I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 265 Peaceful Annihilation

Looking at his current short hands and feet, Zheng Yichen sighed long, this time his body shrunk much more seriously than last time, last time it was just a few years younger, this time he cut it in half .

This made Zheng Yichen feel a bit of a sense of crisis. Although the snake slough ability from that big snake can prevent death, this kind of death avoidance is obviously not unconditional avoidance of death. You can't pull yourself back completely.

There is no follow-up combat power if you come here reluctantly, should you be able to save a whole corpse?

"It would have been nice to keep more students at that time." Sitting on the motorcycle, Zheng Yichen looked at the broken walls of the abyss around him. There was no flesh and blood in the environment. What he could see was petrified flesh and bone-piercing flesh. cold.

When the motorcycle flew out, there was still a strong whistling sound in his ears, and the cold air poured into the abyss of this planet.

Stretching out a hand to turn over a planetarium, Planet Abyss is much larger than Mo City, but its specifications seem nothing compared to this planet? So the world can return to normal, right?

Zheng Yichen thought this way, and after leaving the abyss of the planet, he realized that he was thinking a little too much.

The place that radiates hundreds of kilometers around the abyss of the planet is petrochemical change, and the place farther away is... decay!

The original blood-red sky has turned into a dark yellow. The blood-colored world is easy to stimulate people's emotions and make people easy to go crazy, and this kind of dark yellow makes people feel a sense of despair.

The smell of the rotting planet made Zheng Yichen's brain feel a little dizzy. After he quickly took out a filter mask and put it on, he felt better.

Some blackened liquid flows on the rotten ground, and the rotten ground further intensifies where the liquid passes. The fleshy people in the city are also in a state of high decay, and the original human form cannot be seen at all. Kind of things collapse in rot.

The ocean turned into pus. On the way back, Zheng Yichen's expression became a little numb, and he even wondered if there would be bigger bacteria on this rotten land?

land of twilight.

The local survivors also noticed the changes in their world. Some children couldn't help crying when they saw the rotting sky and earth. The adults also felt a kind of despair in this situation.

"He, he succeeded?" Monili watched the changes in the world, and couldn't help whispering. The rotten world turned dark yellow, which was close to the twilight color of the Twilight Land, but the feeling inside the Twilight Land was the same as that of the outside world. completely different.

Monili found the local Sister Twilight and asked eagerly, "What will the world be like after this?"

"The rot is gone." The local Sister Twilight said calmly. After Zheng Yichen solved the source of the world's cancer, she knew about it.

The factors that lead to the canceration of the world are not big, but the influence of that kind of thing is world-class, just like an apple, the core of this apple and the fruit pedicle connected to the fruit tree are not big, but the two The place is rotten, which is fatal to apples.

If the rotten core is dug out, the fruit will not last long, and if the stem is cut off, the fruit will also rot.

This world was already cancerous, so after the root of the cancer was removed, the rot appeared immediately, without even a waiting process.

The previous cancerous world was equivalent to a cancerous tumor. When it matures, it will cause "cancer cells" to run wild. After all, cancer cells have little to do with death. They are still alive and more "vigorous" than normal cells. .

It is different when the cancer turns into rot. The rotten fruit will only fall off the fruit tree in the end, and it will only become nourishment when it falls to the ground and blends into the soil. There will be no worse situation.

"Then, what about us?" Monili's heart twitched. They have struggled to survive until now, are they going to perish with this rotten world?

"The Twilight Land will be transferred and merged at the end." The native Twilight Sister stopped talking after finishing speaking.


In the land of twilight, Zheng Yichen, who returned here, was surrounded by local survivors. He pulled his face and went directly to the garage of the twilight church. After parking the car, he opened the storage compartment and looked at the remaining few An eyeball, these things have remained.

He thought about using this thing as an enhancement material in the circle of Twilight Mercenaries, and it was a very advanced enhancement material.

After installing it, Zheng Yichen returned to the church, where Sister Tia was already waiting.

"I want a physical exam!"

"Follow me." Looking down at Zheng Yichen, who was the smallest, Tia stretched out her hand.

Zheng Yichen was stunned for a moment, looked at his small palm, put his hand on it, and followed Tia to the infirmary.

Tia gave Zheng Yichen a fairly comprehensive physical examination this time: "Except for being weaker, there is no residual damage. You will become stronger after recovery."

"...Ah~ Then the things I have to do will be more difficult to handle, right?" Zheng Yichen sat up, his body shrunk so much that the clothes he wore were not very useful, and he cut a lot of spare clothes, otherwise A top can be worn as a skirt.

"Not for the time being, you are too weak now."

"Would that speed up recovery here?"

Tia put down the stethoscope in her hand, and looked back at Zheng Yichen calmly with those twilight eyes: "You are not injured at all, and now you are healthier than anyone else."

"Huh~ I see, what will happen to this world in the end? And what will happen to those people?"

"This world will rot and disappear, and the remaining Twilight Lands will merge with the Twilight Lands in other worlds."

"Oh? Is it because there are still survivors?" This answer made Zheng Yichen a little unexpected. It seemed that Dusk had never cared much about the creatures in the world.

Tia was noncommittal: "There are still local Twilight mercenaries in this world."

Oh hey, the remaining 700 local survivors are not as good as a twilight mercenary?

Zheng Yichen got dressed and was about to leave the infirmary. When he opened the door, Tia's voice came: "The scene where the world rots and disappears is very rare."

"Then I have to take a good look at it, can you record it?"


It took less than a week for this world to go from rotting to disappearing. During this week, the places that can be seen are changing every moment. The rotting planet collapsed the next day. .

