I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1261 Is there any hope here?

Is it going to end?

Du Gang looked at the shattered sky with a look of horror. If it was a normal world that collapsed, he could really remain calm, but this time it was the sky of the big world that was shattered.

The dislocation caused by the time fault shattered one-third of the sky of the big world. The shock from the soul sounded, and this sound should have been very loud, but the sound could not really be transmitted because of the time dislocation.

But some things do not need to be heard directly, just seeing them can feel extremely strong shock.

Is the big world really going to end?

In the time dislocation area, Zheng Yichen was not clear about the outside world, but only a short time had passed here.

The Zhutian weapon cut off his arm, but this time Zheng Yichen did not feel that his origin was damaged. Everything was normal, and the broken arm existed in another form.

The dusk sign in his eyes was dim, and the entire dusk sign seemed to be crumbling under Zhutian's attack.

In the brief stalemate, the giant Zhutian weapon finally withstood the pressure. The cracks on the weapon were like broken glass, but it withstood the damage.

The weapon has been completely destroyed in the current time level, but the weapon itself is preserved in the undestroyed time level.

The damaged time is still going on, and the undamaged and damaged time levels are producing greater differences and dislocations.

The strong distortion even affected Zheng Yichen. After this time power has been maintained until now, it has added a special enchantment to the Zhutian weapon.

The tearing of the time fault made the huge black shadow blurry. Obviously, the opponent's use of this time power is not without cost.

It's just that this cost is shared by the big world itself and the world will.

Zheng Yichen is now not affected by Silence, and his control over Silence has increased significantly. When used at high intensity, it will not even affect normal vision and normal perception, but perception superposition.

Therefore, he can still feel the situation outside at this time. After the world will is infused into the Zhutian weapon, the imbalance begins to intensify.

This also caused the strength of the world will to increase rapidly in the imbalance, and it also meant that half of the world will's "functions" were almost ineffective.

When people use imbalance, only part of the double power is suppressed. The imbalance of the world will is all-round. The world will of the big world is not the personified one of Long.

Once the imbalance is really equal to the elimination of half of the "functions", giving up functionality in exchange for stronger power is not good for the world will, and will only affect its own stability.

With the help of the power of imbalance, the world will is very strong at this time, so strong that it can maintain the Zhutian weapon that should have been completely destroyed.

The broken world organization has been a little crazy in wanting to kill Zheng Yichen.


"Leave it to you!" Zheng Yichen, who tried to destroy the Zhutian weapon to no avail, immediately agreed to Lilith's request for action.

His excellent control of annihilation, plus the strengthening of the annihilation crystal, can also affect Lilith, who is related to the divine core. At this time, Lilith is no longer restricted by the power of annihilation.

As long as she does not directly bear the power of annihilation like Zheng Yichen, it will be fine.

Inside the Sky Wheel, the forces that had been prepared for a long time immediately took action.

The Star God Core inside was fully activated, the world dragon shed its dragon body, and the huge snake body surrounded the sky above the Sky Wheel, forming an infinite loop of alien world.

The power of the Star God Core continued to accumulate and accelerate in this infinite loop of alien world. The Star Devouring Evil Spirit mobilized by Lilith transformed into the Holy Spirit form, and the Star Devouring Curse became the Blessing of the Stars.

The Blessing of the Stars is related to the Star God Core, and all the blessings are concentrated on Lilith's body.

The white ball was beating slightly in Lilith's hand. As Zheng Yichen's strength grew, the white ball, as the God of Order in the evil spirit world, had no chance to appear.

But at this time, it was used by Lilith as a special plug-in.

The world will of the big world is unbalanced. As the God of Order, the white ball also has the characteristics of the God of Order.

The world will is unbalanced, and the power of order can naturally play a role. Using the white ball as a plug-in, it forcibly divides the influence of the world will of the big world.

"I've finally waited until this moment. Let me see how powerful this wheel is!" Jiang Wei, who received the message from Lilith, activated the Anti-Heavenly System immediately.

A large amount of energy inside the Sky Wheel was extracted, and the entire Sky Wheel even began to overheat.

The chaotic sea water carried by the World Tree also began to decrease.

"The rest is up to you." Jiang Wei looked at the running Anti-Heavenly System and lay down on the chair. Now it was time to wait for the result.

She couldn't do anything next. After the Anti-Heavenly System was activated, if it was really used, then this thing would work in an instant, and during this period of time, she really couldn't do anything but watch.

What should be done had been done before the Anti-Heavenly System was activated. She usually maintained this system to keep it in a preheated state and enable it to be activated instantly when needed.

Now that it was turned on, she had nothing to do.

