I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 204 Still a Mechanic

If you want to build that fortress, you need some equipment, right? The flames destroyed most of the things here, but some things remained, including some equipment in the mechs.

Jiang Wei looked at an opened mecha, and there was still something burnt on the seat inside, which made her purse her lips involuntarily, and didn't ask what it was.

"Some things are burnt out, and some are still usable, please help me dismantle them."

Jiang Wei couldn't wait to tell Zheng Yichen that she had checked the conditions of the surrounding vehicles, and the jammers were the best preserved, that's why there was a protective force field on that car, and the others didn't have a protective force field. It's different, and there are not too many things that can be preserved in the end.

It is enough.

"Can you assemble these things?"

"Of course, you don't think I only know computer skills, do you? I have the status of a top mechanic." Jiang Wei said very proudly. Among mechanics, no one has better hacking skills than her, and among hackers, no one The level of mechanics is higher than hers.

Although this profession has some interoperability, but she is a real dual profession.

"Sounds great."

"Hurry up and find a toolbox, I'll help you make a refrigerator."

There is a toolbox, although many things have been burned and melted, but some things are still preserved, and they can still be used after patchwork.

Out of caution, Jiang Wei removed all the things that could be removed, and asked Zheng Yichen to help carry these things. Zheng Yichen has the ability of the wind element, so it is not difficult for her to make a sail car and take those things away.

"If you restrict your actions, we will have better means of transportation." On the way, Jiang Wei said helplessly.

She wanted to quickly assemble a usable car, but the sail car she was using now was the best-preserved one, but it would take time to repair it.

"It's not as simple as you said." Zheng Yichen rubbed his arms, consuming a lot of life force and made him feel a little cold, but his body was still hot. Although he recovered some state after making up the knife, in general Or consumption is higher than recovery.

"...In this way, we won't be tracked in a short time." Jiang Wei said, looking at the back.

"Perhaps, do you know who is chasing you?"

The dark-haired woman shook her head: "The identity of the person who pursued me is kept very secret. I have hacked into their communication and have not obtained any substantive information."

The unfavorable environment she is in is that the enemy knows her, and she knows very little about the identity of the enemy. The enemy is too cautious in this regard. If she can know who is chasing her, she will use her ability to dig out the opponent's identity. It is not difficult to hide information, not to mention anything else, just revealing some black material can make the other party very uncomfortable.

Enemies know her abilities, and there is no limit to caution in this regard.

"What about your family?"

"Hmph, my family won't have any big problems." Jiang Wei snorted twice, and didn't say too much about her family. Seeing this, Zheng Yichen didn't press on, looking at the young woman Busy with some tools, she looked at Zheng Yichen after a while: "Don't look at you with such great strength...or is it not convenient for you to move around now?"

She thought of what Zheng Yichen said before, that the eruption of a large number of green fire waves cannot be used casually, and she may be very weak now. Realizing this, her somewhat unhappy tone became much lighter.

"No, the main reason is that I have no problem assembling an ordinary computer. I can't play with these things."

"Assembling a computer?" Jiang Wei looked at Zheng Yichen suspiciously.

"Uh... the old-fashioned kind of computer." Thinking of the technological development of this era, Zheng Yichen became less confident. There is nothing wrong with the computer assembly system on the earth. The main reason is that he learns very quickly when there is a need. Self-study can also learn.

"Just move something, and I'll take care of the parts that need to be assembled."

After dividing Zheng Yichen's understanding of electronic technology to a level comparable to that of screwing a light bulb, Jiang Wei has no extra expectations for him. After all, he has such a strong combat effectiveness and is also excellent in other aspects. useless?

With Zheng Yichen's help, Jiang Wei's follow-up tasks became much easier: "Can you help me weld with fire?"

"There is no problem with this." Zheng Yichen turned the fishing rod in his hand, and a little green flame emerged from it. Under his control, the flame became more concentrated.

"It's so convenient."

The sky was getting dark gradually, Jiang Wei took a long breath, looked at the stains on her hands and resisted the idea of ​​touching the sweat, she looked at Zheng Yichen again, his condition was not much better either.

However, with the help of this humanoid crane, she saved a lot of time and easily completed some mechanical modifications, using all the things that can be used, and repaired the unusable car with difficulty: "How about trying this."

"Well..." Zheng Yichen looked at the things piled up around him. The best-preserved car had changed drastically. There were not only many welding marks on it, but also many holes.