What flowed out of the ground when it collapsed was not magma, but a black liquid. Through that black liquid, Zheng Yichen felt an aura of destruction that was similar to death, but stronger than death. The sky changed from dark yellow to become close to black.

The sun in the sky is only a dark and empty outline. At night, the sky is plunged into a completely lightless darkness. When looking at the sky, it will even make people lose their sense of direction.

The environment is getting colder and colder, but the black liquid flowing out after the collapse of the planet did not freeze due to the low temperature, and the land of dusk still maintains a normal state. The survivors here watched the process of the world's demise in horror, and some even became terrified. Get crazy.

Monili found out that something was wrong, and ordered everyone to be forbidden to leave the church at dusk, and to watch the process of the world's demise, but even so, more than one-third of the people suffered from serious mental illness, and the more serious ones started directly. Self-mutilation, attacking the same kind.

Before these survivors were eliminated by their own people, they were eliminated by Sister Twilight first.

On the fifth day, the Twilight Land turned into a 'floating' isolated island, Zheng Yichen could no longer see the existence of the planet under his feet, and any light source thrown out of this isolated island would be swallowed by darkness.

The only source of light that could be seen beyond the island was the dim, yellowish circular outline where the sun had previously been.

"What would happen if I jumped out now?"

Standing beside Tia, Zheng Yichen asked while looking at the endless darkness beyond the island at dusk.

"It will rot."

"That silhouette is the last afterglow in this world, right?" Zheng Yichen asked, looking at where the sun was.

"Afterglow is about to disappear."

Tia's words were like an announcement, the faint yellow circular outline broke, and the initial fracture trace was very subtle, like a thin line, and then the broken part began to expand rapidly, encroaching on the circular outline, like a countdown.

"I thought this process would be very spectacular." Zheng Yichen sighed. The decay of this world is "smooth". You will feel shocked when you see the black liquid.

But when this is magnified to the whole world, it's like the decay of a person after death. There won't be any amazing scenes, unless the person turns into a zombie after death.

Now what Zheng Yichen sees is like this, there are no earth-shattering light effects, no dazzling explosions, the light of the world is gradually dimming, and the intact ground on the edge of the church at dusk is also swallowed by the darkness, everything is slowly returning to the darkness amidst decay silence.

"It's decay, not explosion."

Tia didn't have the emotions in Zheng Yichen's heart, she just calmly looked at the ring in the sky that was gradually being eaten away by the darkness. The last ray of light source was lost in the darkness, including the land of dusk. It left an indelible impression on my heart.

In the next moment, the surrounding area returned to light, and the voices in his ears became loud. Zheng Yichen blinked his eyes and looked at some passers-by in surprise. These passers-by glanced at Zheng Yichen standing at the door and the nun beside him Tia.

Then bypassed Zheng Yichen and walked into the Twilight Church. This is a normal world!

"This, this is the end?" Zheng Yichen's eyes twitched lightly, which was a little different from what he thought.

"It's over." Tia turned and walked into the Twilight Church, while Zheng Yichen took two steps forward. The style of the Twilight Church was basically the same as that of the dying world, and there was no obvious difference.

The people around are also normal, there is nothing wrong.

"Little brother, have you lost your parents?"

A girl's voice came, Zheng Yichen looked and saw legs, and looked up to see a smiling girl.

"My home is here." Zheng Yichen shook his head, and ran into the Twilight Church. The interior of the Twilight Church looked larger. The expressions of the survivors at this moment were very wonderful, with an indescribable expression Confuse.

Some people even want to leave the Twilight Church. Those people are not adaptable to the Twilight. They had nowhere to go if they stayed in the Twilight before. Now that the Twilight Land has seamlessly merged into another world, they don’t want to stay here for a long time. of stranded.

"I can't bear it! The twilight here is just like that kind of perdition, I want to leave here!" A native survivor said with a trembling and a little sensitive spirit. He ran out of the Twilight Church with his luggage, and then There are more survivors left here...

Zheng Yichen looked at the survivors who ran away, and said helplessly: "Many of the people here will be arrested."

The merger was seamless. Even after the merger was used, the people here in Dusk didn't find anything wrong. But if these black households left like this, it would not be within the scope of Dusk's influence. Someone inside would definitely be arrested. .

Then the officials of this world further learned about the existence of Dusk... Well, Dusk never cared about such things.

For those who insist on leaving, Monili can't stop them. Those who are adaptable to dusk, some don't plan to stay here anymore. They now have a strong sense of survival after disaster.

Although they don't know what's going on in this world, they can see and hear that this world is completely normal, and there are still many local people who come to visit the Twilight Church.

Although Monili was a little helpless, she didn't have much to stop. Since it is a normal world, it seems that there is no need to stop those people from leaving. The survivors gathered together to live better. Now there is a Normal environment again.

If someone wants to leave, they can't force them to stay. Keep it a secret? It's too late to say this now, let's talk about it after her younger brother comes back. Not everyone wants to leave here directly, and the team left by Boss Essen has no intention of leaving.

"What is the extent of this world?"

Zheng Yichen looked at the nuns who were active in the church at dusk, the number exceeded fifteen, tsk tsk, it shows that the population of this world is quite prosperous: "I'm going out for a walk."

Neither the nun in the native world nor the nun Tia paid much attention to Zheng Yichen who left.

Walking on the streets in this world, Zheng Yichen looked at all kinds of things on the street. Judging from the performance of the daily chemical products on the street, the technological level of this world is weaker than that of Jiang Wei's world.

Balloon boats can be seen flying past in the sky, passers-by use mobile phones that Zheng Yichen has seen a lot, and the style of transportation on the street is also the same. This world seems to advocate environmental protection...

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