I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1267 The value of the number of reservations

In the infirmary, Zheng Yichen looked at the ceiling, raised his palm, looked at the bandage on his arm, and wanted to complain: "Is your treatment too conservative? It's not like I have no grades."

He was willing to spend tens of thousands of grade points, but Tia's fee this time was only 100 grade points. After the fee was completed, Tia directly covered Zheng Yichen's body with bandages.

Just like when he lost his arm, the bandage was wrapped in the air, angular, highlighting his proper figure, and then nothing happened.

This is just a ball of air, and the inside of the bandage is empty. These bandages have given Zheng Yichen a relatively stable 'body'.

"Your body is out of its normal time plane and conventional treatments are ineffective."

"Then you can use something unconventional. I don't lack grade points."

"Unconventional treatment requires extracting normal time and calibrating your own time difference."

Zheng Yichen understood from Tia's words that it was almost like this method was used to connect the world and even the collective world itself. As Dusk, he would not know or break the law, so it was impossible to use this unconventional treatment on Zheng Yichen.

"Then...shall I try to do it myself?"

Tia's eyes curved slightly, and she gave Zheng Yichen a faint smile.

"...You are really beautiful when you smile." Zheng Yichen said sincerely. He stopped asking about this matter. This rare smile revealed too much information.

Directly extracting time would be even more damaging to the world.

Nearly one-third of the world barrier in the big world collapsed, and a large part of the reason was not caused by the explosion of Nirvana and Zhutian weapons.

Instead, the normal time of the world was extracted, and the resulting time fault caused violent shocks and shocks to tear it apart.

Annihilation can eat away at the entire world, and the shock caused by the real power of time can destroy a world in an instant, even a large world cannot avoid it.

Annihilation can be regarded as a high amount of real damage, so the destruction caused by the time fault shock after time is extracted is equivalent to the real damage based on the percentage of blood volume.

No matter how thick the health bar is, if something goes wrong, it will directly be the real damage of XX% of the maximum health value. This real damage ratio can even exceed the upper limit of the maximum health value percentage.

And if the value exceeds the upper limit, even if it is a fixed extra 1, it means that the health bar will be cleared and complete death will occur.

The problem with him now is that his body is out of the normal time plane.

"Does that mean I have to stay like this for a long time?"

Zheng Yichen looked at his bandaged palm and moved it slightly. Everything felt normal. Others wouldn't notice anything wrong if they looked at it.

Only he knew very well that there was nothing inside the bandage, it was empty. He could feel that his body was recovering, but the recovery time was too long.

When his lifespan is exhausted, he may not be able to return to normal.

"What if I die once?"

"It can be completely restored to its original state."

Zheng Yichen admitted that he had once again consumed the value of Dusk's reservations. Dusk guaranteed the number of reservations for the agent, although it required 400 original points to obtain it once.

But the value of these reserved times is incredibly high. All the agents who died under Zhutian's attack were resurrected. Now his injuries, which require unconventional dusk treatment to recover, can also be erased through reserved times.

This means that Dusk's retention times can be said to be "regardless of cost" in terms of restoring the agent, and the regular consumption of points will not allow Dusk to use unconventional treatments to recover.

By retaining the number of resurrections...but is it possible?

"What about my lifespan?"

"It will also get you back to your best."

"You really don't care about the cost?"

"This is the treatment a representative deserves."

Zheng Yichen walked out of the infirmary with a somewhat wonderful expression. Zhu Li looked at him with some confusion: "Did Sister Dusk give you a special reward?"

"No, I just discovered something new." Zheng Yichen found a place to sit down. During the time he went to the infirmary, there were many fewer agents in the Twilight Land of the Great World.

Zhu Li reached out and pinched the bandage on Zheng Yichen's body: "Sister Dusk didn't restore your body?"

"It cannot be restored by normal methods, but it can be restored by retaining the number of times." Zheng Yichen did not hide his discovery, and told Zhu Li and Tong Yue about the value of the number of retains.

The two of them seemed very calm.

Tong Yue held her face with one hand, as if she couldn't see the violent posture in the battle. She said: "Even if this is the case, we won't need it. How many unconventional treatments can we have for Dusk?"

How many can there be?

Countless diseases and injuries in the world, no matter how difficult they are to treat, are insignificant and routine parts here at dusk.

Curses such as those involving fate are also covered by conventional treatments at dusk.

The serious injuries that Zheng Yichen encountered had nothing to do with them. They would not have such injuries at all. Even if they encountered an attack that could cause such injuries, they would not still be alive like Zheng Yichen.

