"The fruit matter can be handled in another way, directly delivered to the natives." Zheng Yichen did not intend to give up the fruit method.

He was going to use the replacement method, but this could not be done. The ultimate extent of the world tree fruit would require subsequent operations.

Now these fruits are equivalent to a 'space prop'.

This space prop can hold a lot of things, and the built-in world bubble can also grow. This thing can even ignore the influence of the environment!

In terms of craftsmanship, the world tree fruit he made is already very close to the dusk creation.

So he can just give this thing away as a space prop, and how to deal with it later depends on the user who gets it.

In the process of the growth of the world tree fruit, the consumption and damage to the world are still very obvious. It is parasitic on the world itself. After the world tree fruit grows to full size, it is at most 80% to 90% of the specifications of that world.

It is impossible to achieve a complete 'exchange', but compared with such damage, it is very good to be able to retain the survivors. Of course, this replacement cannot be completed immediately.

Otherwise, Dusk would probably arrange an "extermination order", or stop immediately after executing it to a certain extent, and wait until the end of the collapse to carry out the final "harvest".

The collapse ended very quickly, only seven days, and this period of time was definitely the craziest moment.

The fruit of the world tree wants continuation, not the creation of a new world.

"That's fine, but you have to be mentally prepared." Wu Lingluo said: "The Dusk mercenaries have spread the news, and many worlds are now extremely chaotic."

"What happened in the past two days?"

Wu Lingluo nodded: "Too many things can happen in two days."

"Those people are not agents, let them say whatever they want, let this batch of fruits be used first."

"Then Brother Changqing, let's make a secret realm here?" Qi Xiangyun looked at the fruit in his hand, cultivated this thing into a secret realm, and let the secret realm grow naturally first.

When the collapse is destroyed, the world resources will be extracted during the collapse of the world. The complete world Dusk will ensure that there will be no problems, but the broken world will not have so many things.

"I'll take this thing back with me and let the dragons deal with it." Dashia Filo looked at the fruit of the world tree in her hand. The green dragon that went back had not returned yet.

"I will also make arrangements. It won't take long." Wu Lingluo was also very straightforward.

Since the "disaster" after a thousand years cannot be avoided, we should actively deal with it. As for what the world will be like in the future, that is a matter for the future. If we can't survive, there will be no future.

Huang Hun is very bad in all aspects, so we can't rely on Huang Hun for such things. We still have to rely on them to save themselves.

Originally, this is a difficult thing, but knowing that Huang Hun can still survive after the collapse and destruction, there is a lot of room for operation.

Zheng Yichen said: "The leaves grown on the fruit of the world tree can carry the world's resources. When you go to perform the mission, you can use this thing to collect it."

"Okay, okay, I'll go back first." Zhu Li took the fruit and left here. She didn't plan to do it herself, but was ready to find a suitable person.

But her personality made her not hand it over casually. After returning, Zhu Li left her residence as soon as possible.

The world leaders who were paying attention to Zhu Li immediately became nervous. Zhu Li was truly invincible in this world.

They knew the intelligence about Dusk and also had the Dusk mercenaries under their control, so they knew how powerful Zhu Li was.

And recently, there were problems with the Dusk mercenaries. They brought back very bad news.

The Breaking World Organization was finished and split into a large number of new breaking world organizations. This gave the world leaders some ideas. If they could get involved with those new breaking world organizations, could they break Zhu Li's "rule"?

The idea was good, but the new information that followed made them numb.

The Breaking World Organization was finished, and the collapse and destruction would come a thousand years later, or even earlier. What else is there to think about?

Many people who knew about it began to hate those agents. Their ideas were similar to those of many Dusk mercenaries. If the agents did not complete the extermination order, there would be no collapse and destruction so soon.

If you don't resist, nothing will happen. Why don't those people understand?

The death of some agents can buy a lot of survival time... Of course, no matter how resentful they are, they still dare not do anything more in the face of Zhu Li.

This curse master is too scary. If she really wants to do something and anger her, she can't hide behind the scenes. A tracing curse is more cruel than killing nine clans.

And now that Zhu Li, as an agent, has come back, she suddenly takes action alone. How can they not worry?

Things that will happen a thousand years later will be discussed a thousand years later. They don't want anything to happen now. What if Zhu Li also goes crazy because of this matter and directly uses a killing curse... Don't do this!

The nervous world leaders quickly captured the strong power of the curse, and they were all disappointed.

