I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 1285: Invest more

The Dusk Mercenaries believed that the more the Boundary Breaking Organization was destroyed, the fewer explosions there would be, and the less likely the shock would occur. The Boundary Breaking Organization, facing the pressure from the Dusk Mercenaries, directly showed a crazier side.

Anyway, we have no way to survive, and you are acting so extreme and want to send us away earlier, so why should we be polite? More and more Boundary Breaking Organizations gave up the slim hope of surviving the disaster and directly changed their jobs to become blasters...

The conflict between the positions made everything lose any room for easing. After finding that each other's situation had worsened, the two sides, who were blood-thirsty, would only use more intense means than usual to solve each other.

In this fierce conflict, the stability of the collective world also began to decrease significantly. It was not that the collective world was too fragile, but that the big world had already brought an impact to the collective world.

The big world is like a heart that drags down a person. This heart that already has a serious heart disease causes this individual to have problems frequently. A little external invasion will cause various new diseases.

And the main purpose of the previous world-breaking organization was to grow, so when they were breaking the world, they didn't want to cause too much destruction, so the turmoil brought to the collective world was particularly small.

But now the new world-breaking organization is specifically for destruction. In the past, the world was broken every moment, and now the world is exploded every moment. The difference is of course huge.

Under the various tossings of humans, the speed of the collective world entering death is constantly accelerating, which is gratifying...

"What do you think?" Wu Lingluo looked at Zheng Yichen next to him.

Zheng Yichen had a dark face: "I see with my eyes that this is a dead cycle. The more world tree fruits are distributed, the more intense the conflict is, and the fewer world tree fruits are given, the more intense the conflict is."

The current situation is so extreme. If there are fewer world tree fruits given, the Dusk Mercenaries will try their best to wipe out the new world-breaking organization in order to gain living space.

If there are more world tree fruits, they will also try their best to wipe out the world-breaking organization in order to gain more living space.

After the Breaking World Organization knew that there were many fruits of the World Tree, they would also try their best to cause destruction.

No matter what, it would be the Breaking World Organization that would be unlucky. How could the unlucky Breaking World Organization not go to extremes?

Even if the Dusk Mercenaries did not target the Breaking World Organization, a group of desperate people would still use various extreme methods, so once the vicious cycle started, it would not stop.

If they wanted to stop, the only way was to end the Breaking World Organization completely.

Even if the Dusk Mercenaries were all wiped out, the Breaking World Organization would still go crazy.

"You don't have much time."

Wu Lingluo knew that Zheng Yichen would not leave him too much time. The agreed two months was two months. Changing the time casually would affect Zheng Yichen's own determination.

"More than ten days is not a small amount, and I am also very curious about how lively the collective world can be in these ten days."

After the start of the all-out war, the situation in the collective world continued to deteriorate, and every day when asking Dusk, new surprises could be obtained.

Now the afterglow time of the entire collective world has been close to nine hundred years, which is also the reason why the Dusk Mercenaries are completely crazy.

"And I can release new world tree fruits in advance." Zheng Yichen stretched out his hand and wiped it in front of him. The projection screen appeared, recording a lot of new information. Although there is no world similar to Longcheng, there are many creators similar to Gu Zun.

Zheng Yichen went to the scene to investigate, but the result was not very ideal, mainly because this type of existence is too similar to Gu Zun.

Not only is it similar as a creator, but also the living state is similar.

In the world of Tongshi Dynasty, Gu Zun is dead. In the worlds that Zheng Yichen is looking for, the existence similar to Gu Zun is also dead.

Some even have no corpses, and some have become like the existence of the Great Evil God. In short, it's pretty bad.

But occasionally there are some living ones. For this kind of existence, Zheng Yichen originally wanted to learn some experience and understand their past. Maybe he can also know some secrets that Huanghun doesn't know.

Huanghun revealed some important information before. Gu Zun appeared before Huanghun.

Dusk did not exist at the beginning of the world, which means that although Dusk has great authority, it should also be limited by the "underlying rules" of the world itself.

Just like when Dusk executes certain things, it needs credits to start, and there is also super recovery with reserved times.

Zheng Yichen's special injuries can be restored by Dusk through super recovery carried by reserved times, while under normal circumstances, Dusk's credit treatment is ineffective.

So there are still many things to think about Dusk's situation.

But now Zheng Yichen wants to know more about what happened before Dusk, but unfortunately the "old predecessors" he found are dead or crazy...

Those who are still alive found by Zheng Yichen are already in an irrational state, becoming almost like the Great Evil God.

It seems to be caused by some kind of influence, but Zheng Yichen can't find the reason and has no time to find it.

Those crazy beings are either self-sealed or suppressed by something else. After Zheng Yichen found them, he fought a battle.

He was also used a little by the local dusk mercenaries, but Zheng Yichen didn't care about this. His purpose was to find this kind of special life individual, help the local dusk mercenaries deal with this kind of individual, and eliminate the trouble.

