravity similar to that of a celestial body, if you touch the time fault environment directly, you will be directly sucked into it.

Touch and you will die.

But this agent still wants to try.

And from the picture here, compared with her arrival just now, the time in this time fault environment seems to have only passed a few seconds.

This is a real time gap. 0.01 seconds of the whole world are drawn away and concentrated here, creating such a huge time gap within a limited area.

In order to deal with Zheng Yichen, the Breaking World Organization should be regarded as taking out the last trump card, right?

He doesn't think that the Breaking World Organization has any other trump cards besides this.

If there is... then everyone will be destroyed.

Just as he was thinking this, the agent instantly turned into pieces.

"Damn it!" The resurrected agent was a little crazy this time. He had made all kinds of preparations, but he didn't expect that he was distracted for a moment and ignored the expansion of the time fault environment...

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