The Sky Wheel, which had turned into a light wheel, appeared behind Zheng Yichen. This position was very important. At this moment, the Sky Wheel was vulnerable to the Heaven-Slaying Weapon, even if the Sky Wheel had also merged with the World Bubble.

But the world bubbles that grew up were all split by the Zhutian weapon, not to mention the Sky Wheel itself.

So the Sky Wheel needed Zheng Yichen to help resist the power of the Zhutian weapon, and could only appear behind Zheng Yichen. Even so, in this environment, the Sky Wheel was under great pressure and could only last for a short time.

Lilith, who was emitting starlight and wearing white gloves and integrating all the resources inside the Sky Wheel, gently pointed at the black shadow in front.

The huge black shadow holding the sword froze for a moment, and at this moment, the star god cores in the Sky Wheel all fell into darkness and entered a long recovery period.

Lilith felt the "fatigue" that did not belong to artificial intelligence. She consumed a lot of power, burst out with strong emotions, and then drove the pure will brought by the enhancement of the amplification Yuheng fragments.

With the ultimate pure will, she ensured that she could instantly surpass the Heavenly Dao system and make the anti-Heavenly Dao system effective.

She did not attack the world will, which was unrealistic. The world will of the big world was too huge and difficult to shake. In the ordinary world, this finger could make the world will completely stagnate.

But it would not be of any use in the big world, not to mention that this was an unbalanced world will.

The order characteristics of Bai Tuanzi only helped her to better avoid the influence of the world will in this interference, rather than directly targeting the world will.

Her target from beginning to end was only the Tiandao system of the Breaking World Organization, that is, the control console of the Breaking World Organization to influence the world will.

The console and the world will were temporarily stopped during her interference this time, and this moment was enough!

In a decisive battle between masters, even a slight flaw could determine the outcome, not to mention that the confrontation between Zheng Yichen and the Heaven-Slaying Weapon was in full swing. This moment of suspension directly led to the collapse of the time power maintained by the Breaking World Organization.

The continuity of power was interrupted, and the Heaven-Slaying Weapon, which was already covered with cracks, could no longer maintain its intact form, and the immortal life fire on it was completely extinguished.

The spirit of the Vermillion Bird and the Black Tortoise was annihilated in the silence. Some of the fragments of the shattered Zhutian weapon completely disappeared, and some flew in all directions as they shattered.

The Zhutian weapon, which was infused with the world's will, shattered with the world's will when it shattered, and the power displayed at this moment was even greater.

Zheng Yichen grabbed a piece of fragment and resisted the explosion of the Zhutian weapon's shattering.

Then the entire battle area was completely torn apart by the shattered Zhutian weapon, and the huge black shadow was also torn apart again under the influence of the aftermath.

The area affected by the power of time quickly turned to normal, and the process of turning to normal was that the normal time layer collapsed here to fill the fault gap caused by the time dislocation.

When synchronized with the normal time layer, the battle area was like a vacuum area in contact with the normal environment, and the fault of the time dislocation frantically pulled everything in the surrounding environment.

Zheng Yichen, who was deep inside, tried his best to protect his head. His body was crushed when the time fault was filled. Even Silence could not play much role in the huge energy explosion.

Zheng Yichen could only use parallel unity to resist the impact of crushing with a large number of parallel individuals, barely saving his head, but the entire headquarters of the Breaking World Organization was completely turned into dust in the impact.

After the "vacuum" formed by the time fault was filled, it was like a fragile container that compressed a large amount of energy, and the energy began to explode outward for the second time.

Zheng Yichen, who was at the center of the explosion, was only slightly affected because of the direction of the second explosion, unlike the first explosion, when the whole person was almost crushed.

These two explosions were all related to the time fault and involved the real power of time. The overly strong explosion also brought heavy impacts to the big world.

After the second explosion, Zheng Yichen looked at the sky with blurred vision. He saw a dazzling color of bizarre light. At the edge of the sky, a large amount of debris could be seen, and a large number of stars were thrown out.

Zheng Yichen's eyes instantly cleared up!

"It's over!" Zheng Yichen, who only had a head left, immediately reversed the power of annihilation and focused on creation.

He was glad that he had mastered many types of power. He did not slack off on other powers because annihilation was too powerful. In order to better master the power of annihilation, he even specially researched and developed the power of creation.

So that after he had the crystal of annihilation to strengthen, through the imbalance of balance, he could raise the power of creation he mastered to the level of annihilation.

Otherwise, he would be helpless at this time about what was happening.

The power of creation forcibly reshaped a body for Zheng Yichen, but this body was only used temporarily and could not be compared with a complete body.

When he was chopped by the Zhutian Sword, although he ignored the influence of Zhutian's destruction last year, the time power that maintained the sword still deeply affected him.