It is easy to keep a head alive. Like Zheng Yichen, who only has one head left, but the body has been blown to the point of being out of the normal time plane. How can they survive?

Only Zheng Yichen was alive, and he hadn't even been torn apart by the force that broke away from the normal time plane.

"Then why don't you use this number of reservations?"

"No rush for now. The number of times I save can reset my optimal lifespan. That is to say, when I am about to die, I can live another two hundred years by consuming the number of times I save."

"Hahahaha, this also means that the shackles of dusk entangled you are heavier than ours." Zhu Li couldn't help but laugh: "In the future, we will really retire, and you will still have to fight to live... But it doesn't matter, anyway, there are only a thousand years left."

"But dusk can survive the collapse and destruction, you still have a chance."

"Come on." Zhu Li said with a bored face: "Even if dusk is preserved, but once Everything is gone, what's the point? "

"Almost forever accompany Dusk and watch the void? When that time comes, you can't get the retention times, and you will eventually die. "

"I can leave the Sky Wheel and the World Bubble, and use the World Bubble to make props similar to the small world, which is entrusted to Dusk's survival. "

"What about resources? No matter how much you survive, you are just surviving. How tiring it is to live like that."

"Then wait a minute, I'll do something else and then talk about this." The next thing continued to talk here in the Dusk Church, and there was a sense of loud conspiracy.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Li asked with some interest.

Zheng Yichen looked at the Sky Wheel on his wrist and smiled lightly: "Of course, it is to eliminate the last hidden danger in the big world."

Outside the Dusk Church, looking at the sky of the big world, one-third of it was stitched by the Seam Sky Chain, which looked very miserable.

The big world now has no world will, which also causes the whole world to become very silent, as if it has lost its spirituality and is lifeless.

There is no problem in the short term, but after a long time, some things will inevitably happen, just like a house without people living in it, the speed of dilapidation is particularly fast.

Long successfully became the temporary world will of the big world. The big world, which was a pool of stagnant water, resumed flowing. The earth trembled slightly, and the earth that was torn apart by fighting with the outer insects healed.

The dried-up river regained its vitality.

The crazy creatures slowly returned to normal.

Long could feel the feedback after all this returned to normal order. She sighed and accepted the feedback.

A good world has become the tattered one now. Even though the big world looks intact now, she can still feel that the big world is gradually dying.

The world itself suppresses the dying wail.

The creatures who recovered from madness looked at the sky blankly. They didn't know what happened, but the sadness between heaven and earth made them restless.

"Is everything really hopeless?"

"I don't know, but you can be the world will and try to create a small world to entrust the dusk." Zheng Yichen's eyes flashed with the reflection of space refraction.

With the help of Long, the insects from outside the world that were scattered all over the big world were quickly anchored, and the refracted space wrapped all those insects from outside the world.

However, Zheng Yichen no longer had a complete weapon to kill the heavens. The best way to deal with these insects from outside the world was to kill them normally.

Let them return to the world again, which was a certain degree of supplement to the big world.

Although this supplement was a drop in the bucket.

Zheng Yichen called Liu Hongzhao and the others out: "Let's do it together."

He did not intend to use annihilation to eliminate these insects from outside the world. It would be valuable to kill them all in the most direct physical way.

Silence to eliminate insects from outside the world is equivalent to data deletion. Nothing will be left after killing them.

Dragon roars and sword sounds rang in the mirror space opened by Zheng Yichen.

Dense insects from outside the world attacked the figure that appeared here.

The big world was already miserable enough. He was responsible for cleaning up these insects from outside the world. As for the natives in the big world,

Although a thousand years is not a long time, it can at least allow these people in modern times to live a normal life.

Let's talk about the future... later, he still has a lot to do now.

As for restoring himself through the number of times Dusk is reserved, Zheng Yichen does not plan to wait until his current life span is exhausted before using it.

He just plans to wait until he finishes the things he needs to do later before using it.

After all, the information left by the top leaders of the Breaking World Organization still makes Zheng Yichen very concerned.

According to the meaning of the top leaders of the Breaking World Organization, Dusk is an existence that has done nothing, but has done everything.

Dusk is the source of all evil?

Then he has to see what kind of source of all evil Dusk is. Before that, of course, he has to solve all the things that need to be solved.

At least let himself have no worries to a certain extent.

Anyway, he doesn't have much time left. Instead of waiting to die slowly, it's better to know more about the truth.

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