I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1263: First time being a monster

The world will has an imbalance problem, which was caused by Zheng Yichen. The world of the big world itself has a problem, but this problem is more difficult to find.

The big world is the existence of a large number of worlds, which will cause the size of the big world to continue to increase. When it finally reaches its limit, it can no longer bear its own burden and collapses. At that time, a serious hole will appear in the entire collective world.

This hole will cause the entire collective world to collapse completely.

The Breaking World Organization also knows this information, and even regards it as a joke.

Their annexation of other worlds is equivalent to building a house. It doesn’t matter if the bricks used are different, as long as they can be formed. Those bricks are not the product of shoddy engineering.

And they will not build the big world into a shoddy engineering, just different bricks, what can happen?

What they built is not a high-rise building, but a three- or five-story building. After that, it will be expanded in a flat form. Collapse? What a joke.

Even when building, they can also thicken the walls of the original building without limit, so there is no problem of collapse.

But at the last moment, they realized that the area for flat construction was limited. After reaching the limit, they could only stack up.

After stacking to a new height, the problem of collapse really occurred.

When they realized all this, it was too late. At that time, the big world had already had serious problems, and the imbalance of the world's will would not cause this problem to erupt.

But they deeply associated the world's will with the big world, causing this towering dangerous building to have problems at the foundation.

What's more serious is the power of annihilation. The layers of pressure caused the big world, which should have had problems a long time later, to have serious problems early.

The approaching ultimate destruction also made them see some problems about the "destructive" tendency of dusk.

This should not appear on dusk, but it did appear now, which means that their previous guess was correct, and dusk was actually "hypocritical".

"Even if you say so, what's the use?" Zheng Yichen pointed to his eyes.

Looking at his eyes, the faces on the gray monster were all stunned. When Zheng Yichen looked at them, the gaze belonging to dusk also seemed particularly strong.

"What's more, you have destroyed so many worlds."

"Hahahaha - destroyed so many worlds? Have you seen it with your own eyes? All you know is a string of numbers, don't talk about meaningless sympathy!!"

The gray monster roared, unable to suppress his chaotic thoughts, and rushed towards Zheng Yichen.

At this time, his power was unbalanced creation. The more he exerted his power, the greater the impact on the big world, and such an impact no longer caused turmoil in the big world.

It offset the annihilation that was contaminated by the big world and made the big world more stable.

Facing the gray monster in this posture, Zheng Yichen did not change the nature of his power, and used the same creation power to fight the gray monster.

The power of creation does not have a high blessing for fighting, but any power that reaches its extreme can produce "destructive power", and the impact of the collision and spread of the creation power affects the big world.

Some of the originally crazy natives regained consciousness under this power, but looking at the outer insects pouring into the sky, they were full of despair again.

"Is the situation in the big world stable?" Tong Yue smashed a large area of ​​outer insects with one punch, and looked into the distance. The earth that was eaten by a large number of outer insects no longer trembled and split, and the turbulent sky gradually calmed down.

But the cracks in the sky still exist, and countless outer insects are still pouring into the big world.

Tens of thousands of agents are not enough to resist these outer insects. If the gap in the sky is not blocked, the entire big world will be filled with outer insects sooner or later.

"It just solved a small problem." Wu Lingluo's voice sounded, and a sky-breaking claw grabbed several gaps in the sky. The eliminated outer insects made part of the sky appear, and then more outer insects filled it.

Wu Lingluo was also a little powerless about this. Their extreme killing of outer insects could not withstand the speed of the outer insects' appearance, even if they could quickly return to dusk to recover.

Some agents can use extreme moves to directly clear the outer worms in a piece of sky, but those places will be filled in the next second, which makes the agents extra strenuous when fighting.

They have to use all their strength in every attack.

"If we have his infinite space gem at this time, we should be able to delay the invasion of the outer worms."

Unfortunately, there is only one infinite space gem, and they can't make a second one.

The outer worms are very troublesome, and Zheng Yichen now has to deal with another troublesome existence.

In the infinitely refracted space, the gray monster is still alive and well. As a part of the world's will, he is more sensitive to the situation outside.

"The big world is going to end, what can you do?" At this time, the gray monster spoke much calmer, but the fighting movements were still extremely violent.

He was punched by Zheng Yichen, and the surging creative power spread out along with his erosion of the big world, washing away the turmoil of the big world.

Zheng Yichen used him as a tool to indirectly maintain the big world, but what's the point of doing so?

The overwhelming outer worms will sooner or later submerge the big world.

