I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 256 Low Temperature Protection

With plenty of time, Zheng Yichen doesn't mind giving some help to people in this world. After all, this world is so unlucky. It's rare to meet aborigines, and you can raise your hand if you can. The only premise is that these people are really human, not Similar to the situation of the Zhang brothers and sisters.

"Of course it can be guaranteed that when the world goes wrong, we will take all kinds of protection, and fundamentally avoid the possibility of being assimilated." Essen said with certainty: "You can come to our base to see."

"Boss!" A man holding a sci-fi weapon with a blue light on was a little anxious. He didn't know what an agent was, and he just felt that the conversation between the boss and Zheng Yichen was inexplicable.

It didn't affect his understanding of the meaning of the conversation, their boss wanted to confirm from Zheng Yichen whether the world could be saved, but Zheng Yichen's answer directly killed their hope.

Why should their world be saved by a stranger's mouth?

"Representatives, you can be understood as the spokespersons of God walking in the world." Essen waved his hand to stop the agitated subordinates.

"... If there is a God, then how could our world become like this?!" Some people are still not angry. Under such an environment, it is too easy for people to become emotionally extreme, and everything is too hopeless.

You have to be careful in your daily life. The first thing you do when you wake up is to check your whole body to see if there are any abnormal bloodshots growing on your body. The place where I was afraid of being scratched gradually expanded, and something abnormal grew out of it.

"The god I'm talking about is not a ruler, nor a protector." Essen shook his head: "Go back first, and then I will explain to you that it is not safe here."

After speaking, Essen glanced at the direction of Mocheng with some emotion. It had already been burned into a huge sinkhole. The dark green flames soaring into the sky last night impressed them deeply. For Mocheng, they have always kept With high attention.

First of all, their base is not far away, and a huge eye grew out of the city, which made them very uneasy, as if they were living on the face of a huge creature. became mites.

It is to be removed.

But now this 'giant' called Planet has been destroyed with one eye.

The dark green flame is still burning slowly, but it is not as large as yesterday.

"Let's go." Zheng Yichen turned over and rode on the motorcycle. In this world, his physical fitness is too strong. Zheng Yichen guessed that he might not be able to resist the attack of the machine gun with his pectoralis major like a Superman, but how much he stood up? It's not a big problem to resist for a while, but the clothes can't hold it.

After the power transformed by burning blood and transforming yuan is returned to the yuan, it has not exceeded the current upper limit of physical fitness, and it will not dissipate quickly in a short period of time. It is also possible to be a branch line.

Without contacting these people, his goal is to find another city, continue to be a pyromaniac, and wait until Guiyuan's state has accumulated beyond the upper limit, and he can't save the transformed life after Guiyuan for a long time, and then go to the abyss of that planet.

"Can you do some protection? You can ignore the impact of assimilation, but we can't bear to bring the polluted land to our side." A woman wearing a white heavy protective clothing said.

"Small problem." Zheng Yichen snapped his fingers, and a dark green flame appeared from the fishing rod. The flame swept him and the motorcycle, and finally the two remained on the two wheels...

"Your flames are like the flames of hell." Eisen said looking at the flames produced by Zheng Yichen, there really isn't a simple agent.

"It's not like, this is."

People in protective suits stepped on the ice to get on the helicopters, and Zheng Yichen followed the helicopters on the ground. When they arrived at their hidden base, Zheng Yichen could clearly feel that the temperature here had dropped drastically.

"If you want to go through here, you need a process of disinfecting." The woman in protective clothing said, those helicopters and they all passed through a low-temperature area. The so-called disinfecting is all-round washing with a very cold liquid side.

That thing should not be something like liquid nitrogen, because it is not so volatile when used.

The woman took out a medicine box: "It contains medicines that can protect the state of life."

"No, just start." After he finished speaking, he walked towards the passage, and the motorcycle followed in the following mode. Even if the enhanced motorcycle was soaked in water, it would not be affected, and the cold blue liquid flowed from him. Flowing over.

This feels a bit bad, the blue liquid will not freeze, but the blood of the human body will freeze. If it is an ordinary person, it will be frozen into ice immediately, but for Zheng Yichen, who is now very strong, That is a bit cold.

