I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1274 The Instinct of Dusk

The speed of information transmission between the Dusk Mercenaries and those Boundary Breakers is very fast. Even though the world of the collective is very large, they are now paying close attention to some things, so the contacts between them are still very frequent.

The contacts between the new Boundary Breakers are even more so. Although they are divided, they can use the same technology, just like the same type of communicator. As long as they want to establish contact, they can easily exchange information.

Those who don't want to establish contact and work alone will also turn on the listening mode to learn the latest information as much as possible, and then those who want to work alone can't sit still.

They also want to survive. The Dusk Mercenaries are in frequent contact with each other, and the contacts between the Boundary Breakers are even more frequent.

Even these organizations are currently in conflict with each other, such as resource collection. There are too many worlds in the collective world, and there is no need for conflict at all. Too much conflict will only involve each other and consume each other's energy.

"A simple task is really better than giving me a thousand years of vacation." Zheng Yichen opened the door in front of him.

Tia, who was walking behind him, said, "That won't work."

"Alas, Dusk can survive after the collapse and destruction, but what will happen to Dusk afterwards?"

"After Dusk comes Dawn." Tia, who was walking behind Zheng Yichen, stopped.

"Before Dawn comes, it's dark. Dusk hopes that the current world will no longer exist, right?"

The former senior executives of the Breaking World Organization thought that Dusk had problems and that Dusk was the source of all evil. No one thought that Dusk had problems before, and Zheng Yichen was the same.

Although Dusk was playing badly, Dusk really did practical things. Whatever he wanted could be made through Dusk, even something that could destroy the world, as long as that thing was not used to destroy the world.


"?? You really answered?" Zheng Yichen turned around in a daze and looked at Tia in disbelief.

"Because you asked."

"Then no one has asked this before?"

Tia shook her head with a smile: "Not in the Dusk Land."

What Zheng Yichen thought of was the adaptability of Dusk. Some people would stay away from Dusk because of the lack of adaptability of Dusk, and even ignore Dusk in their cognition.

Then, will the Twilight mercenaries and agents here also overlook something from their cognition?

Zheng Yichen recalled the past, but he didn't think of anything wrong. Everything was natural.

Looking at the smiling Tia, Zheng Yichen felt a little creepy, especially after knowing this in such a casual occasion.

Twilight didn't care whether others could realize this, because it didn't matter at this point. Now for Twilight, it was really just to find a viewing platform to appreciate the last twilight of the collective world.

Waiting for the final darkness to come.

"You are really the source of all evil."

"Not entirely, Twilight has always been passive feedback. There is a need for you to exist."

Tia walked to Zheng Yichen, stretched out her hand and held his hand, chuckled and said: "Without the Breaking World Organization, there would be no Twilight mercenaries, no agents, and the root of the problem is still you."

"... What about the Balancer?"

Zheng Yichen didn't ask about the Devourer. Although the Devourer also squeezed into the three major forces, it was just a pig raised by the Breaking World Organization.

"The Balancer is the existence after inadvertently receiving Twilight's expectation of destruction, and Twilight has eliminated this problem."

The first thing Zheng Yichen thought of was the space he had seen before, which was filled with unlucky people who could not become agents but were frozen. Those people carried abnormal black air.

Those things are not only the negative accumulation after the destruction of the world, but also the problems of Twilight itself?

"What does this have to do with balance?" Zheng Yichen still couldn't connect Twilight's expectation of destruction with balance.

Tia gave the answer naturally: "Twilight is a whole, but it is divided because of the structure of the collective world."

Zheng Yichen understood that if the world is balanced, it means that the divided Twilight can also be completely connected together.

For the collective world, comprehensive balance also means destruction.

"You still say you are not the source of all evil."

"It is you who have been causing destruction. Resonance destruction is the most delayed destruction. The Breaking World Organization, which has annexed other worlds and attempted to create the 'primordial chaos', has brought everything forward.

The passive feedback of the dusk and your execution ability have shortened the long waiting time to one thousand years. You are the most terrifying."