"Why don't you and I go to the ultimate destruction together and reverse our power? Everything will be over soon. You have been shackled by Dusk and have been the agent for so long. Are you tired?

Let's step into the ultimate destruction together. The forces that once cheated you will pay the price. You will not be alone. Breaking the boundary organization, devouring the organization, all the Balance organizations will be destroyed because of you! You made a profit! You made a lot of money! ! ! "

"No, dying with you or something like that sounds really disgusting. You are the only one who is going to die!"

Zheng Yichen clasped his fists with both hands and hammered the gray monster's chest. The creation storm erupted along the monster's body, causing fluctuations that shook the whole world.

The torn earth regained its vitality, but as soon as this vitality appeared, it was crushed by the insects from outside the world.

The gray monster who could 'see' all this laughed maniacally again: "It's in vain! Hahahahaha! You are only one person, you can only take care of one side, you can't save anything!!"

"..." Zheng Yichen was silent for a moment. He was indeed alone, and there was no one to carry out the task. The agent could destroy the insects outside the world, but to what extent could he achieve it in the end?

The efficiency of delaying the influx of insects from outside the world by one tenth? There may not even be one tenth.

Just a drop in the bucket.

"That's it."

Zheng Yichen took off his own head under the stunned gaze of the gray monster.

"Wait, what do you want to do? Wow! Don't come over!!"

The gray monster's faces all over its body let out mixed screams of panic. Each face had its own thoughts, and even wanted to break away from the body, but it was tightly bound by the body, so all this became a luxury.

"Originally I wanted to blow you up, but now? Take it as my body!"

Zheng Yichen beat the gray monster with the most violent attacks. After smashing the faces on the opponent's body, he pressed his head on the monster's neck.

The monster's original head had been unscrewed and stuffed into his chest.

As for the impact this had on him...it didn't matter. After the Tianzhu Weapon exploded, he was left with only one head. His body was temporarily shaped by the power of creation or destruction, it didn't matter whether he had it or not.

The broken faces on the gray monster's body howled in pain. Their chaotic thoughts never expected that Zheng Yichen would be so crazy at this time.

The confused thinking even began to regret provoking Zheng Yichen. Isn't it enough to just act as a target and let Zheng Yichen beat him violently? As long as this guy realizes that everything is in vain, he will despair sooner or later.

Saying so many words made Zheng Yichen not despair, but start to go crazy.

Both of them have the power of creation, and the head-changing method used by Zheng Yichen was completed smoothly.

The chaotic thoughts of the gray monster felt strong suppression, and they did not dare to counterattack Zheng Yichen. Zheng Yichen's spirit was composed of 'nirvana'.

No wonder this guy won't be affected by Nirvana, because this thing is completely Nirvana itself. Their impact on Zheng Yichen's spirit is like moths rushing to the flame.

"I don't believe it! I don't want to be a part of you!!" A part of the chaotic consciousness did not dare to make a mistake, and the other part was still crazy, constantly impacting Zheng Yichen's spirit.

As a result, after touching Zheng Yichen's spirit, those consciousnesses were completely annihilated, and there was no possibility of recovery.

Zheng Yichen gently touched his neck and could clearly feel the difference in the connection between his neck and body.

Looking at his palms again, there are distorted faces that appear and disappear one after another.

The power of creation makes these top leaders of the 'harmony' boundary-breaking organizations particularly strong. Unless they directly impact Zheng Yichen's spirit, they are existences that are difficult to dissipate in this body.

It will only "live" in a chaotic and twisted form.

It made Zheng Yichen somewhat disgusted, but at this time he felt that he should do something consistent with the current situation.

"Jie Jie Jie——!!" A long and sinister laughter was left in the air, and the refraction space that blocked the environment disappeared.

There was a serious spatial distortion in the big world, and a large influx of outsiders were wrapped and gathered in the infinitely refracted space.

Then, after these refracted mirror spaces were filled with the power of destruction, a black sky-slaying slash sliced ​​through, and the mirror spaces were shattered together with the outsider insects inside.

Zheng Yichen looked at the Heaven-Destroying Weapon in his hand. The fragments of this weapon had merged with the gray monster. Now that they were reunited, they were still in a state of fragmentation.

It's just that this form is forcibly maintained under the influence of Shou Heng's creative power, and Shou Heng's power allows Zhutian Weapon to also bear the power of destruction.

This weapon is now considered part of his 'body'.

Damn it! It feels so weird to be a monster for the first time! !

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