A special car was refitted by Jiang Wei into a small base car, which made Zheng Yichen feel that he should stop and keep some things, and the jammer inside was also disassembled and adjusted by her.

She adjusted the function of the jammer. If she encounters a new supernatural jammer later, she can use this modified jammer to release waves that interfere with that jammer...

Same as nesting dolls.

Jiang Wei also made good use of those damaged mechas. Many important parts inside those mechas were damaged under the high temperature. But the performance that this kind of mecha can play has changed from a supercar to a tractor.

She comforted herself that it would be good to be able to move, and it was better than nothing at all.

A piece of 'armor' not to mention very close to the apocalyptic style, but also similar. This thing gave Zheng Yichen the feeling of the original version of the steel suit.

However, the other party was made under more difficult conditions. She has enough finished materials on her side. The progress of the initial modification was very slow, but after some things were repaired and modified, the follow-up speed quickly increased. .

"Won't wearing this thing weaken me?" Zheng Yichen looked at this piece of mechanical armor and asked, this thing is not light in terms of weight, it weighs tens of kilograms!

Although this thing has power assist, it may not be able to keep up with his efficiency.

"You have such a strong ability, do you still expect to fight like a barbarian in this thing?" Jiang Wei opened her eyes wide and looked at Zheng Yichen with her hips on her hips. She thought that Zheng Yichen had nothing to do with fighting mechs It's a power fight scene.

"In another world, I can tear that kind of mecha with my hands."

"Then it can't be done in this world, or is it the world's fault?" Jiang Wei rolled her eyes: "This thing has the function of emergency disintegration. When you fight, just pay attention to some places so that they don't get damaged."

Zheng Yichen put on this mechanical armor, the weight is acceptable, and his physical fitness is also top-notch in this world environment.

The strength level is a little lower than that of Obscure City, and it doesn't have that much influence on his power.

The role of the armor is not to let Zheng Yichen fight against the enemy's bullets. This thing is like a refrigerator, which is specially used to control Zheng Yichen's physical state and forcefully lower his body temperature, lest he reach seven maturity prematurely. Degree.

"And the helmet."

"The helmet is the most important thing." Jiang Wei reached out and touched the armor on Zheng Yichen's chest: "You don't want your brain to be too hot to be familiar with it, do you?"

"But it's really inconvenient to wear it, and I feel that the temperature of my head is still normal now."

"...Are you so confident in your physique? Then I will adjust it for you." Jiang Wei muttered and signaled Zheng Yichen to take off the armor, and added an additional temperature monitoring function to the neck of the armor. Once Zheng Yichen When the part above the neck becomes red and warm, an alarm will occur.

At that time, Zheng Yichen will wear a helmet without it.

"This thing can somewhat control your physical condition and give you more time. Don't take it off secretly." Jiang Wei said to Zheng Yichen very seriously.

"I'm not a fool, how to solve the energy problem of this thing?"

"I also made a converter, and you can charge it yourself when the time comes." Jiang Wei is very envious of Zheng Yichen's lightning ability. As long as this ability is matched with suitable equipment, it can really have unlimited power.

She yawned: "I'm going to renovate the rest of it, and try to complete it by tomorrow morning. You don't need your help for the rest, you can go rest yourself."

Zheng Yichen smiled at Jiang Wei: "Okay."

He didn't rest for too long, but after a short rest, he found a suitable place to start hunting. The reason he told Jiang Wei was hunting. In order to ensure the food for tomorrow, the woman couldn't help but glanced at Zheng Yichen. Motorcycle, there are a lot of compressed food in that car.

What's more, the chasers who were killed before also had a lot of supplies. The unprotected food was burnt, but some things were in the refrigerator, and those things were well preserved. She also found a lot of very useful emergency supplies. Drugs and specific medicines.

It's a pity that none of those medicines could alleviate Zheng Yichen's symptoms, but she still kept them. Anyway, they don't take up space. What if they are used?

After more than two hours, looking at Zheng Yichen who came back, Jiang Wei sat on a rock and rubbed her shoulders. She hasn't done such a high-intensity work for a long time. When she was busy working as a mechanic, she had a lot of equipment Supported, it can only be operated with both hands now.

However, she also found that the stamina she showed now exceeded her imagination, that is, she was hungry quickly. She seldom felt hungry when she was focused before, but now she would be interrupted by hunger when she focused.

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