The special existence lost its reason and self, and Zheng Yichen didn't have such a big psychological burden when he took action.

But compared with obtaining some special characteristics, he was more inclined to obtain more information, and the recovery of the body was incidental.

Even this incidental part was of no use to Zheng Yichen. Whether his body was currently recovered or not would not affect the performance of combat power.

If it was not recovered, it would not be a substantial improvement. Anyway, after the firepower was fully opened, he would not look at his own body when exerting his strength.

The incarnation was similar to the existence of the environment. It was no longer the body that affected his own strength, but the essence of the individual.

Of course, the existence similar to the ancient lord also had a great impact on him. The ancient lord gave Zheng Yichen the power of the vision, and the new characteristics that the existence similar to the ancient lord gave Zheng Yichen were also related to carrying and changing the state of the world.

This kind of characteristics even had a superimposed enhancement with his vision.

Now the vision he released has been enhanced to the extent of having its own space.

The attached space is generated out of thin air, and does not need to rely on things like world bubbles. As long as Zheng Yichen can maintain such a vision for a long time, then in this vision, this is a nearly real world.

And his life furnace has also been greatly enhanced. In addition to generating vitality between breaths, it can also generate a higher level of life origin.

This power can be understood as the source of life, the source of life. He himself is now a special "Ark", and can even try to really become some kind of indescribable existence.

Let himself keep a long sleep, maintain a high-intensity breathing cycle in this state, and maintain a long vision, then he can try to become the center of the world.

Among those similar to the ancient lords, there is a special existence that affects and changes reality with dreams. After Zheng Yichen solved that existence, he naturally obtained the corresponding characteristics.

In the legends of that world, there are many records about that "mythical creature", and there are also corresponding legends about the creation of heaven and earth.

Legend has it that the world was a wasteland, and the creator changed the whole world at the cost of sleeping, and the barren land regained its vitality under the cover of dreams.

Later, as the world grew, the barren world gradually grew to the extent covered by the creator's dream.

But the creator seemed to have slept for too long, and his reason and self dissipated in his sleep, and the creator went crazy.

In addition, the world itself has grown to the extent shaped by the creator's dream, and the creator's dream is no longer needed.

The crazy creator was sealed up, and the creator's dream was also concentrated in a small area.

But the creator is already crazy, and the crazy creator's dream is also affecting the whole world. If the creator's dream continues to affect the whole world, then the world itself will turn into the extent of the crazy creator's dream.

In that world, the creator's affairs have continued from ancient times to the present, until Zheng Yichen appeared, which ended this crazy dream.

Although the creator is mainly based on dreams, the essence of this creator is also to carry life, which is also a common characteristic of many creators.

Although the ancient lord does not have the characteristic of carrying life, the ancient lord has a stronger ability to shape the environment. Zheng Yichen has integrated the special characteristics of these creators together.

However, in terms of some strength performance, those creators may be higher at their peak, even if Zheng Yichen can deal with these crazy creators.

Those creators are mainly based on carrying and shaping the environment, and Zheng Yichen’s most important power is now extinction and creation.

But if there is a special place, it is how the creator survives the "reckoning"?

Zheng Yichen is not sure whether the creators are the existence of the last world era, but their story records and performances are really like the remnants of the last world era.

In particular, the life ark of the Great Evil God carries a lot of life information, which will affect the environment itself. When life is generated in the current world environment, corresponding life will appear due to the influence of these life information.

Moreover, these lives that appeared were not artificially created, but natural life forms. The process was that when natural life was generated in the world, the life ark of the Great Evil God gave the corresponding life template.

Unfortunately, the Great Evil God was also a crazy existence, and the life information he brought with him was also distorted, which had a vicious impact on the environment, causing the evil spirits to spread all over the world.

However, Zheng Yichen now integrated the advantages of these "creators". Compared with them, Zheng Yichen is more comprehensive.

In terms of strength, he is just an agent who has debuted for two and a half years, and those creators have lived for an unknown period of time.

After all, living a long life normally will not make oneself crazy, right?

Just like Gu Zun, although he is also a creator, he does not look crazy, and even after being forcibly revived, he can still recover some sanity.

Zheng Yichen is now like a creator. He can use the power of creation to directly create world bubbles, and these world bubbles grow into complete worlds.

It's just that he doesn't have as many resources as the world itself, and he also has the identity of an agent, and he is shackled by Huanghun.

If he could live, he could try to enter a dream and make the visions in the dream appear real. He didn't even need to create a new world in the dream. He could just show the inner world while he was sleeping.

His inner world is an extremely huge universe.

Unfortunately, as an agent, sleeping is probably useless when he faces the reckoning.

During this period, Lilith has deleted hundreds of plans to survive the catastrophe. Each plan seems feasible, but in practice, it is of no help to the current situation.

If Zheng Yichen was not an agent, these plans would be more executable. Unfortunately, as an agent, these plans have become waste paper.

He and Huanghun must have a fight, so Zheng Yichen will not change the time, which is related to personal determination.