The contrast between the joyful Sister Dusk and the Sister Dusk who seemed to have no emotions is too strong.

Zheng Yichen did not listen to Tia's words at all, and was not affected too much to waver in his mentality.

Even though the dusk has always been passively responding, when it is passively responding, the dusk can actively guide some things!

For example, his growth, the growth of other agents, and the worlds arranged by the dusk for the agents are the most suitable for the growth of those agents.

Although the extent of growth needs to be grasped by the agent himself, once it grows up, the conflict with the Breaking World Organization will inevitably intensify.

Even though many agents want to start after growing to a certain extent, the existence of agents is always an obstacle to the Breaking World Organization.

As long as there is confrontation, the Boundary Breaking Organization can develop stably, and the quality of development can be higher with confrontation.

"Is it my fault?"

"No one is wrong, everything stems from 'desire' and dusk's instinct."

Tia handed Zheng Yichen his phone and helped him tidy up the bandages on his body: "Come back early."

Dusk's instinct.

Zheng Yichen put away his phone, Lilith scanned and recorded the map information, and a projected map appeared in his vision.

Now clearing the factors that endanger the world is equivalent to clocking in for work, leaving in the morning and returning home in the afternoon.

And he doesn't even need that long, it's very easy to speed through, and it's bad luck to be met by him.

But Zheng Yichen didn't go over immediately, he had an extra seed in his hand, the World Tree Seed.

The World Tree Seed originated from the World Tree, but it was rebellious to the World Tree. Senluo and Zheng Yichen explained the reason.

The World Tree Seed itself is the continuation of the World Tree. This is the deep-rooted instinct of the seed. When the World Tree is still healthy, the World Tree Seed can only suppress such instinct.

However, the life cycle of the World Tree is extremely long. As a life, the World Tree will also decline one day, but that day is too far away.

Maybe the seeds of the World Tree are decayed, while the World Tree is still in a healthy state.

So there is such a contradiction between the seeds of the World Tree and the World Tree.

Referring to the situation of the World Tree, the relationship between dusk and the collective world is also the same.

Regardless of the structure of the collective world, the stability of this world itself is very high. Each world in the collective is equivalent to the collective world itself, a honeycomb-like structure. Even if some worlds have problems, it will not affect the main body too much.

What's more, there are raw stone worlds in the collective world. Zheng Yichen now thinks that those worlds are mostly the manifestation of the collective world's "self-healing".

Some worlds will be destroyed, but the raw stone world will be supplemented after it is developed, just like the self-healing of wounds.

In this world, as long as there are no serious problems, it means that dusk will never come.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

"Complete the mission first." Zheng Yichen disappeared from the spot. The environment of this world is average, probably at the level of level two, which has a great impact on him, but that is only the normal impact.

When a large-scale anomaly appears, the environment will not have any restrictions on him.

When he came to the place where the Breaking World Organization was located, Zheng Yichen saw not a temporary defense, but a large military base that had been developed for a long time.

Obviously, this world was a place that the Breaking World Organization had long been eyeing, and the Breaking World had arranged for the Breaking World to plan here for a long time. The reason why this place was spared was probably because the environment was too low and the world resources were relatively few.

Now this place has been redeveloped by the escaped Breaking World. The original Breaking World Organization has a deep foundation, and small fish and shrimp may not be worthy of it. Now the new Breaking World Organization has declined, and such small fish and shrimp are not spared.

The Dusk Mercenaries are busy seeking survival, so how can they have the mind to carry out the mission all the time.

Zheng Yichen did not see the Dusk Mercenaries when he came here.

"Is it him?! Retreat!!"

The moment they saw Zheng Yichen, the boundary breakers in the military base immediately retreated without any hesitation.

Even though the environment in this world is not high, the boundary breakers had broadcasted the information about Zheng Yichen before they were eliminated.

They, the boundary breakers who live in the target world, also received it.

Because they know Zheng Yichen very well and know that the environment will not affect his strength, they will run away so easily.

Confidence? This is not a matter of confidence or not. Even if the weapons in this military base are very advanced, they are not enough to fight Zheng Yichen. They don't even want to try whether Zheng Yichen is really as the intelligence says.