When they were thinking about whether to summon all the strong people in the world to resist Zhu Li, the increasingly strong curse power began to converge, and finally concentrated on something, and the power of the curse disappeared without a trace.

"She seems to be making something?" At the observation platform, the people here carefully looked at Zhu Li in the scene. Observing Zhu Li is a high-risk job.

Someone once went to observe Zhu Li with malicious intent. As a result, because the malicious intent was too much, he was directly discovered by Zhu Li, and then the person died.

For the curse master, the accumulated malice of others is too easy for the curse master to perceive. Even if the distance is far away, if the accumulated malicious intent is too much, it will still be discovered.

Therefore, the people who can work at the observatory now are basically with a calm and upright mentality. They just observe, do not do so many things, and do not have too many ideas.

It's just that Zhu Li's impact this time was too great, and everyone in the world who had a certain degree of power felt discomfort.

And all this is just to deal with a fruit that is wrapped with tiny vines and has a hard surface, similar to an apple.

There are many small leaves on the vines on this fruit, but these leaves are obviously not what an apple tree should have.

"It's not bad." Zhu Li looked at the World Tree fruit. Her in-depth communication with Zheng Yichen allowed her to 'curse the world'.

It would be easier for her to impose a special curse on this World Tree fruit that has not yet grown up and is just a fusion world bubble.

There has been no backlash after being applied. This curse will grow with the fruit, and the person sitting on the fruit will also bear the corresponding curse.

Perpetuating the curse of all living beings, in return, those entangled by this curse will also be protected by the fruits of the World Tree. As long as they do not encounter an enemy with the power of destruction, basically nothing will happen.

But once it deviates from the safe range of this curse, the bearer will be counterattacked and become the 'curse protector' of this curse. This kind of existence is definitely not similar to the agent, the curse protector is just a puppet.

After all, the person who is sitting on this curse, in addition to receiving corresponding protection, also has a lot of resources. Even a pig can be trained to become a canopy marshal.

Therefore, it would be too wasteful to directly kill the person who was struck by the curse.

"It's a curse and a blessing, that's all." Zhu Li threw the fruit away.

Yin pole creates yang, and after the curse reaches its extreme, it is not difficult to produce the effect of blessing, not to mention that Zheng Yichen has a genius who is good at blessing.

If you communicate more, she can do better in this regard.

The people at the observatory looked at the flying fruit. Although they were observing through the mirror image, they still felt strong throbbing in their hearts.

It was the desire to seek this fruit, but this throbbing was accompanied by heavy pressure.

They were sure that this fruit was an extremely rare treasure, even though Zhu Li didn't feel any reluctance when he threw it away.

But such a treasure has been cursed by Zhu Li, which means that the person who obtains this treasure will definitely be affected by the curse. Is this because Zhu Li is bored and wants to play a special game?

No matter what, the attraction of this fruit is so strong that even if there are unknown risks, some people immediately join in the search for this fruit.

And this fruit is not difficult to find. Even though the fruit is not big, its presence is extremely strong.

There was a bloody storm surrounding this fruit that day.

As the initiator, Zhu Li felt relaxed. Now this fruit still lacks a curse protector. It is easy to bear the curse that continues for all living beings.

But the curse does not just have to be borne, it must be physically carried out. The person who bears the curse may not have enough strength at the beginning, so the curse protector has a place to play an immediate role.

As the number of curse protectors increases, the attractiveness of the World Tree's fruits will become less and less attractive, and will eventually fall into the hands of those who truly want to sustain all living beings.

The curse carved into the fruit of the World Tree will allow this thing to find its corresponding holder.

"Well... let's wait a few days and see the results." Zhu Li returned directly to the Land of Dusk and went to Zheng Yichen.

As for the battle around the fruits of the World Tree, that will continue for some time.

Zhu Li, who returned to Zheng Yichen, met Jiang Wei. The super hacker still looked a little tired. He didn't know whether it was because he had not recovered from the fatigue accumulated some time ago or because he had encountered something new.

"If you have anything that needs to be handled delicately, you can come to me. I'm good at this."

"...Uh, a curse?" Jiang Wei, who was still tired, was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, sometimes curses can do more precise things. For example, if your family is threatened, a curse can ensure that everyone who wants to cause trouble will die."

Zhu Li cursed like a salesperson: "So you encountered something like this?"

"Uh, not yet." Jiang Wei shook her head. The world in his side also got the news, but the senior officials in her world were not that irrational.

However, the crisis a thousand years later put a lot of pressure on her in her own world, which made her end her 'vacation' and return here early.

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