I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 217 No one can stop him

"Obviously you can't suck me up." Looking at the quickly withered monster, Zheng Yichen threw it away, and the withered monster hit the ground and shattered. Tooth marks, shook his hands, and walked to the side of the monster's body.

Take away some of the bones and skulls that the other party kept...

This is specially reserved. After all, this thing came from that strange heart, so it's good to take it back and let the witch at home study it.

As for the others? Zheng Yichen took a long breath, checked his physical condition, the tooth marks on his arms had disappeared, and those red marks on his body also disappeared.

Zheng Yichen didn't know whether it was caused by sucking the blood from that heart, or because his physique became stronger in the high-intensity environment, so it counteracted or digested the influence of the Red Star Stone.

The healthy body is still comfortable, and the hair that is dragging to the ground will be cut later.

Following the death of this monster that looked the same as Zheng Yichen, the surrounding fog also quickly disappeared, leaving a lot of miscellaneous objects on the entire huge field, some of which were the corpses of some small animals, and some other bits and pieces. Things are brought over by the distortion generated inside the vision.

"The vision has been resolved..." After the fog dissipated, those who had evacuated came back again. After some researchers inspected the research site, they looked at the empty isolation area with complicated expressions. Many scattered objects could be seen inside. There are also very strong battle marks.

But the Eye of Time and Space, which had been here for a long time, was gone, and who would not be in a complicated mood? They invested a lot of experience here, but in the end they got nothing. Even though this involved a very terrible conspiracy, they still feel a little uncomfortable at this moment.

"Let's clean up the scene first." A researcher said, and soon some automated machinery entered the isolation area and gathered up all the scattered things inside.

In a break, Jiang Wei looked at the version of Zheng Yichen who had changed his clothes after taking a shower, with fluttering long hair. It can be said that it is a gratifying result that there is no real outbreak.

After a while, she said, "Your body..."

"Well, the environment inside the vision is different from the outside world, and the physical problem is gone." Zheng Yichen raised his arm, and the red marks on it were gone: "The problem of the eye of time and space is also solved, I should gone."

"Then, let's go quickly, maybe you won't be able to leave after a while." Jiang Wei said with some reluctance, the time spent with Zheng Yichen was not long, but the time spent with Zheng Yichen was It was the first time she had experienced it in more than twenty years.

There is also the change in Zheng Yichen. Before Zheng Yichen's face could still see the immaturity of a teenager, but now he has completely turned into a young man, and his body is stronger. Those strong muscles made her understand that Zheng Yichen was not Whatever you say.

Zheng Yichen in normal state is really strong.

"Hmph~ They still dare to stop me?" Zheng Yichen clenched his fist. Although the intensity level of this world has not changed, he has now returned to a normal and complete state.

There is also the feedback from the extraction of the heart and the monster. Although it will take a while to fully digest as usual, the changes that have been brought about have already been brought about. The first is the resilience. Obtained from monsters.

Now he feels that his resilience has been additionally enhanced on that basis, and what he eats and supplements, his heartbeat has become more stable and powerful, and his heart is stronger. That monster like him did not bring Any substantive feedback.

Probably that thing and that heart come from the same source, right? The feedback brought was covered by a stronger heart.

There are also some changes that are the same as getting the blood of gods and demons, the body is strengthened on the original basis, but the strength level of this world is like this, no matter how much it is strengthened, it will not become so outrageous.

The real improvement is the 'coefficient' related to physique, strength, and speed have also improved, but it is not as obvious as physique.

Although he has not changed much in terms of body shape now, he is actually more fleshy. There are still many benefits brought by the improvement of physique, such as the indirect increase in strength and so on.

Other changes will be discovered slowly later.

He is very strong, even if people from the investigation team come later, he is not afraid of those people who are arrogant and unreasonable.

"Why don't you dare? No matter how powerful you are, there is only one person. Do you still want to fight against a country?" Jiang Wei hesitated: "Take Doris with you when you leave."

Zheng Yichen looked at the suitcase Jiang Wei handed over, and smiled: "I am not in such a hurry to leave, since you have helped me a lot, I will definitely help you solve some follow-up problems."

Without Jiang Wei's help, it would be difficult for Zheng Yichen to determine the identities of those Boundary Breakers, and in the end he forced his way into the fortress.

"You have to think about it, the people in the investigation team may not be so easy to talk to."

"Then speak with your fists."

