I am also an anomalous creature

Chapter 38 Vision Hunter

There are too many types of worlds associated with visions, such as the medieval world, where the level of technology is low. If the adjustment of the world environment is also "harsh", then there is no need to consider any follow-up actions in that world.

Even if there are castles or towns near the vision, the most you can get after passing by is some property and the like, and those things are the last thing An Qi needs. Not to mention wasting time, the vision hunters under him are still there after passing by. There is a possibility that the vision disappears and is left in that world.

There is no need to take risks for gold, silver and jewelry of some backward times.

There is another situation worth taking action. The world is backward in time, but the limit of 'world adjustment' over there is very low. Active, the power that could only blast bricks with fists can now explode big rocks.

That means that the world belongs to a world with a high level of intensity. In this kind of world with a high level of intensity, although ordinary people are still ordinary people, the results of ordinary people's training will be more obvious, and things such as minerals will be easier to obtain. There are some abnormalities in intensity.

In such a world, there is a high probability that there will be many special exercises or cultivation methods. After all, the advantage lies in the level of strength. Naturally, there will be capable people to develop individual strength. Such a world has that kind of condition, just like an experiment. Some experiments must be carried out in a specific environment.

Some related training methods or cultivation methods brought back by the abnormal hunter, and even some special ores over there, are very valuable. Although the things brought back will be weakened to varying degrees due to the impact of environmental adjustments, but placed This side of the city is still special.

It’s like the way of exercise. In the place of origin, people can fly over the walls and jump more than ten meters. In the Obscure City, there is a discount of 20%. It can recover to a level of more than ten meters in one jump.

As for the gap with the level of force of the aborigines...they didn't act at will.

Originally, the people here could only blast bricks with their fists. After passing by, it is okay to say that the stones that have become bigger than fists, but in the end, they directly made rocks that can explode with fists, so don’t say anything, and steal dogs depending on the situation. If you can't do it, just treat it as ordinary people passing by and buy something you can buy with hard currency such as gold and silver.

If it's not the kind of exaggerated "adjustment change", just consider whether to walk sideways or look more normal. The impact of thermal weapons on environmental adjustments is very low, and it is really easy to use in a world with a low limit. Encountered a world with a high upper limit, people can squeeze carbon into diamonds with their hands.

The gun is a bit of a bath, and it's another matter to have a special weapon.

There is also a world where the body of the vision hunter has not changed much after passing, but they can greatly perceive the special power in the environment. This type of world belongs to the kind with a high energy level.

Such a world generally has a lot of special powers. The physical strength of the people or other creatures inside may not be too outrageous, and there will be no ores with very abnormal strength, but the ores in that world may contain a lot of power. energy of.

When it comes to abnormal power, it will be like a magician or a superpower, who can launch an attack like a missile explosion by raising his hand.

This type of world is still dominated by stealing dogs, unless the phenomenon hunters have been adjusted by the environment in the past and can directly become the top or high-end combat power there.

Generally speaking, this is very difficult, it depends on the individual's "qualification", but no matter how good the qualification is, it needs to be improved and discovered. It doesn't mean that you can directly be at the top if you change the environment, even if you have worked hard in your own world.

But the world is different from the world. Environmental factors determine the efficiency of exercise. If you exercise here to the strongest in the world, if you go to a world with a high environment, it may only be at a medium or even lower level, unless the person uses the exercise at the intensity level. It's also the top form of exercise in the high-environment world.

In that case, it will still increase slowly after reaching the upper limit in its own world, but it can take off directly in the world with high intensity level, and there are some worlds with high energy level and intensity level.

These are the results of years of research in the Obscure City. Because of the adjustment of the environment, it will not be because of contact with other worlds through visions, and after obtaining various special things or cultivation methods, there will be some situations in their world that require the gathering of heroes from all walks of life. It can only be pushed to the BOSS situation.

After mastering those methods, no matter how you can operate it, you will only be able to master more skills. You can ignore most of the firearms, and you will not die if your heart is blown out, but you will still die if you are hit by a missile head-on. If you don't die, you can send two more shots.

Technology is the least affected by this kind of environment adjustment, but the power of technology weapons is very fixed, and it is basically the same power in a high-environment world. There may be fluctuations, but the fluctuation rate will not be too high .

Another effect is that in a world with a high environment, the development of some technologies will be smoother and easier, especially in a world with a high energy level. In such a world, it is easy to develop energy weapons.

But it cannot be said that energy weapons cannot be developed in a world with a low energy level, but the power of energy weapons developed in such a world will be smaller, and the difficulty of research and production conditions will be more stringent.

As for whether the technology can break through this influence after a certain level of development... well, anyway, it has not been encountered in the current research records of the Obscure City, and there is no relevant part in the relevant information that An Qi has learned.

At the beginning of the Obscure City, some people chose to 'immigrate'. Later, with the deepening of research, there are still people who have this idea, but it is not like before. Those who know the inside want to enter those high-environment worlds.

In the past, it is true that you can enjoy the advantages brought by the high environment, but the individual's aptitude is not affected by the environment. A genius in a low environment is also a genius in a world of high environment, or the kind with excellent talent, while the low An ordinary person in an environment is still an ordinary person in a high environment.

At most, the physical fitness has improved, from the original ability to withstand 80 catties to the level of carrying 100 catties...

Also, in the past, it was difficult to bring many resources to the past. If you bring too much and lack of strength, it is easy to become a fat sheep in the eyes of the other side.

More importantly, the environment in the Obscure City has unique advantages. This is an area with a high incidence of anomalies, while other worlds related to anomalies do not necessarily have such areas. The Obscure City has also been researching and maintaining stability. Like the way, but so far there is no substantive news.

Obscure City is an area with a high incidence of anomalies, but it’s really not that dangerous. They’re considered a low-level environment, but they’re not at the bottom. Technological weapons can also be developed, and they’re not afraid of beings in a high-level environment who just come over through visions. .

Those who insist on running over may not have that adaptability, because they are unconscious due to the pressure of passing through the vision, then they can pick up the opponent without a fight... If there are people with high adaptability and strong environment coming to Obscure City, after being adjusted by the environment, they Just use cannons to serve you. In the high-environment world, the guns and weapons are fixed in power, so the effect is not significant. In the low-environment world, it is not the same thing.

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