The two explosions with the power of time aggravated this problem, making Zheng Yichen feel a sense of disharmony of time dislocation at this time.

But there was no time to deal with such problems. The power of creation created a large number of Devouring Heaven Pillars. These Devouring Heaven Pillars took root in the earth that was broken by the turmoil in the world, extracting the origin of the world.

A huge figure of a strange vision appeared, and the Seam Heaven Chains emerged from those Devouring Heaven Pillars, densely connected at the edge of the gap in the sky.

The pulling force generated by the edge of the gap almost dismembered Zheng Yichen's body.

Crack, crack, crack - continuous breaking sounds continued to sound, and new seam chains appeared again, filling the gap.

"BOSS, world bubbles!"

"Leave it to you!" Zheng Yichen threw a lot of world bubbles to Lilith.

Long was a little confused: "The world will of the big world seems to be gone, I can take over."

"You will die." Zheng Yichen's words made Long's expression stiff.

"I am also the world will."

Among so many worlds, which hell will can be gradually personalized and then successfully promoted to the world will when it is personalized?

No, right?

After all, the personalized hell will itself is equivalent to a weakening, not to mention the promotion of the world will, but she did it.

Even if this was achieved with the help of Zheng Yichen, the result is more important.

Since the world will of the big world has disappeared, she can still give Zheng Yichen more help if she takes over.

Zheng Yichen now needs a huge amount of resources to crack the sky. Now that she has taken over the big world, she can actively tilt the resources towards Zheng Yichen.

"I'm not kidding!" Zheng Yichen looked in a certain direction, where he felt a slight disharmony.

The "time explosion" just now has completely destroyed the headquarters of the Breaking World Organization and flattened everything here, but there is nothing here, so that kind of disharmony will arise.

More importantly, the extinction order mission has not been completed!

"... But you have to try it. I have accepted so much. If you don't do this, I really can't repay you."

"Then wait."

As soon as Zheng Yichen finished speaking, the shadow of the world tree appeared. With the appearance of the world tree, the turbulent crack sky chain obviously stabilized. Those swallowing pillars no longer produce new crack sky chains, but are connected to the world tree.

A large amount of world origin is absorbed by the world tree, generated and transformed into new chaotic sea water, and the crack sky chain generated by chaotic sea water is more stable.

The edge of the contacted world barrier is gradually repaired, but this repair process is too slow. Maintaining the status quo, Zheng Yichen wants to complete the repair, at least a few years.

He couldn't wait that long, so he had to use Lilith's plan.

A large number of world bubbles also had the support of the world origin extracted by the Devouring Heaven Pillar. Those world bubbles hung on the world tree and grew rapidly like fruits.

The existence of Long ensured that the world bubbles could grow smoothly.

With sufficient resource support, the world bubbles grew very fast and could be put into use soon.

"BOSS, as long as you tear these world bubbles apart and obtain the complete world barrier, you can use it as the material for sewing the sky."

Zheng Yichen's efficiency in sewing the sky with the sky-sewing chain was too low. The sky of the big world was shattered as a whole, and the gap was too large, far exceeding the limit of pulling and sewing.

"Okay!" Zheng Yichen, maintaining the posture of "Ancient Venerable", dismantled those world bubbles. These were world bubbles that had grown to be complete. They were all close to complete worlds, and had not become completely complete.

If they really reached the level of completeness, Zheng Yichen would not be able to use them.

Even if there would be no dusk in these world bubbles in the big world, it did not mean that dusk would not react to such complete world bubbles.

Throwing the parasitic world outside the big world may produce the Dusk Land in this thing.

So in order to be on the safe side, Zheng Yichen did not let these world bubbles be born to a complete state, but only close to the complete state.

An incomplete world is not a real world.

Taking the material from the seam of heaven, Zheng Yichen felt that he seemed to have replaced a certain existence, but he did not have any five-colored stones in his hand.

"——Don't even think about it!!" A dry and hoarse roar sounded, and the voices overlapped densely, as if tens of thousands of people were roaring at Zheng Yichen together.

A creeping black shadow suddenly appeared, and the body of this figure was riddled with holes, and a large number of distorted faces could be seen on the surface.

Are those faces all world breakers?

But the number is too small, the creeping black shadow is extremely fast, the trajectory of the action flashed, and a large number of seam chains collapsed.

Zheng Yichen stared at the black shadow, and in the black shadow, he sensed the breath of the Zhutian weapon.

This thing aggregated a large number of fragments of the Zhutian weapon into itself, not only that, the Heavenly Dao system and the disappeared world will are also in it.

After the black shadow appeared, it began to erode the entire world.

Long's face turned green. She was glad that Zheng Yichen didn't let her take over. If she really tried to take over the world, the consequence would definitely be that she would be swallowed by this black monster.

