I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 36 It's Not Unacceptable

Zheng Yichen has been thinking about activities in the southern forest recently, just to try to find some undiscovered anomalies. You can’t go to the depths of the forest, but you can’t go beyond the outer periphery, that is, the most dangerous place and the middle of the outer area. Part of the activity.

Activities in this kind of place can also meet some not too powerful abnormal creatures, which can keep one's own state at the best level, and there is also the possibility of encountering visions.

As long as it wasn't for those abnormal creatures in the forest to attack the city suddenly, the people in the countermeasure bureau would basically not care about it.

Zheng Yichen didn't rush into the vision, and circled around the vision first. He had to deal with all the evil spirits before he would consider entering the vision. If he didn't deal with the evil spirits outside, he was worried that after entering If there are other accidents, both ends will be blocked.

A few minutes later, the black spear in Zheng Yichen's hand nailed the last evil spirit to the tree, and he took a breath. The evil spirit had no blood, and the blood-sucking damage during the battle did not bring him any extra battery life or Increased physical activity.

The mental aspect has improved, but his biggest feeling is that he has become more focused during the battle. Others... probably like the information he got during the physical examination in the church at dusk, his mental state is extremely active, and it is easy to do some abnormal things. Dream.

The consumption of this battle is quite high for him. Those evil spirits ignore obstacles, and they have to run at full speed with them in circles, and they have to look for opportunities to attack. After the last evil spirit is dealt with, he can also take a good rest up.

I glanced at some scars on my body. When the evil spirits attack, they will bring substantial blows. The power is not weak. The weak parts of the protective clothing on my body will be torn apart. It would save him from getting hurt.

The last evil spirit completely dissipated. Zheng Yichen collected some dust left on the scene after resting for a while. Those dusts are what remained after the evil spirits were dealt with. Although there were not many evil spirits left, But there is a small bag after collecting all of them.

Zheng Yichen didn't know what this thing was for, it didn't take up much space, so he just took it with him, and found the backpack he had left behind before. After making sure that there was nothing missing in it, he couldn't help but rubbed his hands, Returned to the place where the vision was.

The vision in the woods was distorted around, and the trees were not affected by it. After taking some pictures around this side, Zheng Yichen did some tests, caught a few abnormal birds, and wound them with ropes. He threw it into the vision, and after retrieving it to make sure there was no additional risk, he walked in cautiously.

As he approached the center of the vision, Zheng Yichen felt more and more pressure, but it still didn't affect his actions, let alone make him faint directly, but he saw some new corpses when he approached the center of the vision.

These corpses were torn to pieces, and their internal organs were completely gone. Apart from looking miserable, Zheng Yichen also noticed that all the weapons and equipment and some electronic equipment on their bodies were missing, just like the corpses he encountered before.

"...It's really clean." Zheng Yichen stood up, he can't deal with these corpses now, and he can deal with them after the vision disappears, but these people's bodies were searched so clean that even the hunter's license could not be found.

If the corpse and its clothes were not damaged too badly, Zheng Yichen had every reason to suspect that the corpse here would be stripped down to the point that not even the underpants were left.

After walking the last distance, the pressure exerted on him suddenly disappeared. In this environment, Zheng Yichen felt that his body was a little depressed, which was very light, which was the complete opposite of the dog-headed George. .

The adjustment of the environment in this world seems to have affected his physical fitness, and he got used to the depression he felt after a short period of time. After all, it was a very weak influence, but apart from the influence felt by the body, he became active. It is the perception of the environment.

He had previously sensed the 'water vapor' in the environment in a world associated with the vision. It wasn't the kind of water vapor that was too humid in the air, or something that could be described as a 'water element'.

And here he didn't feel the overly active 'water vapor', but the 'power' in the environment was generally active. This power was not as strong as in the world where the 'water vapor' was very obvious, but it was not biased, and seemed very balanced.

And in the environment he is in now, this feeling also quickly faded, and it stabilized after falling to one-tenth of the original level. The seemingly clear perception became very blurred, and his body completely cooled down. .

Apart from the vision covered in hazy mist behind him, the environment he is in now is a cemetery, where broken tombstones and crosses are dumped, and decayed bones are scattered everywhere after being turned over. The time here is In the dark night, you can see the faint light flashing in the darkness in the distance, either a wolf or a wild dog.

From the broken pieces of cloth remaining on the bones, it can be seen that the production level of this world is not high, and the characters on the tombstones are too worn, and Zheng Yichen can only read a few relatively complete characters... the characters he knows.

"Tsk tsk." Tsk tsk twice, Zheng Yichen turned his head and glanced at the vision behind him, his eyes widened suddenly: "Damn it!"

He rushed towards the faded vision without any hesitation, and at this moment there was a slight commotion on the ground, and some hands with rotten flesh broke through the ground, intercepting the road in front of Zheng Yichen, facing Those slow and rotten hands, Zheng Yichen bypassed these obstacles with a big jump.

When the vision disappeared, the mist surged, but the vision that seemed quite clear in the mist gradually faded and was completely covered by the mist.

"..." When he rushed into the mist and didn't feel the pressure, Zheng Yichen knew something bad happened. He scratched his cheek in depression, but he didn't feel much panic in his heart. After all, he already knew some important information.

It's not that he can't survive in another place, otherwise he wouldn't take the initiative to come in and take a look knowing that the vision will disappear. The reason for his entanglement is mainly because he has lived in the Obscure City for nearly ten years, and suddenly changed the place. Some are reluctant and uncomfortable.

He was prepared in his heart, but luckily he didn't expect the vision to disappear so quickly. After the vision disappeared, the mist began to dissipate quickly. The sound of breaking ground behind Zheng Yichen was very lively, and a large number of swaying figures approached Zheng Yichen. After throwing away his fishing rod, the black substance quickly covered it.

"Come on! You pile of rotten meat!" The disappearance of the vision did not bring too much trouble to Zheng Yichen, but there was still some restlessness in his heart. He just bought a new car!

I don't know who will be cheaper if the locomotive I just bought is left for a long time.

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