"Are you really not from this world?" While eating, Jiang Wei still had some doubts about this matter.

"Of course not."

"Then what are you doing here?"

Zheng Yichen, who was eating meat, choked for a moment: "Hey, it's just the boss's task, and you don't want a lot of people in this world to die for no reason, do you?"

"Until that step, who knows whether what you said is true or not?" Jiang Wei rolled her eyes.

"I really hope it's fake." Zheng Yichen smiled, and then the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily. He looked at some injuries on his body, some of which had recovered, and some were still hurting him continuously .

He will not accept the technological version of the magic bullet, the key is that now he has been hit by the technological version of the 'curse'.

It's not a virus, it's radiation from some kind of radiation!

Zheng Yichen could feel the burning pain from some wounds on his body, and his health level plummeted: "Also, in this technologically powerful world, the experience is really terrible."

"What is the other world like?" Jiang Wei looked at the fire in front of her, holding a simple teacup in both hands, and asked curiously.

"First of all, there are people." As soon as Zheng Yichen finished speaking, he received a big roll of eyes: "Well, apart from people, the development of science and technology is also different. There are martial arts masters and witches, and the times are also different."

Zheng Yichen briefly described the worlds he experienced, but the most troublesome one is the high-tech world, especially the high-energy technological world.

That kind of jammer for abilities is too messy.

"It sounds wonderful. Being able to go to different worlds freely means you can also see different scenes in different eras, right? Even if the history is different." Jiang Wei said with some yearning.

She has been to some museums and seen many ancient things. Although those things are completely incomparable with modern technology, she can see the creation and inspiration of ancient people.

"Maybe, but the ones I went to were all problematic. For example, the one with martial arts masters is a world similar to Resident Evil."

"Ah? There won't be any biochemical viruses in that world, right?" Resident Evil series movies also exist in this world, but that kind of movies use some kind of black technology to spread viruses. How could there be biochemical viruses in the ancient environment? crisis?

"It was a demon flower that affected all the creatures in that world. It's getting late, so go to sleep."

"... Oh." Jiang Wei nodded, looking at the dry ground, and covered herself with a thin thermal blanket.

Zheng Yichen knew a lot. The flames and the dry ground were created by Zheng Yichen with some kind of power, but not by means of fire powers. Jiang Wei heard from him that it was magic.

Very inexperienced in magic, it is more than enough to light a fire and cook, but not enough to fight.

Where they are located is inside a large rock that has been hollowed out.

After watching Jiang Wei fall asleep, Zheng Yichen exhaled, took out some pills from the motorcycle and threw them into his mouth. He thought he had prepared enough this time, but now it seems that it is still not enough. The next time he prepared the medicine There must be something like anti-radiation Ning.

Iodine tablets are also good.

"I don't know if I will be killed by radiation or shed my skin directly after reaching a certain level." Zheng Yichen reached out and pressed a wound on his arm, and the wound felt a burning pain.

After a while, he braved the heavy rain and left this hidden temporary foothold. In the dark night, the sound of the heavy rain blocked Zheng Yichen's footsteps, and his eyes glowed faintly red in the dark night. Large creatures were found by him one by one.


The torrential rain seemed to never stop. When Zheng Yichen came back, the torrential rain not only did not decrease, but increased a little. However, his body was still dry, and the ability of the water system prevented the torrential rain from having any additional impact on him.

Jiang Wei, who was holding a suitcase, leaned against the stone wall, and asked Zheng Yichen nervously: "Where did you go?"

"Why did you wake up?" Zheng Yichen took off the meat from the black spear, besides the beast meat left behind, there was also the fish he caught.

"The thunder is too loud." Jiang Wei saw that after Zheng Yichen sat down, he showed a lot less nervousness. Even though Zheng Yichen did not ride a bicycle when he left, but in this wild and rainy environment , After losing people, it still made her feel very insecure.

"The rain won't stop in a short time, but we still have to hurry." Zheng Yichen skillfully scraped the scales of the fish, and then drew a fire magic circle on the ground, and later made these fish into dried fish for easy carrying.

Jiang Wei nodded: "Aren't you resting? I've had enough sleep. Next, you should take a good rest, right?"

"That's fine." Zheng Yichen nodded: "Take care of the meat, I can sleep for two or three hours."

The meat is easy to handle, and it is for better preservation, so the taste is not important. Not long after, Jiang Wei looked at Zheng Yichen who was resting against the stone wall, showing a hesitant expression. She was not careless. Problem, on the contrary, as a hacker, she pays attention to many details.