The broken will of the world is stronger than her, not to mention that the will of this world is still in an unbalanced state, and the more broken it is, the stronger it is. The black monster also merged with the fragments of the Zhutian weapon.

She would not have any room for resistance if she met it head-on.

After Zheng Yichen was able to effectively sew the sky, this thing couldn't sit still and jumped out.

Stop Zheng Yichen from sew the sky.

A wisp of black destructive aura quickly gathered on it.

The distorted faces on the black monster screamed hoarsely: "Hahahaha-since you destroyed everything we have, then everyone will step into the ultimate destruction together hahahaha!!"

What a bad thing... Zheng Yichen looked at this black monster that was wreaking havoc. This thing is now equivalent to the personified world will.

The broken world will, the materialized Heavenly Dao system and the broken Heaven-killing weapons are mixed together, oh, and those faces too.

There are many faces, but they obviously do not match the number of normal boundary breakers and domain masters.

Zheng Yichen had some guesses about those faces. They might be the real high-level members of the boundary breaking organization.

These high-level members are now also integrated into the body of the black monster. Does this count as the integration of the body with the Tao?

It is just that this integration is a bit different.

The black monster constantly extracts the destructive power that surges out after the big world is broken. The amount of these destructive powers is extremely large, far from being comparable to destroying some worlds.

Moreover, the erosion of the big world by the black monster has aggravated the turmoil of the big world, affecting not only the world itself, but also the creatures in the world.

The aura of annihilation emitted by the black monster makes all the creatures in the big world begin to enter the madness of destruction.

Bloody and brutal, it twisted the style of the big world into a crazy and weird state.

"This thing is insane because of annihilation." Zheng Yichen saw the reason for the black monster's madness. He had encountered this situation before.

But at that time, he showed calm madness, not like the black monster, which was crazy madness.

But this monster only wanted to cause destruction at this moment, not to attack Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen controlled the Seam Heaven Chain and entangled the black monster. As a result, a large number of broken sword blades emerged from the monster, easily cutting off the Seam Heaven Chain.

More remnants of the dark destruction gathered on the black monster, making its breath stronger and stronger, and the turmoil in the big world also intensified.

Zheng Yichen gritted his teeth, and the environment and the power of creation maintained by the creation disappeared together.

The pure power of annihilation appeared, and the destructive black monster was stunned for a moment, looking at Zheng Yichen in confusion, and then pointed at Zheng Yichen and roared angrily.

"Why are you like this! Why are you okay! Why! You liar! Why can you survive the explosion!!!"

The black monster, who suddenly broke through the defense and lost his mind, rushed towards Zheng Yichen regardless of everything.

Zheng Yichen, who only had one head left, was a little confused. Survived the explosion? Why can't he survive?

Without time to think, his body appeared, but without the normal body, the body that appeared was a body of annihilation, without a fixed stable form.

Even if Zheng Yichen tried to gather the annihilation body, he could not restore himself to human form, even if he clenched his fists subjectively, his arms were very powerful.

But the arm part was an irregular mass of annihilation darkness.

Even when he did not actively gather it, this power would spread like ink dripping into water, but the power of annihilation would not be like ink, which would be diluted after falling into water and spreading.

This power would only turn all the water into the same color of darkness as annihilation.

Zheng Yichen had already accepted the problem of the body. Now was not the time to care about this. If he did not quickly solve this black monster, the big world would really be finished.

He hurriedly sewed the sky just to avoid more troublesome outer-boundary worms.

Zheng Yichen had eliminated many of those things, but Sister Twilight told him about the threat level of outer-boundary worms. The monsters produced after the world barrier was broken.

If the world barrier is not repaired, it will continue to appear, just like the endless bacteria and viruses that the human body is exposed to from the outside world after being damaged. The insects from outside the world that flow into the world can fill the whole world!

The insects from outside the world that fill the world will eat everything, and eventually the whole world will be eaten up, and the big world is no exception.

Now that the big world has a big crack that tears one-third of the sky, the speed at which insects from outside the world are generated is particularly fast.

Without this black monster, Zheng Yichen was not sure that he could sew the sky before the insects from outside the world appeared. Now there is such an interference, and the progress of sew the sky is hindered.

Zheng Yichen has seen the dense black spots appearing outside the sky.

The number of insects from outside the world that appeared made Zheng Yichen's scalp numb. It is impossible to prevent these insects from outside the world from pouring into the big world.

If this black monster is not solved and the sky cannot be sewn, then the situation in the big world will get worse and worse!

Is there any hope for this world? In other places, the agents looked at the insects from outside the world, their expressions were slightly confused, and then some of the agents showed ferocious expressions.

This concerns their lives, they must be saved even if there is no hope!

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