"..." Zheng Yichen, who found that the boundary breakers ran away collectively in his perception, was speechless for a while, but the boundary breaking core of his world has not been destroyed, and his mission has not been completed.

The local garrison in the military base found that their boss was missing, but facing Zheng Yichen, the intruder, the highest position of these garrisons took over the command, and the entire military base operated like a sophisticated machine.

Those boundary breakers managed this place very well. The garrisons here are all elites and will not lose order because of sudden situations.

However, the entire military base was split in half by Zheng Yichen's sword.

The black sword in his hand carried the breath of the Zhutian weapon. Although the Zhutian weapon was damaged, he had occupied the body of the Heavenly Dao and retained the characteristics of the Zhutian weapon.

After full contact and analysis, the black sword generated by his own abnormal ability can also carry some characteristics of the Zhutian weapon.

With just one sword, the garrison in the military base gave up resistance. Their epoch-making weapons were useless in front of Zheng Yichen.

The energy shield of the base was like a piece of paper in Zheng Yichen's sword.

In the broken military base, Zheng Yichen fished out the boundary breaking core here. This is a thing similar to a globe. After Lilith's analysis and detection, it can be determined that this thing can cause the earth's core to vibrate.

This thing directly decomposes and absorbs Lilith's simulated world core, and Zheng Yichen's mission is thus completed.

After returning to the Dusk Land, he didn't even check how many credits he had earned. Was that still meaningful?

"Brother Yichen, is the mission completed?" Liu Hongzhao, who had obviously put on light makeup, saw Zheng Yichen coming back and immediately came over.

"It's a very simple task. Let's go back first."

Liu Hongzhao nodded. Although Zheng Yichen was smiling, she always felt that Zheng Yichen was not in a good mood.

After leaving the Dusk Land, Zheng Yichen's somewhat depressed mood recovered.

"Brother Yichen, there are some things that you don't need to be responsible for, and you are not the savior." Liu Hongzhao sat next to Zheng Yichen.

She just felt that Zheng Yichen had taken on too many responsibilities that did not belong to him. He had to do the mandatory tasks arranged by Dusk, but other things had nothing to do with Zheng Yichen.

She now wanted to spend the last thousand years with Zheng Yichen in a stable manner.

"This is not a savior problem." Zheng Yichen shook his head. Dusk was the most problematic existence, but as Tia said, Dusk had always been passive.

If someone hadn't created the Breaking World Organization, there would be no current situation. As for the Balancer... The Balancer is not as troublesome as the Breaking World Organization.

Resonance destruction must develop to a certain scale.

As for the Breaking World Organization, the progress of collapse and destruction will become faster and faster as it develops.

They are trying to create a "primordial" world. Tia can say that, she probably read a lot of novels that Zheng Yichen left for Huanghun.

Before, he thought Huanghun was too bad and unwilling to change. Now that some of the situation is clear, he understands.

Why does Huanghun want to change? There is no need to change!

Huanghun maintains the collective world, and like the seeds of the world tree, its inherent instinct causes Huanghun to have rebellious factors.

Even if Huanghun and the collective world are one, in this body, as long as the collective world is good, Huanghun will always be a substitute and maintain it.

Just like the seeds in the world tree, it is impossible to take root and sprout.

In the world of Senluo, if the world tree dies one day, if the number of seeds inside is too many, the seeds will "fight" each other, and in the end only one seed will sprout again.

Then repeat the experience of the world tree?

Zheng Yichen doesn't know whether Huanghun will be like this, but he doesn't want it to end like this.

Even if after the collapse and destruction, the fruit of the world tree can be used to rely on Huanghun, but who can guarantee that there will be no problems in this way?

If Dusk really took root and sprouted again like the seeds of the World Tree, then can the things left by the predecessor of the world really be preserved?

A group of people worked hard to cultivate the fruits of the World Tree, but in the end they became Dusk's reserve rations to survive the darkness and walk towards the dawn. This result is too hellish.

Dusk does not care about living beings, but the world itself.

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