She has seen some details of Zheng Yichen's body, such as those injuries, the very serious injury on the shoulder before has recovered, and it would take more than a month for an ordinary person to have such an injury, even with the assistance of high-end medical technology The time can be better.

And Zheng Yichen recovered in less than a day. Such a serious injury can recover in a short time. With enough food and nutrition, other minor injuries on his body can also recover quickly. Some of the injuries did not heal over time.

Zheng Yichen's injuries are problematic.

"Wake up, it's time." When the agreed time came, Jiang Wei hurried over to push Zheng Yichen, and deliberately touched Zheng Yichen's injured area with her hand. She felt that Zheng Yichen's body temperature was very high!

"Oh..." Zheng Yichen opened his eyes, and yawned lightly: "I still can't sleep casually, I can be very energetic when I don't sleep, and I will be sleepy to death after a short sleep."

Rubbing his eyes, he washed his face with an extra ball of water in his hand, cut a piece of meat that had been processed before, reheated it, sprinkled some seasoning evenly, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Jiang Wei casually ate the food she was given.

"What's the problem?" Seeing the girl staring at him, Zheng Yichen asked.

"What's the matter with your injury? And since you were injured, your hair hasn't grown any longer." Jiang Wei said and gently pulled her long hair. Zheng Yichen's hair grew very fast, but in After his injury can't recover normally, it won't grow.

Originally, it was an abnormality that normal people do not have, but when this abnormality was placed on Zheng Yichen and became normal again, it turned out to be the biggest abnormality.

"Are you paying attention to me so much?"

"You are the only one by my side, don't you pay attention to stones?"

"It's probably affected by some kind of radiation." Zheng Yichen pulled off a bandage on his arm. The scar left by the bullet had healed, but a red mark that was different from the normal skin color was very conspicuous. Jiang Wei approached Looking at it from a distance, the red-scarred skin looked uneven compared to the normal skin.

It looks like it's about to blister.

"Is your resilience useless?"

"It's useless." Zheng Yichen threw an amulet to Jiang Wei: "Carrying this thing with you can strengthen your resilience, and it will play a role after injury, but it will also increase your own consumption, and you will be hungry quickly."

However, Zheng Yichen has the recovery power himself. This thing is purely icing on the cake. Even if he wears it all over, it can only suppress the impact of the radiation. Simply put, he is currently suffering from a continuous blood loss buff that is difficult to dispel.

Restoration can equalize the speed of this blood loss. Although the buff of this blood loss will not become stronger and stronger, this abnormal state will affect the upper limit of the blood bar!

Normal blood loss is fine, but the upper limit of the blood bar is not going to be lost.

Jiang Wei wanted to return the amulet to Zheng Yichen, but Zheng Yichen waved his hand: "Give it to you."

"But your body..."

"I have a special resilience, and this thing doesn't help me much."

"Let's go quickly." Jiang Wei wiped her mouth and said impatiently, "Get out of this place!"

Zheng Yichen nodded. In this place, they were just trying to avoid follow-up tracking. A heavy rain helped a lot, so they didn't have to detour here for a long time, and just found a suitable area to leave.

When leaving, Zheng Yichen pushed back a large rock next to him, and restored the boulder that had a large hole dug out from the surface, and the traces would be washed away by the heavy rain afterwards.

After leaving the chaotic area of ​​strong magnetic field and thunder, Jiang Wei immediately searched for the information she was looking for. The more she looked at it, the more angry she became. Her knowledge of firearms and weapons was limited to those that everyone knew better. She was not a soldier. fan.

But now after carefully searching for the information she wanted, she finally learned about Zheng Yichen's situation. The wound on Zheng Yichen's body could not be fully recovered. It was because the enemy used a prohibited bullet. In front of the bullets are young children.

Whether it is the killing effect or the cost, people who are hit by this kind of bullet basically cannot be cured, and can only delay the arrival of death. People affected by this kind of radiation will not be damaged. Appearing weak can make a person appear very healthy, and even some diseases can be 'healed without medicine', but in the end it will become a piece of 'cooked meat'.

"What did you find?"

"...the good news is that your effects won't make you sick, but make you healthier."

"Oh, what about the bad news?"

"The bad news is you'll end up with seven-well-done meat, with the giblets maybe a little more ripe."

"That's bad enough, is there a cure?"

"Not currently, the best way is to freeze to control the disease." Jiang Wei looked at the information on the projection screen in front of her, feeling very sad.

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