People from the investigation team came here that night. Looking at the equipment, Zheng Yichen thought that it would be easy to destroy several small countries in this world. He is currently in the base vehicle he used before, not in the fortress. .

"Who let him enter the isolation area without permission!!" The investigation team leader looked at the empty isolation area, his face darkened.

Chang Wenhua was unmoved, he directly tore off his clothes, revealing the life-support device on the side ribs: "No one allows and no one can stop him, and I won't be attacked without other ghosts, Injured so badly."

"You..." The captain of the investigation team was at a loss for words. The person who can break into the fortress alone, under the premise that the captain of the supernatural combat team is seriously injured, there is really no one who can stop him. He took a breath and changed the question: " What about others?"

"Let's go, still no one can stop him."

"..." This reason is really good.

Seeing that the captain of the investigation team looked even uglier, Chang Wenhua stepped forward: "There are related videos in the computer room, and the memories dug out of the brains of those insiders. Compared with the intruder, this matter is more important. ?”

The captain of the investigation team nodded. Even though Zheng Yichen came with good intentions, it is impossible not to say anything about the other party's intrusion behavior afterwards. At worst, there must be a process... But where there are people, there are factions.

If Zheng Yichen really wanted to cooperate obediently, it wouldn't be too secure, not to mention anything else, he had to reveal everything he knew about the whole time.

They already know the danger of the Eye of Time and Space, and the Eye of Time and Space has disappeared, so what they need to do after that is to stop the loss. It sounds a little unreasonable, but the identity of the other party as an intruder is also true. one thing.

The investigation team worked hard all night in the Fortress of the Eye of Time and Space. Those videos about Zheng Yichen were studied intensively. The most powerful thing about the opponent is that they can ignore the supernatural jammers and release very dangerous green flames. Their physical fitness is also the best in this world. top presence.

There is also the change before and after Zheng Yichen. Before entering the Eye of Time and Space, the other party was a teenager between youths, but after the Eye of Time and Space disappeared and reappeared, he became a young man with long hair dragging to the ground, and his body was also the same as those of those As strong as a trained man.

And the traces of the battle in the isolation area can also tell how fierce the battle was at that time. Judging from the damage marks on the ground, it looks like a group of war mechs fighting each other.

This is the record about Zheng Yichen, a top-level superpower, ignoring the flames of jammers, super physical fitness, such a No. 1 existence, the armed forces in the fortress really can't take down the other party.

After that, there will be the information dug out of the brains of those insiders. Some of those brains will be sent to other places for re-investigation, and some will be kept here as a backup, lest other places have the same information as the "Boundary Breaker". The inner ghost, destroying those important brains.

At present, it is not completely sure that there are no boundary breakers in the fortress. Those brains can provide information about their accomplices, but not all boundary breakers are connected.

"After the information is confirmed, even if those boundary breakers have already escaped, there will be a big investigation afterwards." The captain of the investigation team said to the people around him that these brains are well preserved, and a lot of information has been read out. But it was because there was enough information that made him feel terrible.

The unknown is scary, but the known does not necessarily eliminate much fear.

Boundary-breaking forces, balanced forces, the big world associated with the boundary-breaking forces, Twilight Land, Twilight Mercenaries, Agents... These information are quite comprehensive, allowing them to have enough understanding of unknown enemies, but there is Only when you understand them can you know how powerful those people are and how unpredictable they are.

Insufficient intelligence, they were fascinated by the plan of an eye of time and space.

"Fortunately, some of this information is beneficial to us," another investigator said.

The captain of the investigation team nodded: "Environmental adjustments can ensure that we will not be crushed by combat power when we are invaded, but this situation is not completely suitable for our side."

According to the information, the energy level in their world is very high. According to the 'analysis' information provided by the brains of those boundary breakers, the upper limit of special power in their world is very high. Weapons can't compare.

Among the currently known supernatural beings, none of them can exert their power to the level of weather weapons.

If such a level of strength appeared among these boundary breakers, their technological strength would be impossible to compete with, let alone supernatural beings, and they would not be able to produce a result even if they piled up human lives.

The big world did not arrange such a force to come over because of the existence of agents. The two sides are hostile, one is to destroy, and the other is to maintain stability.

"Now that the crisis is resolved, no one can guarantee whether similar problems will arise in the future. We need to do more substantive research on visions."