Changing means that the will is not firm enough.

He can shorten this time, but he cannot extend it, and he cannot have a broken jar mentality when shortening it.

"Put out more fruits, it will cause greater conflict, how many do you plan to put out?"

"Um... five million?"

"?" Wu Lingluo looked at Zheng Yichen with a look that asked who was at fault. The Fox Queen exhaled slightly and looked at Zheng Yichen with a faint gaze: "It seems that you really don't mind the big deal, and want everyone to go completely crazy."

Now it is the Breaking World Organization that is completely crazy. If Zheng Yichen really puts out five million World Tree fruits, then the Dusk Mercenaries will also go completely crazy.

They are not crazy because of ecstasy, but because of the sense of crisis.

Putting out World Tree Fruit will not cause inflation, but it is easy to cause panic when it is put out in large quantities.

The gap in the number of releases is too large, from 50,000 directly to 5 million. Zheng Yichen dared to do this, and he said directly that tomorrow would be the end of the world and there would be people who believed it.

In order to survive, how could those Dusk Mercenaries not go crazy? Zheng Yichen's move would only lead to the escalation of the already fierce war.

This is not adding fuel to the fire, but directly detonating the nuclear reactor.

"Things have become so bad anyway. Even if I don't do this, it will be a slow death. It's better to do something big." Zheng Yichen's eyes were also fierce.

The split world-breaking organizations are getting fewer and fewer, and the Twilight Mercenaries may also be getting fewer and fewer, but in order to survive, more people will take the initiative to become Twilight Mercenaries.

As long as the number of Twilight Mercenaries can be maintained at a healthy level and they are willing to fight, the speed of the world-breaking organization will be faster.

Maintaining the current tug-of-war of high-intensity war will only cause the already fragile wood to break completely, and more extreme high-intensity battles can at least keep a root.

Maybe the afterglow time of the collective will eventually become only three to five hundred years, but at least after the time is shortened to this extent, there are not enough world-breaking organizations that can cause trouble.

Although the overall losses are heavy, at least there is enough time left.

If he fails, the living people will at least have this much time, instead of being dragged down and drowned by the world-breaking organization, dying after the world-breaking organization is also a victory.

"Your idea is really surprising, but it's very good. I still like your determination." Wu Lingluo smiled and looked at Zheng Yichen.

Zheng Yichen's decision will inevitably bring more tragic sacrifices, but he still made such a decision. He was still very straightforward in making choices.

"Then it's decided. Five million world tree fruits, and a batch of fruits for you to keep, and then slowly release them."

Zheng Yichen sighed softly.

"... Do you really have so many?"

Zheng Yichen's five million world tree fruits are just for fun. She thought that 500,000 were a lot, but now it seems that she underestimated Zheng Yichen's productivity.

"Of course there are. In fact, my initial goal is a small goal, but I didn't do so much because I didn't have enough time. This thing is easier to make than you think."

The number of world tree fruits in his hand has exceeded 10 million. Although the number seems exaggerated, it is actually just that. World tree fruits and world bubbles are not difficult to make.

As long as the world tree has enough resources, it can produce a large number of fruits, and although the world bubble has the word "world" in it, it can also grow into the world itself.

But compared with the world itself, the world bubble is equivalent to an adult compared with a small number of cells.

Let's put it this way, if Zheng Yichen is given the resources of a world, the world bubbles he can make are calculated in units of tens of billions.

But what's the use of this?

World bubbles are just cells. Only those that can grow into shape are the world. More world bubbles have no chance to grow at all.

Even if he made 100 billion world bubbles, what would it matter?

For so many world bubbles to grow up, including the loss of parasitic transformation, it means that at least 120 billion complete world resources are needed.

This is the only way to ensure that these grown world bubbles have the standard strength of a complete world. Otherwise, these world bubbles will appear insufficient in strength, which will not affect their use, but the upper limit will be reduced.

Generation after generation, they will become worse than the previous generation.

Only growing world bubbles are meaningful, so simply piling up the number is useless. When all the worlds are destroyed, even if the fruits of the world tree can still remain outside the boundary, the fruits that will not grow will only be completely consumed by the outside world as time goes by.

The fruits of the world tree in his hand are enough. No matter how many there are, it will be useless if they cannot be used in a short time.

To be honest, Zheng Yichen will be very satisfied if half of the more than 10 million world tree fruits can grow to the expected level.

It would be too dreamy if all of them can grow.

"It's really amazing. When do you plan to release it?"

"How about tomorrow?"

One of Wu Lingluo's hands became fluffy, and the half-beast claws scratched the bandage on Zheng Yichen's hand: "Then stay tonight. Since your body has recovered, you are going to die soon, so don't pretend to be injured."

Under the broken bandage, Zheng Yichen's overly pale skin was revealed. Contact with those crazy creators did allow Zheng Yichen's body to recover, but the degree of recovery was not high. The body was complete, but the appearance was very unhealthy and pale.

However, the Fox Queen here did not care about this little flaw.

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