"...What kind of Superman is this?" The woman in protective clothing looked at this scene with an incredulous expression. There are very strong fighters in their base. Flush this cryogen without any intrinsic protection.

She quickly passed through the cold passage and came to the temperature monitoring equipment. What she saw was that Zheng Yichen's body temperature was still in a normal state. temperature corrected.

The woman thought of what the boss said, is this the agent of God?

Then... The question asked by their boss before, and Zheng Yichen's answer... Isn't it a kind of judgment on the future of this world?

The woman felt a little desperate.

"I have a question."

"Tell me." The woman in protective clothing came back to her senses and said hastily.

"The Internet is very dangerous, so things like radio won't be affected?" This Zheng Yichen was a little curious.

"It will also be affected. We have corresponding protection methods." The woman took out the radio communicator she carried with her, and Zheng Yichen knew what was going on after receiving it.

This thing is very cold, and it can freeze a person to death if you hold it in your arms.

Some electronic devices he has come into contact with will be 'activated' after connecting to the network or making a phone call, but the thing in his hand obviously does not have that kind of problem at such a low temperature, and activation also requires corresponding activation conditions .

The base of the survivors is in a state of ice and isolation. You can feel the cold before you come to the base. Some parts of the base will regularly spray some ice fog around. The ground here is also in a frozen state. .

"This thing can only be used when on duty. It is forbidden to use any communication electronic equipment in the base." The woman took the communicator returned by Zheng Yichen and said: "We need a normal environment to live."

The outer area of ​​the base is very cold, which isolates the assimilation of flesh and blood, but the internal environment is a normal environment. There are adults and children here, and the number of elderly people is the least.

The people that Zheng Yichen could see seemed very busy. They were taking care of some technologically cultivated crops seriously, and every layered field was carefully inspected by someone.

Such an environment... How should I put it, Zheng Yichen felt that it was particularly easy to make trouble.

"How do you solve the water problem?"

"Through some purification methods." Said the woman who had already taken off the helmet of the protective clothing and revealed her face.

The other party's name was Mo Nelly, a scientist in the field team, in her thirties, with very thick blond hair and blue eyes.

"For the air, there is a low-temperature filter device here, which can ensure the state of the entire base."

The circulation system in this base is very good. Even if the water source is polluted by the cancer of the whole world, the water can still be used through purification and filtration. After being 'disinfected' by ultra-low temperature freezing, it is re-distilled and repeated. The water can be kept clean by cycling several times.

But the biggest problem facing this base is that some of the resources consumed here cannot be regenerated!

The freezing liquid can be recycled, but for the sake of safety, it will be discarded after being recycled several times. There are also some other things, especially resources related to freezing and low temperature, which are consumed every day. This freezing base can be well What remains normal is the protection brought by the low temperature.

Once the protection of the low temperature is lost, the fleshy land will quickly spread over, and any survivors here will be assimilated...

"I met a brother and sister who avoided 'assimilation' because of an artificial heart."

"Artificial heart?" Monili shook her head, and said with certainty: "That kind of thing may be useful, but it is absolutely impossible to avoid assimilation. The outside air is problematic! You may have been deceived by..."

"They were already dead, and it was only before they died that they realized that they were no different from those hunk people."

Monili nodded suddenly: "That's right."

Zheng Yichen continued to ask: "As for those fleshy creatures, how is your research going?"

"Research...how can there be so much research on something that we can't even avoid? At most, it is observational research, and it is impossible to bring those sources of pollution here." Monili shook her head quickly: "The outside world also There are no laboratories that can support our research."

"Even if there are some tests, it is only to release some cultivated animals for environmental tests to test our protection research results."

This base is overly cautious, but in such an environment, it can last longer if you don't die.

"There seems to be a shared memory between those fleshy creatures."

"We have also come to this conclusion." Monili nodded with a bitter expression: "Now on this planet, we normal people are like mites, but fortunately, this 'human being named planet' 'There is no idea of ​​a major purge at the moment."

"Or this activated planet doesn't care about us 'bugs' at all, just like when the world is still normal."

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