The captain of the investigation team knew that the agent came here with 'good intentions', so he couldn't count on such an existence every time, right?

"The information provided by these Boundary Breakers can be regarded as a stop loss. Unfortunately, we cannot use some of the methods used by these Boundary Breakers. If we use them, it is tantamount to going to their base camp. Those who go can't come back, and it is easy to lure wolves into the house."

The leader of the investigation team continued: "The investigation of the Twilight Land, the new research and exploration of the vision, etc., these things must be put on the agenda."

"Existences like Twilight Mercenaries and Agents... As long as our world does not have their enemies, basically there will be no intersections, and the search for qualified ones must also be arranged."

Regarding the plan to explore other worlds through the Eye of Time and Space, let alone whether it can continue, even if it can continue, we must proceed with caution. The Eye of Time and Space project is a conspiracy, but so many years of research are somewhat extra results .

Those results can also play a role in the vision, for example, try to use those results to determine the stability of the vision, the time of existence, etc., so that it can be studied to the maximum within a limited time.

The adjustment of the environment can make people weak or powerful. In a more powerful environment, there will be more powerful aborigines in that world.

Technological strength is very weakly affected by environmental adjustments, but technological strength cannot reach a certain level, and it is easy to be hanged and beaten in a world with a high environment. This information let them know that aggression is a very accident-prone approach.

After uploading the report, the captain of the investigation team lit a cigarette for himself: "For the time being, don't pay too much attention to Miss Jiang's family, our World Association will set up a special department for visions in the future, and it is more likely to be... …colleague."

His tone was very certain, this matter was destined to be a final decision, otherwise some people would not even be able to sleep well, but it was not up to him to decide how this matter would be arranged in the end and what the plan would be.

If you want to have clear news, you have to wait a few days. It won't be too long. Other things can go through a long process. As long as you have a normal mind, you won't think about procrastination or wrangling. Anyone who can participate People who come in will operate efficiently.

A few days is enough.

Two days later, Jiang Wei was wearing home shorts and a vest, sitting on a chair eating potato chips, while watching the information displayed on the screen inside the base vehicle, she said to Zheng Yichen, "The specific situation is like this. , I thought I would have to accept a lot of investigations, but it turned out that I was asked a few questions and I was fine."

"Those people also said that it is better to ask those brains that have been preserved, and people in my family also contacted me. My mother said that my father was going to break my leg, but now he is in a hurry to let me go. Go back and have a reunion dinner, the old stuff is so realistic..."

There was no follow-up pressure at all, and Jiang Wei kept talking non-stop: "The main thing the officials are doing now is how to deal with and prevent those 'crises'. Although there are some disputes about your matter, it seems that they are going to invite you Be a consultant."

"I'm just a part-time job, what kind of consultant can I be?" Zheng Yichen had no idea about being a consultant at all.

Jiang Wei didn't care when she heard it: "There is also the place of Twilight, the official investigation is also carried out, but the results of the investigation are a bit...subtle."

"There is no illegal record there, and the construction is completely legal. That is, the investigators are divided into two categories, one is not very concerned about it, and the other is serious investigation but nothing is found out, and they are instead investigated. The nun inside caught the current one."

"I looked through some investigation records, what kind of situation is there?"

Zheng Yichen thought for a while and said, "Do you know the adaptability of visions?"

Seeing her nodding, Zheng Yichen continued: "There is a similar situation in the land of dusk. People who can adapt to dusk will think it is very good there, while those who are not adapted to dusk will not be directly affected, and will inexplicably feel disgusted there. What, I just feel like I don’t really want to go there and learn more about that place.”

Jiang Wei nodded without knowing it: "Sounds like a hint?"

"That's right, but if you force Dusk's information to this kind of people, they won't ignore the existence of Dusk."

"Well, it seems that I am still very good, and I really want to know about Dusk."

"Then wait for another two days, and when this matter has a final result, I will take you with me."

Zheng Yichen wants to develop a relationship with Jiang Wei, er, not that kind of relationship, this girl's hacking skills are good, and the relationship with the other party is better, and she will go to some high-tech world in the future, where the other party can help That's too much.

He will not go whoring for nothing, and if he encounters that kind of world, he will also send Jiang Wei some high-tech products from that world.

Alone? Tsk tsk, what he wants to solve is either the boundary breaker on the big world side, or the balance of power like the rat man, no matter what, he needs to be a powerful helper.

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